77.77% MHA : Shattered Symbol / Chapter 7: Chapter 7 :- Quirks

章 7: Chapter 7 :- Quirks

The figure of All For One towered over Izuku, casting a dark shadow that seemed to swallow him whole. As he extended his hands towards the trembling boy, his masked face twisted into a sinister grin. "My dear boy," he purred, his voice laced with false sympathy, "You see these are two quirks that I am bestowing upon you." The air around them crackled with an eerie energy.

A dark chuckle rumbled from All For One's throat, enveloping the room in an eerie aura. "My dear Izuku, with the powers I am granting you, your story begin now carve your path with your own hands. Imagine the possibilities, the revenge you can exact." His words were smooth and persuasive, luring Izuku into his twisted scheme.

His hand trembled as he raised it, and tingling sensation spread through his fingertips. A swirling vortex of crackling energy formed between his fingers, pulsing with raw power. Izuku's eyes widened as the energy took shape, splitting into two distinct quirks that floated in the air before him. He couldn't believe what he was seeing - his master had such incredible abilities.

Izuku stuttered, unable to believe what he was seeing. he stuttered out multiple questions, unable to fully believe what he was seeing. "Wait...so master you can take and give quirks?" He asked timidly, his tone filled with both fear and fascination for All For One's abilities.

All For One spoke, "These quirks, Pain Forge and Sufferance, will be your weapons," he proclaimed, All For One simply ignored Izuku's questions and continued.

Izuku's pupils widened, and his jaw went slack as he absorbed the words of his master. The corners of his mouth twitched with both anticipation and anxiety. "Painforge and Sufferance? Are they dangerous?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly with apprehension.

All For One's chuckle was deep and resonant, filling the room with a sense of foreboding. "Painforge will grant you the ability to heal quickly from any sort of damage," he explained, his gaze boring into Izuku's. "But this comes at a price – you will experience constant, debilitating pain during recovery and training."


A chill crept down Izuku's spine as he absorbed every word, his mind racing with the possibilities of such a quirk. "What about Sufferance?" he cautiously inquired, barely above a whisper.


"Sufferance," All For One purred, "is the key to unlocking your true potential. It will grant you the ability to build up resistances to damage and pain, making you stronger the more pain you endure."


He paused, his eyes narrowing behind the mask. "However, this resistance is a fickle and inconsistent process. It will require you to push yourself to the brink, to endure agony and suffering beyond what most could bear."


All For One's large, scarred hands pressed firmly against Izuku's chest, the dark energies seeping from his palms and into the young boy. As the vortexes of power entered Izuku's body, he convulsed and screamed in pain as his cells rapidly transformed. His limbs twisted and contorted, his face full of agony. All For One stood calmly, watching with an emotionless expression as Kurogiri guided him out of the room. The smell of burnt flesh lingered in their wake.


Next morning Izuku slowly opened his eyes and attempted to sit up. But his entire body felt like it had been beaten up by a professional wrestler. His muscles screamed in protest as he turned to see Yuriko sitting in a chair next to the bed, her intense gaze fixed on him. Her long, black hair cascaded over her shoulders, framing her face in an almost ethereal way. A small smile played on her lips, giving off an air of calmness despite their current situation.


Her voice was a gentle yet firm melody, and Izuku couldn't help but feel a little intimidated. She stood in front of him, her hands on her hips, revealing the a deep scar above her left eye. "Izuku," she said, looking directly at him with piercing blackish brown eyes. "You already know about my quirk, right? Today, we will begin your training. Are you ready?"

Izuku's hands shook as he mustered up the courage to speak. "If it's okay, I have a question for you." He nervously tugged on the hem of his shirt, unable to make eye contact.

"Wouldn't people start to question my sudden disappearance?" Izuku finished, his voice tinged with worry. He shifted in his bed. His eyes darted around the room, as if afraid someone might be listening in on their conversation.

Yuriko's lips curled into a wicked smile as she heard his question. She relished in his naivety and thought to herself, 'Oh how easy it will be to manipulate him'. Her eyes gleamed with darkness as she plotted her next move. This was just the beginning of her sadistic games, and she couldn't wait to see where they would take her.

Yuriko's voice dripped with false concern as she spoke to Izuku, her tone laced with subtle mockery. "Oh, my dear boy, don't you see? No one has ever paid attention to you before. You were just a small, insignificant bug in their eyes." Her words were like poison, seeping into Izuku's vulnerable mind. "But now, rest assured, I've taken care of everything for you. No more thinking necessary." Her smile was sickly sweet, masking the cunning vixen behind it.

"You're right. They've always overlooked me. But that ends now," he declared, a fire igniting in his eyes. "I'm ready to train like never before. I'll do whatever it takes to rise above, to become a force they can't ignore."

One of AFO's weapons, Yuriko, was a master manipulator who knew exactly how to play upon the deepest emotional vulnerabilities of others, how to exploit the emotions of others and bend them to her will. Her petite frame, innocent-looking face, and charmingly cute features were all part of her facade, concealing the dark, twisted, and sadistic personality that lurked beneath. She reveled in making people bend to her will, using every tool at her disposal to get what she wanted with ruthless precision. This was precisely why he had chosen Yuriko to be in charge of Izuku's well-being.

Yuriko's lips curved into an almost sinister smile, her eyes glittering with a cunning admiration. "Well, aren't you just the perfect pupil," she purred in a voice dripping with manipulation.

"Let's get started then, shall we?" Her tone was laced with sarcasm and a hint of intensity, she prepared to lead me down a dangerous path.

With a sly smirk, she flicked her hand towards the vast expanse of the warehouse, inviting and taunting Izuku at the same time. "Let's see what you're made of," she purred in a honey-coated voice.

"A little sprint never hurt anyone." Her words laced with sarcasm, hinting at the intense challenge ahead. She pranced over to Izuku, her movements oozing with a confidence as she issued her command.

Izuku's body tensed, his muscles coiling like a spring as he waited for Yuriko's signal. As soon as she gave the go-ahead, he took off at full speed, pushing his body to its limits. Suddenly, a searing pain shot through his legs, like a red-hot rod being shoved into every muscle and bone. Despite his best efforts, the pain was too much and he collapsed to the ground in agony.

Yuriko sneered at the pathetic sight before her. What a weakling, unworthy of my master's gifts. Why does he even bother with such a useless being? I have my doubts about my master's judgement, bringing in this boy with no visible benefits and investing so much in him. Yet, I am forced to suffer through his presence, wasting my precious time on an insignificant speck.

Yuriko stormed to his side, feigning concern and slipping on a mask of false emotion. "Oh dear Izuku, what happened?" She asked with feigned concern, her eyes betraying a hint of amusement. Despite his cries and screams, she observed with calculated interest. This was just the beginning of her plan, using his quirk's side effects to test his resilience. She anticipated his struggle and relished the control it gave her.

Yuriko's words were dripping with sweetness, but her secret sadistic grin and cunning plans were evident. "Shall we try again, if you're up for it?" she cooed, feigning concern while a mischievous spark glinted in her eye. She patiently awaited a response, her manipulative nature seeping through every word.

The pain shot through Izuku's body as he started running again, but this time it was more bearable. He gritted his teeth and pushed through it, focusing on the finish line in front of him. As he crossed it, Yuriko looks at the stopwatch in her hand, her brow furrows.

"Interesting," she murmured, her intense gaze sweeping over Izuku's form. His muscles were tense and sweat dripped down his face, but he still managed to hold himself upright. "7.49 seconds," Yuriko stated, her voice filled with admiration for his determination and strength

Izuku's hand shook as he gripped the specialized device, his eyes widening in pain. He could feel his hand straining and it felt like it would break at any moment. "Just hold on a little longer," Yuriko encouraged him. Despite the pain, Izuku managed to register a reading of 40 kilograms. "Not bad for a starting point," Yuriko said with a nod of approval.

Yuriko walked over to Izuku, her eyes gleaming with a mischievous glint. "Let's see what you're made of," she purred, her hand lightly tracing down his arm before giving him a playful shove towards the long jump line.

Izuku's mind was a swirling vortex of exhaustion, pain and determination as he launched himself through the air, refusing to give up despite the immense strain on his body. Yuriko watched with a calculating gaze, her lips curling into a sly smirk. "190 centimeters," she announced with a sarcastic mock-clap, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Now let's see how your side-to-side movements measure up..." Her tone turned more serious as she carefully observed his form, secretly pushing him to his limits with each challenge. Despite the intensity of the training, there was also a hint of genuine concern in Yuriko's gaze, as if she truly wanted to see Izuku succeed. But behind it all lurked a cunning women, manipulating his every move for her fun.

"This hurts... so much," Izuku thought, He wanted to scream from the agony, but he clenched his jaw tight to fight against it. The burning sensation in his legs threatened to overpower his will. Doubts flooded his mind, whispering that maybe he wasn't strong enough, that this path was too difficult. But through it all, a stubborn determination burned within him, refusing to let him give up.

"I can't give up," he mentally urged himself, his vision blurring with sweat and strain. Memories of past failures flashed before his eyes, each one fueling his resolve. "I have to endure this. I have to become stronger."

With every painful jump, Izuku battled not just the physical strain but also the doubts and fears that gnawed at his confidence. Sweat dripped down his face, stinging his eyes and blurring his vision. But he refused to give up. Each time he faltered, memories of past failures flashed before his eyes, igniting a fierce determination within him. The pain became a measure of his determination, a test of his resilience in the face of adversity.

As he collapsed to the ground, exhausted and in pain, there was a sense of accomplishment mixed with pride. Izuku had pushed himself to his limits and emerged on the other side, bruised but unbroken.

Yuriko observed from afar, her expression unreadable. "Decent effort, but you managed only 47 side-jumps," she remarked, a hint of critique in her tone. "Your strength needs work, Izuku," she added, a touch of concern masking her true intentions.

Izuku's body convulsed with pain, his breath ragged and labored. "What...what do you want?" he choked out, struggling to speak through gritted teeth.

Yuriko's expression remained calm, but a hint of cynical amusement sparkled in her eyes. "Just take a peek at those abysmal test scores of yours. It's almost pitiful, don't you think?" Her words dripped with false concern and veiled manipulation.

"You seem exhausted, Izuku. Rest up tonight because tomorrow, the real training starts." The next morning, she approached him with a calculating glint in her eye, a mix of empathy and malice evident in her demeanor.

Deserted_Shayar Deserted_Shayar

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


