86.91% Meta Essence CYOA / Chapter 92: Meta Essence CYOA 92

章 92: Meta Essence CYOA 92

The Essence of the Sith Lord

•You may remake your body however you want, and can even change your species to any Star Wars species (outside of Celestials, The Ones or any other race similar to them).

•You now have the same Force Potential as Anakin Skywalker, but start out at the same level of raw power and skill as Starkiller at his strongest, having already mastered everything Starkiller knows, like Telekinesis, Force Push, Force Lightning, Mind Trick and even Force Fury, which you can use without fear of hurting yourself. But you will find yourself easily learning whatever force techniques you try to learn.

•You are a dark lord of the Sith and get to choose your Darth "Name". If you arrive in Star Wars during a time where the Sith as an empire exists, you will be considered one of the Lords of the Sith. You can also choose how or if the Dark Side has an effect on you, from choosing whether your eyes are yellow or red to whether your skin becomes paler or not.

•You have a bottomless well of darkside emotions which you can draw from and use to empower yourself via the Dark side. It will never corrupt or influence your thinking or behavior.

•You are completely immune to Dark Side corruption and degradation, allowing you to wield the dark side without your body being destroyed, hurt or corrupted by it. Any negatives with the dark side does not affect you. You can share this benefit to others, making them just as immune as you are. You can also take this immunity away should you so desire.

•You are a master of all seven lightsaber Forms, but are an unparalleled master of one Form of your choice. You are ambidextrous, and are just as good wielding two lightsabers as you are with one. This also includes a double-bladed lightsaber.

•You also receive your very own lightsaber, designed to your specifications and with the color of your choice. Can optionally be two lightsabers, shoto lightsaber, double-bladed lightsaber or whatever other kind of lightsaber you want.

•You have a Sith Holocron which will be able to teach you everything about the Force that the Sith have ever learned, including any Force abilities and rituals.

•Optionally, you may receive Dark side Jaesa Willsaam as a companion, with all of her beauty, personality and her striking crimson red eyes. She will be your irrevocably loyal and devoted partner. She is slightly obsessed with you and with following your will and ideals, being like an overly attached Yandere with all of the positives and almost none of the negatives. One who has never laid with another soul before you. She will use her ability to discern any being's true nature and uncover a person's most secret intentions to the benefit of both of you. As a side effect of her ability, she will know your true nature, but will love you all the same. You are all that she care about. She is also now immune to Dark Side Corruption and Dark Side Degradation like you. Optionally, you may have a Force Bond that will link between the two of you, allowing the communication of feelings, thoughts and images across vast distances and grant greater coordination in battle. Through the connection, the Force will easily flow, allowing one's will to bolster the strengths of the other, or possibly to draw upon their strengths. Through your bond, both can sense each other's next actions. The strength of your bond will became increasingly powerful when fighting together—your Force powers mirroring and amplifying each other. This bond will only break if you want it to.

•Optionally, you may receive Ashara Zavros as a companion, who will have whatever form of relationship you want with her. She is now immune to Dark side Corruption and Dark Side Degradation like you. Optionally, you may have a Force Bond that will link between the two of you, allowing the communication of feelings, thoughts and images across vast distances and grant greater coordination in battle. Through the connection, the Force will easily flow, allowing one's will to bolster the strengths of the other, or possibly to draw upon their strengths. Through your bond, both can sense each other's next actions. The strength of your bond will became increasingly powerful when fighting together—your Force powers mirroring and amplifying each other. This bond will only break if you want it to.

•Optionally, you may receive Vette as a companion, who loves you irrevocably. Despite her wild nature, Vette shunned promiscuity, as she made a promise to her mother that she would wait until she married before going to bed with another. Until she met and fell in love with you.

•Optionally you may receive a Twi'lek slave of whatever coloration, gender, personality and appearance you want. They will be irrevocably loyal to you (from love, fear, devotion or whatever else you desire) and can optionally be a Force sensitive. Their force potential can be as strong as you want them to be, but they can't be stronger then you. They will also immune to Force Corruption and Force Degradation like you.

•Optionally, you may receive a loyal HK droid similar to HK-47, which is irrevocably loyal towards you.

•Optionally, you may receive a loyal PROXY droid similar to Starkillers PROXY, which is irrevocably loyal towards you and won't try to kill you. Unless you ask them to.

•Optionally, you may receive a loyal Dashade bodyguard, serving you like Khem Val served Tulak Horde. They are irrevocably loyal to you.

•Optionally you may receive a General, with the same level of talent, skill and experience as Thrawn. They will be irrevocably loyal to you and will have the species, gender, appearance and personality you want them to.

•Optionally you may receive an irrevocably loyal Chiss Cipher agent. They will have whatever gender, personality and appearance you want. They are a masterful spymaster and a perfect Cipher Agent, easily capable of running an entire intelligence organization with entire networks of intelligence operatives.

•Optionally, you may receive a personal Starship, which you will know how to pilot and take care of. This can be any Starship from Star Wars that is not a capital ship. This can be anything from the Millennium Falcon to either a Sith Infiltrator, a Fury Class Imperial Interceptor, a X-70B Phantom, the Rogue Shadow, a Tri-Wing S-91x Pegasus Starfighter or whatever other ship you want in the same category. The ship will never run out of fuel, ammo or any other resources it needs to operate at full efficiency. It's hull will also be layered with Quantum-crystalline armor, making it as close to indestructible as possible, and any defects or weaknesses in designs are either fixed or completely gone. The ship will have a hyperdrive with a 0.5 rating. Should anything break, then the ship will fix itself. The Ship will also come with a Fabricator that can create any food, drink and other edible items you have had before, exactly how you want it.

•Optionally, you may receive a personal capital ship. This can be any ship from an Executor-class Star Dreadnought to either the Eclipse-class dreadnought, the Supremacy or whatever other kind of capital ship you want. The ship will never run out of fuel, ammo or any other resources it needs to operate at full efficiency. It's hull will also be layered with Quantum-crystalline armor, making it as close to indestructible as possible, and any defects or weaknesses in designs are either fixed or completely gone. The ship will be crewed by HRDs, Human Replica Droids, who are all irrevocably loyal to you. Their appearance is up to you, but by default they are all incredibly attractive women of every kind. HRDs are all basically ageless due to them being droids, but their design is similar enough to Human anatomy that even high-quality medical scanners are not always able to identify them as inorganic, allowing them to eat, drink and perform any other function needed to pass for a normal woman, including the "more intimate" functions of a Human woman. They are all vastly stronger then normal humans, capable of contending with Wookiees and Dashade. Think of them all as superior HRDs when compared to Guri. Any HRDs that are killed or destroyed will return fully healed and safe the next day. The Capital ship also comes with a full compliment of Vehicles, being the ones they would usually have, whether that be Tie Fighters and AT-ATs, or Mark VI Supremacy-class starfighters and B28 Extinction-class bombers.

•Optionally, you may receive a superweapon. This can be anything from the Death Star to the Starkiller base or the Sun Crusher, or whatever else kind of Superweapon you want. The Superweapon will never run out of fuel, ammo or any other resources it needs to operate at full efficiency. It's hull will also be layered with Quantum-crystalline armor, making it as close to indestructible as possible, and any defects or weaknesses in designs are either fixed or completely gone. The Superweapon will be crewed by HRDs, Human Replica Droids, who are all irrevocably loyal to you. Their appearance is up to you, but but by default they are all incredibly attractive women of every kind. HRDs are all basically ageless due to them being droids, but their design is similar enough to Human anatomy that even high-quality medical scanners are not always able to identify them as inorganic, allowing them to eat, drink and perform any other function needed to pass for a normal woman, including the "more intimate" functions of a Human woman. They are all vastly stronger then normal humans, capable of contending with Wookiees and Dashade. Think of them all as superior HRDs when compared to Guri. Any HRDs that are killed or destroyed will return fully healed and safe the next day.

•Optionally you may receive your very own Star Forge, a giant automated shipyard, designed to create the most powerful army of all time. The Star Forge draws energy and matter from a nearby star which, when combined with the power of the Force, is capable of creating an endless supply of ships, droids, and other war material. This one is not corrupted by the Dark Side, and will never be. Instead, the Star Forge serves only at your will. It is quite easy to use, being highly intuitive.

•Optionally, you may receive a cloning facility, capable of creating the same amount of clones in a year that Kamino produced in ten years. Clones produced here will never suffer any kind of genetic instability, insanity or any other negative consequence that can happen to clones. Once the clones reach physical maturity will begin to age normally. And any Clones produced here will be irrevocably loyal to you. The facility already comes with the Genetic material and Skill template (without the emotional imprints) of Jango Fett, and is ready to grow your army. Each clone will receive a personal beskar armor and a blaster. You will however have to stand for ammo, food and other resources.◦The facility can also be used to clone any being you have Genetic material from, which will then inherit the skills of the Prime Clone. If the Prime Clone is a force sensitive, you will only be able to clone 100 successful clones a year with the same level or higher force potential then the Prime Clone. They will still benefit from all of the effects of the facility, like no genetic flaws, no emotional imprints, normal aging after physical maturity and being irrevocably loyal to you.

•Optionally, you may receive a Technology Archive which will contain every piece of technology and science from the entire Star Wars universe, from both Legends and Disney canon, past and future. The archive is highly intuitive, with a search engine to help you find what you search for.

•Optionally, you receive enough wealth to become one of the richest beings in the Galaxy.

•Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably loyal to you.◦Lana Beniko.

◦Master Fay.

◦Padme Amidala.

◦Ahsoka Tano.

◦Shaak Ti.

◦Aayla Secura.

◦Mara Jade.

◦Leia Organa.

◦Juno Eclipse.

◦Jyn Erso.

◦Darth Talon.



◦Eldra Kaitis.

◦Arden Lyn.

◦Celeste Morne.

◦Satele Shan.

◦Bastila Shan.

◦Winter Celchu.

◦Hera Syndulla.

◦Any other character from the world of Star Wars.

•Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into the world of Star Wars, or a variation, whether you want to appear in Canon, Legends or travel to an alternate universe like a fanfic or one made perfectly for yourself. You can either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing character or someone new. This can be at any time in Star Wars, whether you want it to be during the SWTOR time or perhaps during the Prequels. It's absolutely up to you.

Essence of Ben 10

•You may remake your body however you want, and even change it into any species from Ben 10.

•You receive your very own Omnitrix. It comes with all the abilities and features of all the different versions, including Master Control and the Evolutionary Function. It even allows you to manipulate the DNA of others and yourself. This can be used to repair genetic damage, reprogram DNA and also be used to turn others into hybrids or entire new species by giving them the DNA of any species who's DNA is stored inside the Omnitrix. You can even use the watch to create an entirely new species. The watch never runs out of power, can never be removed from you unless you desire it, can never be shut down or malfunction. If it is ever broken or stolen, it will instantly reappear on your wrist after a couple of seconds. It also automatically adds the DNA of any new species in any world you are in.

•Optionally, you may receive the natural ability to use magic. Magic is the power to affect matter and energy by supernatural means using mana. You are as strong as an Anodite when it comes to raw power. Just remember, magic has no rules.

•Optionally, you may receive the Charms of Bezel, are six magical talismans that grant the wielder different unique powers and abilities depending on the charm. This also includes yhe final talisman, which increases the Charms' abilities ten times over.

•Optionally, you may receive the Archamada Book of Spells. This version contains all the knowledge of magic from the Ben 10 universe.

•Optionally, you may receive the Alpha Rune, which holds the secret true name of magic, allowing the wearer control over magic itself. It won't ever corrupt you.

•Optionally, you may become as skilled at inventing as Azmuth. This doesn't have to make you as intelligent as Azmuth, though it can if you want. It can instead make you a savant at creation without the intelligence. You might not understand why you are doing everything you are doing to create something, but you know it's the right thing to do.

•Optionally, you may receive the Ascalon, a sword which taps into the forces of the universe itself, granting it immense power and numerous abilities.

•Optionally, you may receive the ability to transform at will into a Celestialsapien. However, unlike normal Celestialsapiens, you don't possess multiple personalities in this form, meaning you can use the immense reality warping power of a Celestialsapien without without the debilitating multiple personalities.

•Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably loyal to you.

◦Gwen Tennyson.

◦Gwendolyn Tennyson (Gwen 10.000).

◦Elena Valadis.


◦Julie Yamamoto.

◦Looma Red Wind.

◦Kai Green.

◦Helen Wheels.


◦Any other character from the Ben 10 universe.

•Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into the world of Ben 10, or a variation of it. This can be any alternate universe, like a fanfic or a universe made perfectly for yourself. You can either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing character or someone new.

Essence of Black Clover

•You may remake your body however you want.

•You have an immense amount of Mana, equal to Lolopechka, with complete conscious and subconscious control over it.

•You receive your very own Grimoire. This book enhances the user's magical abilities and gives them the ability to cast specific spells that are far in advance to their own natural magical abilities. At first, a grimoire is mostly empty, but as the user grows as a person, new spells are inscribed on the blank pages.

•You may choose your Magic Attribute, and may choose up to 6 different attributes. You can even choose Anti-Magic, without having the Anti-Magic affect your own Mana. The only limitation is that you cannot create any new attributes. But any Attribute you pick have literally limitless potential, and can be combined and used together in ways no one who doesn't have more than one attribute can do. You may optionally choose to receive one Grimoire for each attribute.

•You also have a natural talent for all the different magic forms, from Creation magic to Healing magic, allowing you to learn and develop spells from in any magic form, all while being just as talented in support as you are in offense.

•You have also learned and mastered an advanced mana control technique called Mana Zone, which allows the user to manipulate the mana in the surrounding area.

•You are able to grant others mana, in which case they will also receive their very own Grimoire.

•Optionally, you may become a Spirit host, which grants you the ability to use Spirit Magic. Spirit magic is a rare form of magic that allows the user to summon an elemental spirit to aid them. These spirits bond with and serve individual mages who have the same magic attribute as them. Each spirit possesses immense magic power and can increase their host's own magic power and spells. You may choose any of the three known spirits, or may create your own, in which case you can choose their appearance, personality and attribute yourself.

•Optionally, you may choose to become a Devil Host who have been through a Devil-Binding Ritual, granting you direct access to the powers of the Devil to use as your own. You, as the host, gains an immense boost in magic power and the ability to use the devil's magic attribute in addition to your own. As you have gone through the Devil-Binding Ritual, you are able to use Unite, a special transformation where you as the host draws on the full power of your devil and assimilates the devil into your body, enabling you to contain and control the power of the devil and dramatically increasing your own magic power and capabilities. While transformed, you will take on the physical traits of your devil, such as horns, a tail, and slit pupils, as well as being garbed in the devil's power. Additionally, you become able to integrate the devil's characteristics into your own magic. The contract created between you and the Devil is one between master and servant, allowing you to easily use Unite due to having full command over your devil. Your Devil can be any Devil from Black Clover, or it can be one you design yourself, in which case you can choose their appearance, personality and attribute yourself. You can also choose to have them reside in your Grimoire, turning it into a five-leaf Grimoire.

•Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably loyal to you.

◦Sister Lily Aquaria.

◦Noelle Silva.

◦Mimosa Vermillion.

◦Vanessa Enoteca.

◦Charlotte Roselei.

◦Sol Marron.


◦Halbet Chevour.

◦Any other character from the Black Clover universe.

•Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into the world of Black Clover, or a variation of it. This can be any alternate universe, like a fanfic or a universe made perfectly for yourself. You can either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing character or someone new.

Essence of Caine Deathwalker

•You may remake your body however you want.

•You are a perfect hybrid of two different races: Royal Dragon and a Villager of Tartarus. This grants you access to all the powers Caine Deathwalker gained from his hybrid nature, but better. You will never find any part of your heritage to be sealed, lost or taken away. The heterochromia is optional.

•As a Royal Dragon, you become able to shape-shift into a Royal Dragon at will, a Gold dragon, the apex being of the supernatural world. Your dragon heritage grants you access to immense amounts of magic and the power of golden dragon lightning, the signature power of the Royal Dragons, not to mention increased, superhuman physical capabilities only surpasses by Gods. Unlike Caine, you don't struggle to change into your dragon form, never feeling any discomfort or pain from the change, and unlike him, you actually become a full size dragon instead of a mere runt. You may choose whether your dragon side is a separate being living in symbiosis with you, your dragon side separate from you mentally, or if it is you, meaning you have access to all the powers and abilities without the separate personality issue.

•As a Villager, you become a naturally talented warrior and an incredibly powerful Shadow mage, granting you intuitive control over your shadow powers and shadow magic in general.

•Optionally, you may receive the weapon that Caine's father bonded to him at birth, a semi-Sentient Shadow that can devour anything it comes across. It is a truly devastating power, and unlike Caine, you won't struggle to control it. An ultimate weapon of demonic power and divine shadow.

•Optionally, you may choose to receive all of Caine's training, skill and experience. You may even choose at what stage you want his training, skill and experience from.

•Optionally, you may receive the ultimate harem power, allowing you to attract others you would desire by simply being yourself. You can be the biggest asshole, and you will still find that attractive women (or men) fall for you wherever you. The more powerful you become, the greater this ability becomes, but you can toggle it at will. You will also find that you gain unparalleled sexual prowess, able to ruin whomever you sleep with for any other partner beside yourself. You are just as good at being the dominant as being the submissive, and will find that your partners can become able to match your preferences should you want them to. Make the submissive dominant or the dominant submissive. You also don't have to worry that anyone will take advantage of this in any way, nor will any negative consequences come from your preferences.

•Optionally, you may choose to receive the Ultimate Dick. This is the greatest dick in existence, being way larger than it should be, yet still not only being able to fit into the tightest hole, but also granting unparalleled pleasure to the recipient. This is the ultimate, perfect dick in existence, with porn physics added on top of that, making you the best lay in the world, making anyone who takes it in them ruined for any other dick. You also have the ability to summon an additional dick at will, though unlike Caine, you can make it go away at will as well.

•Optionally, you may become the king of your very own Fae Land. This grants you access to your own kingdom in faerie, where the land itself seeks to serve you as best as it can. The better you treat the land, the more it loves you, and the stronger it becomes. This also allows you to draw magical power from the land itself to fuel your power.

•Optionally, you may receive godhood, granting you a divine Domain, immense magical power, increased physical capabilities and access to Godspeed, allowing you to not only move across realms, but also travel so fast the world seems to slow to a halt. This grants you all the abilities of a God from the Red Moon Demon universe.

•You may choose to opt out of the ability to ever reach the final stage Caine Deathwalker reached, where he split so that every universe and realm has its own you in it. Each of the versions are truly separate, which means you also separate your powers and abilities between them all. You may therefore opt out of ever reaching this stage.

•Optionally, you may receive your own Demon Sword, which has been soul-bonded to you, allowing you to call for it to your hand from anywhere, manifesting in your hand, while also making the blade able to feed you the power it absorbs. A Demon Sword is able to feast on the blood, power, magic and soul of anything it comes across, increasing in power and allowing it to increase your power by feeding it to you, even keeping you eternally young by feeding you the life force it absorbs. This one also has the unique ability to channel and focus any of your abilities and powers, allowing you to for example merge and focus both your shadow magic and your gold magic into a truly devastating arc you release while swinging your sword, destroying anything in its path. It can also serve as a magical focus. Uniquely, it is unbreakable, and is the exact weight, length and has the right balance to fit you perfectly, feeling like a part of your body. You may choose whether it is sentient or not, but it will never work against you or try to cut you, only ever working for you, helping you in any way it can. It is irrevocably loyal and is the greatest Demon Sword in existence.

•Optionally, you may receive your own Combat Butler. He is the perfect butler, serving you obediently, loyally and perfectly. Yet he is also an incredibly experienced warrior with his own Demon Sword, allowing him to also protect you and anything that is yours. Osamu has nothing on your own Combat Butler.

•Optionally, you may receive your own Harem of Werecats. You can choose what sort of Werecats they are and how many they are. Their individual personalities and appearance is up to you, the relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and they will be irrevocably loyal to you. You can also choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are.

•Optionally, you may choose to become the Demon Lord of a clan of demons, which will all be irrevocably loyal to you.

•Optionally, you may choose to become the High King of Faerie. This will bind the many courts to your rule, and grant you access to the magic of the entire realm to fuel your own powers. You are however not bound by the rule that you cannot lie, nor will your promises become unbreakable.

•Optionally, you may choose to become the Dragon Emperor of the Dragon Realm. Unlike you, all the dragons of all the different types will serve you loyally, and they will all see you as their rightful ruler sitting in the Dragon Throne.

•Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably loyal to you.◦Selene.





◦Bella Donna.






◦Any other character from the Red Moon Demon universe.

•Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into the Red Moon Demon, or a variation of it. This can be any alternate universe, like a fanfic or a universe made perfectly for yourself. You can either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing character or someone new.

Essence of the Deathless

○You may remake yourself however you want, even choosing to become a Titan if you want.

○You are now a Deathless, a biologically-engineered immortal sub-species of humanity.

○You are now immortal, as in truly immortal. You do not age (unless you program your body to do so), you possess an incredible healing factor and superhuman physical capabilities, and you can survive without typically life-sustaining air, water, or food (however, you do need to excrete waste if you consume anything). Your senses and life seems more vivid, sharper and more alive.

○Your soul, or QIP (Quantum Identity Pattern) is now protected through an intricate network of quantum entanglement and superposition that allows you to keep your personality, memories and identity even after your body has died. Your QIP is completely protected, meaning no one can hurt, damage or manipulate your soul without your permission, as even souls destruction cannot work on you. Unlike other Deathless, your QIP is immune to "QIP destabilization", as well as the functions of the Infinity Blade, and any child you have won't steal your immortality. Should your body die, then you can either immediately transfer to a predetermined new body in a rebirthing chamber, the nearest suitable host body or return to your dead body and resurrect and heal it back to full health, as long as there is a body left. The QIP also grants you a mind fit for eternity, so you never have to worry about life losing its luster over time, or forgetting things, or having your mind break from too many memories. Things you enjoyed in the beginning will be enjoyed forever and you will never feel like time is moving too fast, as you can always keep up. However, should you so desire, you can at will lose your sense of time and have aeons pass in what feels like minutes. The negatives that comes with infinite lifespan and age is nonexistent when it comes to you. If your body ends up unconscious, incapable of moving, or trapped for a long enough time, your QIP will merely leave your body in search of a better vessel.

■Optionally, you may be an Advanced Deathless like the Worker of Secrets, where your regeneration is fast enough to be capable of regenerating your head faster than it can be chopped off. You also no longer bleed.

○You are a Deathless Blademaster, an unparalleled master of the Aegis forms. A fighting technique used by Titans, Deathless, and other warriors in the Infinity Blade universe. These fighting techniques were developed by the Deathless in order for battles to be based on actual skill and finesse, rather than technology, and focuses on dueling one-on-one. Ausar the Vile, Radriar, Ryth and Galath combined are no match for you when it comes to the Aegis Forms, having mastered it to a level no one else have.

○Optionally, you may choose to become an an unparalleled master of The Patterns of True Swordsmanship, the form that preceded the Aegis Forms and took centuries to master, but in turn allowed one to stand against many. A human master of the Pattern could stand against an army of a hundred men alone with nothing but a sword. A Deathless Master could stand against the world. You are equal in skill, talent and experience as Ausar the Vile, Radriar, Ryth and Galath combined, when it comes to the Pattern, having mastered it to a level no one else have.

○Optionally, you may choose to become as intelligent and knowledgeable as Galath, the Worker of Secrets. You may also receive all of Galath's knowledge.

○Optionally, you may choose to become as skilled and experienced as Ausar the Vile. You may also receive all of Ausar/Siris' knowledge.

○You now have a personal pocket dimension containing a self-maintaining Rebirth Chamber, which you can enter and exit with a portal you can call upon at will. When you die and choose to leave your body, you will transfer to this chamber into a new body, allowing you to survive even the destruction of the planet you live on. The Rebirth Chamber can also be used to create new Deathless, who will receive their own Clone Vat where they will transfer to when they die. Though they cannot exit the dimension without your help. You can use this chamber to alter your body (or the body of other Deathless that uses the Chamber) however you want, even allowing your body to age should you so desire, or starting in the body of a child. It also allows you to alter the QIP of other Deathless however you want, allowing you to change anything from their personality to their memories and more. It also grants you any other ability of the Rebirth Chamber, even allowing you to create Soulless Deathless, though they will never go crazy from knowing it's a soulless copy.

○Optionally, you may receive the The Infinity Blade. This is the weapon created by Galath, the Worker of Secrets, to undo his invention of the Deathless. When used against one, it destabilises the opponents's QIP, therefore granting them a "true death". This is your very own copy, made perfectly for your, being the perfect size for you instead of the All Deathless size of the original. Instead, it's the perfect size, weight and balance for you, it's handle fitting perfectly in your hands and the sword itself feeling like a part of yourself. It is incredibly sharp, completely indestructible and comes with the light element, causing damage over time. You can toggle it's QIP Destabilization at will, and unlike the original one, this can be used to kill other kinds of immortals, not just Deathless. The QIP destabilizing will work on any other form of immortality and will destroy the soul of whomever you kill while it is active. The blade will never work against you.

■Optionally, you may also receive all the new infinity blades as well.

○Optionally, you may receive the Helio Plate set, the armor of the God King Radriar in IB2, only perfectly crafted to fit you like an incredibly comfortable second skin. This is made for the newer ages, where the Deathless use simpler armor so that battles are based on skill rather than technology. That's not to say that it doesn't have technology that helps you, coming with a variety of features. It is perfectly sealed, making the inside of the armor is perfectly cool and comfortable, the air within adjusting to match your favored temperatures. The armor also keeps watch over your vitals, even providing you with short bursts of increased healing if necessary. The armor will also increase your physical capabilities, mainly your strength and speed, though the enhancement is minimal when compared to the Aegis Armor. The armor is however incredibly durable, able to withstand the heat from the core of the sun with ease. It also comes with several slots to put in Gems.

○Optionally, you may receive the Aegis Armor set, only made perfectly for you, making it fit like an incredibly comfortable second skin. This is an armor from the time when the greatest Deathless warriors sought to create armors that would not only protect them but also enhance them. This armor was made by the Worker of Secrets thousands of years ago, back when the Deathless used armors that worked like a machine to enhance them, allowing technology to help them in battle. Aran, the helmet of the set, has an internal HUD which actively helps you in combat situations, constantly feeding you information, though never in a way that becomes too much. The armor is able to contain and separate the suit's inner environment (including the wearer) from the outside environment, including both underwater and space. The suit is also capable of self-supplying breathable air to the wearer if the outside environment is unable to reliably supply any, all while making the inside of the armor is perfectly cool and comfortable, the air within adjusting to match your favored temperatures. It constantly augments your physical capabilities and comes with an invisible energy shield covering the armor. It also comes with several hidden slots to put in Gems.

○Optionally, you may receive your very own Solar Transport Energy Blade. A Star Wars lightsaber has a heat of 25.000 degrees Celsius. A Solar Trans blade has a constant temperature of 15 million degrees Celsius inside its magnetic field, due to the very source of the heat being from the core of the sun. The hilt can hold as many gems as you wish to put inside the hidden slots inside the handle, as long as there are only two types of each. The gem closest to the front of the hilt is the one that controls the color of the blade. It can also take in any kind of gems, like Kyber crystals, infinity stones or the Hogyoku orb, which will also work and give you their benefit. Any gem or equivalent put inside it will have its powers amplified by 10x its base power, while being focused and contained in such a way that you can control and use it without downsides. It comes with a free Gem at Max level, and as an additional benefit, you get to choose the color it gives the blade. Pick a Darkfire gem and have it turn the Blade pure black or crimson, while still giving the effect of the Darkfire gem.

○Optionally, you may receive a Case containing one each of all the different Rings (outside of the Holy Band, though it can create both Holy and Drain rings) from the Infinity Blade universe. The Case is also capable of creating any known ring or even create new ones which you may design yourself. You may even mix and match the abilities of the rings, giving a ring the ability of both Shield, Healing and Dark Incarnate. To activate the rings, you only have to will it and the ring activates, unleashing its element or whatever effect you desire. The rings however have a recharge time between uses, taking seven minutes to recharge. You can also make it so that each ring also acts as a recording device, both visual and audio, that continuously sends the information directly to whatever you want it to send it to. Do be aware that all these rings are incredibly powerful, as the Dark Element rings alone are able to make anything the Dark element touch collapse in on itself within seconds, the matter being sucked into the dark energy like a black hole. One drop can absorb an entire village, and with a ring, you can unleash blasts of energy of the purest darkness.

○Optionally, you may receive your very own Transportation ring. It comes with two small discs, known as a transportation discs. If you attach the discs to an inorganic object, such as a sword or shield, you can transport those objects to your hands with nothing more than a simple gesture, regardless of the distance between you and the objects, as long as you are wearing the ring. It has no recharge time.

○Optionally, you may receive your very own Healing ring, which allows the wielder to heal themselves. The healing ability is rather powerful, as one use of it would be enough to heal you of any wounds while also ridding you of any poison affecting you. This ring is unique, as it can be used to heal at range, instead of being limited to the wearer. With any other Healing ring, the healing comes with a hefty cost to mortals, as with every use, it ages the mortal based on how severe the wounds affected were. This ring does not come with that drawback. It also has no recharge time.

○Optionally, you may receive your very own Shield ring. It allows you to create a protective energy shield. Usually, it only grants you a skintight shield that covers your body, but this one can create a protective bubble shield around you or someone else. It has no recharge time.

○Optionally, you may receive your very own Nullify ring. This nullify ring works on any kind of magic and supernatural abilities, not just the magitech from the IB universe, and can completely nullify it. It has no recharge time.

○Optionally, you may receive The Holy Band. It has the greatest healing effect of all rings, all while serving as a powerful weapon. The ring has the ability of Holy, in which it creates a golden-white light that absorbs the health of anyone the light hits, transferring it to the wearer of the ring and healing them. This one has no recharge rate.

○Optionally, you may receive a chest containing one each of all the different Gems from the IB universe at all the different levels. The chest refills when closed and can be even used to forge new Gems, or merge old ones.

○Optionally, you may receive a special version of the Spectrum Gem, that protects you from anything that could be considered elemental damage, completely nullifying it when it comes near you.

○Optionally, you may receive an altered Redeemer. The original Redeemer alters the QIP of a Deathless so that their memories are erased, before causing them to be reborn as a child. This one can still do that, but can also be used to erase the memory of beings that are not Deathless. This one works by injecting it into the body of the target, not needing any sword to have it affect the target.

○Optionally, you may receive a Datapod around the size of one's palm and shaped like a triangle. A Datapod is a device meant to hold and display information through holograms. This device can hold an unlimited amount of information within, is highly intuitive and easy to use, all while being capable of interfacing with just about any computer system. It can be teleported to you at will regardless of where it is. The Datapod also contains an Archive which containing all the knowledge, science and technology from the Infinity Blade universe.

○Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can even choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably loyal to you.

■Any character from the Infinity Blade universe.

○Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into the Infinity Blade Universe, or a variation of it. This can be any alternate universe, like a fanfic or a universe made perfectly for yourself. You can either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing character or someone new.

next chapter
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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C92
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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