66.33% Mine (Bakugo x Reader) / Chapter 67: Chapter Sixty Eight

章 67: Chapter Sixty Eight

Walking to Aizawa's car, the cool air was heaven sent, you barely felt Bakugo's hands on your numb waist.

"Alright Princess-" Bakugo breathed, lifting you into the passenger seat then buckling you in. "-let's go home and watch our show, ok?"

"Mk." You hummed, eyes feeling heavy.

"Is Mr. Aizawa going to be mad that we took his car?" Kirishima wondered, climbing in the back seat with Midoriya and Todoroki, while Gray, Shiro and Mina piled into the middle seat.

"Nah." Bakugo replied, getting behind the wheel. "He gave me the keys to get everyone home."

"Really?" Midoriya hummed, frowning as you shifted in passenger seat, he had been hoping you would slide in beside him...

"I wonder if he knew tonight would end like this?" Mina sighed, "It was a total disaster!"

"I don't think it was." Todoroki comments. "It was nice."

"Really?" Mina turned, "You liked your party?"

"Yes." Todoroki nods, "It would have been better if my father hadn't attended but in all it was successful."

"I didn't completely fail!?" Mina cheers as Bakugo puts the car in drive.

"Sorry for ruining your party man." Shiro sighed, staring out the window. "That flaming piece of shit just gets under my skin."

"He gets under my skin too." Todoroki understood, knowing his father had a talent of being able to hit the right button to infuriate someone.

As Bakugo pulled onto the highway, silence filled the car, while you enjoyed it, Midoriya was suffocating under it.

He had no idea what to say to make things feel buttery again, the greenette was kicking himself, he should have done more to defend you and the other bullets, Shiro and you shouldn't have had to step up against Endeavor, he should have been the one to defend you.

After all...you were his sister...

You glanced over your shoulder, a headache in full swing, you could almost see the gloomy cloud hanging over Mina's head, she knew Todoroki said he enjoyed the party, but with how the night ended, she could not help but feel as if she failed.

The clock on the car said it was not even midnight yet, there were still plenty of party hours going to waste.

"Hey-" Your voice caused Bakugo's heart to skip, his eyes darted over to you. "-will you drive to a late-night place?"

"You're hungry?" Bakugo frowned.

"There was not a decent thing to eat at that party-" You replied, "-no offence." You said over your shoulder.

Mina shrugged.

"I wasn't a fan of the menu myself." She admits, Todoroki's sister took full control over most of the party, claiming she knew what her brother would like, and yet...there wasn't even zaru soba.

"I would love a cheeseburger!" Kirishima groaned, mouthwatering, almost tasting the cheese. "All the portion sizes were so tiny!"


You furrowed your brows, turning around Gray's head was leaned against the window, mouth wide open as he snored away.

"Oh, he is out." You chuckled.

"Yeah-" Shiro poked his face. "-dude is gonna be feeling it tomorrow, so where we going to eat?"

"I don't have my wallet." Bakugo replied, stealing a glance of you. His throat tightened, gripping the steering wheel he hated the fact he couldn't feed you, another thing he was failing at doing.

"Neither do I." Kirishima and Midoriya admits.

"We were all told food and drinks would be included-" Midoriya nervously laughed feeling your gaze on him. "-so-so none of us brought our wallets, so they couldn't be lost, like last time."

"Yeah..." Kirishima Mina. "...we really should have planned better, I'm sorry-"

"Don't worry about it-" You waved them off, everyone watched curiously as you fished for something in your cargo pants, after a moment you held a plastic card between your fingers. "-I stole Endeavor's credit card-" You smirked; "-dinner is on him tonight-"

"What!?" The van burst into a mixture of laughter and worriedness.

"How the hell did you get just his card?" Shiro wondered, impressed.

"Oh, I didn't." You say while pulling his wallet into view.

"I cannot believe you!" Mina's mouth hung open while Shiro plucked the wallet for himself.

"Let's see what the hot head has in his pocketbook."

"Who calls it a pocketbook?" You joked.

"I do!" Shiro defends, "I'm bringing it back."

"I don't think your terminology is accurate." You chortled.

"I think it is pretty accurate, Shortcake, to a burger place!" Shiro orders.

"What the hell did you call me!?" Bakugo howls.

"You stole the number one hero's wallet!?" Midoriya's eyes were bugged out, Endeavor' was going to be furious, the greenette gripped his hair, he could only imagine how disappointed All Might was going to be-!

"Oh, stop sucking his dick so hard-" You rolled your eyes, it was a little bit of pickpocketing, it's not like you offed him—yet; it was on your bucket list. "-the guys about as dense as a rock, it'll take him a few days to even notice his wallets gone."

"But won't he know when he goes to pay for something?" Mina frowned, you and Shiro glanced at one another before bursting into a fit of laughter.

"That entitled douchebag feels the world owes him something, he expects people to just bend over backwards and give him shit for free-" Shiro rolls his eyes. "-I'm shocked there's not more dust on this thing!" He wiggles the wallet in front of Mina's face before returning to snooping through it.

"It'll be fine-" You call, "-if anything I'll take the heat for it."

"But (y.n)-" Kirishima leaned forward, "-that could send you to jail!"

"Me breathing could send me to jail." You replied with a shrug.

"I can't believe none of you people have your wallets with you-" Shiro spoke up, in his attempt to keep conversation light. "-you're all fucking mooches!"

"Whose calling who a mooch?" Bakugo glanced through the review mirror. "Whose underwear are you wearing right now!?"

"My own?" Shiro innocently replies. "Who's the weirdo going around stealing other people's underwear?"

"Why would you even ask that Bakugo?" Mina raised an eyebrow.

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" Bakugo growled, whipping around—the car swerved—Mina yelped, the blond snapped around, straightening the car out with a few swear words along the way.

"Stay on the road man!" Kirishima yells, wishing he was next to you, protectively holding you in his arms...

"When I park this car-" Bakugo calmly states, gripping the steering wheel. "-I am going to fucking blast you into next week you fucking garbage pail!"

"Aw-" Shiro coos, "-that's adorable, but fire doesn't really do much for me, but if you want, I can fake it if that'll get your dick hard-!"

"Shut the fuck up!" Bakugo barks, "Or I swear to God I will turn this car around-!"

"And do what soccer mom-?" Shiro egged on.

You smiled as Bakugo and Shiro continued to bicker and throw insults at one another, inside your beautiful drunken haze you realized a few answers to the questions Naomasa rudely gave you.

You didn't know if you wanted to retire Five and place those old memories on the shelf. You knew Aizawa and All Might would want you to be (h.n), the inspiring hero—a fresh start—but you were not sure you could be anything else other than the fifth bullet.

As Gray's drool dripped down the window, and Shiro playfully pulling on Bakugo's ear while driving, you knew you did not want to step away from them. You wanted Shiro to be free to retire, you wanted to watch Gray get married and raise his kid.

As you faced forward, placing all your weight against the back rest, you knew then you were going to do everything in your power—no matter the cost—to make sure the three of you never saw the inside of a cell ever again.


"I am never drinking again." Mina groans as she enters the kitchen, slippers dragging across the tile—water, she just needed water.

"Ha-!" Shiro throws his head back, leaning back on one of the couches. "-I've heard that one before!"

"Wha-?" Mina groggily pulls her eyes from the floor, Shiro and Gray had taken over two couches while you were at the kitchen island, one leg propped on a stool. "-how are you three awake right now?"

"Why wouldn't we be?" Shiro calls without looking away from the television.

"You-You all had like twice the number of drinks I did and I'm barely alive right now!" Mina expresses, leaning on the island for support as her stomach does laps. "Ugh, I feel sick."

"We can handle our shit-" Shiro replies, "-clearly, your class cannot."

"Huh?" Mina furrows her brows, turning to you for clarification.

"Half those damn extras are passed out in the bathrooms." Bakugo answers, Mina jumps, spinning around as the blond hero strolls past her.

"Bakugo?" Mina blinks, "What are you—when did you-?"

"I've been up." Bakugo replies, having been the designated driver last night, he wasn't hung over. Bakugo places two steaming mugs down while taking his seat beside you.

"What are you doing (y.n)?" Mina wondered; a cloth laid out before you, littered with gun pieces and a pipe cleaner in hand.

"Building a bridge." You retort, attention never leaving the piece in your hand, Mina rolled her eyes.

"Ha-Ha, I mean why are you cleaning your gun again, didn't you just do that?"

"It's not mine." You replied, wiping your hand on the extra cloth beside you, finally looking at the pinkette.


"Gray." You nod over to the Bullet passed out on the couch, snoring away.

"Oh." Mina nods, "How come you're doing-?"

"He's paying her." Shiro butts in, munching on cold waffles Bakugo had made earlier.

"Paying you?" Mina frowns, turning back in time to see the smirk on your face as you reached for the gun oil.

"Yeah." You nod, Mina quickly realizes Gray wasn't paying you in money, the question now was...what was he going to have to do?

Fear tangled itself in Mina's gut, only able to imagine what the answer could be.

"Why do you have to do all that?" Mina wiggles her hand at the disassembled firearm.

"Many reasons." You vaguely answer.

"Like?" Mina tries to keep the conversation going, pulling a mug from the cabinet.

"It can cause malfunctions like the gun jamming-" Bakugo stepped in. "-or an explosion in the gun itself, right?"

You nod.

"How-?" Mina tilts her head, looking between you and Bakugo. She opened her mouth, Bakugo was happily tucked into your side, having you teach him how to disassemble, clean then reassemble the .9mm gun.

"Hm." Mina hummed, pouring herself a cup of coffee. "Ugh..." She groaned, leaning on the counter, head throbbing as her stomach felt like it was surfing around inside her abdomen.

Plastic hitting the counter repetitively turns the pinkette, you slide a pill bottle in her direction.

"Ibuprofen." Mina reads the bottle. "Thanks (y.n)."

You nod in response.

Mina pulls on the free stool, her eyes drift to the one where your leg is propped up, she frowns noting the brace.

"Hey (y.n)..."

"No." You reply.

"But-But you don't even know what I'm gonna say!"

"I bet I do." You counter, eyes darting over to her. "You like your tongue where it is?"

"You-You wouldn't really..." Mina nervously chuckles, gaze flickering to Bakugo for a moment before returning to your dead set glare, causing her to swallow. "...so, last night was fun, uh-um, where did you guys put Endeavor's card?"

"You don't remember?" Shiro looks away from the TV.

"Um..." Mina trails off, turning to Bakugo. "...no, why what did-?"

You and Shiro break into laughter, you lean backwards, taking the tension off your back. Mina took this moment to scan your appearance: cargo pants tucked into your boots with a plain shirt, the outfit was simple and yet you looked so picturesque.

"I feel like I missed something." Mina pouted, wanting to be in the loop.

"I'll tell you later." Bakugo muttered, taking a sip of his coffee, Mina brightens up.

"Hey..." Kirishima weakly waves walking in beside Midoriya.

"Morning!" Mina chirps up, "Oh-" She giggles, "-how are you feeling?"

"Like I was put through a woodchipper." Kirishima groans, plopping next to Mina in the only free stool he lays against the cool counter.

"How are you feeling?" Midoriya questions Mina as his gaze struggles to remain off you.

"I'm never drinking again." Mina breathes, Midoriya chuckles.

"I agree, we probably went a little too hard last night."

"You think?" Kirishima looks up, "Why did we drink so much when we have class the next day!?"

"I don't know." Mina shakes her head.

"How is it already 7:30 in the morning?" Kirishima whines, feeling as if this was some cruel trick being played on him.

"Wait-" Shiro looks over, "-it's not-" He snatches his phone off the coffee table. "-shit!" Shiro jumps. "We're late!"

"Huh?" Kirishima sits up, watching Shiro roughly wake Gray, "What's...?" The redhead was locked on you as you slid back the slicer on the .9mm gun, cocking it before tossing it over to Gray who groggily was confused on what was going on.

"Wait-!" Mina scrambles out of her chair; you pull your jacket off the couch. "-we-we have class in like an hour!"

"Ok-?" Shiro frowns, "-have a nice day?"

"No-!" Mina gestures to you, who was zipping your jacket. "-(y.n) you're in our class, you are a U.A. student, you should be coming with us-!"

"Aw I'm sorry-" Shiro rolls his eyes. "-is trying to stay out of prison not as important as your history lesson?"

"It's more than history!" Mina calls as the three of you dip out the front door, in a brisk second, the three U.A. students were alone in the living area. "Dammit." Mina huffs, plopping on the stool.

"They will be back." Midoriya comforts her.

"I know..." Mina's face was dejected as she reached over fiddling with your discarded rag. "...it's just, I wish-" The front door opened just then, Mina perked up.

Shiro strolled through the living room, Mina deflated, the seventh bullet snatched the pill bottle off the island.

"See ya!" He called, moving to the exit.

"Wait-!" Mina hopped up, "-Shiro!"

"Hm?" Shiro turned, looking down at the pinkette scrambling over to him.

"(y.n)-" Mina shakes her head, fighting back the nausea. "-she keeps saying she's just fine, but her condition, really...how is she?"

Shiro gazed down into those black sclerae, and yellow iris eyes filled with confusion and worry, after a moment he smiled, reaching a handout.

"I know speaking (y.n) is hard to learn at first-" He grins, placing his hand on her shoulder. "-but this time, she really is fine."

"But the brace on her leg!" Mina panics, talking with her hands.

"Hey-" Shiro leans closer to her. "-(y.n) is starting to bounce back."


"Her full range is returning in her shoulder, her back is all but healed and her leg is on its way, it's taking a minute but (y.n) is bouncing back."

"Are you sure?"

"I am." Shiro nods, standing upright. "You know you're a lot like her."

"I-I am!?"

"Mhm." Shiro smirks, "Impatient."

"I-I am not-!"

"Gotta go, bye!" Shiro sang as he took his leave.

"Rude ass." Mina grumps watching the front door close.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C67
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


