26.31% My life as Sasuke / Chapter 10: Chapter 10

章 10: Chapter 10

Chapter 10

It has been three days since Team 7 arrived at Tazuna's place. Even though the thought of Zabuza being alive was a huge problem it only made all three students to be more motivated to get stronger.

Kakashi has again started to train all three of his students after almost giving them time. Which was more than half a month of self training. Kakashi believes that training by your own willingness is much more fruitful than doing it by someone's order. And that's why Kakashi had stopped training them after two and a half month to see what happens next.

It was almost as he expected. Sasuke came back next day at the same time to train with him like there was no change. No matter how hard he goes against him he will stand up again and again and again. Truth be told it has long passed the time for being proud about it. He is not worried about Sasuke. Because even though Sasuke was a training maniac he doesn't gose overboard which can harm his body and He even made few hobbies to help him. He can say Sasuke is in a perfect routine to train and relax.

Though he is still worried about Sasuke. Sasuke has become more passive type and knowing that not just the greedy villagers but also the council is trying to control his life it wouldn't take much for him to snap at them. He can imagine the calm Sasuke is the more dangerous he is. Besides that he can say for sure it would take a month or little more to reach Sasuke on the level he was before starting his training. He just hopes that Sasuke will be strong and calm to endure the dirty village politics. Because he can sit on his clan head position after becoming a chunin and it really wouldn't be long before he becomes chunin.

With a sigh Kakashi looked at his other two students training. Both Naruto and Sakura has now become a good genin level though not the experienced one.

Kakashi looked at Naruto and thought about his progress. He still feels guilty at Naruto's strength level and common sense. Naruto still wears that orange jumpsuit even after telling him the importance of stealth and colour choices. Naruto is still a loud mouth and no common sense whatsoever.

But he is a battle genius his split second decision making still is on par with Sasuke who was able to achieve it after his hard training. But other than that he is a clown. Kakashi knows that to solve this problem Naruto needs a parental figure not a teacher. But the elders and the council members are already displeased at the fact that he is training the Kyubi host. He was not able to adopt him when Naruto was three but now he can't because even the other clan's wouldn't agree to give one the clan more power. Almost all the clan heads know who Naruto's parents are but they only see him as a tool for their clan and for some a monster even after knowing the truth.

Kakashi is trying to do his best but Naruto doesn't likes to think things through and that is a huge problem. He is still like a four years old child. He knows that it is impossible to change Naruto completely but he will try to make him more mature at least. Because both of his parents were genius and that Naruto should also have..... He can just hope.

Finally his last student he is both satisfied and disappointed in her. He is Satisfied because even after being from a civilian family she is trying hard when he is around. But that's it. She totally doesn't like to train on her own. She had stopped her diet after some talk but she still the short tempered naive girl. Her strength ,stamina and speed all are average after the two and half months training. Her chakra is average and only her control was the best in the team which now Sasuke achieved with his hardwork and determination.

With thinking about all that he stood up from his place. " Now it should be my time to attack him." With that Kakashi went to happily hunt his favourite student who was dead tired after his Kenjutsu training.


I washed myself in the river water. I was tired after the entire day's training. " Aaa....h this is so relaxing. I only hope Kakashi sensei wouldn't attack me now... That bastard even made me paranoid by my own shadow...." With a long suffering sigh I closed my eyes to take some rest in the water.

Today probably will be my first kill. I thought that killing Gato will be the best way to complete the quest and it seems I was right. Kakashi sensei had sent his summoned dogs to find Gato's base and to inform the Hokage about the mission.

Well the Hokage was angry with all of us that we accepted a mission which is now A rank. But still the Hokage agreed on Gato's assassination mission and given us it as a S rank mission. Gato was one of the richest people in the shinobi world that's why it is guaranteed that we will be able to get a considerable amount of money. He also told him to find proof of his deeds and collect all the blackmail which are being used against other nobels.

But there is a problem the Hokage wants sensei to kill all the mercenaries and Gato with them. The only exception is the two missing nin. And his next sentences made it sure to see his real self. The Hokage said to give all the money and things which we find in the base to the people of wave but..... There is a BIG BUT he wants us to find informations about all the other locations where he has hidden his money. He probably will send his Anbu to get all those money from other bases in dark but in light it will look like leaf's generosity on helping the wave country.

But all that will only happen after he massacre more than two hundred people for that. It was only a mission for Kakashi sensei but he told me to prepare so I will be able to make my first kill. He knows that both Naruto and Sakura are not ready to take this step so he only told me.

' Killing more than two hundred people just for money.... Who am I kidding they destroyed and killed thousands of people for only money. And all these money mainly comes from those nobles.... All three wars happened because of them. First war was so they can show their pride. Second was in the name of revenge and the third was their foolishness.' I thought to myself thinking about the people of this world.

' Even in all three wars no capital where the nobles lives were attacked. All because of them common peoples suffered.... I will try my hardest to stop this noble system after the war. They are nothing but bunch of useless politicians. And if Naruto started to shout that I should give them another chance I will leave the village. Because there's no way I will let my family suffer because of a brainwashed idiot. Or in worst case I will leave to another world useing my Rinnagan. ' I slapped myself for thinking way to much. There no guarantee what the future holds for us. I only hope Naruto will also see the dark side of the People because I don't want to see the same clown Hokage which was in Boruto.

I was fortunate that Kakashi sensei decided not to attack me while I was taking rest in the river. After some times later I left the place. I was refreshed after the bath. With a small smile and a bounce on my steps I started to go back to Tazuna's house.

When I entered the room I saw only Kakashi sensei was there. And the by the sounds coming from outside it seems Naruto is still on it. I only feels disappointed in the fact that even after Naruto having more potential than me ' for now that is' he wastes almost all of it. When something is not working I try to understand what is the result coming from doing it that way and what can I change. And like that I try to find the best way to complete the task. As for Naruto if it's not working then you need more chakra and the idiot doesn't even ask for help. And because of this stupid nature he wastes a lot of chakra and time.

And that's why he is only able to use Wind release: Great breakthrough jutsu. Other two became useless because he uses two much chakra even after having needed chakra control. Kakashi sensei lastly gave him Shadow shuriken technic to work with the wind release Great breakthrough.

I just sat in the bed." Take a short nap. We will go out midnight. And prepare your for killing." Kakashi said to me with flat tone. I can tell Kakashi sensei was very dissatisfied with the mission. It was not an assassination mission instead it is now a massacre. He didn't wanted me to come at first but I just said" I have seen worse." When I read the message with him. He didn't said anything but I can tell it is not first time for him to kill this many people. The world is really very badly messed up was my thought before I closed my eyes to sleep.


At the midnight two figures started to ran following a dog. After sometime they reached near the end of Wave country. There stood a base which looks more like a market. Both of them stopped in the trees looking towards the market.

" That is a black market. There are shinobi's in there so we have to be careful." Kakashi said. " It also explains why no one assassinated Gato. He is probably useing his money and connections to help the black market." He explained to his student.

" We will first see the entire place and assess the danger. If I give the signal we will go inside Gato's building." He showed a map marked. " I will get information from Gato and you withy shadow clone put this bag full of explosives around the building all the while killing his guards." He then gave Sasuke explosives full bags.

They changed their clothes and covered their face body and hair with clothes. After entering the market they saw almost a lot of people were doing the same to hide identity.

It took them an hour to completely search the market with satisfaction. There were only few shinobi's most of them were genin level and only few were chunin level. With the signal of Kakashi Sasuke made two shadow clones and he made one.

Kakashi left to find Gato and Sasuke left with his two Shadow clones and Kakashi's shadow clones to look after him.

One of Sasuke's shadow clones stared to put paper tags. And the real body entered a room by the window with just a flick of his hand he killed two members useing Kunai. In this mission Kakashi has forbidden him to use his chokuto.

Sasuke looked at the dead person body with blank face. He was trying hard not to throw up. After taking few breath he started calm down. " No is not the time." He said I a whisper. He didn't noticed but his sharingan was activated because of the huge emotion he was feeling. He had already put the seal so it showed that has one Tomo in each eye. Kakashi's shadow clone just looked at the scene with a sigh.

After that he started his massacre. He used the shadows for his help and use his Sharingan unconsciously. He killed people left and right. Because of the Sharingan active he was remembering all the people he was killing and their last moments.

His other shadow clone had the job to pack everything in storage scrolls. And the first one was busy putting paper tags on important places in the building.

It took almost half an hour for him to kill all the people in the building. It was exactly 247 people and remember each and everyone's face before their death. That's when Kakashi came.

Kakashi just put his hand on Sasuke's shoulder. Sasuke took a deep breath and closed his eyes. When he opened it it was back to his normal. With a blank face and flat tone he asked," Is it done." Kakashi just gave a single nod.

With that they left the place and the market in just few minutes. When they were outside of the black market Kakashi just used a hand seal and all the explosives started to explode.

It was a quite journey back. When they arrived Sasuke went to the place where he trained everyday and started to punch the tree without any chakra. His anger at kill so many people was out. In anger he destroyed the tree using his bare fist without any use of chakra.

He knew it would be hard for him because of his first kill. But to kill 247 people just like that made him angry over this messed up world. The fact that most of them didn't even knew when the died made it even worse.

After almost an hour he was drained of all his energy because of the emotional rollercoaster. He just fell on the ground sleeping.

After few moments Kakashi came to pic his student up. And with a Shunshin he left the place with sleeping Sasuke.

[ Okay I want to tell you I don't like harem but.. it is necessary in this fic because Sasuke will not join Orochimaru and people will not hate him. Even so if you don't want I will not make it Harem.

If you want I can easily put both Sakura and Ino. Because they likes him.

I can put Temari in political marriage. If you want that is.

Besides that I think Hinata should... Naruto or not you choose. And Hanabi?

Lastly there will not be much older girls. Even though my favourite is Konan.

If not any of it should I just make SasuxKarixSakuxIno.

Give your answer in comments. ]

NahinS77 NahinS77

Please Comment to help me choose girls for Sasuke. If it is done now I will be able to plan for the future.

Lastly give power stones.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C10
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


