38.56% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 1071: 13

章 1071: 13

Chapter 12-The badge's heavy burden

Beacon dorms; team RWBY dorm room

Weiss slumbered peacefully as turned slightly on her bunk. The birds chirping made excellent background noise, and Weiss was content to stay in bed the rest of the day. And under the shadow of the top bunk of the bunkbed she had Harry transfigure for them yesterday, she could have.

However, she was aroused form her slumber, and she scowled. With a sharp movement of her hand, she reached up and grabbed the whistle Ruby was about to blow in her ear. "No," she said.

Ruby yelped when Weiss grabbed the whistle. She looked at Weiss and wondered aloud, "How'd you do that?"

"Your technique was good, but if you really want to follow in Harry's footsteps and wake me up so rudely, then be a little quieter," Weiss explained as she opened one eye.

Ruby was offended. "I WAS quiet!" she insisted.

"Yes you were," Weiss admitted. "But being near Harry has made me uber paranoid. So, you'll have to be better."

Ruby pouted as Yang and Blake, having witnessed their interaction, giggled. Well, Yang giggled while Bake gave a small smile. Ruby turned to them. "It's not funny!" she complained.

"Yes it is!" Yang prattled. Ruby scowled at her and quickly jumped over to her and kicked her in the shin.

"Ow! That hurt, Ruby!" Yang shouted, causing Blake and Weiss to chuckle.

Beacon dorms; team JNPR dorm room

Jaune sighed tiredly as he walked into his dorm room, seeing his team still asleep. He had gotten up early to continue his new training regimen. He jogged around the dorms ten times and then started fine tuning his swordsmanship at his training ground until his arms hurt.

He had just gotten back and had taken a much needed shower.

He shook his head as he went and shook Ren. "Hey, man, get up, classes start soon," he said. Ren groaned, but he sat up and blinked groggily. Jaune walked over to Pyrrha's and Nora's side of the room and shook them. "Hey, girls, time to get up."

The two girls groaned, but they didn't get up. Jaune sighed. "Come on, girls," he persisted. "Classes are starting today, and I don't think you two want to be late." They didn't respond.

Jaune groaned. He looked to Ren, who was heading to the bathroom, and asked, "Got any ideas how to wake them up?"

Ren blinked at Jaune's question. Slowly, he turned to the girls and back to the door. Then abruptly, he said, "Oh, Harry! Are those pancakes?"

Jaune was about to ask just what provoked him to say that when just as abruptly, the two men of team JNPR heard, "Damn you Potter, you rat bastard!/Pancakes!" They looked to the girls and saw them sitting up in bed, one with look of glee on her face, the other with a look of fury, both disheveled hair and ruffled night clothes.

Jaune blinked vacantly at the two. "Good morning," he said finally.

Both girls looked around frantically. Nora scanned the room gleefully before she pouted cutely at Ren. "Reeeennnnnnnn! Where's my pancakes?!" she whined. And why wasn't Harry there to serve them to her?!

Ren chuckled. "Sorry, Nora, but classes are starting soon, and you needed to get up," he explained.

This caused Pyrrha to gasp. "Oh my, gosh! I forgot!" she exclaimed as she jumped up and began rummaging through her clothes. "We're late!"

Nora laughed as they all watched Pyrrha run around the dorm, muttering under her breath. Ren sighed as he went to the bathroom to take a shower while Jaune chuckled at his partner.

Beacon dorms; team HAIL dorm room

Harry was sitting on his bed, staring down at an old photo album. He watched as the photos moved like recordings, every smiling face beamed up at him as he reverently flipped through the pages. He stopped on one page that held one of his favorite pictures. It was of his parents, holding him as a baby in front of a fountain in a park, autumn leaves gently falling in the background.

He smiled at the picture as he watched his parents laugh and hug him tightly. He sighed as he turned the page and saw another favorite. It was him at eleven years old, with Ron and Hermione, his first friends his own age, on either side of him. The three were laughing and pushing each other around playfully. Hagrid had taken the photo of them outside of his hut for the three.

It was one of his most treasured possessions.

'Your sentiment is sickening,' a dark growl resounded through his mind.

Harry blinked. 'Padfoot? What are you doing awake?' he asked mentally. Padfoot almost never talked to Harry. The large black dog that was the representation of the Animagus form his godfather gifted him with usually stayed quiet or even asleep within Harry's mind. Harry never minded because he found out that Padfoot was just as weary as Sirius was from thirteen years in Azkaban.

Sadly, the experience turned the once playful and gentle dog cynical and vicious, unlike Sirius, who mellowed out and kept a more 'Serious' attitude than when he was younger.

A dark chuckle reached his consciousness as he thought that. 'My old master did have a funny sense of humor,' Padfoot snarled.

'Yeah, he did,' Harry thought with a sigh. 'So what's up? You usually don't talk to me.'

'I happen to wake up and was bored,' the Grim stated.

'Ah.' That would make sense. Padfoot, despite Azkaban, still held one trait from Sirius from before he was falsely accused. And that was they both got bored easily.

"*Groan* What cha lookin' at, partner?" Lily asked in a groggy voice, sitting up from her bed. Her red hair was sticking up in several places and she seemed to have trouble keeping her eyes open. She wore a long sleeve shirt that seemed way too big for her and shorts for her sleep wear.

Harry looked at Lily, before he shrugged and looked back down at his photo album. "Just some old pictures," he said.

Lily groaned as she slowly got out of bed and stumbled her way to Harry's bed. She sat down next to him and saw one of the moving pictures. "The photo's moving," she mumbled, thinking she was still asleep.

Harry chuckled. "Yep. These are wizarding photos. They work like short recordings. Some can even talk back to you like a real person if there's enough magic put into it."

Lily rubbed her eyes and stared blearily at the photo of Harry, Ron, and Hermione. As her eyes finally adjusted, she blinked at the photo. The Harry in the photo was so different from the one sitting next to her. Not only was he shorter than his two friends (even for that age), he also seemed scrawny. The glow from the younger Harry's emerald green eyes seemed to have been dulled by the wire rimmed glasses on his face.

She then focused on his friends. One was a taller kid with flaming red hair, not a true red like her own but more of an orange-red. He had blue eyes and a light sprinkling of freckles on his face. The other was a girl with bushy brown hair and brown eyes. Her front teeth seemed a bit big, and she seemed to have a book under her arm that looked to be too big for her to carry.

The three were happy, though. Lily watched as the three smiled for the camera and the redhead started pushing Harry playfully. Harry laughed and pushed back, which had the redhead push him into the bushy haired girl, who looked irritated at first, but quickly started laughing as well and the three started pushing each other around like it was just a game they were playing. The eventually stopped and the redhead and bushy haired girl threw and arm around Harry's shoulders while Harry threw his arms around theirs, all with big grins on their faces.

Lily smiled at the photo. "You were a cute kid," she teased.

Harry chuckled a bit. "Yeah. I think we all were…at one point," he admitted.

"Who are these two?" she asked, pointing to the redhead and bushy haired girl.

Harry smiled. "Ron and Hermione," he said. "They were my first friends that were my own age. Ron's the redhead, and Hermione's the one with the book."

"Yeah, ain't it a bit big for her?"

Harry laughed loudly. "That? That was her lite reading! You should have seen her heavy reading!"

"That's lite?!" Lily asked disbelievingly. She could barely get through a thirty chapter book, and this girl considered a book that Lily assumed was over several thousand pages lite reading?!

"For her it was," Harry explained. He sighed, however, and closed the book while saying, "But enough reminiscing. It's time to get ready for class."

Lily groaned and fell against Harry's bed. "Noooooo," she groaned out. "Five more minutes, please."

Harry chuckled. "Sorry, but I've let you guys sleep for long enough." He stood up and grabbed his wand from his nightstand. He thrust it upwards and loud bang resounded through the dorm room, startling the other three occupants.

Lily let out a strangled cry as she bolted upwards from her position on Harry's bed. Isabella yelped loudly and she jumped up, tangling herself in her covers. Adam let out a cry of surprise and fell off his bed, hand reaching for Wilt but quickly remembered it was in his locker.

Harry smirked at them. "Good morning," he said cheerfully.

"Potter!" Adam snarled. "What the hell was that for?!"

"To wake you three the heck up," Harry said. "Classes start soon, and you guys didn't come here just to miss them."

Isabella yawned tiredly. "Was it necessary to wake us up with a shotgun blast, though?" she asked.

"No, but it sure is effective," Harry admitted, a smirk on his face.

Adam, Isabella, and Lily glared at him, but they grumbled and began getting ready for the first class of the day.

Later, Beacon Academy; Professor Port's classroom

Ruby couldn't wait for the class to start. Their first few classes had been lousy academic classes. Ruby didn't mind them, but since she was the youngest student in Beacon, the professors treated her differently than the other students. It embarrassed Ruby. Why did everyone treat her like a porcelain doll? She was just as capable as everyone else!

She had hoped her next few teachers for the day wouldn't treat her differently. She already got enough snide remarks from the last two classes. Of course, they were silenced quickly when Yang caught wind of the insults.

Currently, the young Huntress was sitting on the front row of the classroom with her team beside her. She looked around and saw team JNPR sitting behind her, while team HAIL was sitting next to her team. Harry seemed to be discussing something with Isabella while Lily looked asleep and Adam seemed to be passing notes back and forth with Blake, snickering at her when she turned red in the face. What was he sending her?

"Monsters," Professor Port started to lecture, breaking Ruby out of her thoughts and getting everyone's attention. He was a portly man with greyish hair and mustache and wore a marron jacket. "Demons. Stalkers of the night. Yes. The creatures of Grimm have many names. But I mostly refer to them as…Prey! Hahahahahaha!" He laughed at his joke, but the students didn't think it was very funny.

Professor Port saw that his joke didn't catch on, so he cleared his throat and continued. "And you will too, once you graduate from this prestigious school. Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world. Our world is teaming with creatures who would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces. And that's where we come in.

"Huntsmen, Huntresses." Here, Port winked made a clicking noise at Yang, who cringed and chuckled uneasily. "Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves! From what, you may ask? Why, the very world!" he proclaimed and thrust his fist in the air.

The entire classroom was silent, unimpressed with the man. However, one guy in the back stood up and raised his fist with Port, exclaiming loudly. This caused everyone to turn and look at him. He slowly lowered his fist and sat down, embarrassed.

"That is what you're training to become," Port finished. He placed his hands behind his back and turned to his desk. "And for your first lesson..." He walked over to his desk and picked up a small remote. He pressed a button and a screen came down from the ceiling. He pressed another and instantly a video fed popped up. Some students gasped at the sight they were shown.

The video fed was centered on a large Grimm. Larger than any of them had ever seen. Its black scales were covered in gashes and the bone plates seemed to have been shattered violently. It had two red bat-like wings sprawled out on either side of it. Its plate mask was broken in several places and its mouth went half way down its neck. Its tail was broken in several different places. Its whole body was steaming in several areas, and Grimm swarmed the body.

"The dragon Grimm of Mountain Glenn," Port said, uncharacteristically serious. "A month ago, this beast awoke from its slumber. We are not sure what woke it, only that there was severe earthquakes around Mountain Glenn at the time. I'm sure many of you remember?"

Most of the class nodded. It had been horrifying to the denizens of Vale to see the massive beast. The earthquakes could be felt all the way to Patch. Most were glad it stayed at Mountain Glenn. Ruby leaned forward, interested in what Professor Port would say about the Grimm.

"When the army of Vale, as well as many Huntsman and Huntresses tried to get close to try and stop the beast, however, the area around Mountain Glenn became very unstable and volcanic," Port continued. "It was as if Mountain Glenn had become the heart of a raging volcano."

"But Mountain Glenn isn't volcanic," Isabella called out suddenly. Ruby looked to her and noticed she looked…shocked. Not a surprising reaction, judging from everyone else's face, but there was something in her face that Ruby couldn't quite place. It was almost as if…she recognized something.

"That it isn't, Miss Vulpes," Professor Port agreed. "The Huntsmen at the area assumed it was somehow created by whoever slayed the Grimm. The most popular theory is it was the mysterious Huntsman's Semblance; others still persist that it was a reaction of combining too much Dust and causing the violent reaction."

Isabella clenched her hands. Harry wondered what the girl was thinking, but refrained from asking. First off, it wasn't his business. If she wanted him to know, she'd tell him. Second off, the use of Legilimency on someone left him physically sick.

"Now, as this is the only Grimm to date whose body hasn't disintegrated, it is obvious it would be a fine study as to what Grimm are, why they disintegrate after death, and perhaps, where they came from, right?" Many nodded to this. "But apparently, a Grimm's corpse that hasn't disappeared creates another problem. Can anyone tell me what that problem is?"

There was silence for a while as everyone tried to think of what the problem Professor Port mentioned was. But before anyone could voice an answer, Harry spoke up.

"It attracts Grimm." Everyone turned to Harry. He had a blank look on his face as he stared at the dragon's corpse. Port nodded.

"Correct, Mister Potter," he answered, nodding. "The Grimm's body is attracting numerous Grimm to its location, concerning many Huntsmen and Huntresses, as well as the citizens of Vale. And that's why understanding his beast is a must. Which is why, I have General Ironwood of the Atlesian Military, who is investigating the dragon Grimm personally, being one of the first to see the dragon fall as he was testing a new model of the Atlesian knights in the area when the beast awoke." As he said that, a video feed of General James Ironwood appeared next to the video feed of the dragon Grimm. James was an older man with black hair that was white at the sides, blue eyes, and wore a white overcoat over a grey undercoat and a red tie. Initially, he had what many assumed was a metal strip over his right eye.

Harry groaned loudly and banged his head on the table, causing everyone to look at him. "Hello to you too…Commander Potter," Ironwood said, emphasizing Harry's rank. Many looked at Harry in shock. They knew he was in high standing with the Atlesian military, being the leader/founder of the Animagus Corp., but few knew he had an official rank.

"General," Harry said dully, finally looking back up at the screen. "Still trying and failing to research our giant friend there?" he asked, indicating the giant dragon Grimm. His team looked at him like he was crazy for questioning the General like that. Adam, however, looked impressed. Bad mouthing a general? That took guts.

"As a matter of fact I am," Ironwood responded, not at all phased by Harry's attitude. The man had learned Potter wasn't his biggest fan. "Obviously, we're still having trouble because of the minor Grimm running around, but since you're in this class, you can help me out in giving an overview of the Grimm to your classmates."

Blake was wondering why Ironwood would suggest that, but she soon got her answer after Harry asked rather irritably, "And why the hell should I?" People were looking at Harry like he had a death wish.

"Two reasons," Ironwood said. "The first is because you are the one who got close enough to study the thing without the Grimm noticing and gave us what we know now, which I'm still trying to figure out how you did."

RBY looked over at Harry in shock, as did most of their other classmates. "How the hell did you do that?" Pyrrha asked. Blake wanted to know as well.

Harry smirked. "I'm not telling," he said. "Neither will anyone one of the Schnees either, because they promised me they'd keep that secret."

"I will find out one day, Potter," Ironwood warned. "Don't think I won't."

Harry smirked. "Not likely."

Ironwood sighed. "Anyways, the second is whether you like it or not, I'm still your superior, and I can order you to do so, but I don't want to resort to that over something as trivial as this."

Weiss sighed. Why did Harry have to test General Ironwood's patience? She was about to suggest something to Ironwood when she heard Harry sigh. "Fine." He straightened up and said in a formal voice, "First off, I didn't find out much. But what I did find is significant in its own right. One of the most pressing issue is the dragon secretes a black tar-like substance that, once it hits the ground, forms a new Grimm."

Many were startled at that piece of information. Lily grimaced. 'A Grimm that can spawn more Grimm? I don't want to fight that thing.'

"It also seems to have the capability to ignite this tar and set itself ablaze. An Atlesian solider witnessed this during their exercise, and when I studied the beast, I leaned the tar substance shares the same properties as one of the chemicals a dragon stores normally in its body that allows it to breath fire. It works by combining two or more chemicals and sending them up the throat and when they combine with air, it combusts. However, the difference with this stuff is that it's only one of those chemicals and it was…mutated."

"Mutated?" Ruby asked.

"To the point that even the best geneticists couldn't identify it," Ironwood commented. "And that's mainly because we can't keep a viable sample of it because it either evaporates or morphs into a Grimm."

"Messy business, it is," Harry continued. "Other than that, it's simply a Grimm in the form of a dragon with flight and has the abnormal trait of not turning back to the dust where it belongs."

Everyone heard someone scoff. "That's all? Shouldn't have expected much from a mutt like you," Cardin Winchester sneered from his place at the top of the room. RWBY turned to glare at him for different reasons, and AIL of HAIL did the same. Harry looked at all of them, however, and shook his head. They all calmed down, but they still glared at Cardin. Harry simply looked up at Cardin and raised an eyebrow.

"There's not much to say on it, Mr. Winchester," Harry said calmly. "But then again, I guess I can say it's a lot smarter than you." This caused a lot of snickering while Cardin flushed angrily. "After all, it is older than you. Age comes experience. And also…" He motioned towards the footage, "if you think you can do better and not get caught by a horde of Grimm, be my guest. If even General Ironwood, one of the most accomplished Huntsmen in the world, general of the Atlesian military and headmaster of the Atlas Academy, is hesitant to go near it, what hope do you have?"

Cardin was furious. But before he could voice his opinions, Ironwood spoke up: "That's enough." He looked up at Cardin and said, "I'd suggest you get over your prejudices, young man. One day, it will get you into serious trouble." Cardin huffed and turned away. Ironwood glared at him for a moment, before turning back to Harry. "And you, Commander Potter, I'd suggest a lesson in sodality and discursion would be in order for you."

Harry shrugged nonchalantly. "Yeah, yeah," he said without care.

Ironwood sighed. "Well, I guess that's enough for today, Peter," he said. "Plus, I'm sure you have more stuff you want to cover before your class ends. Ironwood out."

"Goodbye, General," Port said as the video feed ended. "Well, now that that's out of the way, I think we have time for a demonstration. Would anyone like to come forth and show us their skills?" Many hands were raised. "Let's see…Miss Schnee!" he called out, making the girl smirk.

A few moments later, Weiss was in her usual attire with Myrtenaster held out in front of her. Port had moved a large cage into the room, which was moving around like something was trying to get out of it. "Go get 'em, Weiss!" Yang cheered with her fist in the air.

"Fight well!" Blake cheered quietly, waving a small team RWBY flag around.

"Go and represent team RWBY!" Ruby exclaimed loudly, excited to see her skills in full.

Cardin looked at Ruby irritably while Weiss smirked. "No problem," she told her partner. Compared to what Harry put her through, what was the worse Port could dish out?

"Are you ready?" Professor Port asked, hefting his large blunderbuss/axe off his shoulder.

"Yes, sir," she said, locking into her stance.

Port nodded. "Very well!" he said loudly and slammed the axe head of his weapon down on the lock of the cage. A boarbatusk came rushing out at Weiss, who reacted quickly and jumped over the Grimm, rolling as she hit the ground and turning sharply to face her opponent.

"Ho, Ho! Exceptional skill!" Professor Port praised. "Very well executed, Miss Schnee!"

Weiss smirked. This was nothing. She worked to try and predict Harry's movements. A boarbatusk's blind charge? Child's play.

The boarbatusk turned and pawed the ground angrily as it started to charge again. Weiss stood her ground as the Grimm ran closer. Just as it reached her, she used a Glyph to quickly move to the side to avoid the Grimm. She was analyzing the Grimm, something Harry had drilled into her head numerous times. Don't attack until you're sure it won't change its tactics on you.

"Come on, Weiss!" Ruby encouraged from her seat, her hands clenched in front of her chest. Cardin glared at Ruby, but no one noticed but Blake and Harry, both of whom frowned at the orange haired kid.

Weiss dodged another charge and was satisfied with her observation, she jumped a few feet away from the boarbatusk and prepared to attack. "Weiss!" Ruby called out from behind her. "Go for the underbelly! There's no armor there!"

Weiss was about to reply when she was interrupted by Cardin's loud shout of, "Would you just shut up?!" Ruby cringed at the statement, and Weiss turned and glared at Cardin. While Ruby's statement wasn't needed, at least she was being nice and trying to be helpful!

"What's your problem?!" she asked the irate Hunter in training.

"Weiss! Pay attention!" Harry shouted. Weiss turned and saw the boarbatusk spinning in place, preparing to charge her. Her eyes widened as instinct took over. She created a Glyph under the Grimm and herself. The Glyph under the Grimm flashed and the Grimm was sent into the air. Weiss kicked off hers and thrust her sword into the soft underbelly of the boarbatusk and sent it flying at the wall. The boar Grimm flew past Professor Port's head. He looked to the Grimm when it hit the wall. He laughed joyfully.

"Stupendous! We have the makings of a future Huntress in the making here!" he praised, and the class clapped. "I think that's enough for today! And remember, my students! Stay vigilant!"

'Heh. Constant vigilance!' Harry mused in amusement and turned to look at Weiss. Weiss panted lightly as she tried to catch her breath. She turned back to Ruby and nodded a small smirk on her face. Ruby's lit up and nodded back eagerly, a silent question being answered. Weiss, however, broke away and turned to glare at Cardin, who sneered and walked out of the classroom. Harry frowned at the guy's attitude.

"You were awesome, Weiss!" Ruby exclaimed.

"Was there any doubt?" Weiss asked haughtily, obviously proud of herself.

"Yes, there was," Harry said. Weiss turned and glared at him. "You got distracted. And while I can't fault you for it, you still allowed yourself to get distracted." He smiled at her and said, "But good job, nonetheless."

Weiss had been discouraged when Harry told her, her mistake, but she smiled slightly when he said she did a good job. Harry nodded to her. "Come on, let's get to our last class."

They all nodded and stood and made their way out of the classroom. Ruby took a bit longer to get her stuff gathered up, so she came out last. She walked out when she heard, "Hey, kid." She turned to see Cardin leaning against the wall beside the door.

"Um, Hi, Cardin?" she asked uncertainly. "What's wrong-"

"You're pathetic."

She looked at him, startled. He glared at her. "I don't know how you snuck into Beacon, but it's obvious that you don't know shit about being here," he said darkly.

"That's not true!" Ruby protested.

"Then why the hell were you distracting your partner when she was fighting a Grimm?!" he demanded. Ruby flinched a bit at that but she didn't back up.

"You distracted her more than me, and she was doing fine until you shouted at me!"

"I shouldn't have had too! You're nothing more than a child trying to play grown up!" Ruby flinched away from him. Cardin scoffed. "It's quite obvious Ozpin made a mistake. Leave Beacon and go home, little girl." He walked around her and left. Ruby stood there, shaking slightly.

Was he right? Did Ozpin make a mistake? Ruby wanted to think he didn't, but Cardin did have some good points. Maybe he was right. Everyone glared at her like she didn't belong. She wasn't wanted here.

"What a jackass," Ruby heard from behind her. She turned and saw Harry and Adam glaring at Cardin's retreating back.

"What are you two doing here?" Ruby asked.

"Coming to find you," Harry responded, turning to look at her. "You were straggling behind, so Adam and I volunteered to come find you. Imagine our surprise to hear that asshole talking smack about you."

Ruby looked down. "Do you think he was right? Did Ozpin make a mistake?" she asked quietly.

"Do you honestly think Winchester knows more than the headmaster of Beacon?" Adam asked incredulously.

Ruby looked down, flushing with embarrassment. "No."

"Then don't worry about it," Harry told her. "After all, you're more of a leader than he will ever be."

Ruby looked to him. "How can you be so sure? What Cardin said…"

"Was bias as hell," Adam interrupted. "And hypocritical."

"A real leader isn't the one who just leads their team," Harry said. "A true leader is the one that encourages their team, making sure they are doing their best, and working to better them."

"But you've got to bear the burden when something goes wrong," Adam muttered forebodingly.

"Well, said, Mr. Potter, Mr. Taurus," Ozpin's voice came from behind Ruby. They turned to see him standing there, mug of coffee and cane in hand. "It still remains to be seen if I'm wrong or not."

"Professor Ozpin," Ruby mumbled.

"Miss Rose," he said. "I understand what Mr. Winchester hurt you; and please take solace in the fact that while I've made more mistakes than any man, woman, and child on the planet, I don't think naming you leader of team RWBY was one of them." He smiled at the young girl, who blushed at the praise.

Ozpin turned around. "You've been gifted with a heavy burden," he told her. "And sometimes, that is the worst curse anyone can bear." He started walking off. "Just remember, Miss Rose, it's not the title that makes you a great leader, it's the attitude you exude to your teammates. Remember that."

Ruby nodded. Harry and Adam smirked at the words. "He's not wrong, you know," Adam told the young leader. He knew better than most that if your attitude was poor, your subordinates would not listen to you. He used to have that problem with the White Fang.

Harry nodded. "Never doubt yourself, Ruby," he told her with a smile. "Otherwise, idiots like Cardin win. Trust me, I've dealt with enough to know." He flashed her a manic smile, and she giggled slightly. He laughed as well. "Come on! The others are waiting for us, and combat class is about to start."

Ruby nodded quickly and started walking to the next class, her head held high. Adam smirked as he followed her, with Harry bringing up the rear.

A few minutes later; Auditorium/Combat classroom, Beacon Academy

Ruby, Adam, and Harry walked into the auditorium and found the others on the benches closest to the stage. They walked up to the benches and sat down where they could find a seat. Adam sat next to Nora on one bench. Ruby sat in-between Yang and Blake on the same bench. Harry sat at the end of another bench beside Lily.

Harry looked over and noticed Isabella seemed irritable. "What's up, Isabella?" he asked.

"Winchester," she said with gritted teeth. Harry sighed tiredly. He looked over to the guy in question and saw him laughing with his team. Harry scowled.

"Just when I think I've left Malfoy behind," Harry mumbled, "I find another equally prejudiced snob to take his ferrety place."

"Huh? What about ferrets?" Ruby asked. Everyone looked at Harry in confusion. He realized what he said and chuckled sheepishly.

"Just saying Winchester reminds me of an old bully back home," he said. The three teams were curious about more information about his home, but before they could ask, they heard something slam onto the stage floor. Everyone in the room jumped at the sudden noise.

"Alright, you cute little would-be Hunters and Huntresses!" a familiar voice called out, making RWBY, JNPR, and HAIL look up in shock. "I don't care who you are, or where you came from! From here on out, however you were taught up to this point is wrong! And it's up to me to make sure you know how to fight the right way!"

The three teams stared in shock at the woman on the stage. Her legs were covered with dark denim jeans tucked into dark colored knee high boots. She wore a dark colored vest with red accents and of course a pristine white cloak. Her hair was a bit shorter than when team HAIL found her, but not by much. Her silver eyes sparkled with mischief and glee as an almost sinister grin graced her beautiful face. At her feet was a large metal box for some reason.

"My name is Summer Rose!" the matriarch of the Xiao Long-Rose family announced loudly. "And for the next four years, I'm your new combat instructor, best friend, and of course…" She stared evilly down at the students. "Your worst fucking nightmare!"

'MOM?!/MRS. ROSE?!' were the prevailing thoughts of RWBY, JNPR, & HAIL.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1071
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


