55% MHA: Degenerate Izuku - The Incubus System / Chapter 11: Chapter 11: First Day of School Part 1

章 11: Chapter 11: First Day of School Part 1

A/N: Slow/Slice of Life Chapter. This chapter is more so to say that I'm not dropping this fic, since I keep being asked if I have - I simply have things to do outside of this app, including school, work, and more (Might I add: Fuck work and whoever created jobs). I write chapters and post whenever I can, so just wait patiently (Though, I do try and post at least 1 chapter a week, and this tends to be on weekends as that's when I actually have free time when it's not a School Holiday)


"Uwahhh~..." Covering his open mouth with his hand as he yawned, Izuku headed towards the entrance of the school with his hands resting coolly in his pockets, a nonchalant vibe eroding from him as the boy ignored the gossiping of students adorning the same uniform as him chatting about him

"Who the hell is that, and why haven't I got his LINE?!" A girl whispered scandalously as she spoke to her friends who too were curious about Izuku due to his looks, a similar thing happening to almost girl that laid their eyes on Izuku as he walked through the school's hallways

"I like women, but I'd be lying if I said he wasn't handsome" A few guys nodded in slight appreciation, "But he's way too good looking, like seriously, save some girls for the rest of us!" They cried enviously

"Hmm..." Izuku hummed to himself, only now realising that he didn't actually know where he was heading. Upon this recognition, the boy turned his head to the people closest to him: A boy and a girl - a couple he assumed, judging by them holding hands - that leant against their lockers, "Excuse me" His alluring voice attracted the attention of the couple

"Uh-I...H-Hi...!" The girl's eyes widened, her cheeks slightly flushed as she looked at Izuku and responded with an embarrassing stutter, purposely ignoring the clear look of judgement from her boyfriend, "H-How can I help?" She asked, retracting her hand which held the boy's as she raised it to her mouth in order to fake a cough

"..." The boy looked at the girl with a shaky gaze, something evidently shattering inside him as it felt like a green hat had suddenly placed itself on his head, 'Yikes... sorry buddy' Izuku winced, his eyes looking between the pair with slight guilt, 'Don't hate the player, hate the game and the 65 Charm Stat'

Brushing those thoughts aside, Izuku focused his attention back onto what he came to do initially, "I'm looking for the Principal's Office, how do I get there?" He asked with a small smile, an imaginary arrow piercing the girl's heart

(A/N: For people saying this 'charm/crush' thing is forced, let this be a reminder that he's currently in a school full of impressionable 12-15 year olds, and the fact that his Charm stat is 65, which is *Not-so-spoilery spoiler* super high)

"It's, um..." The girl took too long to answer, so her 'boyfriend' stepped forward and held his arm up in front of her protectively, giving Izuku an unnecessary (Actually, it was pretty fair) glare as he answered for her, "Just carry on down this hallway then turn right, you'll see the sign that says 'Principal's Office' if you're not blind" He said, a small hint of aggression in his tone

"...Thanks?" Izuku blinked innocently, 'Was that blind comment meant to be a diss?' He shrugged, 'Kids' Walking in the direction he was given guidance with, the boy ignored the relationship-ending argument going on between the two students



Eventually, Izuku ended up in the Principal's Office. After some waiting, he was called inside where he spoke a bit with the Principal, a stereotypical-looking old man with grey hair and glasses, "Here's your timetable, and I formally welcome you to Kijimi Junior High" He said, handing Izuku an A-4 piece of paper which showed his easy-to-follow timetable

After giving his thanks and farewells, Izuku left the Principal's Office and began heading to his first class, "Homeroom..." He wandered through the hallways, eventually finding a flight of stairs which led him upstairs to the 2nd-Years floor, '2-B... 2-B...' He walked aimlessly through the halls, internally complaining about the fact that the Principal hadn't at least handed him a mini-map of the school or something

Thankfully, it didn't take too long to find the classroom, 'Only a few minutes late... plus, I'm the new student, so the teacher will let me off- hopefully' Taking a deep breathe, Izuku knocked on the door which slid open almost instantly, an enthusiastic male teacher appearing in front of him with a smile

"..." The man twisted his head either side at a quick speed, checking the empty hallway before asking in a whisper, "You must be the new student, right?" Izuku nodded in response, urging the teacher to clap his hands before walking back inside, "Stay here until I call you inside" The man told him, Izuku staying put as he watched the man walk back into his class with a sigh, 'What a missed opportunity for a sexy female homeroom teacher'

Replacing the potential thick, beautiful woman for Izuku's teacher was an average-looking, young man with black messy hair and glasses enthusiastically talking to the class, 'At least he seems to make classes fun' 

"-A new student! Come on in!" The internally monologuing Izuku had snapped back into reality after being beckoned to come inside by his homeroom teacher. He slid the door to his class open, stepping inside as he walked to the front of the class, gasps and murmurs filling the classroom, "Come on, guys, show some courtesy for the new student" The teacher sighed, turning his attention back to Izuku, "My name is Zaten Kakumei, you may refer to me as Kakumei-Sensei... now, feel free to introduce yourself to the class"

"Yo!" Izuku gave a quick, simple greeting as he took a hand out of his pocket lazily and raised it up to wave to the class, "The name's Izuku Midoriya, it's nice to meet you guys" He finished his basic introduction with a pleasant smile, Zaten applauding the boy, "Solid introduction, Midoriya-kun- You can ask any questions after lesson, class!" He gently berated the loud students, looking around the class until his eyes landed on an empty seat beside the window

"Feel free to take that empty seat beside Mon-" As Zaten looked at the seat beside Izuku's newly assigned chair, he noticed the blonde owner of the seat planting his head into his arms which rested on the table, "Monoma-kun, please don't sleep in my class..." He called him out with a sigh, the boy weakly raising his head which revealed a few bruises much to the shock of both the teacher and Izuku, who took a seat in the empty chair 

"Are you alright? Those bruises look pretty bad... do you need to go to the Nurse's office?" Zaten asked worriedly, the boy shaking his head as he miserably replied, "N-No thanks... they don't hurt, I'll be-... Fine" Though the boy played it off relatively well, Izuku could see that the familiar boy was certainly hurting, playing off the bruises like it was nothing

'...So, this is the guy from Class 1-B who was constantly on Class 1-A's ass... what a difference in character' Izuku noted to himself, stunned at the parallels of the cocky, arrogant U.A. High student and the quiet, weak Kajimi Junior High Student. He looked back at Monoma who ignored the stares on him and went back to resting his head in his arms, Zaten proceeding with the homeroom lesson as he talked about something. Frankly, Izuku wasn't really bothering to listen.

After homeroom finished, Zaten left the class with his equipment, leaving the students of Class 2-B alone as they rushed out of their seats and headed towards the new student, Izuku Midoriya. The students surrounded his chair, bombarding him with many questions that their curious little minds wanted to know for whatever reason. For example,

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Was the main question, to which he professionally answered, "No comment". Another main question was, "Why'd you transfer to this school?", to which he answered, "Because my last one was shit". And similar questions, which didn't really have any purpose other than to waste the 10 minute-break that students had in-between lessons

After the break was over, a new male teacher entered the class, introducing himself as "Sozen Takashi", the Maths teacher. Izuku spent the first 10 minutes of the lesson avidly listening to the lecture, just for him to realise that this was light-work thanks to his past life experience as a student who got pretty good grades. As a result of this enlightenment, the boy followed Monoma's steps and placed his head in his arms, making sure he was hidden behind the students in front of him to make it harder for the teacher to see him.

Luckily, the Luck Gods seemed to be on his side as the bell signalling the end of the lesson rung, without his nap being disrupted until that happened. As the teacher left the class, suddenly, the floor began to shake as a stampede of steps amplified in volume the closer they got to Class 2-B.

The doors slid open, Izuku turning his head to see a large crowd of students flooding the hallway, 'What the fuck!?' His eyes grew wide at the overwhelming attention he was getting as the predatory eyes of the school students locked onto him and his seat, "Uh..." He let out unconsciously, slowly standing up as he saw said school students (which included students from all 3 years) entering his class slowly

Sneaking past the crowd was Monoma, who silently headed up a flight of stairs without anyone noticing his quiet character brush past them casually - not even Izuku had noticed it.

Backed up against the wall, Izuku looked at the window behind him through his peripheral vision, using his [Telekinesis] to open it which baffled the students as the boy seemed to be suddenly revealing his quirk. They raised their guards, unsure if the boy had some overpowered quirk that could take them all right then and there (He did) that he was going to use on them

What they hadn't expected, though, was for the boy to walk backwards, seemingly falling out of the window which caused many students to scream out in a panic as they feared they might've just watched a student kill himself. They ran towards the window and looked out of it, just to see Izuku catch himself with his [Telekinesis] and land on his feet gracefully like a cat, the boy looking up at them as he silently waved at them

"So cool~!" The girls squealed as they squeezed their chests, having hearts for eyes as the 'cool' act further attracted them towards the handsome new student. Even the boys couldn't help but argue how entertaining that was, "I really thought he just jumped out the window and killed himself over a bit of popularity"




Successfully escaping the curious students, Izuku looked up at the top of the school building and created a portal underneath him which sent him to the rooftop, landing silently and carefully on his feet which prevented both using MP and gaining a potential injury (which would've been really pathetic of him)

"Hm?" Izuku appeared to have created a portal close to the door to the rooftop, an eyebrow raised as he stared at the familiar blonde boy eating a packed lunch box by himself, wired earphones plugged into his phone as he seemed to be watching some type of video with a small smile on his face

The boy had not yet noticed Izuku, staring aimlessly at his phone. On the other hand, Izuku had noticed the door being kicked open, which urged him to hide behind the wall as he peculiarly watched a group of stuck-up boys enter the rooftop, "I knew he'd be here" One of them said

"He doesn't even notice us, what an idiot!" Another said, the group breaking into a small laughter as Monoma was yet to take notice of them, smiling innocently as he looked down at his phone in his hands

"Maybe this will make him notice..." Izuku watched as the boy at the front, who he presumed was the little 'leader' of this squad, took off his bag and zipped it open, taking out a wooden bat, "OI!" The boy yelled, slamming the bat against the concrete floor which caused Monoma's body to jolt, his earphones flying out of his ears and landing in his lunch box

"Hahahaha!" The group laughed loudly, teasing the sad Monoma who began to pick the little bits of food in his earphones begrudgingly, "Please... leave me alone..." He begged quietly, unable to look up as he didn't want to annoy the boys for making eye contact with them - he had already made that mistake once.

"..." With his arms crossed and body resting against the wall, Izuku looked at the scene with disappointment. As the boys crept closer towards the clueless Monoma, he decided that he would keep watching and only step in when he decided the time was right, 'I just want to see something'

*Bang!* The boy smacked his bat once more against the floor, except this time, right beside Monoma's legs which caused him to squeal girlishly, protecting his face and head with his arms, "Why are you screaming like a girl? Hahaha!" Their laughter grew louder, and their sorry-excuse-for-insults only got worse

"I-I'm sorry!" Monoma apologised, tears welling in his eyes as he watched the bullies pick up his lunch box and snatch his earphones off of him, "You don't want this!" With a shout, they began to throw the food off of the rooftop, as well as the dirty earphones much to Monoma's sadness, "S-Stop!-" The boy went to stand up, just for the leader to begin his swinging motion

"Okay, that's enough now" Deciding he didn't want to be the witness of a literal crime between children, Izuku chose to finally step in as he halted the bat's movement with his [Telekinesis], both his body and the bat glowing in a familiar, pleasant light green colour.

Speaking of Telekinesis, Izuku was rather curious in what upgrading it to the next level for a relatively cheap price would bring, so he did it. [Telekinesis Lv. 2 -> 3 (Active) - The user gains the ability to telekinetically control nearby objects around 100kg -> 500kg. The user has also gained the special ability of Telepathy, which allows him to communicate with people through their mind. Range: 25m -> 50m. Cost: 10MP/Sec] (+) [Upgrade Cost: 25,000 LP]

[-10,000 LP] [LP: 105,843 -> 95,843]  

Hurriedly reading the upgrades, Izuku was stunned as he looked at his new ability. He looked at Monoma, deciding to try out his new ability, ['Hey'] In response to a voice suddenly intruding his thoughts, the blonde boy looked around him wondering if he suddenly became schizophrenic, ['It's me, Izuku Midoriya, I'm currently speaking with you telepathically'] He explained to the boy, easing his panic as Izuku looked at his remaining MP

[MP: 3,280/3,280 -> 2,370/3,280] After the first few seconds, Izuku had realised that using Telepathy had the same cost as using [Telekinesis], "Hey! Don't ignore us!" Annoyed, the boy went to swing his bat at Monoma once more, just for it to be stopped once more by Izuku's power, ['Why aren't you fighting back?']

He asked, [MP: 2,370/3,280 -> 2,350/3,280], 'So, using Telekinesis and Telepathy at the same time costs 20MP/Sec... interesting, and annoying!' Seriously, just how much MP was he going to need if he wanted to casually use his skills without worrying about running out of the thing

"I-I can't...!" Monoma shook his head profusely, the idea of fighting back against his bullies with a quirk as weak as his seemingly impossible. Around him, the boys stared at Monoma like he was a freak, "Stop talking to yourself!" Realising the bat was useless, the leader dropped the bat onto the floor and charged towards Monoma, ordering his bully friends to get Izuku

"Thanks for the free weapon" With his [Telekinesis], Izuku brought over the wooden bat right to his hand, hitting the back of the head of the students heading towards him which caused them to drop to the floor, unconscious, "Whoopsie, I didn't mean to hit you!" The boy taunted, crouching down as he used his power to stack the bodies on top of each other for him to sit on top of, "How considerate of you guys"

"You...!" Infuriated, the leader of the bullies turned his head towards Izuku, ['Do it'] Not noticing Monoma behind him slowly standing up, reeling his arm back as his hand clenched into a tight fist, "HAA!" The punch landed cleanly against the boy's cheek, his feet getting lifted off the ground as he hit a 180 in the air before being slumped onto the floor

"Woah, nice form!" Izuku complimented the exasperated Monoma, his hands clapping as the boys below him started to wake up, "H-Huh... W-What the hell!?" They yelped, Izuku using their heads as stepping stones for him to jump away from, landing beside Monoma with a smile

"If you don't mind me asking, what's your quirk?" Izuku asked, his hand on Monoma's shoulder as he looked at the boy with a warm smile, "C-Copy... I can copy people's quirks for a few minutes... like Kazuma-san's" As an example, a wooden bat formed in Monoma's hands

"Wait, that's his quirk?" Izuku sweat dropped awkwardly, rubbing his cheek sheepishly as Monoma nodded in response, "What an... interesting? Quirk- Uwahhh..." With a yawn, Izuku took a seat on the floor, rolling onto his side as he rested his cheek on his closed hand, "I'm tired, so you can deal with them" He informed

"W-What!? N-No, I can't!" Monoma argued, attempting to get Izuku back on his feet which wasn't working at all, "I-I can't do it, I need your help!"

"My help? With your quirk? Please..." Izuku rolled his eyes, "Copying quirks, do you know how strong that quirk is? If I had that quirk, I'd think I was blessed by the Gods" He admitted honestly, 'Well, I don't think you can be any more blessed than I have'

"R-Really...?" Monoma grew dumbfounded, his body filled with both shock and joy at Izuku's words, "Th-That was the first time someone's told me that..." His mouth twisted into a large, real smile that wasn't forced for once, memories of people constantly putting him down and ridiculing him for his quirk that 'can't do anything without others' flooding to his mind like darkness, just for that darkness to be illuminated by the light which was Izuku's simple words of praise, even if they were half-hearted

"Well get used to it, 'coz you're gonna get a lot more praises once you become a hero with that quirk of yours" Izuku smiled before closing his eyes, loud snores sounding across the rooftop which triggered the second year students that started to regret picking on Monoma today (Specifically because of Izuku)

But, now that he was 'asleep', they knew they had a chance, "Do you really think you can take all 4 of us?!" One of the boys yelled, Monoma slapping his cheeks enthusiastically, "Maybe, maybe not..." He spoke, pulling a leg back as he raised his arms up slightly into a basic judo stance, "But if I go down, I'll go down trying!" He yelled passionately, patiently waiting as the 4 boys came towards them with their quirks ready

Summoning a bat from Kazuma's copied quirk once they got close enough, Monoma threw the weapon at the closest person, urging them to dodge out of the way. However, their shortly blocked vision allowed for him to instantly throw them onto the concrete ground, their back arching slightly as they cried out in pain 

Monoma then created another bat, holding it in his right hand, "HAA!" The closest boy yelled, his scaly arm reeled back as he sent a punch towards Monoma's face. However, the punch was stopped by a circular barrier formed in the blonde boy's left hand, Monoma using the chance to swing the bat at the boy's face, sending some teeth flying as well as knocking him out.

With 3 copied quirks (Bat Creation, Circular Hand Barrier, and Scaly Arm), the last two were easy for Monoma to defeat, the boy standing over 4 of his 5 bullies' bodies in victory, "Haaa.... haa..." He exhaled tiredly, feeling a hand on his shoulder

"Nice fight... though, you should really work on your stamina if you want to last longer in fights" Izuku said, chuckling lightly as he held up the unbalanced Monoma, "W-Watch out!" Monoma's eyes widened, looking over Izuku's shoulder at an infuriated Kazuma who had gotten up after regaining consciousness

*Bam!* Monoma gasped as he watched Kazuma fly through the air, Izuku having sent a no-look high side kick to Kazuma's chin which knocked him out instantly, "The name's Izuku Midoriya, I don't know if you missed it during homeroom... it's nice to meet ya" He re-introduced himself, after remembering that Monoma was yet to introduce himself

"Neito Monoma... thank you, for everything..." His vision grew blurry, his weak legs causing him to fall backwards. Thankfully, he was caught by Izuku, "My bad... that was the first time I've fought with 3 quirks at once for so long... haha..." Monoma asked Izuku for his water bottle, which he brought over for him to chug which refueled Monoma's stamina, the boy now able to stand on his own two feet normally

"Uh... what should we do with them?" Monoma asked, looking around at the unconscious bodies around them, 'This looks like a crime scene!'

"Meh, just leave 'em here" Izuku shrugged, look at his phone to check out the time, "Next period starts soon, and I'm tryna eat a little" He said, the two leaving the rooftop as they walked down the stairs, Izuku taking a sandwich out of his bag for him to munch on on their way back to class




"ke up... Wake up!" Jolted awake by a loud scream, Kazuma groggily regained consciousness, his blurry vision slowly fixing itself as the familiar view of his older brother came to him, "Aniki!" The boy sat up energetically, his fists clenched out of anger as he looked to his older brother and his friends standing behind him, "You need to get revenge for me! These guys knocked out me and my friends!"

"Why?" The older boy asked with a tilt of his head as he looked down at his confused younger brother, "W-What do you mean? You're my brother! Of course you're meant to get revenge for your younger brother after he got beat up!"

"Haaa... you know..." With a glare, Kazuma's older brother crouched down and grabbed his collar, "I've heard from people about what you and your friends do. And frankly, you deserve this for all the bullying you do!" Shouting in disappointment, he released his hold with a strong push which pushed Kazuma onto his back once more

The boy looked up to see his older brother and friends walk away, 'Damn it...' His clenched fist drew blood, his teeth gritting as he resisted the urge to shed tears at his brother turning his back against him

"Though you deserve what you got as a bully, you're still my younger brother..." The older boy came to a stop, his friends doing the same, "and as the first-born, it's only right I protect my siblings, as that's my duty" He looked over his shoulder back down at Kazuma, "After this, if you carry on bullying others, I won't be stepping in again

This is my final warning"


A/N: Next chapter is the final part of this first day of school, and then I'll actually speed up the story (The first day of school is just to show how the schedule works, and to start connections - but once it's done, I can do a bunch of time-skips and stuff

Thanks for Reading

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Casual7 Casual7


[Name: Izuku Midoriya]

[Age: 13] (Lifespan: 160 Years)

[Race: Incubus]

[Level: 15] (Exp: 47.18/100%)

[HP: 2,460/2,460] (Regen: 123HP/Hour)

[MP: 3,280/3,280] (Regen: 196.8MP/Hour)

[Strength: 40]

[Dexterity: 40]

[Vitality: 50]

[Intelligence: 138]

[Charm: 65]

[SP: 130]

[LP: 95,843]

[Money: 266,731,493.92 Yen ($1778488.59)] 

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C11
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


