77.41% Mistaken Identity || Star Wars Fic / Chapter 24: Acolyte

章 24: Acolyte

Master Windu and Master Yoda walked through the grand corridors of the Republic Executive Building, their footsteps echoing softly. Clones and officers stood at attention as the two Jedi Masters passed, their expressions sombre.

Once they reached the elevator, the doors slid open smoothly. They ascended to the Supreme Chancellor's office. The elevator doors opened, revealing Chancellor Palpatine surrounded by his aides and a few Senators, including Senator Padmé Amidala.

"Master Jedi, I am glad you could join me," Palpatine greeted, his tone calm and composed.

"You mentioned it was of the utmost importance," Master Windu stated, his voice steady.

"Indeed it is," Palpatine confirmed.

Yoda approached Padmé, nodding in greeting. "Senator Amidala, good to see you, it is."

"And you, Master Yoda," Padmé responded with a warm but strained smile.

Yoda turned his attention to Palpatine. "This matter to do with Jabiim, it does?"

Padmé's expression tightened, visibly upset. "This is ridiculous," she said, unable to contain her frustration.

"I understand your feelings, Senator Amidala, but this will affect the Republic as a whole if not addressed," Palpatine replied in an even tone.

Master Windu took a seat, his gaze never leaving Palpatine. "Then let us get to why we were summoned."

Palpatine nodded and gestured to one of his aides, who placed a holochip into a slot on the holotable. The device flared to life, projecting a recording of Jaden's speech to the Jabiimi.

"I will not try and sway you with sweet words... you've been betrayed, the Republic has abandoned you,"

"But it's not over, we do not need the Republic!"

"They may have abandoned you, but I will not. I will fight for you until my last breath. I will fight so you can return to your homes."

"None of you come from this planet. You lose nothing if you escape, but if you stay, you'll most certainly lose your life."

"You asked for help, and after what I've seen since coming to this planet... how can I turn my back?"

"I won't ask any of you to fight with me, even the Clones. As your General, I give you the freedom to leave and try to find safety."

"I won't make false promises of victory, but I will say that if we go down, it'll be to the last breath!"

"To the last breath."

"To the last breath."

"To the last breath."

"To the last breath."

The recording ended, leaving a heavy silence in the room. Palpatine's face was unreadable, but the tension in the air was palpable.

"I'm afraid I don't understand why you're showing us this, Chancellor," Mace Windu stated, his tone firm and questioning.

Padmé laughed humorlessly, shaking her head. Yoda looked at her with concern. "Much negative feeling you have, mmmm. To do with this man, it is?" Yoda asked, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"No, this man is only trying to do what's right... What upsets me is the position that the Republic has taken on Jabiim," Padmé replied, her voice calm but tinged with upset.

"Chancellor?" Mace said, turning to Palpatine for answers.

"As you are aware, we have recently made the quite difficult decision to no longer send reinforcements to the planet of Jabiim," Palpatine stated. "After the message was sent, the planet started broadcasting this message on all open frequencies. There are not very many windows where communication can be established with the planet, but in the short times, there are, this message managed to reach a few people who put it on the news net. Now it's being broadcast across the whole Republic," the Chancellor explained.

"I'm still failing to see what this has to do with the Jedi," Mace Windu replied, his frustration evident.

The Chancellor brought up a datapad and slid it over his table. "From what our investigation has managed to uncover, this man goes by the name of Jaden Katarn, a Jedi Knight who was on Admiral Novak's ship bringing supplies and reinforcements to the planet."

Yoda hummed thoughtfully before speaking. "Jedi Knight Katarn, know I do not," he said, closing his eyes for a moment, opening himself up to the Force.

"There is no Jedi Knight Jaden Katarn on our roster, nor any Padawan or initiates with that name," Mace Windu added.

"Surely you must be mistaken," Padmé asked, her disbelief clear.

"We don't make mistakes," Mace Windu stated, looking over at her with a stern expression.

"This would seem to affirm what our investigation has discovered. Jaden Katarn came into existence when he passed a Republic checkpoint on the lower levels of Coruscant," Palpatine continued.

"May we see the footage?" Mace Windu asked.

Chancellor Palpatine punched in a code on the pad on his desk, and the holoprojector lit up, showing Jaden. Windu and Yoda watched intently, their expressions growing grimmer by the moment.

"Pause it," Windu instructed, his eyes narrowing as he examined the image closely.

"Disturbing, this is," Yoda stated, his tone grave.

"Why?" Padmé asked, her concern growing.

"Master Quel and his Padawan Darben were sent down to the lower levels to investigate a powerful tremor in the Force," Mace Windu explained.

"They never returned," he added, the weight of his words hanging heavily in the room.

"Master Quel's robes he wears, recognize it I could when not covered with mud and blood," Yoda stated, his voice tinged with sorrow.

"You don't suggest that he killed them, do you?" Padmé asked, her voice wavering.

"Difficult to know, the Force... very clouded," Yoda replied, shaking his head slowly.

"Could this man be a Sith acolyte or perhaps a new apprentice?" Palpatine asked, his eyes narrowing.

"If he was responsible for their deaths, then it's possible," Mace Windu replied, his voice steady but filled with concern.

The room fell into a heavy silence as the implications of what they were discussing sank in. The Jedi and the Senators exchanged worried glances, each grappling with the gravity of the situation.

Padmé finally had enough. "Are you all so blinded that you can't see the truth when it's staring you in the face?" she shouted, her voice breaking the tense silence.

"Look at what he's doing. He's giving the Jabiimi hope, he's fighting with them against the Separatists while we sit here in the safety of the capital. There are thousands of Republic troops on Jabiim and even more loyalists, and yet we have abandoned them all and forced it upon someone that young to pick up the pieces. And yet you have the audacity to sit here and call him a threat to the Republic when his only crime is trying to save people we have left behind."

The whole room fell silent after her outburst. Chancellor Palpatine suggested she might get some air, but before he could finish, she cut him off. "I have an appointment," she said sharply and turned to leave, her frustration and anger palpable as she stormed out of the room.

"I believe our next step should be contacting our forces on Jabiim and discovering if this Jaden Katarn is among their forces," Chancellor Palpatine suggested as he stood up. "I can only hope we can contact them in time, before this new Sith is able to corrupt them or worse."



The battlefield was a horrifying scene of blood and chaos. The Republic forces were dug in, desperately trying to hold their ground against the overwhelming Separatist assault. Explosions erupted all around, sending dirt, metal, and bodies flying. Clones were being mowed down by relentless blaster fire, their armour shattered and bloodied. The air was thick with smoke and the acrid stench of burning flesh and ozone.

General Leska moved through the chaos, her lightsaber deflecting blaster bolts with rapid precision. The sound of battle was almost deafening, a cacophony of explosions, screams, and the constant whine of blasters. She sliced through a group of battle droids, their metallic bodies falling apart under her blade. An explosion nearby sent her ducking, but she pressed on, her focus razor-sharp.

She spotted a clone struggling to stay upright and grabbed him by the shoulder. "Contact base! We need to reinforce the aft sector!" she yelled over the noise.

The clone fumbled with his comms, but before he could respond, a heavy weapon blast struck him in the head, his helmet exploding in a shower of blood and brain matter. General Leska felt the impact and was thrown back, the ground around her shaking as Hellfire missiles rained down. She was flung into a small trench, hitting the ground hard. Her body ached from the impact, and her hearing was reduced to a painful ringing.

She pushed herself up, looking around at the carnage that surrounded her. Dead clones and droids lay everywhere, the ground slick with blood and oil. Through the haze, she saw Kass Tod fighting against an assassin droid. The droid's blade shot out from its hand, narrowly missing impaling Kass, who countered with a swift slash of her lightsaber.

"General!" a clone's voice cut through the ringing in her ears, snapping her back to the moment.

She looked up to see Captain Dag. "We need to retreat, General!" he shouted again. Before he could say anything else, another explosion rocked the ground. Dag jumped forward, covering Leska and shielding her from the dirt and debris that rained down on them.

Taking a breath, Leska nodded. "Signal the retreat," she said, her voice heavy with exhaustion and grief.

Leska pushed Captain Dag out of the way, deflecting a blow from an assassin droid with her lightsaber. "Signal the retreat, Captain!" she commanded, her voice firm.

She parried the assassin droid's attack, their weapons clashing violently. The droid fired blaster bolts from its wrist, which she deflected, the shots sizzling as they hit the ground. The droid spun, its wrist blade flashing. Leska ducked, the blade narrowly missing her head. She countered with a powerful strike, severing one of its limbs.

Another droid joined the fight, adding to the chaos. Leska was forced to split her attention, deflecting blaster bolts from both sides. She slashed at the first droid, cutting it in half, but the second droid pressed its attack, a blade grazing her arm. She winced, blood dripping from the wound, but fought through the pain.

She saw Kass in danger, a third assassin droid closing in. With a surge of the Force, she yanked Kass out of harm's way, the droid's blade missing by inches. Leska swung her lightsaber in a wide arc, cutting down the second droid, then turned to face the third. Her breath came in ragged gasps, but she stood her ground.

Leska ran toward Kass, who was still climbing out of the muddy trench she had been thrown into. Leska deflected incoming shots with her lightsaber, her focus entirely on reaching Kass. Mud clung to her boots, making her movements slower and more arduous. She slashed through a droid that got too close, its parts scattering in the mud. Kass was struggling, her legs slipping as she tried to find purchase in the slick terrain.

"Hang on!" Leska shouted, cutting down another droid that lunged at her. She reached Kass, grabbing her arm and pulling her up with all her strength. "We've got to move!" she urged, her eyes scanning the battlefield for any immediate threats. Together, they fought their way out of the trench, Leska deflecting shots and clearing a path. They finally found a momentary reprieve behind a downed AT-TE.

Leska and Kass looked out from their cover, spotting Mak Lotor and Windo Nend fighting side by side against the droids. The air suddenly felt heavier as a speeder roared towards them. A figure in dark robes leapt from the speeder, flipping through the air. Mid-flip, he ignited a red lightsaber and slammed it down on Mak, who blocked it just in time.

The Sith acolyte was a brute force. He swung his lightsaber with raw aggression, slashing at Mak and Windo with no hesitation. His red blade clashed violently against theirs. He kicked Mak hard in the chest, sending him sprawling. The Sith grabbed Windo by the throat with the Force, lifting him off the ground while still swinging his lightsaber at Mak. Windo gasped, his eyes wide with panic as he clawed at his neck. Mak lunged to help, but the Sith released Windo, throwing him to the ground and redirecting his focus entirely on Mak. He slashed at Mak, cutting a deep wound across his arm. Blood sprayed from the injury as Mak cried out in pain.

Kass, watching in horror, shouted, "We have to help them!" She started to move forward, but Leska grabbed her arm, pulling her back.

"No, Kass! You must retreat!" Leska commanded, her voice leaving no room for argument. "Go! Now!"

Kass hesitated, fear and indecision in her eyes, but she obeyed and ran as Leska charged into the fray.

Leska's green lightsaber clashed with the Sith's red blade. The Sith swung his lightsaber with vicious strength, forcing Leska to block each brutal strike. He kicked her in the stomach, driving the air from her lungs and knocking her back. She rolled with the impact, coming up in a crouch, her lightsaber ready. The Sith lunged at her, his blade a blur of red. She blocked, their lightsabers locking in a test of strength. Mak recovered and rejoined the fight, striking at the Sith from behind. The Sith spun around, blocking Mak's attack and slamming his fist into Mak's face, breaking his nose. Blood poured from Mak's face as he staggered back.

Leska and Mak engaged the Sith with fierce determination, their lightsabers clashing violently against the Sith's red blade. The Sith attacked with unyielding brutality, his strikes relentless. Leska parried a powerful blow aimed at her head but was forced back by a Force push that slammed her into a nearby wall. Gasping for breath, she struggled to stand, clutching her injured side.

Mak and Windo charged at the Sith simultaneously. The Sith blocked Mak's strike and immediately turned to deflect Windo's attack. He lashed out with the Force, sending Windo sprawling. Mak pressed forward, his lightsaber swinging in a deadly arc, but the Sith countered with a quick, precise slash that burned through Mak's armour and skin.

Windo recovered and lunged at the Sith, aiming for his midsection. The Sith deflected the blow with ease, using the Force to lift Windo off the ground and slam him into the dirt. Windo grunted in pain but quickly rolled to his feet, his grip tightening on his lightsaber. He and Mak attacked together, their strikes coordinated and desperate.

The Sith moved with brutal efficiency, parrying their attacks and countering with deadly precision. He blocked a high strike from Windo, then spun to deflect a low slash from Mak. The Sith's lightsaber cut through the air, striking Mak's shoulder and sending him reeling. Windo seized the opportunity to press the attack, but the Sith was ready.

The Sith caught Windo's lightsaber in a lock, their blades crackling with energy. With a surge of strength, the Sith twisted his wrist, cutting Windo's hands off and tossing his lightsaber out of his grip. Windo barely had time to react before the Sith plunged his red blade into Windo's chest. Windo gasped, his eyes wide with shock and pain. The Sith then placed his hand on Windo's head, using the Force to implode it. Windo's head exploded, showering Mak with gore. Leska, having regained her footing, charged at the Sith with renewed fury. She slashed at him, her green blade a blur of motion. The Sith met her attack head-on, their lightsabers clashing in a shower of sparks.

The Sith swung his lightsaber with brutal force, aiming for her neck. Leska blocked the strike, the impact jarring her arms. She countered with a quick strike to his side, but the Sith twisted away, avoiding the blow. Mak, struggling to stay on his feet, attacked from the other side. The Sith blocked Mak's attack and used the Force to lift him into the air, slamming him back down with bone-crushing force.

Leska and the Sith continued their deadly dance, their lightsabers clashing with blinding speed. The Sith's face twisted into a snarl as he pressed his attack, his blade slashing at her with savage power. Leska parried his strikes, her focus unwavering. The Sith lunged at her, his blade aiming for her heart. Leska sidestepped the attack and swung her lightsaber in a wide arc, aiming for his neck. The Sith ducked under the blade and countered with a quick strike to her midsection. Leska blocked the blow, the impact sending a jolt of pain through her arms.

Mak, pushing through the pain in his knee, managed to get to his feet. He attacked the Sith from behind, aiming for his back. The Sith sensed the attack and spun around, blocking Mak's strike with ease. He kicked Mak in the chest, sending him sprawling to the ground once more. Leska seized the opening and attacked with renewed ferocity. She slashed at the Sith's legs, forcing him to jump back. The Sith's eyes blazed with anger as he met her attack, their blades clashing in a shower of sparks. He swung his lightsaber in a wide arc, aiming for her neck. Leska ducked under the blade and countered with a quick strike to his midsection.

The Sith blocked the attack and grabbed her with the Force, lifting her off the ground. Leska struggled against his grip, her lightsaber slipping from her grasp. The Sith's eyes burned with fury as he tightened his grip, crushing the air from her lungs.

Leska's vision blurred as the Sith tightened his Force choke. Her feet dangled, and she struggled to breathe, her lightsaber slipping from her grasp. 'Is this it...' she thought to herself as she felt her airways close. 'I never wanted this... any of it...' she thought as a tear streamed down her face. She was supposed to be a Master, but that just felt like an unfunny joke now. She wasn't nearly ready to become a master, but it didn't stop the council from fast-tracking her.

As the world started to fade, a vivid memory flashed before her eyes. She was on a lush, vibrant planet, surrounded by a small village that had faced severe famine. The villagers had welcomed her and a few other Jedi with desperate hope in their eyes.

Leska and her fellow Jedi used the Force to rejuvenate the barren soil, feeling the life returning to the earth beneath their fingertips. She moved her hands gracefully, channelling the Force to bring nutrients and vitality back to the ground. As she worked, the villagers watched in awe, their eyes widening with wonder and relief. Children ran around, laughing and playing, their parents' faces lighting up with joy and gratitude as the once-dead crops began to grow, green and lush.

Leska felt a deep sense of fulfilment and peace in helping them. The smiles, the laughter, the sheer joy of the villagers warmed her heart. She had found true purpose in using her abilities to nurture and heal. The bond she shared with the other Jedi in those moments was profound, their collective efforts bringing about a miracle. The gratitude in the villagers' eyes, the way they clasped her hands and thanked her, made every struggle worthwhile.

The scene shifted abruptly. She stood on Jabiim, her lightsaber ignited, covered in blood. The air was thick with the stench of death. Around her lay the bodies of thousands, both friend and foe, the ground soaked in blood and mud. The screams, the explosions, and the unending violence weighed heavily on her soul. She moved through the battlefield like a ghost. She looked at the dead bodies, the lifeless eyes staring back at her. The clones who had fought bravely, the civilians caught in the crossfire, even the droids all looked at her as if witnesses to the horrors she had suffered and inflicted in this place. Leska's heart ached with every step she took. She felt the weight of their loss, the senselessness of the conflict gnawing at her. She wanted to scream, to cry out against the injustice, but she had no voice, it was frowned upon by the deafening silence that seemed to fill this place.

As the flashback ended, Leska found a strange calm washing over her. The Sith's grip tightened, but her mind drifted to a place of peace.

Just as the world started to fade, a blue lightsaber spun through the air, grazing the Sith and forcing him to drop her as he threw himself back. The lightsaber returned to its owner, Anakin Skywalker, who was mid-air in a leap. He landed forcefully, slamming down on the Sith, who barely managed to block the strike. The two engaged in a brutal exchange, their lightsabers clashing with violent intensity. Anakin's strikes were powerful and precise, driving the Sith back. The Sith countered with ferocity, aiming for Anakin's head and chest, but Anakin parried each blow, his blue blade a blur. The Sith attempted to grab Anakin with the Force, but Anakin resisted, pushing forward and locking blades with the Sith, their faces inches apart.

The Sith's eyes burned with hatred as he disengaged, slashing at Anakin's legs. Anakin jumped, his lightsaber cutting through the air and forcing the Sith to dodge. Anakin followed with a series of rapid strikes, each one pushing the Sith further back. The Sith swung wildly, aiming to decapitate Anakin, but Anakin ducked and spun, his lightsaber slicing a deep gash into the Sith's side.

Roaring in pain, the Sith lashed out with the Force, sending debris flying at Anakin. Anakin deflected the projectiles with ease, closing the distance and attacking with renewed vigour. He brought his lightsaber down in a powerful overhead strike, the Sith barely blocking it. Their lightsabers locked again, but this time Anakin had the upper hand. He twisted his blade, breaking the lock and slashing the Sith across the chest.

As the Sith roared in anger, he lunged at Anakin, but before he could strike, Leska gathered all her remaining strength and used the Force to push him away. The Sith was sent flying back, slamming into an enemy tank with a resounding crash. Leska, still breathing heavily, grabbed Anakin's shoulder before he could run off after the Sith. "Skywalker," she said, her voice strained. "Help Padawan Lotor and retreat."

Anakin nodded, immediately understanding the urgency. He ran to Mak, who was struggling to get up, and helped him to his feet. Together, they moved quickly, guiding the retreating forces. Leska, Anakin, and the surviving Padawans moved through the field. They reached the defensive line where the clones and Padawans were holding off the droid forces. Anakin barked orders, coordinating the retreat. Clones covered their escape, firing at the advancing droids. The sound of blaster fire and explosions filled the air as the Republic forces fell back.

Once clear of the immediate danger, Leska signalled the artillery units. Moments later, heavy bombardment rained down on the battlefield, explosions rocking the ground and creating a wall of fire and debris between them and the enemy. The artillery shells slammed into the advancing droids and enemy tanks, buying precious time for the retreating forces.


Leska took a seat on a soft boulder outside Cobalt Station, the last defensible Republic outpost on Jabiim. The rain poured down relentlessly, soaking her to the bone. Around her, clones rushed about, fortifying the base for the inevitable attack. The atmosphere was tense, the air filled with the sounds of hammering, shouted orders, and the constant patter of rain.

Leska held a small necklace in her hand, its charm bearing the symbol of the Agricultural Corps. She remembered when the council had asked her to oversee the corps shortly after she was appointed a Jedi Knight. At the time, she thought it was a punishment, a demotion from the excitement of her duties. But in hindsight, those were some of the best days of her life. She found peace and purpose in helping rejuvenate dying lands and bringing life to barren places. The smiles and gratitude of those she helped were imprinted in her memory.

She knew she would likely die on this war-torn planet. The despair that settled in her heart was profound. If by some miracle she managed to survive, she doubted she could continue as a Jedi. The death and destruction she had witnessed weighed heavily on her soul.

Lost in her thoughts, Leska didn't notice Anakin and Kass approaching until they were right beside her. Kass's voice snapped her out of her reverie. "Communications have been established, Master. We won't have it for long, however," Kass stated, her tone urgent.

Leska looked up, giving a small, weary smile. She stood up, pocketing the necklace, and nodded. "Thank you, Padawan. Let's make the most of it."

Leska and the others walked into the command centre, the atmosphere tense. The holotable projected the figures of Master Windu, Master Yoda, and Chancellor Palpatine.

"Master Leska, gladdens my heart it does to see you well," Yoda said, his voice warm.

Master Leska managed a small smile, though it felt hollow. "Master Yoda, Master Windu, Chancellor Palpatine. I was under the impression that the Republic could no longer support our efforts on Jabiim." As she spoke, the room's tension thickened, the feeling of betrayal palpable.

Palpatine's voice was regretful as he began to explain. "Our forces are stretched incredibly thin. I wish circumstances were different."

Leska, exhausted and possibly concussed from a recent explosion, found herself drowning out the Chancellor's words. Her focus wavered until Master Windu's voice cut through the haze. "Master Leska!"

"Yes, Master?" she replied, snapping to attention.

"Okay, are you? Injured, are you?" Yoda inquired, his concern evident.

"I am fine, Master. Nothing permanent," Leska replied.

"Good. Now, let's get to the reason we have contacted you before we lose communications," Palpatine stated.

The room waited with bated breath, clinging to a sliver of hope despite their dire situation. The holotable brought up the image of a young boy, perhaps fifteen, dressed in Jedi robes. "This is Jaden Katarn," Palpatine informed them. "We believe him to be associated with the Sith or perhaps even a Sith Lord himself."

"What does that have to do with us?" Kass asked, arms folded, scepticism in her voice.

"We believe he came to the planet with the reinforcements. Have you had any contact with him at all?" Mace Windu asked.

"I'm afraid not," Leska replied, but as she thought longer, a sad expression crossed her face. "Padawan Wyn and Xiss were sent to gather the survivors from the escape pods... they never returned."

"This Jaden Katarn has been making waves in the Republic. People have seen his speech and think him akin to a hero," Mace Windu stated. "If what you say is true, then he has already killed four Jedi, and I have no doubt you will be his next target."

"You have been given a new primary objective," Palpatine informed them.

"A new primary objective?" Leska repeated slowly, as if not sure she heard correctly.

"We need you to capture Jaden Katarn. His propaganda has already damaged the Republic's reputation," the Chancellor stated.

"Republic's reputation..." Leska echoed, looking down in disbelief.

"Can we see the recording?" Anakin asked.

"There's no need, my friend. This man is dangerous, and the words coming from his mouth have proven to be dangerous," the Chancellor replied.

"What is your opinion of this, Master?" Leska asked, looking at Yoda.

Yoda looked thoughtful before speaking. "If your eyes deceive you, trust in the Force, you must."

The communication started to go staticky. "We will try to contact you again later for an update. Be safe," Master Windu said.

"Don't forget your new objectives," Palpatine added before the communication ended.

"A new primary objective," Kass said out loud with a humourless laugh. Though her anger was clear. "We are barely surviving!" she shouted, reaching out with the Force and crushing the communicator before leaving the room.

A clone went to follow her, but Leska raised her hand. "Let her go... she just needs some time. Besides, she's not exactly wrong," she replied.

"The Chancellor won't abandon us, Master. We just need to hold out," Anakin stated with certainty.

Leska gave him a sad smile. "I hope you're right, Padawan... I really do."

(AN: So we have a bit of incite into the main forces as well as Jaden finally being discovered. The question is who recorded Jaden and who broadcasted it for everyone to see. Anyways it'll definitely make things more interesting, there's also the arrival of the Sith Acolyte, if you believe him to be a bit overpowered I'd say generally Sith are stronger than Jedi, and this Sith Acolyte used to be a Jedi Knight himself. Though he struggled against Anakin which isn't all that surprising... Anakin fought Count Dooku as a Padawan, despite losing he still put up a good fight. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter.)

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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
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  • 世界の背景

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