4% MHA:UA’s Ghoul / Chapter 2: Discovery

章 2: Discovery

....Izuku... Izuku!.."

Izuku blinked as he heard a voice calling out his name, bringing him out of his thoughts, looking up from the specially made meal in front of him; towards his mothers worried eyes.

"Izuku-dear, you've been looking at that fish for twenty minutes now." She began nervously, "Is everything alright? Are you feeling ok?"

Izuku's eyes trailed back down towards the plate in front of him, before offering his mother a small smile. "Uh- Yea..! Sorry I was just thinking about something. I'm fine though, mum."

They had spent the last few minutes waiting for his Doctor to come and examine him, supposedly to check up on his recovery from the surgery he had only a day or so ago. When he had first woken up, it had not taken long for a nurse to find him lying awake in his hospital bed. When they had noticed his conscious state, the nurse had quickly left to inform his mother and get a Doctor to review his current state.

And now, Izuku and his mother sat in silence, other than the few birds and rumble of the city streets below, as he looked at the fish which was staring straight back.

"Izuku..! Aren't you gonna eat your food?" His mother worriedly asked, her voice laced with concern, as he eyed the plate in front of it.

It didn't seem very appetizing but to please his mother he picked up the chopsticks and picked up a chunk of fish before shoveling it into his mouth.

It tasted revolting, the putrid smell almost making him gag and spitting it out.

As he spat the food back out onto his plate, his mother quickly shot him a concerned look as she stood up to see if he was alright; fortunately, before she could start pestering him with questions, the doctor came in with his bushy mustache and clipboard.

"Midoriya-san, it's good to see you are awake. How are you feeling?"

Izuku moved his eyes from the plate in front of him to face the doctor as he replied, "I feel fine, for the most part, but my stomach feels a bit funny."

"Well that is to be expected."

Izuku looked at the doctor, furrowing his brows with confusion, at the odd reply.

"Umm- How did- W-what happened. I can't remember. "

At this point his mother spoke up, tears slowly forming in her eyes.

"..Oh Izuku dear, you were caught up in a villain attack... We thought we were gonna lose you from the wound in your stomach, the doctors had to replace it to give you any chance to survive."

Izuku blinked in shock, taken aback by the sudden information he had just received and had no recollection of, before calming back down again.

"Oh ok... I see"

The three remained in silence as the Doctor got to work taking tests and making sure everything was physically working and none of his stitchings had moved. It wasn't long into the examination that the doctor explained that he had to test his senses to make sure they were all working.

That had confused Izuku slightly, and apparently it was clearly written on his face as after the doctor got around to checking, he explained that he had been knocked in the head by some debris and wanted to ensure no brain damage had occurred.

"-and how is your sense of taste doing?"

Izuku's eyes shifted off the doctor and back at the fish on his plate before answering.

"The food I was given tastes pretty disgusting, but I don't know if that's because it's hospital food or if it's just because of my dislike for fish."

Disgusting had been an understatement, even putridly vile was being lenient.

The doctor chuckled at the boy's response, before straightening back to write something down in his clipboard.

"Well everything seems to be in working order, just take it easy for the next few weeks" he stated with authority before handing his Mother a bottle of pills.

"I think that's everything, you're free to sign your son out of the hospital today." The Doctor addressed Once again to his mother. " Be careful and do no strenuous exercise for at least the next month or so. You were lucky To survive the blood loss after all."

It wasn't long after the doctor had explained all the procedures of what to do if any of the wounds opened up, or if there were any side effects of the medication, that The Doctor began packing up his equipment and made his way out the room;

leaving both Inko and her son alone as she made her way over to the hospital bed to help him gather his stuff.

As he picked up his things, Izuku couldn't help but try and force himself to think back to the night he had been attacked, what had happened.? Why couldn't he remember exactly when or who he was with..?

Why had he been out so late anyway?

The only memory he had was of the date both he and Akuma had shared; that memory seemed to stuck him with worry and fear.

Where was she.?

Izuku paused as he hovered his hand over something, before slowly calling out to his mother with concern, "Mum... The last thing I remember was going out with Akuma..? Where is she?"

He watched as his mother grimaced before looking up with what looked like a mixture of worry and guilt.

"Izuku... The stomach they replaced yours... I-it was Akuma-sans..

Something nudged at the back of Izuku's mind, nagging and pestering for attention, as he stood frozen, listening to his mothers words ringing in his ears.

"I'm sorry dear. I know you were very close friends.. But-" His mother paused, and the loud ringing only grew louder and more disorienting as each word she spoke slowly sank in.

...You're nevergonna escape, Izu-Kun...

"Akuma-sans dead..!"

And at those words, those nagging memories came flooding full force back, violently flashing though his mind; as he felt his breath begin to pick up and his legs slowly begin to crumble beneath him.

He didn't even register his mothers concerned calls out to him as all the happiness, fear, pain and anger from the last day he had seen her came crashing down on him.

She had lied to him...

She had hurt him...

She had tried to killhim..!

Izuku didn't notice his mother crumbling to the ground with him before pulling him into a tight warm hug, it doing nothing to sooth the loud growing sobs he no longer could control in the back of his throat; as his mind reminded him on loop of the blood and insanity that had become of his once only caring friend.

Akuma Sabishi was gone, girl turned monstrous murder and in her wake, a boy with a future full of pain and suffering was created...

The car journey home was quite apart from the pitter-patter of rain, the dark clouds sobbing with him, as tears continued to trail silently down his emotional roller coaster of the last week had left a hole in his heart half empty and cold.

The joys of being seen worthy enough to receive All Might's quirk didn't seem all that joyous at that moment.

After the half an hour drive, Izuku got out of his mothers car and made his way up the dreary stairs to their apartment. He had watched dully as the men removed Akumas belongings from her apartment, feeling like only yesterday when he had watched them all move in.

He tried to reminisce about the fun, happy memories the pair had made together but his thoughts always quickly turned sour as he remembered her betrayal of his trust and the reason he had been near the villain attack in the first place.

Perhaps he should be thankful, in all truth, that the hero had spotted him and rescued him before he had bled out all over the floor.

Sighing deeply in the aim of trying to clear his thoughts, Izuku made his way inside his apartment; before making his way to his bedroom for a good nap. He offhandedly noticed his mother watching him with worry, as he made his way to the door from the other room.

It would be ok. He would talk to her later.

When Izuku had woken up, his stomach was rumbling and his nose was greeted with a wonderful smell coming from outside his room.

Getting out of bed, he made his way towards the smell which seemed to be coming from the kitchen.

As he reached the doorway he spoke out, "Hey Mum, what're you co-"

He had paused at the sight of his mother cleaning up some blood from her finger as she had turned to face him with a smile; pleased to finally see her son up and out of bed.

"Oh Izuku dear, it's good to see you up! I was starting to get really worried about you so I made your favourite food to try and cheer you up."

She said as she lifted up a bowl of katsudon with her pow plastered finger.

"Mum, you hurt your finger!" Izuku said with worry in his voice as he made his way towards his mother.

"Oh it's ok dear, I just cut it while I was making my food, don't worry about me. Just take your bowl and go and eat it in the dinner room." Inko replied happily, shoving the bowl of food into his hands before turning around to continue clearing up the blood which had dripped onto the chopping board.

Izuku took the bowl and made his way to the other room before sitting down. Breaking his chopsticks apart he began to eat his food, while trying to ignore the foul smell from his food.

It only took a small bite for Izuku to spit out his food, gagging and choking on his own saliva as he tried to remove the disgusting taste from his mouth.

Just like at the hospital, The food was revolting.

Izuku looked disappointedly down at his favourite food while his mother ran into the room at the sound of Izuku practically vomiting.

"Izuku! Are you ok?"

Izuku looked up towards his mother, wearily, before nodding his head.

"I'm sorry mum, I think I'm not fully healthy enough to eat whole foods yet..."

Inko sighed before quickly returning to the kitchen to grab the pills the doctor had prescribed him and a glass of water.

Izuku took the pills and water before chugging them down and returning back to his room.

"Thanks for the food." Izuku said tiredly, as he had left his worried mother with the dishes; pulling out his phone, which had been saved from the wreckage and returned to him, and reading through his text messages.

He had a notification from All Might.

Yagi-san: 6:57pm.

Are you ok young Midoriya?

I know this is a lot to ask but Please come and meet me tomorrow morning at the beach we were on before at 8am.

Izuku replied, smiling lightly, thankful that All Might had gotten his previous apologetic message of him being in the hospital, before replying quickly.

Me: ok

Early the next morning, Izuku left the house to go and meet with All Might at the beach that had met at once before. Once he arrived he looked over the sea wall and saw All Might standing facing the ocean in his deflated form. Izuku went down the steps and made his way towards his mentor.

All Might turned around at the sound of his footsteps. Izuku could almost see the wave of worry drain from him being replaced with relief.

"Izuku my boy, I'm so glad to see you are ok. I heard what happened in the news and had to see for myself if you were alright. I'm sorry for dragging you out here at this time of the morning." All Might rambled on as he made his way over to the boy with a hurried pace before pulling the boy into a warm embrace.

"It's ok... I'm ok." Izuku replies before tears began to pour from his face again from all the grief.

All Mights promise was the only good thing left for him.

At the sight of his grief filled tears, All Might pulled the boy deeper into his embrace, pulling his head into his chest for comfort, looking down at the tearful boy in front of him.

After a few moments of silence. He released the boy and looked down at his face.

"How are you feeling my boy?"

"Awful.." Izuku replied" I don't feel well and I haven't been able to eat."

All Might sighed before leaning down to Midoriyas' height, offering him some form of comfort.

"…..After my injury I couldn't eat properly either.

Even the best types of food could aggravate it. I still can't eat some food now. But I promise you it will heal and you will get better."

Izuku remained silent as he took in the hero's words.

"Listen. Izuku my boy, with your injury, it will be much harder for you to prepare your body for my quirk in time. Are you sure you still want to go through with this? It's your choic-"

Izuku snivelled before looking up determinedly at his mentor, interrupting him.

"Yes I'm sure, even more so than before..." He replied determindly radiating with a new found confidence from deep within.

All Might smiled down at the boy before buffing up to his hero mode.

"Excellent choice, young Midoriya. I knew I found the perfect inheritor for one for all in you." He said confidently, before he deflated once again into his smaller form.

Action aggravating old wounds, All Might coughed up blood.

That Smell.

"I guess we both have stomach wounds now." All Might said with a grin as he wiped the blood from around his mouth with the back of his hand.

That same tasty smell again.

Izuku looked at the smell and sight of All Might's blood with a jerked surprise.

"Ah- Yea.. Yea, I guess we do!

The pair spent the rest of the day together bonding until it was time for Izuku to return home.

On his way home that same beautiful smell hit Izuku's nostrils. A whole day without food and he was starting to feel very hungry.

Deciding to follow the smell, Izuku made his way down a small alley which led off from the path he was following.

After rounding a few corners, his heart dropped.

That smell.

That smell again...

'He paused at the sight of his mother cleaning up some blood from her finger.'

That same smell.

'All Might grinned as he wiped the blood from around his mouth with the back of his hand.'

A man stood back towards him, towering over the bleeding corpse of a dead body as he watched the life drain from their eyes.

The sight made him want to vomit and run away in sheer terror, but the smell enticing him forwards was so beautifully intoxicating.

Izukus sharp intake of breath Alerted the murderer of his presents. The bulky man looked up towards him before shouting profanities as they rapidly marched towards him.

It all fell of deaf ears as Izukus vision tunnelled onto the man lying on the floor. Blood pouring rapidly out the side of the dead man's skull, his legs twisted and arms broken.

The bulky man continued to make his way towards

Izuku before grabbing him on his shoulders to bring Izuku out of his frozen state.

"Hey! ARE YOU Listening BRAT. I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO SCR- Hey what the hells going on with your eye?"

In a moment of panic and fear Izuku used all his strength and somehow sent the man flying down the alleyway. Sirens could be heard in the distance as Izuku ran away petrified back to the safety of his own home.

Once he was home he went to the toilet and vomited up what little was left in his stomach.

Izuku looked up into the mirror and froze at the sight.


He quickly turned around and slammed the bathroom door in his mothers face before looking back at the mirror.

Black eye.

Red Iris.

Akumas eyes...

Izuku looked petrified at his own reflection as he kept repeatedly blinking Trying to get the eye to just go AWAY.

His face was a mess. Covered in sweat, saliva and tears. His mothers constant pounding on the door could faintly be heard of the sound of his own heart beat which was getting louder and louder.

it wasn't going away. For hours Izuku repeated the process trying to get rid of the tainted Eye.

Soon, his legs collapsed from exhaustion and he fell back against the bathroom door. His breath became rapid and short as he pulled himself up and bolted from the bathroom into his bedroom holding his eye As he ignored his mothers pleas to


He locked the door sharply behind him and lunged for his laptop. He lifted the lid up rapidly and began to search for an answer.

What he found made his blood run thin once more.

'The 4th quirk variant also known as ghoul was a type of quirk which gave the user an almost godly amount of strength.

This quirk type was feared for its legendary healing abilities to its users diet of human flesh.

Myths also suggest that the quirk was transferable between people but that is just speculation.

For these reasons alone the ghoul quirks were hunted to extinction during the first generation of quirk users and the quirk hasn't been seen in circulation in 150 years.

However some theorists believe that the quirk was never fully exterminated from its very sudden decline in users. It's believed they went into hiding and stayed so ever since.

The fourth quirk type was to come back into circulation all life as we know it would collapse and no one would be safe.

A/N yes double upload this not going to happen all the time

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


