81.18% Mine (Bakugo x Reader) / Chapter 82: Chapter Eighty Three

章 82: Chapter Eighty Three

In the dimly lit hospital room, All Might, Bakugo, Midoriya, and Gray were seated, their voices hushed as they discussed the fortunate absence of news regarding your recent descent into chaos. The tension in the room was palpable, a heavy cloud of uncertainty lingering as each kept stealing glances at your frame.

Slowly, you began to stir on the hospital bed. All Might, ever the symbol of peace and hope, moved to your side with a soft, reassuring smile. He was about to inquire about how you were feeling when, to everyone's shock, one of your arms suddenly broke free from the restraints. In an instant, you swung your fist, catching All Might across the face and sending the symbol of peace stumbling backward.

Chaos erupted in the room as Bakugo, Midoriya, and Gray leaped into action, attempting to restrain you. Their voices blended into a cacophony of shouted commands and frantic cries for help. A nurse rushed into the room, and amidst the commotion, she quickly administered a sedative, bringing a momentary calm as your struggles weakened.

All Might, nursing his jaw, wore an expression of both concern and sadness as he gazed at the restrained figure of you. It was clear that the drug's effects still held a powerful grip on you.

"Well, that just happened," Gray broke the thick silence that had settled over the room.

All Might turned to the nurse with a furrowed brow, his concern evident. "Shouldn't the Trigger be out of her system by now?" He questioned her.

"We thought so..." The nurse replied, her voice trembling slightly. "...we have been flushing her system, but...l-let me go get the doctor!" She quickly exited the room, leaving the group to grapple with the unsettling turn of events.


"You gonna tell me where we're going?" Shiro repeated to the guard, escorting him down the endless hallways of the hospital—he was met with more silence. "You're such a delight." He muttered to himself, his arm resting in a sling from the gunshot to his shoulder.

It didn't take long for Shiro to be brought to a dimly lit hallway where Bakugo, All Might, and Dr. Shuzenju stood before a two-way mirror. Shiro shot them confused looks until he gazed through the mirror into the containment room, where his mouth dropped, seeing you held against the wall, your movements restricted by unyielding metal restraints. Cold steel encircled your wrists, ankles, and chest, rendering you immobile. Each clamp was meticulously designed to withstand even the most determined efforts at escape.

A heavy collar, fitted securely around your throat, was the final measure of control. It emitted a faint, eerie hum as it actively suppressed your quirk, preventing any manifestation of your unique abilities.

The room offered no comfort, with its bare concrete walls and utilitarian design. A single, unshaded light bulb dangled from the ceiling, casting harsh shadows across the room. There was no window to provide any glimpse of the outside world, Shiro stood at the mirror in utter shock.

"What in the fuck-!?" He went to berade them

"She was given a dose of what we thought was Trigger." Dr. Shuzenji quickly filled him in.

"How-what happened!?" Shiro shook his head.

"What is the last thing you remember?" All Might questioned.

"-the hell happened to you?" Shiro stared at him.

"Answer the question."

"Uh..." Shiro trailed off in thought. "...I guess...after I was shot...the last thing I remember is (y.n) and I getting our ass kicked. But I-I remember bits and pieces of being in a medical tent. Somehow, I know she got us out of there and-!"

"Kana went missing." All Might explained, "(y.n) was the one who found her, but it was a trap. Kana was being controlled and gave her a dose of what we thought was Trigger."

"What you thought?" Shiro frowned, "What the hell-" Shiro's gaze flickered to All Might and Bakugo. "-she did that to you, didn't she?"

"We think (y.n) was given ideo trigger." Dr. Shuzenji spoke up. "I understand your team is familiar with the regular Trigger drug and has built up a tolerance."

"Yeah, but not to ideo." Shiro leaned against the wall. "We stopped taking Trigger years ago, so our tolerance isn't what it used to be. Plus, Ideo Trigger is a different ball game, if she was shot up with that, and went off the walls like I assume she did because-" he gestured to the containment room. "-you know...it would explain if she was a bit hostile."

"A bit hostile?" All Might looked over. "She took out Aizawa, Midoriya, and Bakugo. Gray could barely keep her under his quirk."

"Like I said-" Shiro waved him off, "-a bit hostile."

"What do we give her as an antidote?" All Might questioned.

"Huh?" Shiro blinked.

"What do we give her to make this stuff go away!?"

"Uh...nothing." Shiro shrugged with his good shoulder. "The only thing we can do is let it run its course."

"It's been hours." Dr. Shuzenji stepped in.

"It might be." Shiro nodded, "It could be in her system for hours, or even days, really."

"How don't you know?" Dr. Shuzenji frowned.

"We got out of the drug game way before ideo ever hit the market." Shiro explained, "I don't know jack about it."

"You said if we got him out of his hospital bed and brought him over here-" Dr. Shuzenji turned to the U.A. teachers, "-he would have knowledge on this drug."

"I thought he would be more useful." All Might muttered.

"That's offensive." Shiro placed his hand on his hip.

The hallway turns into a somber place, filled with the familiar anxiety that comes with waiting. Midoriya sits on the ground, breathing through on an oxygen mask despite Dr. Shuzenji's recommendation of staying in his room, he had insisted on staying close to you.

Todoroki and Gray sat on the floor, engrossed in a card game that served as a welcome distraction from the tension in the air. Shiro perched himself in a chair beside Bakugo, offering silent support. All Might and Dr. Shuzenji engaged in conversation nearby, their hushed voices carrying snippets of concern.

As time passed, the atmosphere remained heavy, and everyone was anxiously awaiting any sign of change. Then, the moment arrived. You began to stir, and all eyes in the hallway turned toward your room.

Shiro, standing closest to the door, stepped forward.

"I got this." He called, signaling everyone to remain seated. The guard beside the door swiped to allow him in the containment room. As he entered, he felt the chill that permeated the space. Slowly, he approached you, who immediately began to struggle against the unyielding restraints.

"Hey-!" Shiro reached out touching your shoulder, "-I know the collar hurts, but it's-" He cut himself off, the cold burn in your eyes caused him to slowly drop his hand. "-(y.n), use a quirk." He instructed firmly, taking a step back. "Show me your eyes-" He ordered again after you ignored his request. "-I know even with that collar on you can still get it up."

You ignored him, focused on getting free—Shiro stomped forward, gripping your face, forcing you to look him in the eye. "I said show me!" He shouted in your face, you sneered back, glaring at him with two glowing eyes. Shiro frowned, feeling the frost on his fingers, but he didn't care. Your eyes were still engulfed with the drug. Shiro sighed, disappointment etched on his face.

"Fuck off!" Your face painted with disdain.

"Looks like you'll have to stay on ice until you sober up." Shiro replied, shaking his head. He turned and left the room, the door sealing behind him, leaving you alone in the cold, sterile confinement of the containment room.


"Hey, Aizawa!" All Might cheerfully entered the room, cradling a vase of vibrant flowers. His eyes avoided direct contact with Aizawa, who was half-covered in bandages.

Aizawa turned to him, his gaze focused and concerned. All Might gently set the vase down and forced a smile.

"How is she doing?" Aizawa sighed, All Might's cheerfulness momentarily waned.

"She's about the same." He admitted. "But we know what drug she was given, so the Doc is trying to flush it out faster."

"That's good." Aizawa nodded, leaning against his pillows, his exhaustion evident.

All Might gestured to his own bandaged face. "How's, um...all this going?"

Aizawa offered a weak smile. "It's fine. (y.n) missed my eye, so it's all surface wounds."

"That's great!" All Might exclaimed, his optimism returning. "You'll be up and running in no time!"

Aizawa responded with a hum, allowing the conversation to fade into silence. All Might, however, couldn't let something rest on his mind.

"Hey, um-" He began cautiously, "-you know...you know it wasn't really her, right? It was—"

"I know." Aizawa interrupted gently. "I know it was the drugs talking. You don't have to give me the speech."

"I was just making sure." All Might admitted sheepishly.

Aizawa shifted the topic. "How are the kids doing?"

"Good." All Might replied with a nod. "They are all good, just waiting on (y.n) to wake up."

Aizawa then made a heartfelt suggestion. "You should get back to her."

"What?" All Might frowned in confusion.

"One of her fathers needs to be with her when she wakes up." Aizawa said quietly.

"Aizawa..." All Might's voice wavered, tears forming in his eyes. "Aizawa!" He jumped and wrapped his arms around the injured teacher, pulling him into a tearful hug.

"Ow." Aizawa sighed, but there was a subtle warmth in his response, an acknowledgment of the deep bond they shared—the love for their daughter.


You slowly stirred, head throbbing as if it had been used as a battering ram. You groaned, feeling like you had been run over by a truck. Shiro, sitting in the corner of the room, felt a knot of tension inside him, praying silently for this ordeal to be over as he pushed himself up.

You squinted against the harsh light filtering into the room.

"Show me your eyes." Shiro coldly states.

"What kind of kinky shit are you getting into?" You groaned, your voice raspy and filled with discomfort.

Shiro's heart skipped a beat. "(y.n)?" He called, his voice filled with both hope and trepidation. "Did you come out of it!?" The audience in the hallway all stopped their activities to stand and stare into the room.

You continued to blink, your eyes gradually focusing on him. For a moment, confusion clouded your gaze, but then realization dawned like a sudden burst of light. The memories of past events flashed before your eyes like a rapid slideshow, and your stomach tightened as you found it hard to breathe.

"(y.n)!" Shiro rushed forward, his hands trembling as he fumbled with your restraints. "Get these off her!"

"Is she clear?" The guard asked, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

"Is she fucking clear!?" Shiro seethed, his frustration and worry boiling over. "I wouldn't be saying it if she wasn't!"

The guard didn't offer another word, he simply unlocked the restraints, you fell forward like a sack of potatoes, Shiro caught you, going down to the floor with you he held you tightly.

"Get the hell outta the way-!" Bakugo's voice turned Shiro's head. The guard was blocking anyone else from entering—only one person was permitted in the containment room at a time.

You clung to Shiro as memories of your actions under Trigger's influence flooded your mind. You shook your head, feeling your blade slice through Aizawa's face, feeling your hands wrapped around Midoriya's neck as you straggle him. The wave of guilt and shame wash over you. Unable to bear it, you buried your face in Shiro's chest.

Shiro, holding you close, gently asked, "What's wrong, (y.n)?"

"I can never look them in the eye again." You whispered; your voice filled with self-loathing.

Shiro continued to soothe you, running his hand through your hair. "It's going to be okay." He reassured you. "Just look over there." You shot him a confused look, but reluctantly, you turned your gaze towards the lobby, where you saw All Might and the others desperately trying to get in to see you. You hesitated, dropping your gaze.

But Shiro insisted, "Look at them, (y.n)."

As you watched, Shiro spoke softly, "They never left your side, no matter what. They have officially seen the good, the bad, and the ugly, but they are still fighting to get to you because they love you."

"Yeah..." You breathed, watching Bakugo get in the guard's face. "...I guess they do..."

"Yeah, the little garbage pail kids aren't so bad I guess." Shiro joked, causing you to chuckle.

"Where's Aizawa?" You ask, not seeing him through the glass.

"Uh..." Shiro cleared his throat. "...about that."


After being checked out by the doctor and subjected to what felt like an endless barrage of questions, you were slowly brought to the room where Aizawa was recovering.

"We'll wait outside for you." All Might said, attempting to offer a reassuring smile.

Bakugo, on the other hand, wasn't as willing to wait. He frowned and protested, "What? I'm not waiting outside—"

Before Bakugo could finish his sentence, All Might swiftly wrapped an arm around his head, effectively herding you into the room. The door closed behind you, leaving you alone with Aizawa.

Turning around, your heart sank upon seeing Aizawa lying in his bed, his face half-hidden beneath bandages. Tears welled up in your eyes, and your trembling hand instinctively covered your mouth. The guilt you felt was overwhelming.

"(y.n)." Aizawa weakly smiled, his raspy voice breaking through your distress. "Come here." He waved you closer, but you remained rooted in place.

"I-I am so sorry." You choked out, the tingling sensation behind your eyes grew. Aizawa pulled the blankets off his legs, ignoring his own pain, and quickly closed the distance between you two. He wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace, offering the solace you so desperately needed.

"It's okay." Aizawa soothed, his voice gentle and reassuring. "I know it was just the drugs, (y.n). You have nothing to feel sorry about right now."

"I'm so sorry." You repeated, your voice quivering as you saw the evidence of your actions on your father figure, the man who had taken you under his wing. "Everyone's right-" You gasped; your guilt becoming unbearable. "-I should be behind bars."

"Never say that!" Aizawa insisted, his hold on you even tighter now. "You had no choice in what happened, and no one died. Everyone walked away with only a few cuts and bruises. This is nothing compared to what we've been through, right?"

"Yeah." You weakly nodded, voice muffled as your face remained buried in his chest.

"You had no choice in being injected with the Trigger drug, right?" Aizawa asked.

"Yeah." You nodded again.

"Then that settles it." Aizawa nods, his smile warm as he gently pulled away from you. "There's nothing for you to feel sorry for."


"I've been watching this show." Aizawa interrupted, turning and taking you with him as he climbed onto the bed. You settled beside him, resting your head on his shoulder. Flashes of All Might, Bakugo, and the others ran through your mind. And, for the first time in years, you felt like you had your family back.

"What show?" You wondered, your voice softer now, the weight of your guilt slowly lifting.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C82
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


