— 1 hour later - Edo —
In a dark alley within Edo, water trickled through the gutter, dampening the ground before pooling into a humanoid form. Gradually, the liquid morphed into the shape of a person.
This figure was none other than the intruder who had penetrated the prison and eliminated all the high-value prisoners. She stumbled to the ground, clutching her injured arm. Despite having healed it, the hastily restored limb still bore traces of injury, a reminder of the toll it had taken on her.
Tearing off her sleeve, she inspected the wound, noting that while it had healed, faint remnants of damage remained. It would take some time for her to fully mend and erase any lingering marks.
Satisfied with her assessment, she silently made her way through the alley to a specific section where a hidden door awaited. Two knocks revealed the concealed entrance, and she slipped inside.