65.07% MHA: The Fresh Blood / Chapter 39: Time Skips & Updates Final Part

章 39: Time Skips & Updates Final Part

"Text" = Talking

[Text] = System

'Text' = Normal Thoughts

{Text} = Telepathic Thoughts

<Text> = Message Through System

*Text* = Actions During Sentences


(Location: Living Room, Nezu's Apartment, Time: Three Years After The Last Update)


Fucking hell, it's been two years since I last talked to you guys. And, so far nothing much has happened, other than me turning 14 this year and the 'plot' starting next year most likely, none of my quirks have gone up a rank, I haven't gotten any new quest recently, the rest of the UA teachers are finally teachers, Aizawa and Mignight are kind of like older siblings to me now, Uraraka has definetely developed a crush on Izuku, and everything that I've started so far has been going pretty well.

The training has been going well for everyone, Tenko especially has gotten really into his martial arts training, Midnight as been teaching me how to use whips, Toru managed to make herself fully visible two months ago, and Shoto has finally managed to start making true progress with his ice. Now, he can make small constructs from it, turns out the snow cone idea helped him think outside the box with his abilities, though he may have gotten the idea to make constructs from my 'hinting' that I can make things from blood.

Oh, my companies are also doing pretty well, my music studio, which I named Mythical Productions, recently signed a fair contract with Night's Echo, but that was after Kyoka convinced me to finally learn an instrument last year. So far, I've learned the bass from her parents, but I've also been trying to learn the violin, because I honestly just like the elegant, and yet creepy, nature of it.

Dual Processing really helped when I was learning those instruments, while I was also giving orders to my copies in my companies over the last couple of years.

My game company, named Nexus Point, released Prototype and Infamous a couple of months ago, and it turns out that there are rarely games that are set in a version of the pre-quirk era, that aren't just fantasy, this was mainly because people thought they would be boring due to almost everyone having a power nowadays.

But, because of the story and topics in those two games, they've actually become rather popular. Though, I think most of the sales that these two have had can be attributed to the Meta Liberation Army members, which I honestly don't mind the idea of that.

Probably because I do agree with their goals, but I don't agree with how they went about it. They had a way to subtly manipulate public views to their cause, but they just never took true advantage of it. Eventually, I want to get them to join the organization that I have already begun starting, which I have called The Tarnished Court.

I gave it that name because of two reasons, the first is because back in the medieval ages kings claimed to be chosen by god to rule over others, and well I was actually chosen by mom, a literal goddess, so unlike them, I would be speaking the truth if I said something similar.

The other reason, is because the ones that I plan to bring into 'my court' are those that have been thrown away by society, those that have been labelled a villain for just wanting a happy life, those that have been 'tarnished' by the world itself.

But, there's a problem, I can't be the figurehead of it, since if that other system does allow me to go to other worlds I won't be able to always managed it. I also can't have a copy do it, because of a separate problem, I don't want any of the crimes that will be linked to The Tarnished Court to lead back to me.

By the way, before I forget, Nexus Point actually signed a contract with Urarakas father's construction company to build their company buildings. Which has managed to get them off the edge of potential poverty.

Oh, I should also continue with the updates on everything else that's happened. Well, onto my news outlet that I named Flash Feed, it's actually quickly become successful, mostly because I use Technopathy to get the best stories to report, and I make sure that advertisements for other news outlets get overshadowed by mine, making sure that people focus on mine more than any other. I've even got a news station now to make sure that I don't just work online.

Finally, my tech company that I named Vulcan's Forge, because of the nature of what we have been making. To be honest at first I didn't know what specifically I should make there, but then I remembered androids like Genos and Vision, so I though,'Why not android assistants?'.

So, we started production on creating small androids that can help with most menial tasks, or can be programmed to aid scientist in experiments. There's even going to be an event next month to show off the first successful prototype to the public, so we can bring in investors to the company, I'm really trying to earn a place on I-Island for Vulcan's Forge.

Now, is there anything that I'm forgetting to update you guys on? Oh, shit, right, there is a chance that I got Tsu to develop a crush towards me. Because she's been looking at me differently ever since I helped take care of her siblings a couple of months back when she invited me to her house. Hell, I think I even saw her staring at me in a daze last week, and actually started blushing when she saw that I noticed her looking at me.

There's also that thing I found out about Lightning Body. It turns out that it works a lot more differently than how Cole's ability works, particularly when I try to shoot electricity.

Whenever I tried to shoot it off it acts more like a shot gun shell, or Delsin's Cinder Blast, because of it's short range of four meters and the amount of force it has when impacting objects. The first time I shot it, it was at a tree, and let's just say that afterward there was no more tree when the dust settled.

So, I've been wanting to figure out a way to focus the electricity to give it more range, so I've been thinking about turning my blood into a gun or cannon. The only problem with that is, I've never shot a gun, so I asked Nezu if he can get Snipe, who recently became a teacher at UA, to teach me a thing or two about marksmanship.

He thinks it's to practice my aim with my ice or lightning when I shoot it, which isn't completely wrong. But nowadays, I've been using Dual Processing to work on the gun construct itself, because I've never made something like a gun before.

Hm, that's odd, Guts just came into the room, and he looks spooked, did something bad happe-


[Kill Quest:

Fermented Death

An apostle/reincarnator has appeared in your world, and if they are not dealt with soon they will try to take what is rightfully yours.

Objective: Kill the one who doesn't belong in Yokohama.

Reward: 2 Gacha Tickets, the user will gain ???? ?????, and ???? ?????.

Failure: Death.

Deadline: 3 hour]


I.... the fuck? This is the first time I've seen a kill quest, or that failure to complete a quest will mean my death. Every quest before this was more tame in comparison, and yeah I'm counting the kidnapper quest, especially since this one looks like it was written by me if I was in the middle of going full yandere. Also, did Guts somehow feel this coming?

Fuck it, I'll ask these questions later, I need to go find whoever it is I need to kill quickly, because I refuse to die before I can get Himiko a proper body.

{Himi, is there anything in the system about how to find this person?} I could just try to use Technopathy to find them, but it would be impossible to find them, even if I have their general location, without some hint about who I'm looking for.

[There isn't much, just that they'll feel different when you see them.] Feel different, like they won't feel human, or something? Hm, if so, then that could be actually useful.

{Thanks, Himi. I'll leave two copies here to keep up appearances, while I go kill this guy.} One would be for her to control, while the other is to act as me. Because I doubt the quest will be considered 'complete' unless I complete it, not a copy of myself.

Right now the others are in the school building of UA, since today is one of the days that we use to all train together. The only reason I'm not currently with them is that I came back to the apartment to get my phone, because I wanted to see how my companies are doing in the stock market, and I didn't want to use Technopathy to do it because I have been becoming too dependent on it for all my tech needs.

I brought out two of my copies out, and quickly headed outside the apartment. But, before I could use a bit of Lightning Body and the air walk ability from Wendigo, I heard Himiko behind me.

"Be careful, Eve, this quest might actually be dangerous!" She's worried, damn this is the first time that I've heard her worry since we met... I don't like her worrying.

"Don't worry, Mi Amor, if I got hurt easily I wouldn't be able to be your girlfriend!" Fun fact, the first time she took over one of my copies the very first thing she did was bite my neck, she did it because she wanted to see how the blood tasted of someone that loved her just as much as she loved them.

To most people that would be considered a red flag, but to me, it was cute that she wanted to taste me that much. Hell, even with my pain tolerance not being as high as it was in my past life, it didn't even hurt that much, in fact it felt kind of calming to have someone I love try to drink my blood for some reason.

Himiko quickly ran over to me and kissed me on the cheek, which was the first time she showed me affection that wasn't through hugs, biting, or shoving her face between my breast after they passed B cup. I gave her a small smile before I went off, the sooner I went to kill this guy, the sooner I can come back to her.

I used the ability air walk to make a staircase out of the air itself, so I can get to a higher altitude, that way I can properly use Lightning Body without destroying anything nearby. In most cases someone would have seen me 'climbing' into the air, but I've learned over the years how to get the most use out of Color Manipulation.

Sure, it can't make me see through, but if I used minor illusion creation from Wendigo, and make myself sky blue, I can make myself blend into the sky enough that people would have to play Where's Waldo in real life just to even see me. But this only works if I don't use Lightning Body immediately, until I get high enough that I'll be covered by clouds.

It's a good thing that my training and Lightning Body ranking up has raised my base speed, so it will only take a few minutes to get high enough to be semi-covered by the lower clouds.

Once I finally got high enough to at least reach the clouds, I quickly used Lightning Body over my entire being, this made my camouflage stop being useful, so I completely stopped hiding myself. If I'm fast enough barely anyone will notice the flash of lightning on a day without a single storm cloud.

With the air walk ability controlling my directions, and movements was even easier to do now, as I 'ran' across the sky to quickly head over to Yokohama.

While I'm making my way over to the location for the kill quest, I might as well address something that may have some people curious, Eri and the reason why she isn't with me right now.

The truth is, I already found the building owned by the Shie Hassaikai that she is being kept in, and I've actually been monitoring her since she was taken in. Hell, I've even been making sure that Overhaul doesn't cut into her, or expirement on her, by creating problems for him.

Whether it be, having one of their bases leaked to possible enemies, messing with his equipment, or, in the case of him having someone else cut her, I made them walk out of the room and caused their own blood to cut their spinal cord. I refuse to let anyone hurt my future daughter.

Now you may be wondering, if I am willing to do this to protect her, then why haven't I saved her from that place? Well, it's all because of the predatory instinct ability in Wendigo. Every time I think about going there and saving her, it feels like something is telling me that I shouldn't go yet, that I'm not strong enough yet to take that step.

I don't understand how I could not be strong enough, I'm hundreds of times faster than even All Might, I can control people through their blood, and I can completely change people with Heaven's Door. So, how the hell could I not be strong enough to kill someone like Overhaul, who I could just disable with his blood, or decapitate him faster than he can blink.

No matter what, I don't get an answer from these 'instincts' as to why I need to get stronger, but I do know that I need to do something to get to her, I just don't know what it is.

Maybe this kill quest will have what I need to finally get to Eri. Well, let's see if it does, because I'm now right over Yokohama, now I just need to find the person that doesn't belong.

I used air walk to keep myself in the sky covered by the clouds, while I use Technopathy to go through security cameras around Yokohama, and just like when I tried to find the others during the kidnapping, it felt like the technology wanted to make me happy as it quickly helped me try to look for this person.

And, that's when I saw him in the view of a restraunts security camera near the beach. Looking at him, I now fully understood what Himiko meant by, 'they'll feel different'. It felt like I was looking at something unearthly, and like I should destroy him. But, that last part may be because he's in the body of Mineta.

'Hm, so this is the way I get to kill Mineta, hopefully this guy actually makes it interesting before I tear him apart.' In most cases I would have just kept Mineta from UA all together, but since someone reincarnated as him it gives me an excuse to delete the existance of that body.

I stopped using Technopathy to put my consciousness back in my body, thanks to air walk acting like a platform my body stayed in the air. Now, I quickly headed over to the beach where the reincarnator was located, so I could destroy him.


(POV Change, 3rd Person)


In the middle of a sunny day at the beach, no one expected that red lightning would suddenly strike at the beach that a small purple haired boy was relaxing at. The red lightning caused plenty of sand to be kicked up across from the boy, but after what felt like hours the sand settled down, and out from it a girl with white hair and red eyes appeared from where the lightning had struck.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" The boy was shocked at seeing the girl, not because he recognized her, but becaue he felt that she wasn't human, he also felt that she was chaos incarnate.

"FUCK THE WHAT!?" The girl said in a mocking voice, obviously not enjoying even being around the boy.

"W-Who the hell are you?!" The boy was scared, because as an apostle, he was told to avoid the apostles of major gods as those were said to be the strongest of apostles, and he believed that she was either connected to Zeus or Thor.

"Funny you say that, 'cause I'm Lucifer, bitch." Our protagonist said with a creepy smile, as her sclera turned dark red from her moving some of her blood there.

"I thought Lucifer was a dude!" It seems he's taking her seriously, and hasn't realized that she's fucking with him.

"You really suck at taking a joke dude, let's just get to the point, I'm an apostle and you're an apostle, so let's fight already." She was starting to get annoyed, not from the boy not getting her joke, but because she wanted to get back to her girlfriend as soon as possible.

"Wait, why do we even need to fight?!" The boy had only been in this world for less than a week, and he just gets suddenly told that he needs to fight someone.

"Did your deity not tell you about the conditions?" She was confused about this situation now, after all she thought that the deities tell them about the conditions for being an apostle and becoming a god before reincarnating them.

"What conditions?" That response genuinely annoyed the girl, she thought she would have finally gotten into a proper fight, but instead she got a complete noobie of an apostle in her world.

"For fucks sake, okay tell me who is your deity, and why they chose you." Maybe if she knew who sent him here, and why it was him that was sent, she could figure out why there's a kill quest locked on a noob.

"Umm, the Goddess of Death Kali, and she sent me because I was, 'the best goat for a mission', but she didn't tell me what the mission was." The Hindu goddess Kali, who is often assossciated with violence and sexuality, but she is also considered the goddess of creation and destruction.

"The best goat for a mission? The fuck could that mea- oh, by chance do you know what pantheon your goddess is a part of?" Within certain religions referring to someone as a type of animal could often have an extra meaning to it.

"Oh, yeah, she's a part of the Hindu pantheon." As she heard him say that she instantly knew what his goddess meant.

"Well damn, your goddess intends to sacrifice you to me." Now it made sense, why this boy was so scared to see her, why he was never told the conditions, and why there was a kill quest in the first place that seemed so aggressive.

"Wait.... WHAT, WHY WOULD SHE WANT TO SACRIFICE ME?!?!" He thought that this would be his chance to live a good life in a world of anime, he couldn't possibly imagine that he would become a sacrifice to another apostle.

"Goats are a common sacrificial animal in hinduism, if I remember properly, and if she didn't tell you about the conditions to become a god, then that means she never inteded for you to live that long." To Eve, this situation was just sad for this guy, all he is, is just a plaything in the hands of a goddess that's been thrown away.

"S-so that means.... I'm just supposed to die... and never get to live a proper life for once...." It seems he started to immediately fall into depression, he definetly has a weak will, no wonder he was made to be a sacrifice.

"Eh, pretty much. But since your going to die, might as well tell you my deity, the Goddess of Stories Seria, who, unlike yours, sees me as her child." Eve, didn't really care about his situation, even if his may be somewhat similiar to hers, she just couldn't bring herself to give a fuck.

"DO YOU NOT CARE??!!" He was both furious and sad that the only person here that could possibly relate to his situation, didn't care about him.

"Nope." Eve made a pop sound at the 'p' to enphasize her point.

He tried to run at her to punch her in frustration, but before he could their surroundings started to dissolve as it slowly turned into an arena.

Eve looked around at their new surroundings curiously, she didn't know anything about an arena appearing around her out of nowhere when she would try to fight an apostle. She was going to question the apostle across from her if he heard anything from his goddess about this arena, but before she could other beings started to appear in the seats of the arena.

One of them that was on her side of the arena was someone she recognized, Seria, but this time she was small enough to actually sit in the arena. Eve looked over to her and asked about the situation.

"Hey mom! The hell is going on, you didn't tell me about an arena!?" Even if it's been a couple months since they last saw each other, Eve still remembered that Seria didn't mention anything about a fighting arena in their conversation.

"I did tell you about having to fight other apostles, but I guess it slipped my mind that it would be viewed by other gods." It seemed Eve's mother was a very forgetful goddess, was her mind filled with all the stories in her domain?

"Fuck it, I'll just get this fight done with and kill him!" It didn't matter if the gods wanted to see her kill him, all that mattered to Eve was to get this quest done and head back home.

Her decleration got some gods in the crowd excited to see the first apostle of Seria in combat, especially Kali, the goddess who reincarnated her opponent. But with her said opponent, this sounded like his death was now set in stone.

He tried to run, or use his quirk to slow Eve down, but before he could even blink, Eve was directly in front of him covered in red lightning.

"Nothing personal kid." Without another word, Eve's lightning covered hand plunged into his chest, electrocuting him from the inside out.

As his screams resounded through the arena many deities cheered at the spectical, most of which being gods of death/suffering, the only ones that seemed to be displeased with it were Zeus and Thor.


[Kill Quest:

Fermented Death

An apostle/reincarnator has appeared in your world, and if they are not dealt with soon they will try to take what is rightfully yours.

Objective: Kill the one who doesn't belong in Yokohama.

Reward: 2 Gacha Tickets, the user will gain Soul Eater, and Soul Sight.]

[Soul Eater: The user can devour the souls of those they kill, through this the user can gain their powers, abilities, memories, or species traits. The souls can also be used to rank up quirks.]

[Soul Sight: The user can see the souls of those they have killed.]

[NOTICE Mineta has been killed, Self-Duplication and Dual Processing can now be combined to create a new quirk with more potential.]


'Welp, that's a lot of information, I'll just get the gacha tickets, and this combo thing out of the way, so I can process this all later.' As Eve used the gacha tickets she gained, and combined the two of her quirks, she didn't pay attention to the arena, and the now corpse of Mineta, dissolving and being replaced by the beaches of Yokohama once again.


[Congratulations host you have won:

Fast Travel (SS* Rank)

Master Chef (C* Rank)

Let the path you carve be full of chaos]


[NOTICE Dual Processing and Self-Duplication have combined into Hive (A Rank). The user can now create 'Bees' that can look however the user desires, the limit on 'Bees' the user can make is 30.]

'I'm just going to head home, I'll talk to you guys again on the day Izuku meets All Might.' She was already done with today, as it was so anticlimatic, and information filled, that she just wanted to get home and hug Himiko (she was even so focused on going home, that she didn't realize how Hive could help Himiko).

Eve subconsciously used Fast Travel to take her back home in an instant. Once she finally got some time to process the information she was given at home, she would realize that Hive could be one of her most useful quirks.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C39
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


