80.59% MHA : Adaptation / Chapter 54: Chapter 54 : Humarise

章 54: Chapter 54 : Humarise

Izuku and Rumi were back in the forest for today's morning training. Izuku was currently using Chimera fully making him look like a large wolf-bird monster. Rumi was jumping between trees to get behind Izuku to strike him which worked a few times so Izuku started to pick up the speed. The training continues for the next few hours with Izuku emulating the villains he faced in the past. Rumi seemed to have the most fun facing down the bullets as their skill set was made to tire heroes out and it turned out Rumi recognised Rappa from her fight club days and the clone recognised her too.

Izuku and Rumi were back in her apartment as she was freshening up after training. Izuku was in the living room looking at the news. It was a slow news day as there was nothing too notable going on. Rumi walks out in her hero costume.

"Hey Izuku, ready for our patrol?"


Getting up he was about to turn off the TV when the newscaster was cut off by a broadcast by a blue man in robes and behind him were ornate gold walls and a banner with a red and black symbol.

"Denizens of the world! I am Flect Turn and We are Humarise. A few days ago-"

The man then continued to take credit for the chemical bombing in Europe and espoused his organisation's beliefs. Their organisation believes in the truth of the Quirk Doomsday Theory and that they will rid this world of the plague of quirks. Izuku suddenly got a phone call from Madam President.

"Invincible I assume that you're watching the broadcast."

"Yes, I am."

"We are going to need you to deal with this."

"Sure as long as I have permission to act internationally."

"... We'll see what we can do."


Invincible and his clones were now above the 25 known bases of Humarise. Scanning through the bases with quirk sight and x-ray. Invincible places his hand to his ear to press on his earpiece.

"Home base. All objectives are comprised. Only low-ranking members remain. Please advise."

It took a few seconds before the chief responded.

"Operations continue with new objectives. Capture all Humarise members present in bases and collect all data present within."

"Roger. Commencing warp."

All over the world green warp gates opened in Humarise bases and heroes spewed fourth assaulting all bases at once. During the raids, it was confirmed that the main leaders of Humarise had gone into hiding. Without a proper target, heroes were to remain near the bases and wait for a command.

Todoroki and Bakugou were on a grocery run being supervised by Invincible in the air above the Otheon team hotel. The two were making the run on foot because as Bakugou said.

"We can walk on our own babysitter!"

In their arms were multiple paper bags of groceries with Bakugou carrying most of them. Near their location, an explosion went off as two villains burst out of a jewellery store. One of the villains turned into a whirlwind and flew into the crowd who were pulled away by green constructs. Todoroki and Bakugou saw this and placed their groceries down which were warped back to base as they took off after the villains. DynaMight went after the one who shot glitter and Tundra the whirlwind who was carrying a metal briefcase filled with jewels. Invincible kept an eye on the briefcase as he helped fix the jewellery store using overhaul.

Finished with the store Invincible flew back into the air toward the briefcase. He sees using quirk sight and x-ray that it was not with the villain chased by Tundra but going down an alleyway behind him. Invincible called Tundra.

"Tundra I'm going to follow where the case is being brought to."

An explosion went off on the raised highway.

"I'll handle that just warp me to the crash."


Following the boy he found that he had gotten under the highway as debris fell near him knocking him off his feet. He picked up a briefcase and continued running. Invincible saw that he had picked up the wrong one and warped the correct briefcase back to the store. Invincible kept following the boy as he used a subway and walked out into the public square. He smirked thinking he had lost the heroes until Invincible landed right in front of him with a small thud. The boy stood stiff looking at the Hero in front of him. As he was about to run his steps were stopped by Invincible saying.

"You have the wrong briefcase."

This makes him wide-eyed and a flood of fear fills his face. He quickly opened the briefcase on the ground to see that the hero was right. He had the wrong.

'What the hell am I supposed to do!"

Before he could continue his downward spiral, tyre screeches could be heard as a dozen police vehicles surrounded the two of them. With the briefcase still open anyone in the plaza could see that it was just a normal briefcase. Invincible turned to address the police as they got out of their vehicles and drew their pistols which caused Invincible to look at them suspiciously. The boy raised his hands in fear upon seeing the guns leaving the case open on the floor. Some people in the crowd took out their phones to record the encounter.

"Officers, this person took the wrong case and please put away your firearms. He's unarmed."

"We don't know what quirk he has to be sure of that. Give up the case."


"Are you here only for the case?"

The officer felt compelled to answer.




Invincible was a bit confused. They wanted the case but don't know why.


Using x-ray Invincible examined the case carefully and noticed a box not pierced by the quirk meaning it was lined with lead. As he was doing this the police suddenly opened fire on the two of them. Preemptive warning activated as soon as one of the officer's fingers twitched so Invincible activated barrier to cover the two of them. The bullets ricocheted off the barrier and into warp gates to the ocean before they could hit the now screaming and panicking crowd. A few of them got to a safe distance to keep recording the incident. A police car came speeding at the barrier in an attempt to break through but the car suddenly was stopped by metal bending holding it in place its tires burning on the brick floor. As the chaos was happening Invincible picked up the case closed it and waited for the police to stop their assault.

A green arrow shot from far away struck the barrier trying to drill its way through. Looking around with quirk sight for arrow-related quirks he finds a bow quirk a few miles away. Looking in their direction for a moment the quirk left jumping between buildings. He waited again for anything else to happen yet nothing did as the police were still trying to break through the barrier.

'Don't they run out of bullets?'

Opening a warp gate behind him he grabs the boy cowering on the ground along with the briefcase and disappears into the gate leaving the police with a very angry crowd. Appearing back in his room in the hotel he places the case on his desk as the boy falls to his knees breathing heavily on the ground.

"I... thought... we... were goners."

"Don't mention it. You were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. We are in the Otheon team hotel so you'll be safe."

The boy calmed down and sat on the bed with Midoriya sitting on the desk chair.

"I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself. I'm Invincible."


"Nice to meet you Rody and I assume that little bird is your quirk. Very interesting might I add."

A pink bird with a blue cloth mask peaked its head from Rody's coat.

"H-how did you know? Pino was my quirk."

"It's a quirk of mine. Your quirk is Soul which manifests as a bird that shows you true emotions."

Rody was weirded out that the Hero knew what his quirk was but he was struck by the phrasing being of a quirk of his. That and the myriad of abilities he used.

"What sort of quirk do you have that lets you make portals and barriers?"

"Let's just say it's pretty unique."

Midoriya turned around and picked up the case looking around for a panel that could open. Rody was a bit confused as the Hero didn't ask him why he was running away with a briefcase but he didn't want to think about it. Picking up a remote he turned on the TV.

"Latest this afternoon, Hero Invincible also known as Izuku Midoriya is wanted for the murder of 12 individuals in the Public Square. Police have refrained from providing any information on the victims as it is an ongoing investigation. If you see the individual please contact law enforcement to report your sighting."

Rody looked at Invincible who was still picking at the case.

"Uh... Invincible did you hear what they said?"

Invincible pulls a cartridge from the bottom of the case that was acting as false feet and pulls a metallic object from it.

"I did but it doesn't matter. What matters now is what I have here."

"But they're calling you a murderer?"

"So? They're working for Humarise those charges will be dropped as soon as they get found out for trying to take the case so violently."

Invincible's phone rang so he picked it up to hear Todoroki.

"Midoriya where are you?"

"I'm in my room in the hotel with the hand-off. Yes, I've heard the news. The low-ranking police are unknowingly working for Humarise as they only wanted the case or what was in it."

"So what's in the briefcase?"

"There was a compartment hidden in the feet of the case with a metal puzzle box thing I'm trying to get open. We'll meet up in the conference room when you and Bakugou get back."

"Alright see you then."

Todoroki hangs up on him as Midoriya continues to fiddle with the puzzle. He then noticed that Pino was looking intently at the puzzle with a slight hint of annoyance as he fiddled with the metal pieces.

"Hey Rody, you want a turn with this thing?"

"Huh, why?"

Pino flew into his face.

"... Sure."

Passing Rody the puzzle he immediately started to solve it like he had done it before. Opening the puzzle there was a purple flash drive and an SD card.

"Thanks, Rody. It'll get a bit hectic so stay here for a bit. If you need anything just call me."

Warping into the conference room he finds the Otheon team had gathered and were waiting for him.

"Invincible did you get anything out of the case?"

" I did."

Walking up to the computer he opened the SD drive which contained hundreds of documents and displayed it to the group using the projector.

"Click the most recent one."

A video began to play.

"Hello. My name is Alan Kay. Along with several other scientists,I was kidnapped by Humarise.In order to enact their plans, Humarise took our families hostage and forced us to manufacture Quirk Factor Triggering Bombs against our wills."

"The first terrorist attack using one of these devices was merely a ploy, to gather the world's top heroes in places where Humarise branches are located. The group is planning to use these horrible bombs to eradicate those pros."

"In an instant, the Hero population will be decimated. After losing its top heroes, society would collapse."

"Using the vacuum of chaos afterwards, Humarise will wipe out anyone with powers and build a world where only the Quirkless are allowed."

"That is the true goal of Flect Turn, the leader of Humarise. A madman."

"I hope my voice will reach the heroes in time."

"Eddie Soul, another scientist

here, lost his life helping me. He made the key I've included that will disarm the bombs at their base."

"Please. Save the world."

The room was silent processing what they just heard. The TV at the back of the room suddenly switched on showing a broadcast from Flect Turn.

"The time for salvation has come. Ideo Tigger bombs have been set and there is nothing that will stop the end of quirks but as a show of good faith, we will be telling you where they are. You merely need to know where we are. You have 2 hours to struggle till your last second."


"It's already sent. We should all have our objectives in a few minutes."

The tv turns on once more showing the chief of the World Heroes Association.

"Invincible we thank you for getting the information. All heroes move out evac the cities and find the bombs."

"I have the information on where their secret base is. I'll head there myself with the disarming key."

"What the hell! Why are you going alone?"

"I'll need to fly there and we don't know where the bombs are exactly. We need everyone to find the bomb and prevent a disaster."

"Approved, Invincible move out now."

"Yes sir. I'm warping everyone to the middle of town. Let's get to work."

Warp gates open under the heroes sending them away and Invincible warps above the hotel to fly towards the secret base. Flying above some forests he spots a carved stone entrance crawling with Humarise goons almost all of them with quirks. Stopping before getting spotted Invincible makes a clone and gives him the deactivation key.

"You know what to do."

The clone warps away as Invincible focuses back on the base. As he flew closer one of the members spotted him.


The alert makes everyone look at his direction. Flying at the base the members with ranged quirks began to shoot at Invincible but all projectiles glanced off his body like he had a force field. Landing near the entrance those with physical quirks rushed at Invincible to try and slow him down but after their first hit, they were knocked aside unconscious. After most of the members were down only two remained a pair of twins with the same quirk Sword Kill which allowed them to turn their arms and shoulders into segmented bladed whips.

The twins laughed manically as they whipped their blades at Invincible who allowed the blades to wrap around his arms. The twins realised what was about to happen and tried to get free but were pulled towards Invincible who clocked the twins in their chin knocking them to the ground. With no one still outside Invincible stored the unconscious villains in his storage quirk but before he could get the twins more whip blades tried to stab into him but glanced off his costume.

"We're not done yet, Hero."

Invincible turned around to face them.

"Finally someone actually tenacious. Come on. Let's see what you got."

More blades burst from the twin's bodies as they rushed at Invincible using hit-and-run tactics to try and cut him but every time a whip made contact sparks appeared as the blades scraped across Invincible's skin and hero costume. Invincible shot impure beams to get them to move and to test out their speed. This exchange continued until one of the twins tripped and his leg was pierced by an impure beam causing him to fall down as the other twin tried to help. Putting their arm around their shoulder he tried to carry him away but the two were grabbed by Invincible.

[Sword Kill taken x 2]


Without the quirk, the twins return back to their normal selves. Now that everyone was passed out they are put away using storage so they can be arrested later. Walking into the facility he was faced with more members who were rushing to support the front. Invincible simply walked forward batting and storing members as they passed out. Invincible kept walking until a familiar green arrow came flying down the hallway.

Invincible allowed the arrow to fly straight at him as it struck the middle of his forehead. The arrow struck true but it didn't pierce as the arrow spun in place trying to drill into Invincible's forehead. The person with the bow quirk retracts the arrow as Invincible continues to walk toward them. Another projectile is shot at Invincible but it doesn't hit him as it grows and blocks the hallway.

The object is a large black metal ball embedded in front of him. Invincible stabbed his hands into the sphere and split it open the way through to see the bow woman and a large man with metal ball knuckles. The villains saw the metal ball split in half and began to shoot more but every shot that hit the hero fell to the ground immediately upon contact.

As Invincible got closer the bow woman backed off but the large man put his hands up.

"Look man they forced me into this I never believe in the hogwash they spilled."


The woman's eyes widened in disbelief and betrayal as Invincible walked up to the man.

"The courts will decide if you were coerced into it. Sleep."

The man passed out and was stored away. The woman quickly shot a volley of arrows as she tried to escape but her path was blocked by a warp gate sending her right back into Invincible's arms. Her eyes widen finding herself in the hero's arms.


Storing the bow woman away Invincible continues deeper into the facility. Arriving in a large open room he sees more members rushing to slow him down. Making his way through the group only two villains remain both wearing cloaks. The cloaks burst as two monstrous beings take their place. One looked like a red Oni with spiked metal clubs for arms and the other was a white demon with red horns and fingers.

The Oni jumped to slam Invincible with his club. Invincible raised his arm as the club struck down and as it made contact the club exploded into shrapnel launching the Oni back. Leviathan shot out his fingers and horns to attack the Hero but they simply glanced off his body upon contact. The two villains continued their attacks but they were ineffective being simply smacked away or destroyed. Invincible grabbed the Oni by its head as it lunged forward to attack and slammed it into the ground causing a small crater to be indented on the now cracked golden floor. The Oni tenacious as it is tried to get up but his head was held firm on the floor. The white demon tried to get Invincible off his comrade but was batted away with a simple swing.

[Iron Club taken]


The monstrous features of the Oni receded to reveal a normal man passed out on the ground. Storing the man the white demon pulled itself out of the wall slightly dazed but immediately rushed Invincible after seeing that his comrade was missing. Its fingers grew into large red tendrils which wrapped around Invincible. The demon tried to swing its target around but the Hero didn't budge. Feeling its fingers being grabbed they were pulled off their feet and toward the cocked fist of Invincible. The punch landed square into the demon's face launching the demon back into the same endented wall. The demon screamed as it slammed into the wall and tried to get up again. Invincible appeared in front of it and grabbed it by the face.

[Helical Scythe taken]


The demonic features on the man recede and reveal a large sleeping man with the same grotesque face and slightly dark skin tone. Storing the villain away Invincible continued deeper into the base.

Walking into a large hall it had a large staircase acting as a stage with a door under it. At the top overlooking the hall was Flect Turn. He was wearing robes which had blue reflective disks sown in the cloth. Near the man were holograms showing the heroes around the world working tirelessly to find and disarm the ideo trigger bombs. There is also a larger hologram showing the remaining time before the bombs go off.


'Huh... I thought I took my sweet time getting here.'

Walking towards the man Invincible stood in the obviously marked centre of the room and looked up at the cult leader.



"Any more cards up your sleeves you can pull out? Cause I'll be honest with you it was quite a chore fighting through your followers though there were a few who were competent enough to keep my interest."

The leader didn't say anything as lights began to flash under his eyes. Panels on the wall opened revealing turrets that shot lasers at Invincible obscuring his vision. The dust clears and Invincible finds himself in a glass box with vents on the floor.

'Why isn't preemptive warning activating? Isn't this supposed to be a trap?'

Meanwhile all over the world screens changed to show the hall that Invincible was in. Flect addressed the world.

"Look upon your great saviour. A child sent into the depths of a den filled with so-called "Villains". Now watch as your misplaced hope becomes the downfall of the world."

The glass chamber is suddenly filled with green gas. The people who knew Invincible stared at the screen in shock. Nezu was frozen in fear knowing the full capabilities of adaptation yet he was a bit confused would Midoriya just warp out of the room when preemptive warning activated.


A thud catches his attention making him look back at the screen. Red tendrils began to come into view writhing against the glass with green marble eyes and sharp piercing teeth visible all around the glass enclosure completely encompassing the space. The gas slowly completely dissipates revealing the true mass of the being. A clicking noise emanates from the mass of flesh. It seemed to be transmitted directly into the minds of the world as many who weren't looking at the broadcast heard the sound. Flect laughed at the sight as the world watched horrified at what the young hero had become.

After a few moments, the noises stopped and the flesh in the trap looked like it was being drained into its centre revealing Invincible completely unharmed with his eyes closed. The Hero lets out a breath of green gas which scared many knowing it was the trigger gas. Invincible tilted his head to crack his neck whose sound cracked the glass surrounding him. The lights under Flect's eyes flashed as a gas mask appeared over his face. Invincible tilted his head to the other side and did the same this time the glass shattered at the sound allowing the trigger gas to spread along the floor. Before they could spread far they were suddenly pulled into and absorbed into Invincible's body.

"That... was quite an experience but if that that was all you had. What a disappointment."

Invincible opened his eyes which now had a red vertical pupil on top of his normal green eyes.

"You're worse than a stage 5. Your quirk has completely changed you down to the molecule. You will not leave here alive!"

The wall-mounted laser turrets turned to fire again but before they could purple beams destroyed them. Around Invincible were dozens of dark orbs orbiting around him which shot the turrets. Flect seeing the destroyed walls rushed at Invincible trying to goad him into striking him but Invincible didn't move until finally getting bored he struck. Behind Flect a black tornado-like structure appeared and reversed the energy back into Invincible.

'Impact Recoil'

The energy was reflected between Flect and Invincible but Flect seemed to be getting more and more tired as the energy kept moving until he was knocked back. Looking down at his hands the shade of blue it had was noticeably less vibrant which shocked him.


"What's with the surprise? Never hit a limit before?"

"I have tried everything to get rid of this curse."

"Not hard enough. Your quirk reflect runs off of your stamina and since you've never been in a serious fight you thought yourself untouchable. You gave up before even trying to truly find your limit. Tell me what did you do to find your limits?"

Flect was compelled to answer.

"I had tried to kill myself by stabbing into my eye. After the knife was launched away I lost hope."

"It's unfortunate, you could have been a great protector of the people. Taking the harm a villain could bring and making them taste their own medicine but you gave into your despair and decided the world should pay for your misfortune."

"How could you know my suffering!? I could never be in contact with those I loved. Every time someone touched me they would be repelled. There was nothing I could do to stop my pain."

"That doesn't really matter now. You destroyed an entire city for your own selfish needs. Your suffering does not justify the death of thousands and if your quirk is so painful then I suppose you won't object to me taking it."

Invincible appeared in front of Flect and intentionally reached his hand out slowly to see how he reacted. As the hand got close Flect flinched and jumped backward.

"I thought you despised your quirk. Why run when the cure to your loneliness is right here?"

Flect is compelled again.

"It's mine and mine alone. How would I rule the world without power?"

"Your cult was never about stopping the end of the world, was it? It was always to feed your own ego and give you power. To take what you think you deserve and I think it's time I end this."

Invincible punched at Flect who tried to block the blow by crossing his arms. The same phenomena happened as the energy was reflected between them with Flect sliding further and further back with each reflection until he was launched back into the banner behind him embedding him into the wall. Invincible pulled him from the wall and threw him on the floor. Flect lay on the ground looking up at the screens showing the heroes all over the world finding and containing the trigger bombs. Along with that was the image of himself as the hall was still being broadcast. He now had a normal skin tone and he looked at his hands in shock.

"Quirk exhaustion is new to you isn't it though I shouldn't be one saying that."

Flect turned to his side and saw Invincible squatting next to him. Flect tries to get away but.


He stopped in his tracks and kept lying down. Invincible had a slight tinge of surprise on it but it was quickly washed away with understanding.

"Sigh... quirks really do love surprises. Anyway, I think we're about done here. It's the world's turn to decide your fate."

Placing his hand on Flects arm as Flect tried to resist but was unable to move. Invincible takes his quirk.

[Reflect taken]

[Quirk synergy : Impact Recoil, Kinetic Stockpile, Reflect > Absolute Counter]


Flect falls unconscious and is stored away. Invincible stood up and looked at the camera broadcasting the hall with a smile as his red pupil dissipated.

"Mission accomplished."

The timers above him stop at 48:21 and the broadcast cuts out. Everyone watching the broadcast cheered knowing the bombs won't go off. Rody who was still in the embassy fell back onto the bed letting go of the breath he was unknowingly holding.

Warping to where the Otheon heroes were many of them cheered seeing Invincible in the sky. The members guarding the bomb seemed to have given up and were captured by the heroes. Invincible landed near the trigger bomb and Endeavor walked up to him.

"Good job Invincible. Help us transport the bomb to a safe location."

"I don't think we need to do that."


A yellow barrier enclosed both Invincible and the bomb. Endeavor looked confused but remained vigilant. Invincible placed his hand on the bomb and vents on the sides opened releasing their contents. The green gas spiralled and was absorbed into Invincible. Endeavor backed away as the barrier dispelled.

"I'm going to disarm the rest of the trigger bombs. Can all of you organise a holding area for the villains I captured?"

"Captured? I thought you warped them into the holding cell."

To the side of Invincible, a blob of clear liquid appeared and as it evaporated it revealed the unconscious leader of Humarise Flect Turn. The heroes looked a bit weirded out but they quickly got some cuffs and restrained the sleeping villain.

"I'll be back in... 10 minutes. See you all then."


With the bombs disarmed and the cult members in his storage captured, it was time to return to the hotel to pick up Rody. Walking into the room he sees Rody sitting on the bed still looking at the tv that was still reporting the arrest of the Humarise members. The police chief was arrested for falsely accusing Invincible of the murder of 12.

"Rody. Hope I didn't take too long."

Rody jumped slightly not expecting Invincible back so soon.

"Ahh! Man don't just appear like that."

"Sorry, sorry. I'm here to get you home."

Rody stands quickly.

"I can leave?! You're not going to detain me for questioning?"

"You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. You were completely uninvolved in the robbery this morning. Besides nothing was actually stolen."

Rody decided to keep his mouth shut. Midoriya taking this as a yes warped the both of them in the air with Midoriya keeping him afloat by holding him with air walk. Rody feeling the air in his face screamed loudly as he held onto Invincible with all of his strength.

"Calm down you can stand."

"What do you mean we can stand?! We're in the air!"

"Just try."

Rody fearfully reached his foot out until his foot hit the air platform below. Slowly letting go he finds himself floating in the air.

"So... where do you live?"

"O-oh the shanty town."

Opening another warp gate the two of them appeared at the entrance of the the town.

"I guess this is where we part ways."

Rody turned toward Invincible and reached his hand out.

"Thanks for protecting me from the police."

Invincible grabbed his hand and shook it.

"It's what a hero should do. See you later."

Invincible disappears into the air looking like he imploded into green smoke. Deciding that was the last crazy thing he was going to see today Rody turned around and ran to see his sibling.

Warping back into the hotel's conference room, Invincible is met with the rest of the Otheon heroes to report their actions during the operation. With everything they needed to do completed, it was time for everyone to return home. Opening warp gates all over the world everyone returned to their respective homes. Warping back to the designated warp point near UA Midoriya walks out to see two notably quirkless HPSC agents waiting for him.

"Invincible could you follow us please."

"Where to?"

"That will be disclosed when we arrive."

The agents led him into an enclosed room with a single chair and shut him alone in it. The room started to move so Midoriya used X-ray to see where he was going. The room he was in was being moved underground using a train car. Deciding to see what they had planned Midoriya sat down on the chair they prepared which immediately cuffed him to it.

[Anti-quirk cuff negated]

'Let's see the hand you play with Madam President.'


Next time

Chapter 55 : Arrogance

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C54
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


