
章 2: Powers/Abilities #1

This chapter will explain some or half of Hades' skills, I don't actually know. Expect many things I have missed.

If there is anything else I could add, change, or get rid of that doesn't make sense, please notify me.


(↟) - has unlocked the element/power and knows how to use the ability/skill

(↡) - has unlocked the element/power but doesn't know how to use the ability/skill

(~) - hasn't unlocked this element/power yet but will be able to in the future


● - first sub-category

○ - second sub-category

◼ - third sub-category


Elements/main abilities -

● (↟) Fire

● (↟) Shadow/Darkness

● (↟) Space

● (↟) Time

● (↟) Fear

● (↟) Death

● (↟) Mineral

● (↟) Nature

● (↡) Magma

● (↡) Ice

● (↟) Telekinesis

● (↟) Dreams

● (↟) Relaxation

● (↟) Sleep

● (↟) Vegetation

Control - elements and emotions that Hades can control -

● Fire

● Space

● Time

● Death

● Fear

● Minerals

��� Darkness

● Telekinesis

● Magma

● Ice

● Architecture

● Nature

● Riches

Absorption - grants immunity to the following elements, absorb the following elements and use them in some way -

● (↟) Fire Absorption

● (↟) Shadow Absorption

● (↟) Fear Absorption

● (↟) Mineral Absorption

● (↟) Death Absorption

● (↡) Life-Force Absorption

Aura - create an aura of the following elements/emotions around oneself

● (↡) Fire Aura

● (↟) Darkness/Shadow Aura

● (↟) Death Aura

● (↡) Mineral Aura

● (↟) Fear Aura

● (↟) Telekinetic Aura (all gods can do this on a basic level)

● (↡) Spatial Aura

● (↡) Time Aura

Serenity Aura

Attacks - release/use the following elements to attack in various ways

● (↟) Fire Attacks

○ (↡) Combustion Inducement - cause matter to burst into flames

○ (↡) Firestorm Creation - create a terrifying inferno that incinerates all

● (↟) Darkness Attacks

○ (↡) Darkness Mutilation - inflict damage to the victim via shadows

○ (↡) Create tentacles/tendrils, chains and/or threads to attack or bind

● (↡) Mineral Attacks

● (↟) Death Attacks

○ (↡) Absolute Death Inducement - kill anything, regardless of what the targets maybe

○ (↡) Conclusion Dominance - end anything, along with how and when it ends

○ (↡) Death Inducement - cause death, either instantly or after a certain time

○ (↡) Death Transferal - transfer death between living things

○ (↡) Eternal Rest Inducement - grant eternal rest to anyone/anything

● (↟) Fear Attacks

○ (↡) Death Inducement - producing enough fear to raise blood pressure, causing a heart attack

○ (↡) Fear Inducement - evoke extreme fear and horror in others

● (↡) Building Attacks

○ (↡) Object Attacks by using structures

○ (↡) Projectile Enhancement - enhance the speed and strength of projectile weapons through various means

● (↡) Magma Attacks

● (↡) Ice Attacks

○ (↡) Frostbite - freeze anything to atomic levels making it fragile

○ (↡) Ultimate Freeze - freeze absolutely anything

● (↡) Nature Attacks

● (↡) Alchemy Attacks - utilize Alchemy, the mystic and scientific pursuit of the power of the Philosopher's Stone and Universal Panacea

● (↡) Telekinetic Attacks - release/use telekinesis to various attacks

○ (↡) Psionic Explosion - create and discharge destructive psychic energy across a wide range

○ (↡) Telekinetic Compression - crush an object

○ (↡) Telekinetic Destruction - make an object explode

○ (↡) Unarmed Weapon Wielding - use weapons without touching them

○ (↡) Wound Inducement - use telekinesis to cause physical wounds on others

● (↟) Spatial Attacks

○ (↡) Singularity Inducement - collapsing space into a single point

○ (↡) Spatial Crush - crush objects by manipulating the surrounding or personal space

○ (↡) Spatial Rift - open the third dimension space to create portals for inter-dimensional attacks

○ (↡) Spatial Slicing - attacks by tearing out a section of space to sever the spatial connection of the target

● (↡) Time Attacks

Combat - able to utilize the following elements with their physical combat -

● (↡) Pyrokinetic Combat - fuse fire with physical combat

● (↡) Umbrakinetic Combat - fuse darkness with physical combat

● (↡) Mineral Combat - use minerals/rock in physical combat

● (↡) Magma Combat - utilise lava in one's physical attacks

● (↡) Cryokinetic Combat - use cold and ice in physical combat

● (↡) Naturakinetic Combat - infuse the power of nature with one's physical combat

● (↡) Telekinetic Combat - use telekinesis in physical combat

● (↡) Spatiokinetic Combat - The user is able to utilize space manipulation with their physical combat, allowing them to warp or teleport their attacks using portals and shift the battlefield to their advantage

● (↡) Chronokinetic Combat - utilise time through physical combat

● (↡) Chronokinetic Combat - utilise time through physical combat

Concealment - render oneself invisible and concealed to anything -

● (↡) Darkness

○ (↡) Shadow Camouflage/Cloaking - become invisible while in shadows

○ (↡) Shadow Stealth - hide from others within the shadows of others

● (↡) Minerals

○ (↡) Geokinetic Invisibility - become invisible in earth

● (↡) Magma

○ (↡) Magma Invisibility - become invisible in magma

● (↡) Ice

○ (↡) Cryokinetic Invisibility - become invisible in the ice

● (↡) Nature

○ (↡) Ecokinetic Invisibility - Become invisible in nature

Constructs - create tools, weapons, armour, and appendages out of the following elements -

● Fire

○ Fire Defense

◼ Flame Shield - protect others against fire and heat

○ Pyrokinetic Constructs

○ Pyrotechnics - create fireworks

● Umbrakinetic

○ (↡) Darkness/Shadow Constructs

○ (↡) Darkness Defence - use darkness to defend oneself

● Mineral

○ (↡) Mineral Defense

● Fear

○ (↡) Fear Constructs - create constructs out of the emotional energy of fear

● Riches

○ (↡) Object constructs by using money

● Building

○ (↡) Object constructs by using structures

● Magma

○ (↡) Magmatic Constructs

● Ice

○ (↡) Cryokinetic constructs

● Nature

○ (↡) Naturakinetic Constructs

● Telekinesis

○ (↡) Telekinetic Constructs

● Space

○ (↡) Spatial Constructs

○ (↡) Spatial Barrier Creation - create a barrier preventing travelling in and out of it

● Time

○ (↡) Chronokinetic Constructs - create tools, weapons, armour, and even appendages of out of time

Control over the following (Kinesis) -

● (↡) Pyrokinesis - create, control and manipulate, also generate fire, flame and heat

○ (↡) Heliokinesis - manipulate and control the sun and sunlight

○ (↡) Plasmakinesis - control plasma

● (↡) Umbra-Telekinesis - manipulate matter using darkness/shadows

● (↡) Cryo-Telekinesis - manipulate matter using ice

● (↡) Remote Telekinesis - manipulate matter that is not within the user's location

● (↡) Spatial Telekinesis - manipulate matter and energy by manipulating the space it is occupying

Detection/Perception - sense the presence of the following elements in one's vicinity -

● (↡) Fire Detection - sense the presence of fire/heat in one's vicinity

● (↡) Night Vision - see in the dark

● (↡) Minerals

○ (↡) Stone Scrying - perceive through stones/solid earth

○ (↡) Seismic Sense - sense and perceive vibrations in minerals/rock

● (↟) Death Sense - sense the coming of death and the actual age of dying

● (↡) Fear Detection - sense fear in one's vicinity

● (↡) Fear Perception - discern and instantly understand the greatest fears of other beings

● (↟) Danger Intuition - detect impending threats

● (↡) Nature Perception - perceive the energy of the natural world

● (↡) Natural Awareness - sense nature and the environment

● (↡) Seismic Sense - "see" one's surroundings using telekinesis

● (↟) Spatial Perception - perceive spatial distances

○ (↟) Conscious Spatial Awareness - have awareness for which places are safe to teleport to

○ (↟) Portal Locating - locate portals

● (↡) Parachronal Cognition - perceive how time plays out in parallel timelines

● (↡) Chrono Vision - see the past, present and future

● (↡) Omnichronal Perception - view every event across all the infinite timelines simultaneously

● (↡) Temporal Awareness - sense and become aware of any alteration to the time-stream

● (↡) Temporal Cognition - perceive time

● (↡) Loli Detection - able to tell if they are legal or not with a glance

● (↡) Milf Detection - able to tell their BWH (Breast, waist, hip) and can tell their age with just a look

● (↡) Trap Detection - able to tell the gender of mortal crossdressers with a glance

● (↡) Simp Detection - whoever is in the range of said power is able to tell if he is being a simp

Empowerment - draw and gain strengths from the following elements -

● (↡) Fire Empowerment - gain strengths from flame/fire

● (↡) Darkness Empowerment - be empowered in the dark or by darkness

● (↡) Stone Empowerment - gain strength from stone/rock

● (↡) Fear Empowerment - strengthened by the fear of others or oneself

● (↡) Monetary Empowerment - gain strength from money/currency - use/have/available

● (↡) Architecture Empowerment - becoming stronger with structures

● (↡) Ice Empowerment - gain strength from the cold

● (↡) Nature Empowerment - gain strength from nature

○ (↡) Planetary Empowerment - draw strength from the planets

● (↡) Spatial Empowerment - draw and gain strength from space itself

● (↡) Temporal Empowerment - gain strength from time

○ (↡) Ancient Empowerment - gain strength from the ancient path

● (↡) Necrotic Empowerment - gain strength from deaths of others

Healing - restore biotic organisms to their optimal health -

● Fire

○ (↡) Pyrokinetic Regeneration - regenerate using fire

○ (↡) Healing Fire - heal by using flames/fire/heat

● Darkness

○ (↡) Darkness Healing - heal using darkness

○ (↡) Umbrakinetic Regeneration - regenerate using darkness/shadows

● Minerals

○ (↡) Geokinetic Regeneration - regenerate using earth

○ (↡) Healing Earth - heal by using earth

● Magma

○ (↡) Magmatic Regeneration - regenerate using magma

● Ice

○ (↡) Cryokinetic Regeneration - regenerate using ice

○ (↡) Ice Healing - heal by using ice

● Telekinesis

○ (↡) Psionic Healing - heal others with one's own telekinetic powers

○ (↡) Telekinetic Surgery - conduct complex surgery through telekinetic means

○ (↡) Age Shifting - by manipulating the cells through telekinesis, they could potentially achieve Immortality

○ (↡) Telekinetic Regeneration - regenerate one's own cells via telekinetic manipulation or gathering telekinetic energy to do so

● Space

�� (↡) Spatial Healing - heal by using space

● Time

○ (↡) Temporal Healing - heal through temporal manipulation, erasing any damage from existence


Slammeron01 Slammeron01

I think I've done good with this chapter, lemme know otherwise.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








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