"BERLIN COME ON WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYING HUH?!YOU HAVE TO COME WITH US?!"Nairobi pleaded to Berlin but he gave her a look of hesitance.
Ariana could be seen beside him shivering and shaking as she looked at him tears falling from her eyes.
Nairobi scoffed glanced at Ariana then glanced to the back of her and looked at Helsinki as she said "Helsinki?Come on tell him to stop being stupid and come with us."Nairobi said in a shaky voice.
Helsinki glanced at Berlin and then glanced back at Nairobi and shaked his head.
"Well then it's settled,I will guard this place while you guys escape."
Nairobi then shook her head but before she could say anything Helsinki pulled her inside the tunnel.
Ariana then tried to run away but Berlin grabbed her and wrapped his hands around her and let out a laugh.
"Hahaha where do you think you are going my love?me and you are going to ride this out!"
But before Berlin could say anything else Ariana slapped him in the face and swore at him.
But before she could hit him again Berlin grabbed her arm and pulled her closer and let out a grin of a Physcopath.
"Ariana!my,love me and you until the end that's the plan!Your not going nowhere!"
"No Berlin,p..please l..let me go with them please p..ppPLESE BERLIN!"Ariana shouted as she tried to punch his chest while Berlin grabbs her.
The cops then enter the building and start a shoutout with Berlin who looks like a savage ready to finish it ready to die and go all out.
In a shoutout wirh the police a sickened smile creeps on his face as he grabbs his Ak-47 and begins shooting again while running to the minigun.
Berlin then tells Ariana to shoot the minigun and she shoots the minigun while shouting as the police go back.
Proffesors hideout
Nairobi tells the proffrsor about Berlin staying back and tells the proffesor to bomb the tunnel.
The proffesor lets out tears as he runs to go to the tunnel but is grabbed by Helsinki.
But before the tunnel could be bombed up a man emerges from the tunnel.
"Sergio,my brother don't worry I am not going to die yet."Berlin says as he appears behind the gang.sergio then laughs as he runs up to Berlin and hugs him.
Berlin embraces the hug and hugs him back.
"Andres,I'm so glad your here."
Sergio says as he puts his hand on the back of his head and smiles again.
The rest of the gang then laugh and get into a group hug.
The proffesor then touches his glasses and says "we've succeeded everyone we've robbed the royal mint and achieved our goal but now comes the hard part."
But before the proffesor could say anything else Nairobi says "what happend to that girl that was with you."
Berlin then looks at Nairobi and said "oh yes,Ariana my love I guess it wasn't meant to be."Berlin said with a grin still plastered on his face.
"What made you change your mind?"Nairobi said.
"Well,I realised that we weren't Bonnie and Clyde and we weren't passionate lovers I wasn't fully content with throwing my life away with a women who didn't even truly love me."
"Well then everyone let's go."the proffesor said as everyone began leaving.
(The rest goes the same as canon the only change is Berlin stays with Sergio)
To be continued
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