60.86% My New Life in TBATE / Chapter 42: Flashback: Day of the Auction

章 42: Flashback: Day of the Auction

Quick AN: The previous chapter was mostly for comedic purposes in the dungeon. That's not how the dungeon battles will be all the time. I'm sure most understood that, but I did get one comment about so I figured I would clear it up. Here's the auction house scene, it's not much different from the original i will admit. However there are some differences that I believe will make it worth the read, and it also explains the Kukris that he had last chapter.

Hope you enjoy


I came downstairs to see Arthur sitting between Ellie and Lilia, monitoring their progress of their cores. Looking at their cores myself I could see that Lilia was actually close to forming hers, just meditation alone would have taken her another couple years. Meaning it wouldn't have been much different from the original timeline, but with Arthur's help it looks like she'll awaken just a month after we leave for our journey.

Sensing my presence Arthur retracts his hands from their backs and stands up, he had stopped actually infusing them with mana during the sessions but he still needed to be in contact to get a clear image. When he turned to me I opened my mouth to speak.

"Are you ready to get your sword and adventuring materials?" He shows a grateful smile and looks back down at his sister who is straining hard to keep focus.

"Yes, it will be nice to no longer train with a stick haha." I chuckle with him as it had been rather interesting sparring with someone using a stick, but none of the swords I had fit his style. Now I turn to Lilia and place a hand on her head.

"Sister it's time to get ready." Her eyes open and she looks up at my hand smiling.

"I'm close Jaron! I can feel it about to form." I pay her head or rather since she looked up I patted her face and jerked into motion to remove my hand causing a laugh from me and Arthur.

"That's good Lilly, just keep up your meditation and you'll be a mage before you know it." Her previous annoyance changed to sparkling eyes and she held her hands to her chest, now standing.

"W-Will you train me?" She said with a hopeful expression, that I return with a soft smile patting her head once again.

"You'll most likely awaken early into my trip…" her expression saddened before I could continue, so I could only laugh at her expression.

"But~ we will have to come back to Xyrus from time to time to report missions and that's when I can help you a little bit." Her face brightened and she tackled me in a hug which I returned. She pulled back slightly with a big smile.

"Thanks Jaron!" I smiled in return and faces her towards the stairs.

"Now go get changed for the auction, mother should be in her room." She nods and starts to walk until she turns and looks to Ellie who is currently talking to Arthur. Their conversation ends moments later and Ellie joins Lily up the stairs to change. Turning to Arthur I hold out my hand and he looks at it weirdly.

"What's that for?" He asked with a confused expression, but still reached his hand out too.

"For helping my sister, and making my family so happy. She would have had to wait until the normal age with just meditation since she started so late, but with your help she'll form her core in a month if not sooner." His eyes widened as he absently shook my head.

"In a month? Are you sure? I've only been helping her since I got here, isn't that too fast?" I chuckle as I retract my hand and lay it on his shoulder.

"She's very serious when it comes to meditation as it's something she could finally have in common with me. Don't you see how hard Eleanor tries to meditate while you're around?" He thinks momentarily before a small smile appears and he nods.

"Ya you're right." I pat his shoulder once before heading to the stairs myself.

"I'm going to make sure our fathers are ready, you can wait here for us to come down if you want." He looks around before looking back to me at the base of the stairs.

"Ya, I'll stay here." He said as he sat down on the couch. With a little 2 finger salute I head up the stairs to get my dad and Reynolds. Before I got to the door though I heard a commotion downstairs, seems the Twin Horns had arrived. Everyone else seemed to hear it to as everyone exited their rooms dressed in their Auction house outfits. Me and dad were matching while Lilia and mom were matching. The Leywins were just wearing their nicest clothes, not particularly matching one way or the other except for Rey as he was in his guard captain uniform.

"What's going on down there?" Asked my dad as he walked towards. I just have a smile and looked down the stairs.

"I think the Twin Horns have arrived." Alice and Rey's faces lit up and they hurried down the stairs to meet them, the sounds of them worrying over Arthur turned to coos at Ellie. I turned to my family still waiting at the top of the step, and with a collective nod we all made our way down with me and Lily in front and our parents right behind.

We let Leywins and Twin Horns have their moment to catch up with each other as we watched, once they had finished the party had agreed to come and help with the security at the auction. It was to be the 10th Anniversary of the Auction House.

"Remember Arthur whatever sword catches your liking just let me know, no matter the price. Being the owner does come with some perks after all." My dad told Arthur as we made our way to the private booth, though once we reached it he immediately left the room again as he had to retrieve some important guests.

Me and Arthur had been conversing when the door opened and in started walking the royal family, I could see Arthur's calculating eye as he observed them all. King Blaine looked around the room before speaking.

"It seems we are in company of the Leywins again, but who is this young man?" His question came as he looked at Arthur and then to his mana beast. Before my father could respond Queen Priscilla spotted Sylvie and a happy smile appears on her face as she approached Arthur's bond. I just made my way over to Kathyln as I heard my dad filling in King Blaine on who Arthur is, out of the corner of my eye though I saw Sebastian.

"Princess, it's good to see you again." I said with a small bow while I grinned cheekily, I could see her barely visible frown from just inside my vision. I knew she hated when I acted formal with her, but it was just too hard not to tease the girl.

"I don't know if I can say the same." She huffed and turned her head slightly. I chuckled at her antics and could see the faintest of blushes from my laughing at her.

"Maybe meeting Arthur's bond will make you feel better. She's rather cute." She looked at me out of the corner of her eye and then seen her mother fawning over Sylvie. Her eyes betrayed her curiosity so I grabbed her hand and began to lead her over. The guards tended slightly, but upon seeing me and the expression on Kathyln's face they went back to standing at ease.

I could hear her breath out a gasp as she saw Sylvie up close, she unconsciously reached out a hand and Sylvie stretched her neck to receive the attention. We were talking about Sylvie to the Glayder's when the annoying guard Sebastian made his presence known.

"Let me take a closer look at your bond!" Thankfully the king stopped him from continuing and we proceeded with the auction, but we could feel gaze remaining on Sylvie. While the auction was going on I stood up and weaved through all the people, only gaining curious looks from Kathyln and Arthur as I had been sitting beside them. I made my way beside Sebastian and he didn't notice my approach as he was too focused on Sylvie.

Leaning closer to him, I whisper so only he can hear.

"Not a very good guard if a mere child can sneak up on you." He jumps slightly and whirls towards me with his wand drawn pulling mana to it. This gains the attention of everyone else and I just hold my hands up.

"Ah sorry everyone I seemed to accidentally startle the guard. I just had a question for him. You can go back to the auction. Everyone looked curious but eventually turned back except for Arthur. Sebastian eyed me closely as I walked past him, his and my face now facing Arthur before I stopped again.

"I'll warn you now to leave that boys bond alone, or you won't like the consequences." Sebastian's face screwed up as I looked over my shoulder at him.

"The boy is under my protection as Jaron Helstea. Do no push me guard." He stiffened, but relaxed himself quickly. He looked like he wanted to say something but I was already walking back to my seat. I could feel his glare digging into my back and I just smirked, I could also see Arthur glaring back at Sebastian until I sat down and he as well as Kathyln looked at me curiously.

"What was that about?" Kathyln asked, I just waved it off and shrugged.

"The guy seemed to not be doing his job so I went over there to tell him, but he was so engrossed that when I spoke it startled him. He didn't like being startled I suppose." Kathyln nodded but Arthur didn't look all that convinced. Though he didn't say anything as he went back to stroking Sylvie who was in his lap. When the world lion cub came up, Blaine bid for it before speaking to my dad.

"Your auction seems to be doing quite well if you have a mana beast like a world lion for sale." My dad nodded and smiled.

"Well, Rez was the one to procure that one and a few more mana beasts you'll see up there." The king's eyes glance to me quickly before returning back to my father.

"I see. Perhaps I may acquire some more before the auction is over." His words came true when not much later a Dire Frost Tiger cub came across the auction slab and Kathyln's eyes lit up. She turned towards her parents and they nodded with smiles on their faces. This was another mana beast I had captured in hopes Kathyln would get it. It's an A class mana beast that can reach the precipice of S rank, but can't quite ascend to it.

It will be a very powerful companion for her and could help her progression in ice deviance. They were probably going to buy it anyways as the Dire Frost Tiger is as rare as a World Lion. Though Kathyln seemed to only care how cute the little kitten was. It's sleek ice blue fur littered with bright white stripes instantly caught her eye, as my arm was the victim of a vice like squeeze when it came across the stage.

When Arthur hadn't had to scare Sebastian by releasing his killing intent I thought my warning was enough to ward him off. However when I saw Sebastian whispering into the king's ear, I could only sigh in annoyance. My worries were proven when Blaine approached Reynolds in hopes of procuring Sylvie from him.

"I'm sorry your majesty, but Arthur got Sylvie all on his own. You would have to ask him." Reynolds told the king nervously. Blaine looked toward Arthur and saw me standing behind and I shook my head, indicating he shouldn't pursue it any further. He looked at me in surprise, but continued anyways. Haaa, King Blaine you really like to cause problems.

"Boy, how about it? I'll let you pick through the Royal armory for a sword in trade of your mana beast." Blaine looked hopeful that this would sway Arthur and I just shook my head in exasperation, a movement that was not missed by the king or the guards.

"Thank you, your majesty, for your gracious offer, but I must refuse. A simple sword could never replace Sylvie."

"How dare—" Sebastian started to snarl out only to be judged by Blaine.

"Sebastian!" He looked furiously at Sebastian before returning back to Arthur.

"How about a trade then?" Before I could stop it Arthur had already releasing a bit of pressure as he began to question the King.

"How much money should I give you for your son or your daughter, King Glayder?" He finished with a cold glare and Blaine was more surprised than anything when he saw my exasperated face it seemed to finally click that I was trying to avoid this whole thing. However sometimes guards act without the order of their king.

"Insolent Peasant! You dare insult the king and his family?" A guard yelled as he charged sword drawn, sighing to myself one last time I drew my sword and pointed it at the guard, blue flames blazing.

The guard paused only momentarily before continuing, so I cut his sword in half. Kicked the back of his legs to bring him to his knees and then kneed him in the face, causing his head snap back and he fell to the ground unconscious. Raising my sword again this time to Sebastian.

"I warned you Sebastian. I said that Arthur was under my protection and now you've tested my patience." I relinquished the flames on my blade and everyone seemed to sigh in relief thinking it was over, only it wasn't. Mana strings burst out my finger tips and frayed into numerous individual strands. They began to wrap around his various limbs and individual finger, and with a pull snaps began to ring out followed by a blood curdling scream.

"Now let me be clear, Arthur Leywin and his family is under my protection. Any acts against them will be acts against me and I will not tolerate any such things. This.." I pointed to the knocked out guard and the crippled Sebastian before continuing.

"This was mercy, do not test me again." I released my mana strings and the healers rushed towards the downed guards, the others still standing looked ready to attack, but a raised hand from Blaine stopped them in their tracks. I turned to Kathyln and saw slight fear, but also a good bit of adoration. I faced her, her mother and her brother.

"I apologize if i scared you, but I had warned Sebastian before hand and he continued anyways." Priscilla seemed surprised, but Blaine actually spoke for them.

"I see, young Jaron, I should have taken your warning and not pushed the boy any further. Next time though please do not cripple my guards so badly, it's not good for the faith in them being able to protect us." He turned to his family and his remaining guards.

"Alright we've troubled these people long enough, grab your new mana beasts and lets go." Curtis and Kathyln had big smiles on their faces as they were able to carry their beasts. The Royal family left and a slightly awkward silence permeated the room.

"So we're under your protection eh~?" Arthur asked teasingly.

"Shut up, this mess was your fault after all." I shot back.

"What?!" How was it my fault? That Sebastian guy just wouldn't leave Sylvie alone!" He tried to defend and I just snorted.

"Yes bring a rare never before seen mana beast in front of the king." He opens his mouth to respond, before closing it again. Until he finally came up with something.

"We were never told that they would be here though!" He seemed proud of himself for thinking of that and looked at me while smirking.

"The Royal family always sits with us and your family during the auctions." I deadpanned at him.

"Well I didn't know that!" I just waved him off as we were going in circles at this point.

"Lets just find you a sword and get out of here." He looks ready to argue again, but just nods and we follow my and his dad's to the storage room where the sword are kept. When we entered I could immediately sense Dawns Ballad, but I let Arthur look around. While he was I made my own way around the storage room as I was feeling a faint will somewhere in here. It took me to a back room with not many things, just a few crates and barrels.

Digging through the various items I finally came across the item with the will in it. A dagger length set of Kukris, they were both about a foot and a half long. Blade curving inwards on the sharp edge rather than back like a katana. They are considered a type of machete, and on Earth they were primarily used by the Gurkhas of Nepal and India.

They didn't have sheathes and they looked rusted, but upon grabbing them, they absorbed a small amount of my mana and the rust fell away revealing a bright and smooth silver colored blade. The edges had resharpened, as well as the leather grips seemed to rework themselves to look brand new. A solid black leather wrapped tightly around the handle, and like all the other weapons I've found with wills in them, it had runes along the both of them.

When holding both of them in my hands the will of the previous user flowed into me as well as their memories. Their fighting style and how to use the kukris were all that was left though, it seems their will wasn't that strong when they placed it upon the blades and it had deteriorated over time along with the weapons. Whoever this dual kukri wielder was I don't know, but I'll be sure to use these at least a little bit in honor of them.

When I exited out the room Arthur had already found Dawns Ballad and was holding it in his hands.

"Found one you like?" He whirled around towards me, and sees my 2 blades.

"Seems you have as well." I look down at them and nod.

"Ya they should do just fine. That sword is pretty powerful itself." Arthur cocked an eyebrow at me.

"You can tell?" I smile knowingly as I look at him and the pole in his hands.

"Yup, and normal mana won't be enough to draw it." I said vaguely but the pieces seemed to fall in place for Arthur as with a surge of his Dragon Will the sword slid easily out of the pole like sheath, revealing the teal blue blade. The next moment he nearly dropped the blade as it took some of his blood.

"Looks like it just bonded with you." He looks up from the sword on the ground while holding his hand.

"What do you mean, bonded?" He cocks his head to the side as he picks up the sword again careful to not catch the blade.

"It took your blood, so that it could best fit you right now. It will probably even grow with you, pretty great find there." I said with a smile while walking past him.

"Come on lets get going. You can study the sword more on our journey. Besides we still have a birthday party to go to." I stowed my Kukris into my ring until I could get sheathes made for them, I was thinking of putting them crossed at my lower back. Still enough room for me to use my flexibility while still being easy to reach.

"Ya you're right, lets go." Arthur sheathed Dawns Ballad and followed after me.


Author's Note

So I was originally going to post this at a different time during their journey, but I kind of got into writing it and never stopped, so now I don't have another chapter for today lol. And I didn't want to just not post, so here's the flash back chapter a little early to truly be called a flashback chapter.

That's only if I don't get home and bust out another chapter. If I do then this Author's Note will seem kind of weird. If I get home and write another chapter then this one might not get published until I'm gone on my trip. I guess you'll know by the time this chapter is posted as I'm currently writing this at 1:36pm July 6th.

Anyways I want to apologize if anybody didn't like me using a lot of stuff almost word for word from the books, but it just felt right for some reason. People will probably also say I'm just stealing Arthur's thing, but I tried to make it make sense that Jaron would do what he did. He tried to warn both Sebastian and the king not to mess with Arthur and they didn't listen so he went off on them.

Probably won't have something happen like this for a while as I felt weird writing it. There won't be many scenarios that I'm currently thinking of where it will happen so similarly as the show to the point where I need what the characters said almost exactly.

Hope you look forward to the adventure arc.

"Thanks for reading.


next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C42
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


