5 years later…..
A young boy could be seen copying out Latin in a room, sourounded by monks. Each and every one of them stared in wonder as the boy showcased skill beyond his years.
However, while this was a surprising site for monks outside of David's teachings, as contributors towards his growth, Athelstan and many high rank monks had pride in their eyes as well as reverence as they still beloved the child to be the reincarnation of Jesus.
David, who had a strange disliking towards his name, smiled as he finished the page. The rest of the monks quickly got back to what they were doing and David left for the chapel.
Upon arrival, David got down to pray, he took this time, rather than to talk to god, but to think back on his last five years.
The first year had been the trickiest, of course, learning how to walk and having no control over your body was a extremely discomforting experience for the once 18 year old boy.
Though, after the first year was over I quickly realised a change in myself, in my last life I had been relatively smart, but not to the extent I was now, no, now I was a genius beyond anyone I had ever seen. Every book I picked up, i remembered the content, it took me a couple weeks to learn Latin, that and the many other languages my teachers taught me took at most 2 months.
By now I had a grasp on most languages used in this time, as well as knowledge of history about every ruler up till now and the geography of the land. Similarly, i learnt about plants and their uses and survival in the wild. Furthermore, topics linked to math and tactics in the battlefield had been taught by a special teacher the monks had brought in.
Despite this tho, I was lacking any skills in actual fighting as the monks believed me too young for anything like that.
With all my retained knowledge, I was not lacking in any field but experience. Which, much to my delight, was about to be fixed quite soon.
Athelstan, upon finding me, made it his wish and promise to god to look after me uptil I was of age, that and teach me everything he knew, which wasn't a lot owing to he young age.
Because of this, he had delayed the journey he was about to partake in upon the discovery of David and so, five years later the time for their journey neared its begging.
With his thoughts sorted out David stood up from prayer, and exited the chapel and returned to the small shack he and Athelstan lived in.
With the little things he had packed, he was ready to set off the next day. Athelstan too, now 17, stood at the door looking in, a smile gracing his lips.
The next day, David got up very quickly, the time he had spent at Lindisfarne, while memorable, was not comparable to the great stories he had heard of this time in the future. As such, the beggining of his journey filled him with much joy. Although they were going to spread the word of god to hethen regions, David held little interest in matters of religion, but rather played the part of a good Christian to please the monks.
While picking up the little we were bringing, Athelstan and I said goodbye to all the monks, I held a special bond with each of them as they had brought me up, some more that others.
And so, we left, the first destination was frankia, as Athelstan had heard of their skilled illumination and the many artefacts they held, left behind by martyrs, saints of the church.
Minutes past, and just as we left the vicinity of Lindisfarne, I said.
"You know that I am not the reincarnation of Jesus." I paused. " Don't you, Athelstan?"
He laughed at this, but then looking me in the eye, just smiled.
"Of course I do."
Now, while this filled me with relief, it filled me with equal amount of panick, had I been seen through?
While I was beggining to get scared, he started of into the distance, and whispered.
"No one that askes as many questions as you do, even so far as going against the Bible, would be the reincarnation of Jesus."
I laughed at this, that's right, my blasphemous questions caused a lot of trouble at Lindisfarne. Then my smiled disappeared and I quickly, questioned.
"But then, why do you still look after me?" Tears threatened to fall as my bodies age beat my mental age for control.
"You are a genius." He stated. " and any genius will eventually love god."
The naive conviction of a raised Christian shone through him, which at the time seemed stupid, however many years later David, then known by another name , thought back to his teacher and chuckled at his own naivety.
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