10% Minashi Namikaze-Uzumaki [ONGOING] / Chapter 1: Prologue
Minashi Namikaze-Uzumaki [ONGOING] Minashi Namikaze-Uzumaki [ONGOING] original

Minashi Namikaze-Uzumaki [ONGOING]

作者: N0velUpdate

© WebNovel

章 1: Prologue

Blue eyes surrounded by black, displaying his status as reanimated, looked on in worry and trepidation as the blonde across from him continued to work on the seal. The other man working on the seal with him and the blonde paused at seeing his fellow Reanimation hesitation.

Red eyes surrounded by black looked into reanimated blues.

"Minato?" Tobirama asked in a hushed voice, not to disturb the other blonde across the way from them.

Minato did not pay the Niidaime a second as he walked over to see what his youngest was painting in her blood ink onto the seal around them. The section of the matrix she was in had already been completed. So why was she working on it now?

If Minato had blood in his body, he would have paled.

"Minashi!" he cried out and jerked her away from the seal. Bloodshot cerulean blue eyes met his with calmness he did not expect.

"Papa." Minashi whispered. Her voice soft, but tired. "Why did you stop? We are almost done."

Minato pointed down at where she had been reworking the time destination. "I thought we discussed this! You are going back to your birth-"

"No!" she said firmly, ice dripping from her voice. It always surprised Minato to learn just how much like him she turned out to be. She looked exactly like her mother, but with his coloring and eye shape. That and she shared the same birthmarks as her twin brother had. The only thing he could say she got from Kushina was her temper when she was pushed too far, and her tendency to prank. But even those had lessen over the years.

"You discussed this with Tobirama. I cannot go back to the day I was born. I will be a useless infant. I have made the decision to go further back. While I won't have an adult body, it will give me time to build up whatever size I'm in to what I'll need it to be. That and if I end up in a younger age, I will have time to grow and make a name for myself. That way I can protect everyone better."

"But you'll be erasing your own existence!" Minato hissed gripping her arms and preventing himself from shaking her to try to shake some sense into her.

Minashi's gaze softened. "Hai. I'll take that risk. I am not the Child of Prophecy. Naruto is. With him gone, we are doomed. So, I'll go back and make sure that he is born and his precious people, my precious people, are protected from the evil that drove us underground. Papa, this was Naruto's last wish. For me to go back. To save everyone I could. I can't do that if I'm not in a position to be strong enough to do that."

Minashi stepped closer to her father and hugged him tight. "Just because I'm erasing myself from my original time, doesn't mean I won't still be there for my brother." She chuckled softly. "This time I can be the big sister and protect him."

Minato knew that if he was truly alive, he would be crying. Instead he held his daughter closer and ran his ink stained fingers through her silky long hair. She'd grown it out in remembrance of her mother's long locks.

"Do whatever it takes Musume to plant yourself as part of my family. You know my story. War Orphan, almost desperate for family. Sensei was a pseudo father, but I will be honored to have my blood beside me. You will not be my daughter, but a sister will be just as loved."

"I know papa. It might take time, but I'll make sure to keep our family together and protected. Let's finish the seal."

Minato nodded and kissed her temple. Minashi left his arms and went back down to finish inking in her new existence into the seal.

Walking back to his section, he quickly finished it off, not making a single mistake. He would not send his only child remaining, back in time, without making sure everything was perfect.

It was a short time later when the last seal masters finally stepped back from the large, delicate, and detailed seal. Tobirama crossed his arms with an arrogant smirk. Minato looked on in resignation. Minashi felt the fire in her, which had been dimmed for too many years, roar to life.


Finally after all these years, she would be going back to make good on her final promise to her Nii-san.

A warm hand settled on Minashi's shoulder and she didn't have to look to know who it was. His scent filled her nose and soothed her tired brain.

"It's done?" he asked in his soft timber.

"Hai." She whispered.

"Let's get you to bed then. You will need all the energy you can possibly store to use it." Tired cerulean blues turned to look back and up at a single deep coal eye. His sharingan eye covered.

Minashi let out a long sigh before letting herself collapse against her once sensei. Easily he scooped her up into his arms and prepared to shunshin to their flat.

Minato gave his last student a flat look. Kakashi eye smiled in return. "Sensei~"

"I'm still not happy that you are dating my daughter, that is fourteen years your junior, Kakashi~" Minato smiled in that scary smile of his that threatened death.

Kakashi chuckled nervously and didn't delay his escape any longer. With a swirl of leaves, he was gone with his precious cargo.

Letting out a long sigh, Kakashi activated the privacy seals in their small flat and laid his girlfriend in their bed. Bloodshot cerulean blue eyes blinked open to watch her lover and boyfriend shed his clothes before he did the same with her own. He pulled her warm body against his and kissed her forehead. Minashi reached up and kissed the beauty mark just below the corner of his mouth. Lips lifted into a small smile as his strong arms wrapped around her.

"I wish I could go back with you." Kakashi whispered into her golden strands. His fingers playing with it at the base of her spine. Minashi hummed as she snuggled into his scar-ridden chest. "I had such a stick up my ass as a preteen. I was just plain old stubborn as a kid. Always trying to live up to my father's reputation." But Kakashi knew, just like everyone else that was still alive, only Minashi could go back. The last half of the Kyuubi would protect her and guide her to stay in their dimension.

"Don't worry Kashi." Minashi hummed as she kissed his skin. "I'll set you straight."

Kakashi hummed as he hugged her closer. "That's all I ask. I need you in my life. You were always the sun in my eyes."

Minashi felt her eyes sting, but no tears fell. Instead, she willed herself to enjoy one last night in her lover's arms before she would be sent back in time.

Minashi slept through the night and most of the next day. When she woke just before sunset, she was greeted by the sight of her father. Both him and Kakashi were in the living room of her and Kakashi's small flat. The last of the blood ink was in a small jar in his hand and a brush in the other. He gave her a sad smile.

"You rested enough to have the last of the seal's placed?"

"Hai papa." She said and moved to them. She stripped bare, not caring for modesty as it was just her father and lover. Minato worked on the seals over her bare body while Kakashi's nimble fingers brushed through her hair and started braiding it back and out of the way for when Minato would do the seal's there. It wasn't long before the two switched places and Kakashi was now in front of her. His sharingan was revealed and she knew he was taking it all in. every detail of her face. His long fingers came up and traced the skin across her face that wasn't covered in sealing ink. Carefully he leaned forward and left a kiss on her lips.

"𝘖𝘪." A menacing voice growled from behind Minashi. Kakashi chuckled and Minashi smirked.

His Coal eye darkened and Minashi's humor left. "You can be as reckless and knuckle-headed as your brother." Kakashi whispered inches from her. "Please, promise me that you will try not to get yourself killed with those traits."

Minashi smiled lovingly at him. "I'll do my best. I can't promise it because you know what I'll do to protect my precious people. Naruto and I are exactly the same in that regard."

Kakashi sighed and pressed another kiss to her soft lips. "I know." He mumbled before sidestepping a kunai Minato threw at him.

Low growling was heard as the air shifted behind her. "Done." Minato grunted and called up a gentle wind jutsu. "once the ink is dry you can put on your cloak and we will head to the seal. The other Hokages have been protecting it since you left."

Before Minashi knew it their party of three was teleported back to the location of the time-travel seal.

She wasn't surprised to see the remaining shinobi from the last of the elemental nations there. While at one time they had returned back to their own lands, it later became easier to just keep everyone together. They were no longer the shinobi of their own nations. They were just shinobi. The Shinobi Alliance was as strong as it was but hope had long since left them. Now they had just fought to survive and stay hidden as long as possible.

The robe around her dropped and what was left of her modesty was covered by her long hair and strong genjutsu by her lover and father.

Sand tickled her wrist and she looked over to one of the remaining Kages. The elder Kages of the other nations have already fallen to aid their people in escaping their demolished lands. Gaara stepped to her and eyed her seal covered skin before looking into her burning eyes.

"You and Naruto saved me from a life of madness. I've never been able to repay you two for your friendship." He held out his fist. "The only way I hope to make your time easier is to give you Shukaku's memories and hope you gain an ally from him."

Minashi smiled gently as she bumped his fist with her own. When her headache dimmed from the information transfer, she looked into glassy teal eyes. Reaching up she cupped his jaw and his eyes shut as he enjoyed her touch. He knew he'd never get her heart, but it didn't mean he didn't still love her in a way. She'd been one of his first friends. Her and Naruto.

"I won't send you off with any requests. Only a wish for you to find happiness. Do not put your future on hold just to save us all. Make new friends. Find those that will have your back like we did."

"I will." She whispered and leaned in to kiss his cheek. "I can't promise it, but I am going to try to save your mother Gaara. You deserve happiness just like everyone else."

Tears slipped down the prior Kage's cheeks. "Safe travels."

Minashi smiled and nodded before walking towards the seal once more. Slowly she took in a calming breath and let herself fall into her mindscape. She wasn't surprised to find her lifelong companion in a lotus position. He'd been silent the past month. Focusing on gathering chakra for their trip.

'You ready Kurama?'

One blood red eye opened to gaze down at his host. [I am as ready as I can make us. Have you said your goodbyes?]

Blue eyes shut with her smile that was almost too forced.

'It's not goodbye. It's just see you later.'

[But they will not be the same people. You will prevent a lot of pain so they will not learn the same lessons or share the same bonds.]

Minashi chuckled as she regarded her foxy tenant. 'No, we won't. Just means that I'll have to create new bonds with them.'

Kurama rolled his eyes as he looked down at his insufferable host. [You are just like your brother in that way.]

Blue eyes dimmed at the reminder.

[He'd be proud you know.]

Kurama said softer.

Minashi looked up into ancient red eyes and gave her first real smile in a long time. 'Un.'

[Now, let's get this show started.]

Blue eyes snapped open. Minashi snapped around to look back at the last of her family. Both blood and not. Minato walked up to his daughter and gave her one last hug before teleporting to his designated spot around the seal. Tobirama patted her head and followed Minato's action to his own point on the seal.

Hashirama gave her a strong hug and wished her good luck. He too would power a point on the seal. The reanimation of her Jiji stepped to her next.

"While you and your brother always drove me nuts, I wouldn't have given that up for the world. I wish I could have done better for you two, but I think you both turned out to be amazing people." He patted her shoulder. "Now remember what we discussed."

"You're a crafty old man that will not be fooled easily. Even if you won't say it aloud, you will still put the pieces together that will be my puzzle. Only when I slip up will you make me admit it all. But that must not happen. Your council cannot be trusted in any point in time."

Hiruzen Sarutobi nodded sadly and patted her shoulder. "Good luck my child." He shunshined to his own position. Minashi was suddenly having to duck her head as two pale arms put something on her. Blinking down at her chest, she forced herself not to tremble as her eyes gazed down at the jewel around her neck.

"Your brother broke the curse that was on this. Take it with you so that you will always remember why you fight. You might not have wanted the seat, but you have the heart of a Kage. Just like Naruto." Warm lips pressed to the center of her forehead and Minashi felt her eyes sting. She couldn't cry though. It would make the ink smear. Watery blue eyes looked up into warm brown ones on an aged elderly face.

"Baa-chan." Minashi whispered through her tight throat.

"Make us proud Mina-chan." Tsunade whispered.

"I will. Believe it." Minashi whispered, but all present heard.

"We already do." Tsunade grinned and went to take her own position. She may not be as young as she used to, but it didn't mean she wasn't still as strong as the other Kages present.

Her favorite scent filled her nose and Minashi looked up into heterochromic eyes of coal and sharingan red. Long fingers threaded through her loose hair as he brought their foreheads together.

"I love you." Kakashi whispered just low enough for her own ears.

"I love you too. And I'll remind your younger self why you love me."

Kakashi chuckled softly before pulling his mask down for all to see and kissing her solidly on the lips. After a few beats, he let her go and walked her to the center of the seal before taking his own position around it. The remaining Kage level shinobi following suit. Gaara, Chojuro, Darui, Kurotsuchi, Mei, and even Orochimaru.

While the snake was still creepy and not to be fully trusted, he was not stupid. He knew he'd die on the surface. Nothing prepared the old snake for the end of the world. Living forever meant nothing if there was nothing to live for. Plus, he'd been sealed back into his own body. It was the condition given to him if he wanted to seek shelter with the other shinobi. It was either that or die at Madara's hands.

Minashi took one last look around the seal to see the pillars of the villages, and those standing as support behind them. All with hope shining in their eyes.

"Minashi-chan." A gravelly voice called across the seal. Minashi glanced over to the snake Sannin. Blue eyes met reptilian gold. "I cannot undo the mistakes I have made. But they can be prevented."

Minashi raised a brow at the snake. She wasn't expecting this from him of all people. She watched as his golden eyes moved to his right to look at Tsunade.

"I believe if anyone could fix the Sannin it can be you." He looked back at Minashi with surprisingly a pleading gaze. "If you end up far enough back, can you attempt to save me from myself? If you end up intriguing enough, it will prevent me from looking at Sensei's chair. I find that over the past few years, that I miss being with my teammates."

"I'll do what I can." Minashi nodded and a slightly creepy smile came upon the snake's face, but that was probably the best he could do.

"If Danzo is taken out of the picture that will most likely keep me from taking the path of darkness. However, I'm still a scientist and logical man. Use those against me."

Minashi smirked at him. "Took you long enough Oro-chan."

Orochimaru grimaced. "Just go brat."

Minashi snickered before sitting down in her own lotus position. Molding her chakra, she felt the powerful chakra around her begin to rise to match her own.

The long stream of hand signs suddenly flew like a blur in her hands. All two hundred of them. When the last one was complete, there was a deathly silence that reigned before her and all the Shinobi surrounding the seal slammed their hands down to power and activated the seal.

{Fuuin: Rewind}

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


