"I didn't know you had such a knack for acting," Luke teased, finally, after all the acts I'd put up to scare the priest away. "If you had told me sooner, I would have sent you to play the theater."
"Well, I'm surprised myself," I said, stifling my laughter. "Do you think I will make a good actress?" I joked.
"Absolutely," he said, without a second of pause, "and the most beautiful as well." Winking, he stole a pinch at my cheek, then received a small hit on the shoulder from me. Seriously, when will he stop being such a flirt?
Now that there was no priest to stop us, we headed straight to the white witch, who was still standing alone in the middle of the church. She seemed surprised when we approached her.
"Hello," Luke greeted, and the woman—the young girl—froze in place.