1.92% My Journey in other worlds starting from the world All of us are dead. / Chapter 1: Chapter-1: Hiroki Granger
My Journey in other worlds starting from the world All of us are dead. My Journey in other worlds starting from the world All of us are dead. original

My Journey in other worlds starting from the world All of us are dead.

作者: Jagadish_A_8390

© WebNovel

章 1: Chapter-1: Hiroki Granger


An unknown space in the universe,


An empty white room.


The room was completely empty and white. The walls were crisp, clean white, and there was nothing in the room itself; no furniture, no decorations, not even a window. It was a perfectly plain and pristine room, with nothing to break up the starkness of the white walls.


Suddenly a person appeared out of nowhere. This man had a confused face looking around his surroundings.


The man was quite handsome, with a chiselled jaw and bright black eyes that shone in the white light of the room. His hair was dark, and he had a strong, muscular physique. He wore a crisp white shirt and dark jeans, and his presence seemed to bring a sense of life to the empty space.


"Well, where the fuck am I?" shouted the man with a confused face.


This man is Hiroki Granger, a half-Japanese and half-American and a failed high school student aged 20 who dropped out of school because he couldn't afford the money. This happened because his parents died in an accident, and the money and inheritance that was supposed to belong to him was swindled by his uncle leaving him nothing. After that, he dropped out of school.


After that, he had done many part-time jobs to fill his stomach, like this he reached the age of 20 living a crappy life for 2 years. But because of that crappy life, he died because he collapsed while crossing the road because of his weak body due to his crappy life, and here ends our hero's first life.


"Hello, is there someone? "


"No one."


"Hey is this hell or heaven?"


"This is different from comics and TV shows."


"Those writers fooled me, anyway where is this? "


"Am I going to be stuck here forever?" shouted Hiroki looking around the white space with fear. He doesn't want to be stuck here forever.


[ Welcome ]

As he was cursing a blue screen appeared in front of him.


"Woah, what is this? "


[ Hello Hiroki Granger I'm a system what you should have heard in your previous life ]

"System ? "




Well, this is weird, such a thing exists. Well, I can guess seeing these things after death is not weird.


"Then where am I?"


[The system space].


"Can I get out of here?"


[Yes, but after you agree to system conditions ]


Hearing the word conditions, Hiroki had a bad feeling the same feeling when his uncle swindled his property.


"What are the conditions?"


[You have to travel to different worlds and complete various missions and become strong]


"Why? "


[The system has its purpose and will tell you when you become powerful enough to know the truth.]


"What if I disagree?"


[ Kick you out of here and you will die ]


"Well you are ruthless " said Hiroki with some fear.


[The life you are living now is given by the system, so it is right for me to take it]


[If you don't agree to the system conditions]


Hearing that Hiroki began to think, Well he also dreamed of many times having a system and travelling to other worlds and marrying many wives. He also felt he could agree if the system conditions were not that difficult. But then he thought of a problem.


"System what happens when I fail the mission?"


"There won't be punishments right?" asked Hiroki with doubt. He felt this should be the main point before agreeing to the system conditions.


If the punishments are like death and other nightmare-like things, he won't agree because he has to live in constant fear of completing the missions. Which won't be different from his previous life.


[There won't be punishments, but you will lose the opportunity of that world ]


[The system also doesn't restrict you, the missions I provide are just for your growth]


[ If you miss the mission, you just lose the opportunity to make yourself stronger ]


"So that's it then I agree to your conditions " said Hiroki with a smile. There won't be punishments. What else is more valuable than this? A system without punishment is great.


[ Then the system installation will commence ]


[1%.....10% .....50%.....100%]


[Installation complete]


"Well is it completed?" asked Jiroki in confusion as he didn't feel anything.


[Completed, now you can claim your starter pack]


"Woah, I have a starter pack? "


[ Yes, to support the host the system will provide you with a starter pack ]


"Then what else open it? "


[ The starter pack opened ]


[You have gained a body with infinite potential]


[Swordsmanship skill ( A)]


[ A well-crafted samurai sword ]


[A tenfold increase card]


Seeing the items Hiroki was shocked beyond words.


"System can I have all this? "




"Then integrate all of them now," said Hiroki excitedly.


As he said this, he felt his strength increasing, and he could feel his power growing. And he also felt he was at the peak of human swordsmanship as if he could also take on bullets at this time. Like Deadpool.


And a katana also appeared around his waist


"System check my stats "



Name: Hiroki Granger

Race: Unknown

Physique: A body with infinite potential

Bloodlines: None

Life span: infinite

Vitality: 100

Strength: 100

Speed: 100

Stamina: 100

Spirit: 200

Defence: 100 (a healthy grown adult has 10 stats in all his attributes)


Skills: Swordsmanship(A), Swordsman mind(A)

Special abilities: None

Evaluation: A swordsman at the pinnacle of the human realm

Points: 0



Seeing the stats Hiroki was satisfied at the same time confused about his spirit attribute, well he ignored it as he thought it was brought because of system integration. As for the empty Magic attribute, he felt it because he lived in a world where no magic was present so he had no magic. But he was dumbfounded when he saw his race.


'Hey what happened? Did I stop being human ?'



[So Host are you ready for the first world you are going to travel to, for your safety the first world will be a low-level world ]


[ And the system you got integrated with will not have self-awareness ]


[But it is a part of me, it has all the functions I have ]


[After you leave this place you will not be able to enter this place until you reach a certain level]


[ So if you have any questions ?]




[Then happy journey Hiroki ]


"I forgot which world I was going to?" asked Hiroki as he thought he had forgotten the important thing.


[You are travelling to the world "All of us are dead"]


Hearing that Hiroki's mind was shocked


"What....." Shouted Hiroki as he disappeared from the white space.









Jagadish_A_8390 Jagadish_A_8390

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


