50% midnight trial domain / Chapter 1: 1
midnight trial domain midnight trial domain original

midnight trial domain

作者: gamefame_2014

© WebNovel

章 1: 1




"Expression through Writing"

-Point of View (POV) and days- 


-Day 0- 


I woke up groggily, only to find myself in an unfamiliar place I just turned 17 years old As I looked around, my gaze landed on a table with a note resting on it. Curiously, I reached out and picked it up.

Me:"welcome to the MTD and thank you for participating" MTD? What's that supposed to mean?

I rummaged through my pockets and found my phone, but there was no signal. Resigned, I pocketed it again. Just then, a door creaked open, catching my attention. I decided to prepare myself, so I tore off the legs of the table to use as makeshift bats. With makeshift weapons in hand, I cautiously stepped out only to see the hallway. 

Me:where is this leading?

I proceeded cautiously, mindful of any potential noise or surveillance cameras. After a while, I came across an open door revealing a room with a massive table adorned with a long line of food, spanning from breakfast to dessert. And a note 

Me: "eat a meal or else"The fuck ?

Cautiously, I approached the table, tapping the perfectly seared steak with my makeshift bat, half expecting something ominous to occur. To my surprise, nothing happened. Tentatively, I used a fork to sample a small piece, inspecting it for any signs of poisoning before taking a bite. The flavor was exquisite, so I indulged in the meal, even trying the bamboo curry which was equally delightful. However, after consuming the food, I felt a strange sensation coursing through my body, though I chose to ignore it.

As another door opened, I readied my makeshift bats and continued onward, eventually emerging into the brightness of a cityscape. Oddly, there was no one else in sight, and the door through which I had come had vanished, leaving me perplexed and alone in the middle of the urban expanse

???:testing testing 

I glanced upward and spotted a scoreboard displaying the number 6,124,567. Suddenly, a woman's face materialized, adorned with a feathered top hat and dressed as a ringleader.

Ringleader: Welcome, players! You might be wondering where you are. Let me explain. You've been randomly selected to participate in the 'Midnight Trail Domain,' where you'll engage in games and earn rewards 

I observed as the ringleader retrieved a clipboard and donned a pair of glasses, signaling a shift to a more official demeanor

Ringleader: Welcome to the first game, Hunted. As the name suggests, you'll be hunted down by superpowered hunters. 'How many are there?' you might ask. The answer is yes. But to spice things up, you probably indulged in a few meals at the buffet table, granting you abilities based on what you ate and how many dishes you ate but you probably ate only one so Remember, you can't kill the hunters, as they possess immortality. The game ends when only a certain number of survivors remain. Let the hunt begin!

After the announcement, a forced adrenaline surged through me as I sprinted towards the nearest building. Entering an office, I quickly took cover behind a desk, realizing I was ill-prepared for any of this . With only a makeshift bat as my weapon, and no knowledge of the hunters' abilities besides their immortality, I braced myself for whatever might come next.

Me:she said that eating the meals from the table gave abilities related to the meal but since I ate two then what did I gain?

As I mulled over what abilities I might have gained , the numbers on the scoreboard dwindled, from 6,124,567 to 6,124,550 signifying the loss of 17 players. Just as panic began to rise within me, I noticed a holographic cube labeled "Info." Intrigued, I ventured out of my hiding spot and approached it slowly, When I touched the cube, it transformed into a file.

Me:(picks it up)"you got the info box which will tell you almost anything to gain information say what you want to know" ok I want to know what my powers are 

As the holographic files glowed and then settled, I delved into the information they contained. To my surprise, I discovered that I had gained the abilities of bamboo manipulation and recreation, albeit with a limitation: the recreation ability only worked on objects I built by hand  With this newfound knowledge, I began to formulate a plan for survival.

Me:they said that the game ends when a certain amount of survivors are still breathing 

With a simple yet effective plan in mind, I resolved to stay hidden and hone my newfound abilities. My goal was clear: ensure my survival by being among the designated number of survivors. Aware that the rules likely wouldn't intervene if other survivors turned on each other

Me:better scout around for items 

As I explored the building further, I stumbled upon vending machines stocked with snacks and drinks, an oddity given the circumstances. Intrigued by the fact that the electricity still functioned, I continued my exploration, eventually making my way to the roof. From there, I watched as the scoreboard continued to decrement, indicating the demise of more players. 

Deciding to establish a base of operations, I returned indoors and discovered a spacious empty room, perfect for my needs. With this newfound space as my own, I could strategize and prepare for whatever challenges the Midnight Trail Domain presented.

Me:now how to use my powers 

I carefully focused on envisioning bamboo while a bamboo leaf appeared out of nowhere . As I dropped the leaf, it touched the ground, triggering instant bamboo appearing . Realizing the potential of this ability, I created more bamboo leaves and affixed them to various surfaces, watching as bamboo sprouted instantly, confirming that the leaves indeed possessed the power to create bamboo.

Me:ok so where I placed the leaf a bamboo is created 

Utilizing the freshly grown bamboo, I put my woodworking skills from school to good use, crafting a backpack for storage. Satisfied with the result, I noticed that night had fallen, prompting me to retreat to the safety of my room. Placing myself close to the wall to minimize visibility to potential hunters, I settled in for the night,

Me:please let this be a bad dream 

-Day 1-

As I awoke in the office room, the reality of my situation settled in. Feeling hunger gnawing at me, I grabbed a bag of chips and some water for breakfast. Glancing outside, I noticed the scoreboard had decreased further, now displaying 6,124,520. A shiver ran down my spine as the gravity of the situation sank in

Me: I should be safe just for a while but I should continue training 

Excited by my newfound understanding of my abilities, I decided to test a theory. Placing a bamboo leaf on the wall, I backed away and snapped my fingers. To my amazement, bamboo quickly shot out of the wall, confirming that I could activate my power remotely. 

As I contemplated the possibilities of bamboo manipulation, I realized I had neglected my recreation ability. Focusing on the concept of the bamboo backpack I had crafted earlier, a faint glow appeared in my hand, and the backpack materialized before me. With both abilities now at my disposal I could survive 

Me:since recreation only works on things I made I better make weapons 

Slowly and carefully, I ventured out with my backpack, exploring the area until I came across a store. Instead of using the front entrance, I opted for the back. Upon entering, I discovered a treasure trove of food, items, and clothes. I began filling my backpack, managing to fit an entire shelf's worth of supplies before it was completely full. This haul would significantly improve my chances of surviving the sick game 

Me:better head back but first weapons

I scouted for weapons but found nothing useful aside from a firework stand and toy weapons. Using my recreation ability, I crafted another bamboo backpack and filled it with items from the store until it was full. Attempting to walk, I realized the load was too heavy to carry. Spotting a red wagon nearby, I placed the backpacks inside and dragged the wagon back to my base. Once inside, I secured the door and created a bamboo wall to cover it, piercing the ceiling slightly to lock it in place. 

Me:there now I can be safe

The sudden sound of gunshots shattered the silence outside, sending a wave of fear through me. Instinctively, I wanted to hide in my room, but the terror froze me in place. After a while, the gunfire ceased, leaving an eerie quietness in its wake. Slowly, cautiously, I retreated to my room, hunkering down and remaining as quiet as possible.

Several hours passed in tense silence before I dared to emerge. Drawing upon my bamboo manipulation abilities, I began crafting tools and weapons, using the toy weapons as blueprints. After careful examination, I started creating various items. By nightfall, I surveyed my creations. My first long-range weapon resembled a bamboo gun, housing a firework with a small hole for the fuse. Next, I fashioned a shield by stacking and framing bamboo, reinforcing it to withstand potential attacks. With these makeshift weapons at my disposal, I felt slightly more prepared 

Me:I hope it's enough 

I glanced at the scoreboard, which now displayed 6,124,499. The relentless decrease in numbers served as a stark reminder of the ongoing peril. Clutching my newly crafted bamboo weapons, I hoped I would remain among the survivors. Determined to outlast the chaos, I steeled myself for whatever challenges lay ahead

-day 10-

It's now been 10 days since I arrived here, and I've significantly improved my base. First, I added several layers of bamboo for reinforcement, enhancing my defenses. I even constructed a cage, driven by a bout of boredom. It seems that even in a deadly survival game, boredom can still creep in. Despite this, I knew that maintaining and upgrading my base was crucial for my continued survival

Me:I should explore more of the city, as I usually stick to a familiar route. However, this increases the risk of running into a hunter or another player who might try to kill me. What do you think, Steve?

To stave off loneliness in this deadly game, I found myself staring at a human-sized bamboo mannequin I had crafted. Its presence, though artificial, provided a semblance of companionship amid the isolation. In this harsh environment, even small comforts like this helped keep my spirits up and my resolve strong.


Me: You're right; I should explore more of the city to establish an escape plan. case the base cover is blown In the meantime, you'll be in charge and defend the place.


I filled my backpack with necessary items and headed to the roof. With a wave of my hand, a bamboo box floated over to me. Stepping inside, I used my bamboo telekinesis to make the box my mode of travel. I had discovered this skill on the fifth day, when I accidentally moved a piece of bamboo with a simple hand gesture. Since then, I had honed the ability, becoming increasingly proficient at manipulating bamboo from a distance. Now, this newfound skill allowed me to navigate the city with greater ease and efficiency.

Me: I hope I can find another store or a hospital would do nicely 

After a while of flying around in my bamboo box, which moved at the speed of a bicycle, I glanced down and noticed a female figure in an alleyway. I was about to ignore her and fly past when a crow suddenly perched on the box. Before I could react, the crow exploded into a cloud of black smoke. Recognizing it as coal, I instinctively tried to cover my mouth, but it was too late. Pain shot through me, and the bamboo box began to plummet as I lost consciousness.

When I slowly regained consciousness, I found myself in a basement, tied to a wooden pillar. As I assessed my surroundings, I felt a sharp point press against my neck. Turning my head slightly, I saw the same woman from the alleyway, holding my bamboo spear to my throat. My heart raced as I tried to think of a way to escape.

Lady:who are you?

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


