81.25% Master: This rebellious disciple is not the Son of God. / Chapter 26: Chapter 14 Continuous Breakthrough

章 26: Chapter 14 Continuous Breakthrough

"Brother, do you know that the Taisu Holy Land, one of the three great secret realms, is about to open in one month's time?"

  Chu Xiu, who was holding a teacup, shook his head.

  He has been busy practicing recently and has other things to pay attention to.

  However, he had heard of the Wild Demon Secret Realm.

  It was the evolution of a quasi-demon emperor, a small world inside his body.

  It is said that one hundred thousand years ago, the god crow of the demon clan, the quasi-demon emperor, somehow offended Emperor Taisu.

  On that day, Emperor Taisu sat cross-legged on the peak of the void of Taisu Peak, raised his slender hand, and from an infinite distance, struck the divine crow quasi-demon emperor who was located in the Demon Imperial City to death with a single blow.

  This is not over yet, the domineering and shocking Taisu Emperor even snatched the small world in his body away.

  After the death of Emperor Zhun, the small world naturally collapsed.

  Emperor Taisu used his supernatural powers and set up 99,999 seals to prevent it from collapsing.

  This has become the desolate monster secret realm of Taisu Holy Land today.

  It is also because of the prohibition that cultivators who enter the wild monster secret realm will be suppressed, and can remain at the peak of the Shenqiao realm.

  Even if you are the overlord of the Holy King, you will be suppressed if you go in.

  The emperor's supreme means are just so arrogant and unreasonable.

  "Desolate Demon Secret Realm has many opportunities, but the number of entries is limited."

  Chu Xiaoran continued: "There are 2,000 places in total, 300 in Lunhai Realm, and 1700 in Shenqiao Realm."

  "If you want to get a place, it's also very simple, that is to climb the Taisu Shrine."

  The top 300 of the Lunhai Monument will be qualified, and the top 1700 of the Shenqiao Monument will be qualified.

  "Brother Chu Xiu, with a strong body and extraordinary sword skills, there are few opponents in the same rank. If you go to the Taisu Tower, you will definitely be able to enter the top 300."

  "And Xiaoran wants to ask..."

  After half a quarter of an hour.

  Chu Xiu stepped on the flying boat and flew away from Jubao Peak.


  Yunxia Peak, the main hall of the peak, outside the bedroom door.

  A few female disciples from the inner sect who served the peak master's daily life were holding trays and whispering.

  "I don't know what happened to the peak master recently, but he fell in love with eating mortal food."

  "Hmm, um, I also like to eat sour..."

  "Did you find out that the complexion of Lord Peak Master is really good recently, as delicate and charming as a fairy flower."

  "Hmm, can mortal food, can..."

  The sound faded away.

  In the bedroom.

  The person half-lying and leaning on the jade tower has a graceful and slender figure with snow-white skin.

  Twirling a bright red plum with slender hands

Son, eyelids twitched.

  Her red lips were pursed lightly, and she snorted coldly.

  It seems that I am usually too kind to these girls.

  I also don't know what awe is.

  Dare to make fun of me.

  Putting the brightly colored plums into his mouth, the slender willow eyebrows frowned.

  Think of the hateful face of the traitor.

  Qi Mengdie felt depressed for a while.

  She didn't know how long it would take for her to grow up after being rounded and flattened.

  "Recently, my body has become more and more strange."

  "Is this seat sick?"

  Fairy Mengdie was very distressed, and she propped her delicate body up from the jade floor.

  With bare jade feet, she walked gracefully to the bookshelf.

  Raise your hand and open a hidden compartment.

  Take out a scarecrow doll from it.

  The doll looks 80% similar to Chu Xiu.

  Qi Mengdie gritted her white teeth, picked up a silver needle, and stabbed the doll's lower body fiercely. M.I.

  After doing all this, the peak master's heart, which was about to collapse, calmed down a lot.

  A flash of pride flashed in her beautiful eyes, and she put the scarecrow back into the dark compartment.



  See this scene.

  "Grass, this crazy woman, I think she just needs to be cleaned up."

  With a steady mind, Chu Xiu, who was sitting cross-legged, closed his eyes.

  "The system opens my personal panel."

  [Host]: Chu Xiu

  [Boundary]: Four layers of the sea of ​​wheels

  [Special Physique]: Ancient Eucharist

  [Qualification]: 917 "Tianpin" 31 times the cultivation speed.

  [Sword Intent]: Heavenly Killing Sword Intent

  [Cultivation method]: Dao Jing-Casting Foundation.

  [Breakthrough point]: 642

  [Luck value]: -18 "Black", kill the person with great luck, you can absorb their luck for your own use.

  [Comprehensive Combat Power Evaluation]: 25 times the combat power of ordinary players of the same rank.

  "Let's start exchanging breakthrough points!"

  [Ding, consume 200,000 Tier 2 Vitality Pills, and get 1,000,000 breakthrough points]

  [Ding, consume 10,000 Tier 4 True Essence Pills, and get 5,000,000 breakthrough points]

  [Jie Jie... Please the host can choose one of the following options to make a breakthrough]

  [Cultivation method] [Sword Intent] [Sword formula "full level"] [Shenfa "full level"]

  "Cultivation method~"

  Chu Xiu decided to improve his cultivation first.

  Cultivation is the root of everything.

  [It is detected that the host is a desolate ancient holy body, practicing the Daoist scriptures, building a foundation and sublimating the tenth floor, and the difficulty of breakthrough has been greatly increased. It needs to be accelerated by a small cycle of one year, and it is estimated that 1,000 breakthrough points will be consumed every year]

  [In the first year, you retreated in Yunxia Peak Cave Mansion, trying to break through, because you and Master x, aptitude

With a substantial improvement, you can easily break through to the fifth floor of Lunhai]

  [In the second year, you retreated in Yunxia Peak Cave Mansion and tried to break through. Because of your relationship with Master, your aptitude has been greatly improved, and you can easily break through to the sixth floor of Lunhai]

  [In the third year, you retreated in Yunxia Peak Cave Mansion and tried to break through. Because of your relationship with Master, your aptitude has been greatly improved, and you can easily break through to the seventh floor of Lunhai]

  [In the fifth year, you retreated in Yunxia Peak Cave Mansion and tried to break through. Because of your relationship with Master, your aptitude has been greatly improved, and you can easily break through to the ninth floor of Lunhai]

  [In the sixth year, you continued to try to break through, and you felt something in your heart. When you touched the threshold of the Lunhai Extreme Realm, you stopped practicing and decided to try to break through the Lunhai Extreme Realm]

  [This breakthrough consumes a total of 6000 breakthrough points]

  [Remaining Breakthrough Point: Breakthrough Point]


  Countless Taoist scriptures came to my heart.

  The vitality of heaven and earth around the cave mansion, like the water that broke the embankment, finally found a vent, surged towards Chuxiu's body, and after running for a big circle, merged into the golden wheel sea.

  A head full of thick black hair is windless and automatic, and the breath of the whole body is rising steadily.

  After the cultivation base reaches the ninth floor of Lunhai.

  Chuxiu's wheel sea is expanding wildly, 45 times, 50 times, 55 times, 70 times, 80 times, 99 times of the ordinary wheel sea's ninth floor...

  When the expansion reaches 99 times, it stops abruptly.

  It was as if he was forced to death by some invisible rule, preventing his wheel sea from expanding further.

  Chu Xiu looked inside.

  At this time, Lunhai has changed a lot.

  The golden lake is vast, like a vast ocean...

  It's just that the golden water in the vast ocean is slightly less.

  Chu Xiu opened his eyes and realized that he could no longer absorb the vitality of heaven and earth.

  It turned out that his previous promotion to the fifth company almost instantly drained all the vitality of the world in a radius of more than ten miles, forming a vacuum of vitality.

  If such a terrifying scene were seen by outsiders, they would be shocked beyond measure.

  You know, this is the holy place of Taisu, and the vitality of the world is already sufficient.

  Not to mention Yunxia Peak's true disciple Dongfu, the concentration of heaven and earth vitality is twice as strong as that of the direct disciple.

  Even so, it was still not enough for Chu Xiu to absorb. It is conceivable how edible his Lunhai is.

  Chu Xiu took out tens of thousands of high-grade primordial stones from the storage bag and piled them beside him.

  Run the Dao Jing, absorb a large amount of vitality contained in it, and replenish the vitality in the wheel sea.

  "System, the conditions for breaking through the extreme realm of the tenth floor of Lunhai!"


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C26
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


