Master Of Sports System Master Of Sports System original

Master Of Sports System

作者: LovableBerry

© WebNovel

Chapter 1

Seven, 23 years old college graduate, he weights 200 pounds and because of that, he had been jobless, today he was again looking for a job, he hated doing exercise and also lacked motivation, even though many people had told him, he was stubborn and ignored them, while he was passing by the street, he didn't notice the red light.

Someone called out for him and it was too late when Seven noticed it, before he could turn his head, he was sent flying, while in the air, he saw the truck that hit him, everything felt like an slowmotion as Seven was falling, and the next thing he knew is that he was on the ground, he could see red liquids coming out of his body, Seven slowly lost his consciousness.


[Scanning.... Confirmed]

[Modificating.... Confirmed]

[Enhancing... Confirmed]

[Implementing... Confirmed]

[Loading System... Success]

"Welcome Host"

Seven slowly opened his eyes, his eyes was blurry and he was feeling dizzy, he slowly stood up and rubbed his eyes, "What is this?" Seven said, as his eyes were still blurry he can't see it properly, after few seconds his eye sight returned to normal, in front of him was a holographic screen.


Name: Seven

Race: Human

Level: 1

STR: 12

AGI: 9

DEX: 9

INT: 5

END: 10

VIT: 8


Active: None

Passive: Master's Mind(Level 1) Players Body(Max) Charm(Max)

EXP: 0/100

"A UI? there seems no other things here. what is this Master's Mind? I think I can press it", Seven stared to press on the holographic sceen and tapped on the Master's Mind, Players Body and Charm, which then showed a description.

Master's Mind: A Master must remain calm and collected whatever happens and choose for the best decisions(Skill: Forcefully Calms the Host when he is underemotions or other kind of things)

Players Body: just like it says, you have the body of a player(Skill: Immune to every disease, sickness, and always healthy and strong)

Charm: An appropriate charm for the host.(Skill: increases the affinity with others. Makes people unconsciously have a good impression of you)

Seven was shocked, now that he looks carefully, isn't this a system! the one from novels and stuffs, he became elated, he liked reading novels and he had plenty of mc with system, that time he was envious of those stories, as the system was really helpful and it was heaven defying, Seven started to explore the system he got, then suddenly he saw a message infront of him.

"Host, open your task interface" is what was written on it.

Seven followed the instructions of the system and opened the task interface.

[New task: Get ready and wear your uniform, you will be late for school!]

[Task reward: ???]

Seven was shocked, he just graduated from college and now he had to go to school again! he was going crazy, but he still followed the instructions and when he stood up, he felt light, he looked down and saw his big belly is gone! what he saw was a six pack abs "wow" he exclaimed, so this was the body of a fit person, he started going around and running, happy with the feeling of having a light body, but it didn't take long as he recieved another message, making him remember to do his task.

he then wore his uniform and looked at the mirror nearby, when he saw his face, all he could say was too d*mn handsome! he had not too long white hair with slightly bluish on top and his eye lashes was a little bit long, and his eyes, wow! it was slightly bluish and it looked really fitting to his facial features.

After Seven finished wearing his uniform, he then cooked his breakfast, he looked around the house and found that it was an apartment, he was the only one living, does he have parent's here? he thought, then he recieved a reply from the system, it was his background story, he didn't read it for now, he finished cooking and started to eat, then he started reading his background story.

[Seven, Age 13, lives at City Z, Race: Human, 8th grade middle school...]

After Seven finished eating, he had also finished reading his background story, he lives alone, and he doesn't have parents, he earns money by streaming games, Seven felt sorry for himself, or rather the original owner of the body, he then left his apartment and started to folow the holographic map in front of him, it was not that far from his place and in 5 minutes he had reached the school.

he looked around and found many kids like him around, it looks like school just started and at the same time Seven recieved a notifaction from his system.

'Ding; The tast interface popped open.

[New task: Get ready and wear your uniform, you will be late for school!(Completed)]

[Task reward: ???]

[Do you wat to receive your reward now? Y/N]

Seven hesitated and first went to an alley and hid after confirming no one is around, he clicked Y, a blinding light blinded him and before he know, he felt a little heavy behind him.

[You have recieved school supplies]

When Seven saw it he was screaming and cursing inside, in the end he sighed and went back to school, Seven looked around and saw many girls were staring at him, Seven had to admit that everyone here is beautiful and handsome, but he found himself much more handsome, just as he was walking, he saw someone in front, she had blond hair and a slim body, but what stood out was her ears, it was pointy and long.

Seven then noticed another one passed by him, it was a male with fur in his body, he resembled a wolf, then beside the guy was a small girl, Seven was confused, he then whispered inside "System, what are those?".

Then immediately he recieved the reply of the system.

[A thousand years has passed since you died and the earth went to some change, it was teleported to another world, and due to the efforts of humanity they co-existed with the original habitants of the another world, what you have seen just now where elves, beastman, and dwarves, there are also other races, and you will see them later.]

Seven was stupefied, the change was too great! what the hell is happening? Is this really future? many thoughts were coming out of Seven's head but he was awaked by the reminder of the system and then he shook his head and proceeded to the school, they were called to the entrance ceremony, of course many were staring at him as he was like a famous star.

After the entrance ceremony, Seven then went to his classroom and took a sit at the back near the window for himself, he was getting annoyed as many were staring at him but it can't be helped as he had the passive skill charm, he looked outside the window and saw a dome, it was like a stadium, but it was too huge, is it part of the school? just as he was thinking, he noticed someone was infront of him, he turned his hed and found a 2 boys in front of him, one was an elf with gold hair, and the other was a beastman which is a cat.

"Hey, Nice to meet you, I'm Ren and this guy is Cole" the elven introduced, the elf was Ren and the cat is Cole.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Seven" he also introduced himself.

"Are you interested in Sports?" Ren said as he looked at the stadium.

Seven pondered for a while and said "Yes" he was interested what is that thing.

"Then come with us, we will join the sports club!" Cole said enthusticaly


[New Task: Join the sports club with Cole and Ren]

[Rewards: ???]

LovableBerry LovableBerry

Hello guys, This is my very first Sports Novel and I hope you will like it, please support me <3

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


