98.37% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 2732: 1.3

章 2732: 1.3

Today's bus ride to school had me in a happy mood. I tried to level my features so it wouldn't show but I did allow myself to give Dad a genuine smile before I left.

The actual bus and it's occupants hadn't changed but I had. Things were going to be different now. Where I would normally hide in fear to avoid abuse now I was hiding in anticipation, to become a better cape!

I found my powers worked better when I crouched but seeing as I was on a seat I opted to just hug my legs instead feeling the rough leather of my boots under my fingers.

I was wearing one of dad's older steel capped boots that he used for work. With money being as tight as they were we couldn't afford to buy anything better. I had enough for a cheap pair of sneakers sure but I wanted to save up for that anvil. Even with my idea of knocking out bad guys from stealth I was pretty sure taking money, even from criminals was illegal. So here I was saving money and being sneaky.

Unfortunately I failed to realize the logistics of using my stealth power on the bus.

A school bag was slung across and hit me full force before I could react. More specifically a school bag belonging to Greg Vader who hauled every exercise book in his bag instead of leaving it in his locker like a normal person. Not that I could speak I suppose.

I let out a small squeak as the impact bruised my legs.

"Oh shit!" Greg immediately tried to apologize. "I'm so sorry Taylor! I swear the chair was empty!" I wasn't offended honestly, I was mostly embarrassed at my own stupidity, I should've seen this coming.

The onlookers of course all laughed and jeered. Well except for Greg who was trying and failing to get his books back into his bag all the while apologizing and adding to the spectacle.

Yet despite my embarrassment I was elated.

My stealth worked! It truly did! If it was anyone else I would've brushed it off as them doing this on purpose but with Greg? I didn't really like him but I knew that he didn't have a malicious bone in his body. He was an awkward coward, not a bully.

When the bag hit my legs I felt the 'Triumph' again, the feeling of improvement. I really had to find another word for this then the 'Triumph'. Elation perhaps? No, I'd have to think on it later.

My powers were apparently making me tougher as well, or at least sometimes? I never got the same feeling when I was pushed, shoved or hit by Sophia earlier, was there some sort of condition? This would require even more testing.

But for now I had to act cowed, or humiliated, anything to make people think I wasn't a cape.

It wasn't that difficult honestly, between everyone's insults and laughter I couldn't really do much more to convince them that I was the same old Taylor.

Oddly enough a lot of the noise that came from people were also cheers and compliments for Greg. Sure they were at my expense but it was still bizarre to see him being popular for once as temporary as it probably would be. Despite trying to brush them off it was clear that he enjoyed the positive attention that he so rarely got. A look of guilt passed over him as he found a seat next to a more popular girl who had invited him over.

His inane babble soon made her regret her decision.

Soon the bus driver had shouted for everyone to settle down, he was used to the chaotic sounds of over a dozen high school students sure but even he had his limits I supposed.

With another hushed "Sorry." from Greg I withdrew myself. However this time it didn't work, even as I tried to 'stealth' in on myself people still paid attention to me, was there some sort of condition to this power? I couldn't start hiding until they were ignoring me or not looking perhaps?

There were stranger limits then what I had, Panacea for example was the best healer around but for some reason she couldn't heal herself, something I had over her! Thinking about it made me giddy, I had something over Panacea! Not that I would ever vocalize those thoughts, she was a real hero, selflessly healing the sick and injured all the time in hospitals!

It made me feel small in comparison. While she was out there giving the finger to cancer I was thinking about stopping one gangster from hurting someone.

"Baby steps." I repeated to myself. "This was why I went to school. To get better." I quietly murmured. Out of context that last thought could have come out of the mouth of a model student.

Eventually the bus had come to a stop and I made my way off, a few pushed shoulders and some hushed insults later I had made my way through the school gates. The bus driver's lack of tolerance towards rowdiness never extended to me.He just wanted to drive from point A to B and never be bothered in between.

Making my way around the corner I avoided what abuse I could searching for some abandoned corner where I could activate my stealth. As far as I could tell the power wouldn't work properly until I was hidden first, finally finding a stairway absent of anyone I shrank into myself happy to let my power veil me.

Huh, veil. That wasn't a bad name for that aspect of my power. Making my way through the hallway I found my perception heightened. It didn't allow me to see anything better but I could sense how much people noticed me. Not how many, how MUCH. The slower I crept forward, the more I hugged the shadows and corners of the lockers down the hallway the less they could actively perceive me.

I tried to categorize this part of my power as well. A thinker ability of sorts I figured, it gave me information that I would otherwise not have or humanly gain. In my mind I visualised it as a closed eye that would slowly open the more 'in sight' I became.

As the first period was about to begin I quickly made my way over to class dispelling my veil so that it wouldn't look like I teleported into the classroom. Today we had Mr Gladly, one of the 'popular' teachers. Too concerned with being friends with the students to actually teach and mentor anyone on how to be a better person. He himself wasn't a bad human being from what I could tell and no form of abuse had ever come from him but I hated him all the same.

When you have an authority figure that not only fails you but also seemingly ignores the torture you go through every day, it'd be odd if a bit of resentment didn't build up. There he was talking with Madison, one of my tormentors like she was a completely innocent girl that could do no wrong.

I realized that I was squeezing my fists and mentally shouted at myself to stop it. As much as she deserved it, a brawl wasn't something I wanted to be involved in. I knew I was tougher than the average human being, not too much tougher but perhaps tough enough that anyone perceptive enough could realize I had powers.

I sat down at my chair finding too late that someone had poured something on it. Quickly getting back up I saw the brown fizzy liquid, was that Coke or Pepsi? Wait, that wouldn't matter. A few quiet sniggers erupted around the room as I lowered my head. All of it too quiet for Mr Gladly to notice as Madison continued to distract him. Her smug grin revealed that it was all part of her plan.

I made my way out of the room to clean up, to get some toilet paper to ensure I wouldn't be sitting in carbonated liquid for the entire lesson.

Too focused on the task at hand I hadn't fully registered that I was now face to face with the ground until it was too late. "I tripped." My brain helpfully provided for me.

"Ha, stupid old Hebert, can't even look where she's going, so clumsy." It was Sophia and Emma this time. They made my blood boil but… there was a silver lining.

I felt the Elation again. Elation, I was going with that now. I felt myself become slightly tougher again, light armor I vaguely thought. I picked myself up as the tell tale sound of a metallic 'clink' made it's way to my ears. The leather boots with steel toes! That's the only thing that was different about today! I got tougher when I wore equipment and not in the traditional way that anyone wearing armor would. Whatever I wore got better as it was used!

I tried not to smile at that. I was truly more like Dauntless then I first thought! "Just leave me alone." I tried sounding defeated so that suspicions wouldn't arise.

Sophia blocked my path then. "Make me." Seriously? Make me? How cliche could you get? What was next? "Give me your lunch money nerd?" Well jokes on her! I didn't have lunch money! Well at least it meant that she probably thought I was still weak old Hebert.

I looked away from her eyes and tried to make my way around her. Out of the corner of my vision I could see her vicious smile. She pushed me hard into the wall before making her way into class. While the wall hurt I didn't get the sense of improvement that time.

Oh well, I'd just have to find another way for Sophia to hit my legs or trip me again. I wonder how much more aggressive she'd get if she thought I was standing up to her? Maybe she'd hit me harder and more often?

God my power made me think weird thoughts.

Edit: MOAR SPELLING MISTAKES! I should probably think about getting a beta.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2732
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


