

As we materialize in the bedroom, a brilliant flash of light illuminates the modestly sized space, revealing the light blue walls that lend a calm and peaceful ambiance to the room. On the left side of the room, a clustered shelf dominates the wall, bursting with an eclectic mix of figurines, books, and manga of all kinds. It's clear that the seventeen-year-old protagonist is an otaku at heart, as the collection hints at a deep love for Japanese pop culture.

As I look around I spot a small desk situated, right next to the shelves, right by the large window, cluttered with textbooks, papers, and a laptop, with a trashcan filled with used tissues was placed right next to it. The stale and unpleasant odor hanging in the air of the room was quite unwelcoming, and the room could benefit from some fresh air. A snap of my finger casts [Tergeo], making the air breathable again, and cleaning up the room just a little bit.

On the right side of the room, a large twin-sized platform bed takes center stage. A comfortable-looking white comforter and a few decorative pillows are scattered on the bed. The snoring teenager was fast asleep, completely oblivious to our sudden arrival.

After promptly using [Stupefy] on the child and applying a [Muffliato] charm to the walls to enable covert communication, Olivia finally turned around and berated me, "Why on earth did you choose this location?" With a glare, she continued, "If you harmed that child, you'll be in trouble!"

I rolled my eyes and hastily reassured her, "I merely stunned him..." She scrutinized me momentarily, using a technique that I believe will soon become a skill, she confirmed the validity of my statement. I plucked some of the boy's hair and transformed it into a race card.

[Devil] [DxD]

+3 STR, +4 VIT, +2 PER, +3 CHAR per Global Level

- Gain the skill [Night Vision], allowing you to see in the dark.

- Gain the skill [Language], allowing you to understand and your words to be understood by anyone.

- Suffer headaches and immense pain when going near anything considered holy.

- Decrease resistance towards the holy elements by 50%.

Equipping the race card immediately, I was happy to find that my physical appearance remained unchanged. Though I sensed the potential to summon wings from my back at any moment, everything else appeared to remain the same, except for my stats.

[Night Vision LVL: N/A]

- Allows the user to see clearly in non-magical darkness.

[Language LVL: N/A]

- Allows the user to understand and his words to be understood by anyone.

I placed my hand on the boy's chest, I felt the energies coursing through him and exclaimed, "Yes!" Olivia shot me an awkward glance, but I brushed it off and handed her some of the boy's hair, explaining, "I remembered that the Devils utilize something called Demonic Power, and I was concerned that I'd have to learn how to manipulate it from scratch. But it turns out that Demonic Power is simply another form of mana." I snorted at my own foolishness.

Puzzled, Olivia inquired, "Would mastering a new type of energy be such a major issue?" just before she also transformed into her new form.

I shrugged and replied, "Not really. As far as I remember, it's some kind of imagination-based spell casting. The kid doesn't know how to utilize it yet, so we'll need to find someone who does."

Comprehending my reasoning, Olivia nodded and queried, "So did we only come here to obtain the race, or do you have plans to do something to him?" She inclined her head toward the bed, squinting her eyes in suspicion.

"Thank you for asking," I replied, grinning widely as I began to weave a new spell. [Archive] sprang into action, utilizing all of my knowledge of souls, while [Intuitive Aptitude] and [Focus] aided me in better comprehending what was transpiring before me. A smaller fourth-tier Astral and Soul affinity spell materialized just above the unconscious boy.

The spell absorbed tens of thousands of mana per second directly from me, and ethereal tendrils glowing with an ominous gray hue emitted energies that caused the hair on our bodies to stand up. Olivia shot me a worried look, but I disregarded it and activated the spell. The tendrils shot out of the circle and entered the teen's body, causing him to spasm uncontrollably, but not harming him in the process.

As the tendrils searched around the soul, the spell wobbled and the boy started foaming from the mouth. "Andrew, stop it! You're going to kill him!" Olivia yelled.

"It doesn't matter. He just needs to stay alive until I extract the dragon's soul within him," I responded. My words caused her eyes to widen, but before she could say anything else, the spell finally latched onto its target and ripped out a pulsing red orb from the boy's soul, causing only minor damage. "Well, it'll heal over time," I remarked, ignoring the fact that the extraction process could have easily killed him.

[Class: [Soul Mage] unlocked.]

(Olivia's POV)

I watch in horror as Andrew's spell tears something out of the unconscious kid's body. I rush to his side to check for vital signs and let out a sigh of relief upon detecting a pulse. Turning to face Andrew, and with mixed feelings ask, "Why would you do something like that?" My voice quivers as the boy beside me takes a shaky breath.

"He doesn't matter. We even have a quest to kill him. Should I just do it?" Andrew replies heartlessly.

"Please don't. At least don't do it while I'm here." I shake my head, understanding his reasoning but feeling troubled by it. "Let's just leave," I suggest, ready to use [Blink] to teleport out of the room. But before I can do so, Andrew grabs my hand.

"Sure, but first..." His aura suddenly changes, and his hands blur as he thrusts an orb representing a Draconic soul into my chest.

Caught off guard, I don't have time to react as primal pain engulfs me, attempting to consume me from within. Despite my [Pain Tolerance], I scream out in agony as the unstable energies threaten to vaporize not only the house but the entire city. Just as suddenly as the pain came, it disappears, and I find myself surrounded by a gentle golden glow in a completely new location. Andrew stands before me his hands glow with a gentle golden light, while his face was etched with a worried frown.

The energies continue to rage, as the dragon's soul roars within me, but with an unexpected system notification, everything suddenly calms down.

[Detecting a 'Guest' trying to interface with the user's soul realm.]

[Chances for the system to be compromised: 0.0001%.]

[Chances deemed too high...]

[Reclassifying guest as: 'Threat'...]

[Activating defensive measures...]

[Scanning the threat...]

"Well this was not what I expected, but this works too..." He commented as my soul shook as if struck by an unseen force, prompting me to activate [Meditation] in a swift attempt to investigate the cause. With a focused mind, I delved deep into my soul realm, only to be greeted by a sight that shook me to my core. Above me, a magnificent red dragon loomed, its massive body encompassing most of the sky within my realm. It was bound in place by a rainbow-colored glow, but the system seemed to have more in store for it.

As I watched, the dragon struggled and roared, its eyes fixed on me with a mix of anger and fear. It was clear that it was aware of my presence, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding wash over me. The rainbow-colored glow seemed to pulse and flicker with an otherworldly energy, and I knew that the system was working some sort of magic on the creature.

[Useful skills detected...]

[Recalculating approach...]

[Stripping the threat of its ego...]

As the grayish-white circle appeared just under the massive legs of the dragon, strange energy emanated from it, making the air around it hum with power. The dragon's body, once majestic and fearsome, began to slowly dissipate as if melting away into thin air. It turned into white particles that swirled and twirled in a chaotic dance, rushing toward the center of the circle.

The roars of the dragon turned into whimpers of pain as if it was being pulled apart from the inside. Its eyes, once filled with fury and power, were now filled with a sense of confusion and defeat. The dragon's massive form slowly disappeared, leaving only one thing behind: the massive collection of white particles still floating above the circle.

[Threat eliminated...]

[Enhancing the user's soul energies...]

The particles swirled in a hypnotic dance, creating a mesmerizing sight. It was as if they were caught in a mystical whirlpool, and their energy flowed seamlessly into my soul realm, quenching its thirst. I felt my soul expanding and strengthening with every passing moment, filling me with a sense of tranquil satisfaction. However, the sudden flash of two lightning strikes shattered the stillness, their booming echoes echoing through the realm. The green particles were violently scattered, and in their place, two bright crimson orbs emerged, each raised up by a ten-meter-high pedestal, pulsating with power and potential.

[Integrating skills...]

[Skill: [Soul Transference] unlocked.]

[Skill: [Ddraig's Legacy] unlocked.]

[Quest Update: [Fall of the Emperors] 1/2 Completed]

[Quest Update: [Collector] 1/5 Completed]

After a quick glance at my notifications, I exit my meditative state and prepare to confront the asshole before me. Using my ability [Accelerated Perception], I increase my perception of time and I clench my fist then strike Andy without hesitation. Although he doesn't attempt to dodge, his eyes widen in realization of what's to come.

I don't hold back, as I know that most of his augmentation skills were still active. The shockwave produced by my first connecting with his abdomen disperses the air and picks up a dust cloud around us. Despite its power, Andy only takes a single step back and grunts in pain as he rubs the spot where I hit him. Though I suspect he's faking it, I'll have to be satisfied with that.

"Andrew, what the hell!" I shouted in frustration, unable to contain my anger.

"Are you okay?" He had the audacity to ask, which only added to my annoyance.

"I'm just peachy. Thanks for asking," I retorted sarcastically. "That was incredibly painful!"

"I'm sorry," he apologized remorsefully. "But would you have accepted it even if I had asked?"

I sighed heavily, begrudgingly admitting he had a point, but refusing to let him off the hook so easily. "Next time, just give me a heads up before you shove a dragon into my soul."

"I can't promise anything," he replied with a smirk, further fueling my frustration.

"That's it, you're sleeping on the sofa," I declared, relishing the satisfaction of punishing him.

"Wait, let's talk about this," he pleaded, attempting to reason with me, but I couldn't help but scoff at his attempts.

"Like you talked to me before you've done whatever you did?" I snort. "Fat chance," I say with a mischievous grin. He tried to pull off a puppy-eyed expression, but I was already immune to his acting. "Nice try, but that's not going to work," I said, making him drop his act and sigh in defeat.

"Where are we?" I finally asked, realizing I was kneeling on sand.

Rising to my feet, I scan the area and catch sight of a vast expanse of water stretching out before me. Inhaling deeply, I can't resist the tangy scent of salt that tickles my nostrils and I close my eyes, reveling in the sensation. A grin spreads across my face as peaceful tranquility envelopes me, much like the gentle waves lapping at the sandy shore.

Observing the sun's position in the sky, I deduce that we must have traveled a fair distance, but I'm uncertain if Andy brought us here for the stunning scenery or because it's the only secluded spot in the vicinity.

"Are we on an island?" I inquire at last.

"Yes, we're halfway across the globe," he nods. "Your sudden release of energy caught the attention of many supernatural beings in the town, prompting me to relocate us from the area."

"And whose fault was that?" I narrow my eyes suspiciously.

He raises his hands in defense and pleads, "I've already apologized. What else can I do?"

"For starters, actually mean it," I retort with a deadpan expression.

"Yeah... no," he snorts. "It was a chance to power you up, so I wasn't concerned about the consequences," he says proudly, causing me to shake my head at his antics.

"What am I going to do with you?" I sigh.

"Nothing, you're stuck with me for life," he says with a self-satisfied grin, making me facepalm. However, his next words bring something to my attention that I hadn't noticed. "Have you seen the skills you've gained? They're quite the blessing."

[Soul Transference LVL: MAX]

- Fortifies the user's soul-space, expanding its size, toughness, and potency.

- Mitigates the negative impacts of Skill, Abilities, or Spells that target the user's soul by 25%.

- Allows the user to transfer souls of lower-tiered beings into other vessels.

[Ddraig's Legacy LVL: MAX]

- Allows the manifestation and manipulation of Draconic Aura, with defensive and offensive capabilities.

- Allows the user to imbue a stat doubling effect to anything within a specific range, utilizing a moderate amount of soul energy.

- The effect can be utilized consecutively, subject only to the target's tier and, if applicable, the strength of their soul.

- The effect can be seamlessly transferred from one target to another, without any added expenditure of energy.

- The effect can be infused into a single attack, granting it a 100% chance to penetrate any non-conceptual defenses.

"Wow," I couldn't help but exclaim, causing Andy's grin to widen.

"So, was it worth it?" he asks.

"Yeah, yeah, you were right," I concede with a sigh, "But you're still sleeping on the sofa."

"Oh come on!" He exclaims crossing his arms and making a cute pout, which I promptly ignore and ask.

"So where to next?"

"No clue," he shrugs, dropping his act and shaking his head. "This world was your pick, so if you want to get the Angel race and call it a day, I'm down."

"Nah, I want to take on some extradimensional monsters," I shake my head firmly.

"Okay then, how about we pop over to Kyoto?" he suggests, and my interest is piqued, as I know it's the base of operations for the Youkai faction.

"Sure," I agree, and just like that, space bends seamlessly around us, with no disruptions, no travel time, nothing. One moment we're on the sandy shore, and the next we're in a city with Japanese architecture.

"That ability of yours is quite powerful," I comment.

"Oh, you haven't seen half of it." He says with a smile and offers his hand.

As I grabbed Andy's hand, the world around us begins to shift and morph. It's as if everything around us is moving at a million miles an hour, and the streets light up in a blur of neon colors as we travel through time. My heart races as I try to take in my surroundings, but it's all happening so quickly that even with [Accelerated Perception] I can barely keep up.

Suddenly, the blur of movement slows, and we find ourselves standing in the middle of a busy street in the middle of the day. The sun is high in the sky, and the heat is almost overwhelming after the coolness of the night. The hustle and bustle of the city are in full swing, with people rushing about their daily lives.

I look up at Andy, still slightly disoriented from the sudden shift in time. "What just happened?" I ask, confused. I touch my face just above my lips and realize that it's wet. "Why is my face wet?" I question him.

"Don't worry about that," he responds with a sly smile that quickly transforms into a grin. "We just traveled a few hours into the future. I figured we could skip the boring part of the night and enjoy the day instead."

I shake my head, still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that we just time-traveled. It was one thing doing it with the system's help, but completely different doing it by our own choice. "That ability is stupidly overpowered," I comment, making him burst out laughing, while I couldn't help but shake my head.

"It's been a while since we've had a date," he remarks, tightly squeezing my hand. "Let's stroll around the town, admire the sights, and then find a place to stay before searching for the Youkai. Oh, and don't forget, they don't like Devils, so shift back to your human form." I nod with a smile and squeeze his hand in return and agree with his suggestion.

Kyoto is a city with a rich cultural heritage, filled with magnificent historical landmarks and stunning natural landscapes. As Andy and I walked through the busy streets, the city's traditional Japanese architecture caught our attention. The buildings' intricate designs and delicate features were awe-inspiring, showcasing the skills of ancient Japanese craftsmen and architects.

"Have you been to Kyoto before?" I asked as we walked around.

"Nope," He shook his head. "First time here."

"Thought so." I nod. "I didn't remember seeing it in the memories you showed me. Let's go check some shrines or temples!"

As we explored the city, I urged Andy to join me in visiting several shrines and temples. Each of these structures had a unique story to tell, revealing the city's deeply spiritual and cultural roots. At some of them, we even noticed a faint essence of divinity, informing us that gods were active in the area. As we walked through the serene gardens and admired the intricate carvings and sculptures, I felt a deep sense of respect and admiration for the people who built these structures so many centuries ago.

As the day drew to a close, we stumbled upon a charming restaurant with a cozy outdoor seating area. The decor was elegant, with Japanese lanterns casting a warm glow over the surroundings. Soft traditional Japanese music played in the background, adding to the tranquil ambiance. The friendly waiter greeted us with a smile and ushered us to our table, where we perused the menu filled with tantalizing Japanese delicacies.

As we settled into our seats at the quaint restaurant, the night sky stretched above us like a canvas, dotted with twinkling stars. The air was cool and invigorating, and the sound of the nearby river added to the serene ambiance of the evening. The soft glow of lanterns cast a warm glow over the surroundings, adding to the enchanting atmosphere.

As we waited for our food to arrive, we chatted and admired the breathtaking scenery around us. The distant mountains were silhouetted against the starry sky, and the nearby cherry blossoms swayed gently in the evening breeze. The city's traditional architecture lent a sense of history and culture to the surroundings, making it the perfect setting for a romantic evening.

When our food arrived, we savored each bite, enjoying the delectable flavors of traditional Japanese cuisine. We laughed and shared stories, savoring the moment and each other's company. It was a simple yet perfect date, in a city that exuded history and charm.

As we left the restaurant and continued our stroll through the city, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the experience and for the person by my side. The night air was crisp and refreshing, and the sound of the nearby river provided a soothing background to our conversation.

As the day drew to a close, we managed to find a hotel and secure a room for the night. Exhausted from the day's events, I found myself wrestling with conflicting emotions. On one hand, I was still upset with myself for being so compliant and easily swayed by Andy's charm. On the other hand, I couldn't deny the intense feelings I had developed for him.

Despite my reservations, I stayed true to my word and insisted that Andy sleep on the couch. But as the night wore on, I couldn't shake the feeling of loneliness that settled over me. Unable to bear it any longer, I made my way over to the couch and curled up next to him, feeling comforted by his presence.

That night, I slept soundly like a log, feeling safe and secure with Andy by my side.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C83
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


