Axel replied simply : "Thanks to training."
Kevin shook his head and said : "Impossible, even with practice, you have moved so fast that it was like you had teleported."
Axel wasn't a very patient person and he didn't particularly like talking with people, but this young man had managed to pique his curiosity, he asked him : "What's your name ?"
Kevin took the dagger back from him and replied : "Kevin."
Axel then saw the badge on Kevin's sweater and asked him doubtfully : "Are you a mage ?"
Kevin followed his gaze and saw the badge he had put on his sweater in case anyone asked him what he was doing there practicing.
He replied perplexe : "I just signed up and I needed to relax a little bit, aren't mages allowed to use the training ground ?"
After all it was a possibility he hadn't considered, maybe mages and fighters didn't mix.
Axel shook his head and replied with a hint of a smile : "Of course you can use the training ground, it's just very unusual for a mage to know how to fight."
Axel added : "Your technique with the stick was amazing, it was very impressive, but your lack of stamina is quite a shame."
Kevin wanted to tell him 'No kidding !' but he restrained himself in time and decided to compliment him too : "Actually, I came back here to observe your sword technique, it was the first time that I have seen such a technique, I hope I will have the opportunity to see you again training."
Although Kevin was tall he still had to lift his head to look at Axel in the eye and Axel said to him : "So it was you who were with Alan ... My name is Axel, and I don't think you will have a lot of time to come and see us training.
The mages and fighters are in separate buildings, but maybe we will be able to see each other on our day off, I would like to see again your technique too.
But first of all, you should focus on your mage training. If you like to fight then keep it to relax like now, you'll see once the classes start you won't have much free time after that."
Kevin said politely : "Thanks for your advice Axel, I hope we will meet again then, if you let me observe your technique, I will teach you mine. But the stick technique was nothing, my specialty is the daggers."
Kevin smiled at him and waved his hand before leaving. He put the daggers and broomstick back in place and left the training ground without a glance back.
Axel was completely astonished by this last revelation. A smile appeared on his face, finally someone had succeeded to catch his attention, he would definitely try to keep contact with this guy.
Kevin once he was out of the main square, walked to a store that bought and sold a bit of everything. He was sure that he could sell the jewelry and the sword here without any risk.
Once inside the store he wasted no time looking on the shelves and went straight to the manager that Kevin had met already many times in the past.
The exchange went quickly and smoothy and since the manager knew Kevin well, he made no attempt to cheat him. So with this sale he had just obtained 80 more gold coins.
He left the store after chatting a bit with the manager and then he headed for a cheap inn. He booked for two nights, and with the meals included, it only cost him 1 gold coin.
Once in his room he took out the magic bag that uncle Douglas had given to him and the book that he had inherited from 'his parents', and he decided to start with the magic bag.
Inside he found a cauldron, some books about alchemy and a book to learn spells from level 1 to 5.
There was also a large box that contained vials of different colors, on the box was written, 'Material needed to make low grade potions'.
There were also 3 boxes and inside of them there were 5 different kinds of magical herbs. He decided to take out the books to study them and leave the rest in the magic bag for the moment.
Before taking a closer look at the book Kevin's parents had left for him, he pulled out the two daggers from his magic bag and tested them.
He winced when he realized that they weren't well balanced, the handle was too heavy and the blade too light. He was going to have to practice a lot to make sure to control them properly.
After that he decided to do some stretching, he absolutely needed to loosen up this body which was as stiff as a stake. And finally he did some workouts to strengthen the parts of his body that needed it the most.
When he was satisfied and exhausted with his workouts, he went to take a shower before going downstairs to eat. Fortunately, even though technology seemed totally absent from this world, there was still a minimum of comfort and showers were part of it.
Once he was clean he went downstairs and before he sat down at a table, he kindly asked the receptionist of the inn, if he could borrow a pencil and a paper.
The man graciously provided him with it, asking him to return the pencil to him once he was done and Kevin nodded, smiling at him.
His dinner was quickly served and Kevin as he ate began to make a list of what he would need to buy before leaving Dawn city.
He thought about it carefully, and a stone to sharpen his daggers and some weights for training, he could surely find all of these when he will be in the Sun Sect.
What he needed first were new clothes, a good assassin had always plenty different sets in order to disguise himself for his different missions.
Well he wasn't an assassin anymore but this kind of habit was hard to forget and he still needed some for his training and for fighting.
He also wanted outfits that would allow him to disappear in a crowded place and on the contrary others that would enhance him, he might need to seduce someone, he couldn't neglect that possibility.
He would go in an armory too, two daggers weren't enough to make him feel safe, in his past life he always hid at least six blades on him.
He added to his list bandages, disinfectant, or at worst alcohol, and threads and needles, everything to make a first aid kit.
He used to take care of his injuries himself and he wasn't planning on going to Alan for help or going to the infirmary of the Sun Sect every time he got hurt.
When he had finished making his list, he realized that he had also finished eating, he got up and went to give the pencil back to the receptionist and then he immediately returned to his room.
It was time to take a closer look at this mysterious book which was undoubtedly related to magic.
Even in his home world the pentagram symbol was used to represent the magic.
He focused on Kevin's memory and discovered the methods he had tried to attempt to open this book.
Kevin really wasn't very resourceful, nor very smart, and he saw that he had even tried to burn the book out of desperation.
What surprised him though, was that this book had absolutely no visible damage marks. He looked at the seal and saw that it was not a lock that could be broken, so there had to be some other way to open it.
It was then that he thought back to the conversation he had had with Alan about Axel's sword. He had told him that Axel had made a blood pact with his sword in order for it to recognize him as its new master, and so he could use its powers.
He chose to try this method, it was worth a try anyway. So, he pulled out one dagger and cut one of his fingers to run a few drops of blood on the book.
Kevin eyes widened, it seemed to work, with each drop of blood that fell on the book, the pentagram became more and more golden and when the fifth drop of blood fell on it, the seal disappeared and the book swung open.
Kevin took it in his hands a little surprised because this book was totally blank, there was absolutely nothing written inside.
When he was about to put it down disappointed after this discovery, he saw a golden glow that quickly transformed into a beam and it split in two. One of the beams hit him in the middle of his forehead and the other one hit him on his left chest very close to his heart.
The golden beam that was aimed at his chest was burning his skin but he had already experienced much more excruciating pains than that, so he just clenched his teeth as he waited for the pain to subside.
As for the beam on his forehead, he felt nothing wrong with this one.
After five minutes, the two beams disappeared and the book ignited on its own, with purple flames burning it to dust.
Kevin had stood up hastily to walk away from these threatening purple flames and he was relieved to see that they disappeared along with the book.
Regardless of whether the book was missing or not, he could feel that the link between them had been successfully created, he was just wondering how he could activate this link.
He walked over to the bathroom mirror and removed his top so he could examine the burn he felt on his chest.
But he froze when he saw his face, he hadn't gotten used to that new face yet, kevin was the opposite of who he had been.
His old body had an ordinary face and went easily unnoticed, he was also of average height which made his life easier to be able to disappear quickly without ever being spotted.
But Kevin was the opposite of that, although his face had still childish traces, he could see that he was going to grow up to be a gorgeous young man, for now he could be called cute, but soon he would become handsome.
He had short black hair, green eyes that looked like emeralds and his facial features were all perfectly proportioned. His skin was white and smooth and his lips was red which gave a striking and seductive contrast.
He sighed helplessly, a face like that would surely get him more troubles than advantages, not to mention that he intended to turn Kevin's body into a real war machine, which would make him even more attractive.
He finally stopped staring at his face as there was no mark on his forehead and finally focused his attention on his chest.
A pentagram, that looked like a tattoo traced in purple ink, had appeared just above where his heart was. He touched it out of curiosity and a holographic screen materialized before his eyes.
After he recovered from this unexpected turn of event, he smirked, this screen looked more or less like the ones that were used in his home world to play virtual reality games, it suited him perfectly, after all it had been his favorite pastime when he had had free time in his past life.
His stats were right in front of his eyes and just seeing them flaunt like that, even if he suspected it a little, it almost made him want to cry.
Name : KEVIN
Race : Human
Level 1
Class : Mage
Exp : 0 / 100
Strength : 2
Agility : 2
Stamina : 1
Soul force : 180
Perception : 10
HP : 10 / 10
That was all for his poor Stats. After checking that holographic screen he found more menus, Skills, Quests, Inventory and Store.
He decided to check the Skills one, he wondered if the affinity he had with the elements will be there too.
He tried first to touch it with his finger but his hand passed through the holographic screen, so if it was not a tactil screen then it had to be connected with his mind.
He thought about opening the Skills menu and the screen instantly changed to the one representing his Skills, he was so amazed by what he saw that it made him completely speechless.
Blessed by the gods : Your body will remain in perfect health, no disease or harmful substances will hurt you.
Warrior spirit level 1 : Thanks to your fighting spirit when your HP drops below 10%, all your Stats will be multiplied by 10.
Perception level 1 : Allows you to see your opponent's level if it is not more than 30 levels above yours.
Soul force required to activate : None
Recovery level 1 : 30 min of rest allows you to recover 50 points of Soul force.
Observation level 1 : Allows you to copy spells and abilities up to level 5.
Soul force required to activate : the amount will depend on the skill or spell level.
Lightning element level 5 : 0 / 20 000
Spell : None
Water element level 3 : 0 / 5 000
Spell : None
Wind element level 1 : 0 / 1 000
Spell : None
Fire element level 0 : 0 / 200
Earth element level 0 : 0 / 200
At least this screen answered one of his many questions, his skills he had learned in his past life was mixed with what he had inherited from Kevin's body.
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