88.88% My Last Breath: Book One of the Portal Series / Chapter 40: Chapter Thirty-Three: Queen Angelina Of Dibbley.

章 40: Chapter Thirty-Three: Queen Angelina Of Dibbley.

As the freakishly tall woman arrives back with drinks and food as promised, Perry's attitude towards her changes drastically. He thanks her for providing for us but becomes very stern with the fact that she ignored me entirely on arrival. He forces the stranger to formally introduce herself to me, something he noted she failed to do.

With panic upon her face, she stands, "Greetings, miss! I apologize for not providing enough attention to you. Please call me Romi, I am Queen Angelina's close assistant. I serve the front wing of the castle and provide for our guests."

Having the courage to look at Romi for more than one second I notice how she towers over Perry as he stands to shake her hand. The vampire is slender and has the slickest black hair I've ever seen. Her dark eyes are ominous, almost black in the dim lighting of the room.

After reminiscing about the past for longer than they should, Romi and Perry have been well acquainted. The two knew each other as children and somewhat grew up together, although Romi is older than him. Her anf her familiy would visit on royal business.

Now in a more serious manner, we discuss our plans vaguely, mentioning that we have a dark matter we are in desperate need of discussing with the Queen. We explain how we saw the flyer going around in search of the twins.

We leave out Perry's enslavement and my duty to free him, and how we must part immediately after the legal papers are signed. We demand that we want to keep a low profile, and by no means will allow non-royals to know we're here.

"It sounds like it is time for me to fetch Queen Angelina?"

Perry adjusts himself in his seat by putting more distance between us. He moves his shoulders back, and stops leaning on the back of the sofa, sitting up straighter, "Yes, only her." He clasps his hands together in his lap.

Once we're alone again I ask, "Do you think that went well?"

He frowns, "We either could get a dismission from our guards, or they will allow us to stay. It depends on what my aunt decides."

I assure him, "She's been looking for you."

He lifts one of his hands to his chin and then rubs his index finger along his full bottom lip, "Expect the worst, my love."

If we expect the worst it won't hurt as bad when it happens.

Before Romi's approaching the door I can hear her quick footfalls through the front hall, along with a second who must be the Queen. Vampires do have an incredible speed, she was only gone a few minutes.

I whisper, "They're coming."

Perry alters his sitting position once more, crossing a leg and then undoing it.

From outside I hear Romi, "...the girl, she smells Elyrian but they've been exposed to humans. Be cautious about trusting them."

"Who exactly are they?" A soft voice sputters.

"You will see."

Romi knocks at the door so loudly it appears as if it's piercing my eardrums, or is it just anxiousness?

As we invite her in, tension fills my body. I hear the sound of the metal door handle, the hinges squeaking, and a creak. Immediately as the woman comes into view, I notice her striking features, similar to Perry's. Before I can even focus on her looks I catch a sparkle in her dress, distracting me.

The forest green fabric makes her stand out entirely. It appears similar to a simple cottagecore dress a woman would wear from the eighteenth century, the only opposing detail is how it's trimmed with gold and has tiney elegant swirls at the hem.

Additionally, the white glittery gems sewn into the fabric would not be on that type of style dress. It's a mixture of two different ideas consisting of a u shaped neck, with much room for her collarbone and cleavage. The shoulders are covered and have a light puff at the seam. The sleeves are half-cut, and match the gold trim on the hem.

Her top piece is smooth while the bottom skirt part has folded creases, and a slight alteration making her hips look heightened. The skirt is not as poofy as a ballgown but still has enough to make sure it's not flat.

Though the dress is in immaculate condition I wouldn't be surprised if it did come from long ago, considering how old she must be.

Eventually, Romi enters behind her and shuts the door, "Presenting her royal highness, Queen Angelina of Dibbley."

Perry's aunt scoffs, "No need to be so formal, Romi." She appears annoyed, shooing the assistant away to stand behind the empty couch in front of me.

As queen Angelina steps over to us Perry jumps up to his feet, causing the couch to make a sound of its springs below the velvet cushion.

He gives her a small head nod, but she gives him less formality back by running to him and embracing him in her arms. Perry's body tenses out of unexpectation.

Watching them causes me this feeling of embarrassment, knowing I'm watching a tender moment between two family members. I shouldn't be here. They should be enjoying this moment together without another pair of eyes watching. I glance at Romi, whose face is entirely blank.

When the hug doesn't end quickly I continue to watch, finding the pair being the same height and resembling that ghostly pale skin tone. The end of the dress has encompassed Perry's legs, holding him hostage and threatening to trip him if he moves.

The Queen brushes her hair out of her face before she rests her head on his shoulder. Her light brown hair is waist length, consisting of light curls that drape over her shoulders. As she rubs her nephew's upper back he starts to relax again, letting his chest fall into her.

When she pulls back to take a long stare at his face I finally can see her profile. She has beautiful smooth cheeks. I'm stunned at the fact that this woman doesn't look like what I'd imagined originally for being in her last century where she will start aging.

Unable to remove my eyes from her, I see her own sparking a baby blue color. They're glossed over with tears as she stares, but then she gives in and blinks allowing them to stream down her high cheekbones, "Perry darling, they are letting you back!" She says softly.

I'm stunned, even if the statement is completely out of context. This could be great news!

Her face shows no wrinkles or any other signs of aging. The woman could be mistaken for someone in their early twenties such as myself. Her perfect features resemble a statue, as if she was intricately carved into stone and then brought to life as a living creature. Is all of Perry's family as beautiful as this?

"They?" He mutters before exchanging a confused look with me.

"The Elder Vampires!" She takes a hefty step backward, "I recently sent them a message stating that your banishment could prevent our royal family from ruling again. Without a leader, a war will break out to fight for the throne."

Perry gestures to her, his hand shaking, "Y-you are the last?"

She nods, "Everybody is gone and unfortunately, I'm in my last century."

Perry sits down beside me once more. He's silent for a long while, looking down at his palms. I don't know what's going on inside his head, but I wish I could comfort him as I did when I held him a few nights ago.

With his head low he whispers, "What happened to my parents?"

Queen Angelina takes in a sharp breath so I blink up at her, immediately watching her face fall, "This isn't the news you'd want to hear, but they perished..." I feel sick. "...in a shipwreck sometime after you were banished."

This time I'm watching Perry's face fall, reminding me of the first moment I met him. He looked incredibly handsome, yet had sunken eyes and a frown plastered across his lips. He looked like he could break down any second, and now he looks just like that.

He only mumbles, "I..."

"Eventually I was crowned Queen until you or your brother came back."

Without warning Perry slides over to me so his leg is touching mine. He doesn't hesitate before falling into my arms, hiding his tears. Unsure if this is appropriate in front of others I slowly wrap my arms around his shoulders anyway. His head tips, moving to nuzzle on my shoulder.

His fingertips grip my waist, sending warm shivers up my side. Breaking a silent rule of not showing affection like this again weighs on me. Furthermore, doing it in front of another person is like the sour cherry on top where no one is supposed to know.

Still, I give in, allowing the sides of our heads to meet gently, sending signals of tingles through my skull and face.

"I'm so sorry," I choke out, becoming emotional for two strangers I'll never meet.

Perry breathes in my scent, his breaths uneven and sharp. He slides his hands past my waist and around to my back, squeezing me in anguish. Hot tears start rolling down my cheeks.

I comfort my secret lover, "I'm right here." A tear of his drips onto my shoulder, seeping into my clothes and soaking into my skin.

Standing behind the Queen I notice Romi, her eyes glued to us. I'm not sure if she's disliking what she's seeing or if she doesn't know how to react to such emotion. Either way, I'd like it if she left us alone.

A pain in my chest surprises me, and so I hold the vampire tighter against my body. His breaths start to even out as I rub my thumb along his back. Once he's relaxed against me, I finally feel stable as well.

"We all took it very hard." The Queen sighs, "Though that was over a century ago."

Perry pulls away from me slowly, putting the slightest amount of distance between us. He clasps his hands together in his lap, but I wish I could hold his hand.

"On the bright side, it's looking like you have the chance that your banishment will be lifted. Sending messages takes moons. I'm awaiting their final answer."

"The Elders are allowing it?" He murmurs.

"They're not the same men who decided your fate anyway. Those men have been long gone."

I grin from ear to ear, experiencing a joy I never thought I'd feel. I'm washed with relief, understanding there's a high chance his banishment will be lifted. This means he's going to be safe!

Was the rabbit right?

Perry stands, pacing in front of me left and right. He decides to dodge the coffee table and go around toward the fireplace across from the closed door. He picks at something on the mantle, a large frame. I never noticed the painting, mostly consisting of people I don't recognize, besides Perry and his twin.

"And what happened to my sister?"

"Piper is no longer with us either, she went missing after your banishment. No one could trace her, and we now believe she is dead as well."

"And my brother?"

The Queen smiles, "He miraculously arrived a week ago. We thought he died in the war, but a body was not recovered..." Perry spins around with his sudden agility as she speaks. "Eventually we heard rumors of others seeing him on an island. We believe he has been ill."

"How long was he gone?"

"Years, over seventy at least."

"Where was he?"

Queen Angelina frowns, "It's a tough subject, he doesn't remember much. We think he was taken as a slave but escaped."

I become uneasy as Perry's eyes scan the room. Something feels off, dangerously off. It's so similar to my situation I can't help but wonder if the Hunters have something to do with this.

"I am a slave."

The pace of the Queen's heart rate changes, increasing as the silence does. She gulps liquid from a small wine glass on the table, "Is this why Romi refused to tell me who was here to see me?"

The two of us nod simultaneously.

"And where is your master?"

"Elenor is my master."

"An Elyrian came to own you?"

Perry's expressionless face turns to me, I watch his eyes look me up and down. His cheeks soften, and his lips go into a small smile, "Something like that, but that's only legally. I believe Elenor was meant to set me free."

My voice is hushed, "I've wanted to free him since the moment I was gifted him, that's why we're here."

"By all means, we will get that done."

We go over the same spheal with the Queen about staying private. This time she decides to make it her duty to protect us, and states nobody is going to know anything unless we tell them ourselves.

"We can easily provide private meals and use the Queen's Foyer as a safe haven, especially since the front wing of the castle is meant for foreign meetings. We won't have many staff in this area."

I sigh of relief, feeling as though we don't have to explain ourselves to why we want to stay hidden.

"Sleeping arrangements will have to be safe as well," She gestures toward me. "You'll have to be housed inside the Royal Quarters."

Out of the blue, I'm distracted from my company and hear a door opening, startling me. Two sets of feet casually echo down the large hallway outside of the Queen's Foyer. Are those the same ones I previously heard when we arrived who were leaving?

A woman speaks softly, "I wonder if she's in her foyer."

My stomach falls, but I don't want to interrupt the conversation.

Perry suggests, "Elenor could take Piper's room, then she'd be close to me."

"Her room is off limits for everybody, just as yours and Nenook's have been."

Perry smiles for a second until a sharp knock on the door makes us both jump. I half expect the door to open and have the people barge in but instead, Romi moves to answer the door. She reaches for the handle, and I fear that she will open it but she doesn't yet, "May I ask who?"

"Royals only, it's Nenook and Lady Gretchen," The voice is awfully familiar but I can't put a finger on it.

The Queen questions Perry for approval but being on the spot he only gets to his feet again, ignoring everyone's eyes and anticipation for an answer. His green sapphires float around the room, unable to focus on one thing. He begins pacing as before, this time behind the couch we sat on. Eventually, he nods and gestures for the door.

His aunt confirms, "They may enter."

As the door opens I take a small peek then turn away fast enough for the figure to only be a blur of blond hair and fancy clothing. Everyone around me is still, and a gasp comes from the doorway. The person draws my attention and I give him a similar expression back.

Shockingly I see Perry, thinking he'd moved but when I see the clothes I know it's not him. He wears dress pants and a dress shirt, with fancy black shoes that shine. The man's face stiffens, but he doesn't look at me.

Over my shoulder, the real Perry stands, he is so still I could think he's dead if I couldn't hear his heartbeat so clearly. He and his identical twin have a stare-off until his look-alike steps to the side, revealing a woman who's slightly taller than him. I pay her no mind because I'm still in shock, even as she enters the room first.

The image of Perry and his twin on the flyer appears in my brain. Perry anticipated lots of change in Dibbley before arriving here, but we never discussed the fact that there was a possibility his brother could be here. I'd just assumed the royal family was still looking for both of them.

The woman's mouth falls open, exposing a pair of long fangs. They sparkle, appearing as white as the marble floors. She moves over enough to allow the man to enter and for Romi to shut the door securely. The stranger is dressed in attire that's entirely foreign to me, looking formal with a similar cut to the Queen's dress, only with no jewels or special golden trim.

She runs forward towards him unable to contain herself. Her eyes start to tear up and she starts laughing, "I can't believe it's really you!"

Her strawberry blonde hair has loose curls that go way down past her shoulders, she doesn't even push them out of her face before she ends up practically falling into his arms with excitement. As heartwarming as this is, jealousy starts arising inside of me watching the smile on her face. She squeezes him tight, jumping up and down with her shoes clicking against the floor.

Does every female vampire have such long hair?

When they pull away she stares him straight in the eyes, hers sparkling. When she doesn't move after a few seconds I'd say she's too close for comfort. Her absolute admiration for him is clear.

I suddenly fear how she's going to react to me considering I'm close with Perry. I'd hate to break it to her that he and I have this strange connection, hopefully, he will keep that between us while he's home.

She pulls out a handkerchief and dabs the tears off her cheeks before she turns and greets the Queen, "We'd been in search of you, but the matter can wait."

Perry comes to sit beside me, across from the woman who's beside the Queen. His twin, on the other hand, continues to stand, crossing his arms.

The man sniffs the air and looks at me with fright, "What reaks of Human and Elyrian?"

I instantly shy away, wondering if being the minority is going to feel this belittling. I'm not really thrilled about the fact that vampires can smell my kind, I didn't know that was a thing.

My palms become sweaty and as I grip my left thumb with my right hand I start squeezing too tight.

The Queen stands, "Nenook, that is no way to be treating an important guest..." She makes him look like a child.

"You've changed brother, or shall I even call you that?"

I bite my lower lip hard, not wanting to be the issue here. I'll be gone soon enough and they can pretend I was never here. Besides, shouldn't he be excited to see his brother after hundreds of years? Or is this some brotherly dispute that's lasted since the last time they'd seen each other?

The twin goes to sit across from us.

"Elenor's no human," Perry defends me. "Our aunt doesn't seem to have a problem with her, so if you do then leave."

His temperament has changed quickly, becoming persistent and strong. No one would be able to tell how reserved and shy he was previously. I didn't think he'd stand up for me in such a way considering he never truly stood up to Leddy like this.

"So while we take a much-needed evening to discuss family business she's going to be listening?" Nenook gestures towards me, his voice isn't raised but he's still threatening enough.

The woman nudges him in the side forcefully causing him to stop, "Please Nenook, we haven't had the chance to talk to them because you've been running your big ass mouth."

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C40
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


