25% Master Rubeus / Chapter 1: Chapter 1
Master Rubeus Master Rubeus original

Master Rubeus

作者: fairytail72

© WebNovel

章 1: Chapter 1

Bearing a tray full of champagne, I weaved my way through the crowd . It was hot , stuffy and my dress was practically sticking to my body , if it was up to me - I would have never allowed this engagement ceremony to happen right in mid summer or more likely I wouldn't have allowed it to happen at all. The man who was standing in the middle of the hall, his arm linked with that classy beautiful looking woman was someone whom I laid my eyes on first , it was me who secretly sent him medicine when he got sick . It was I who loved him silently for at least fifteen years of my life , yet the woman next to him wasn't me .

It was stupid , to think that I , Cici Crestfallen was still in love with a man , who never looked twice my way . If I was the smart woman as I thought I was, I would have moved on and married a man fit for my status and be done with it..But I wasn't smart considering the fact that I cried last night until my eyes turned red and puffy even then nobody noticed anything wrong about me .


Because this morning I woke up with my jaw set in determination , from this day onwards I will move on , give up on this stupid crush of mine and be done with it .

' Liar ' I could hear my heart taunting me as I looked away from the happily engaged couple and strode in a completely opposite direction .It was a cowardly act even for me , a mere maid - with my family gone , parents suffering under debt and an elder brother who was as good as dead , I believed I could face anything but not today , I can't look at that man , who was smiling for another woman knowing fully well how I felt towards him .

Shaking my head , I dived right in a group of noble men who was chattering and laughing when they beckoned me to bring in the drinks . The sleazy, less than decent look in their eyes made my skin crawl in discomfort but I was just a maid , a servant of this mansion .I didn't have the right to say ' No ' , so with a polite smile , I started serving them.

" Cici , my dear - aren't you looking young " said Lord Renard his sticky hands slowly creeping over my waist , I wanted to dodge it but I couldn't , I was surrounded by his group of friends who wouldn't let me go unless Lord Renard was happy with my ' service '

Freaking buttholes

" Thank you., My lord " suppressing the bile that was rising in my throat , I gave him a smile . There was no option for me other than that , I couldn't bring shame to the Kaisen name by creating a ruckus on the engagement eve of their precious heir , Rubeus Kaisen .

" Mhmm...I knew you will grow up in a fine lady " jeered Lord Renard, his eyes training over my neither regions as he clasped his hand on my waist " How can you not? mhmm ..After all you are the personal maid of the most beautiful lady of the Empire "

I so wanted to tell this smarmy bastard that my feminine charms had nothing to do with my mistress but before I could his hands trailed down lower than I found it acceptable and jumped , trying to get away from him .

" Lord Renard , this - this is not appropriate " I said trying to twist my wrist free from his hand

" Why is it not appropriate?" chuckled Lord Renard , his hand rubbing mine and the feeling of getting sick rose even more " Cici , you know there is no need for you to suffer here .. I can make you my concubine , you will live like a Queen "

" Lord Renard , I-"

" I think that will be slightly inappropriate " said a cold voice from behind and everyone jumped , Lord Renard's hand retreated so fast from my waist that I swear he created an after image of his hand

" Master Kaisen " greeted Lord Renard hurriedly moving forward to shake Rubeus hand , I inwardly rolled my eyes . Sure , you will treat me like a Queen , I bet you will piss your pants before asking Rubeus about me .

" Lord Renard " ignoring the out stretched hand of Lord Renard , Rubeus looked at me .His icy cold blue eyes glaring at me as if accusing me of dire malediction " what are you doing standing there ? Don't you know who your master is ?"

I pursued my lips , it was always like this - who you master is , this question was so often repeated that I was surprised that my inferiority complex wasn't all tingly by now .

" I will find lady Chelsea at once " I answered , I rarely lost my temper but this man really loved to put me in my place .As if afraid that I will forget my status, as if ! I only lost myself once , Once and after that experience I would be damned if I lost my sanity regarding my own status.

I smiled when I saw anger flash in his eyes , that's right you jerk . Even if I was a maid in your house , you were not my master !

Ignoring the cold air that was oppressing the surroundings I walked away ..


" Cici. , are you okay ?" asked Chelsea, my mistress who was more like my sister .

" I'm fine Mi'lady " combing her long fuchsia hair , I answered

" How can, you be fine !" snapped my mistress slapping her hand on her thighs " why didn't you slap that old fool , until he turned silly ! How dare he eye my maid , does he think I will let my personal maid become his concubine ? Who does he think he is !"

Seeing the angry cat like apperance of my mistress , I couldn't smile as I stopped her from moving around too much " How can I bring shame by creating ruckus and that too on eldest young master's engagement "

" Humph , who cares about this engagement " snorted my mistress unhappily " That woman is yet to enter and she is already governing our household affairs as her own , I don't know why eldest brother said yes to her "

My hands trembled slightly as a memory of a certain night , appeared in my mind . If - If he , I shook my head rejecting the idea at once , Rubeus wasn't someone who will never let his emotions mess up his plans .

" Cici ? " called my mistress

" Yes, Mi'lady "

" You are going to follow me to the palace , right " asked My mistress as she turned to look at me , her deep blue eyes shimmering in moonlight .

" Of course, I'm your personal maid . Who else will I follow ?" I answered chuckling as I tucked her in bed .


" What ? What do you mean I can't take Cici with me ?" asked my mistress as she stared at her eldest brother in disbelief , infact if I didn't have to follow the protocols , I too would have stared at him incredulously . What was he trying to do ?

" Cici , is not your personal servant. " said Rubeus his stoic face that I hated so much taking its place " She is a Kaisen servant and will be one till she dies , her family owe debt to ours after all . Not the Royal family , how can I let her leave with you ?"

" then who else can she follow ? If not me " demanded my mistress slapping her hand hard on the dining table shaking the dishes .Luckily , she was loved and pampered by her family or else this could easily get her grounded before she married his royal highness .

" Cici is an experienced worker " answered Rubeus patting his lips lightly with a napkin "and I just fired a maid as she tried to take advantage of my drunken situation , so I'm lacking a maid .Naturally, in this case Cici will follow me "

This time not only my mistress even I looked at Him forgetting my protocols for once .

And as he caught my eye, I swear I caught that grim sadistic satisfaction in his eyes .

Oh hell no, did I just provoked the devil ? .

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


