71.61% Marvel: The Foundation / Chapter 169: White tiger -165

章 169: White tiger -165


[Hell's Kitchen, New York City]


Angela Del Toro stood on the rooftop, her sharp eyes scanning the chaotic streets below. The once bustling neighborhood of Hell's Kitchen had descended into turmoil following the death of Alexander Ricci, a key figure in the city's underground, and the subsequent rise of Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin. Crime was rampant, and the law struggled to maintain order. Angela knew she had to step up her efforts as the White Tiger.


The White Tiger Amulet, which granted her enhanced strength, speed, agility, and heightened senses, pulsed with a warm energy around her neck. She could feel the weight of her responsibilities more than ever, but Angela was determined to fight back against the encroaching darkness.




Angela moved silently across the rooftops, her senses heightened by the amulet. She could hear distant sirens, the frantic footsteps of people running, and the hushed whispers of criminals plotting in dark alleys. Hell's Kitchen had become a battleground, and Angela was ready to engage.


She spotted a gang of thugs harassing a local shopkeeper. Without hesitation, Angela leaped down, landing gracefully between the criminals and their terrified victim.


"Leave him alone," she growled, her voice carrying the authority of the White Tiger.


The thugs sneered, their leader stepping forward. "And who do you think you are?"


Angela's eyes narrowed, the amulet glowing faintly. "I'm the White Tiger. And this is your only warning."


The fight was swift and brutal. Angela's enhanced abilities allowed her to dodge their clumsy attacks with ease, her counterattacks precise and powerful. In a matter of moments, the thugs were on the ground, groaning in pain. Angela helped the shopkeeper to his feet, offering a reassuring smile.


"Thank you," he stammered, visibly shaken but grateful.


"Stay safe," Angela replied, her voice softening. "Hell's Kitchen needs people like you."



Angela prowled the streets, her mind racing with thoughts of how she could stem the tide of chaos that had engulfed her neighborhood. The death of Alexander Ricci had created a power vacuum that Wilson Fisk had quickly filled, turning Hell's Kitchen into his personal empire of crime.


As she turned a corner, Angela heard the faint sounds of a struggle. She sprinted towards the noise, her heart pounding. In a dimly lit alley, she found a group of Fisk's enforcers roughing up a young man.


"Let him go!" Angela shouted, charging forward.


The enforcers turned, momentarily stunned by her appearance. Angela's fists and feet became blurs as she engaged them, her martial arts skills combined with the amulet's power making her a formidable opponent. Within moments, the enforcers were defeated, and the young man was free.


"Are you okay?" Angela asked, helping him to his feet.


"Yeah, thanks to you," he replied, wincing slightly. "Fisk's men... they wanted information about a rival gang."


Angela's eyes darkened. "Fisk won't stop until he controls everything. We have to resist."


The young man nodded, inspired by her determination. "What can I do?"


"Stay strong, stay vigilant, and help your neighbors," Angela said. "Hell's Kitchen is our home. We can't let Fisk destroy it."



Angela continued her patrols, her presence becoming a symbol of hope for the residents of Hell's Kitchen. She knew the fight against Fisk was far from over, but she was determined to protect her community. The amulet's power gave her the strength to keep going, even when the odds seemed insurmountable.


As she stood on a rooftop, watching the sunrise over the city, Angela felt a renewed sense of purpose. She wasn't just fighting for herself; she was fighting for everyone who called Hell's Kitchen home.


The White Tiger would not rest until justice prevailed.




Meanwhile, in a dimly lit command center, two SCP Foundation agents, designated Agent Ramirez and Agent Hawkins, reviewed their mission brief. Their target: SCP-10152, the White Tiger Amulet. Their objective: Retrieve the amulet and neutralize the current wielder, Angela Del Toro.


"Angela Del Toro, former FBI agent, current vigilante. The amulet grants her enhanced physical abilities. We've tracked her activities to Hell's Kitchen," Agent Ramirez stated, scrolling through surveillance photos of Angela in action.


"We need to approach this carefully," Agent Hawkins added. "She's highly trained, and the amulet makes her extremely dangerous. We'll need to isolate her and take her by surprise."


Angela moved through the streets, blending in with the crowd. She sensed something was off but couldn't pinpoint what it was. Little did she know, Agents Ramirez and Hawkins were watching her every move, using advanced surveillance equipment to track her.


Angela's instincts kicked in as she felt eyes on her. She quickened her pace, darting down an alley. Ramirez and Hawkins followed, maintaining their distance but closing in. Angela turned a corner and came face-to-face with Hawkins. "We need to talk, Angela," he said, his voice calm but authoritative.


Angela's eyes narrowed. "Who are you?"


"Foundation agents. We're here for the amulet," Hawkins replied, advancing slowly.


"No chance," Angela retorted, backing away and preparing to fight.


From behind, Ramirez struck, attempting to subdue her with a taser. Angela, sensing the attack, dodged and countered with a swift kick, sending Ramirez sprawling. Hawkins lunged forward, but Angela was ready, her enhanced reflexes allowing her to evade his grasp and strike him in the ribs.


"You won't take it from me!" Angela shouted, her voice echoing in the narrow alley.


The agents regrouped, realizing they needed to rethink their approach. Angela's strength and agility, amplified by the amulet, made her a formidable opponent. The agents retreated, using the narrow alleyways to funnel Angela into a trap. They communicated silently through their earpieces, setting up an ambush ahead. Angela, fueled by adrenaline and the amulet's power, pursued them, unaware of their plan.


As she rounded a corner, she found herself in an enclosed courtyard. Ramirez and Hawkins emerged from the shadows, weapons drawn. "End of the line, Angela," Ramirez said, his voice steady. "We don't want to hurt you. Hand over the amulet."


Angela's eyes blazed with determination. "You'll have to pry it from my cold, dead hands."


Hawkins smirked. "We were hoping you'd say that."


The courtyard erupted into chaos as Angela fought with everything she had. Her enhanced abilities allowed her to land powerful blows, but the agents were relentless, their training and teamwork keeping them in the fight. Hawkins managed to land a shot with a specialized tranquilizer dart, designed to penetrate her enhanced physiology. Angela staggered, her vision blurring, but she fought on, refusing to give in.


Ramirez took advantage of her weakened state, delivering a precise strike to disarm her. The amulet glowed brightly as Angela struggled to maintain consciousness. With one final, desperate effort, Angela lunged at Hawkins, but her strength failed her. She collapsed to the ground, the amulet slipping from her grasp.


Ramirez quickly secured the amulet, placing it in a containment case. Hawkins checked Angela's vitals, ensuring she was alive but incapacitated. "Target neutralized. SCP-10152 is secure," Ramirez reported into his earpiece.


"Good work," their handler replied. "Bring it in. We'll take care of the rest."


As Angela lay unconscious, the agents carried her to their vehicle. The once-protector of Hell's Kitchen was now another anomaly to be contained by the SCP Foundation.


Back at the Foundation, the amulet was placed in a secure containment unit. Angela Del Toro was transferred to a holding cell, her fate now in the hands of the Foundation. The agents completed their mission, but the echoes of Angela's struggle remained. The White Tiger had fought valiantly, but in the end, the Foundation's relentless pursuit of anomalies prevailed.


And so, the shadow of the tiger was contained, but the spirit of resistance lived on, waiting for the day it would rise again.






Alexander had once more used his authority as a member of the O5 Council to secure another potential asset. SCP-10152, also known as the White Tiger Amulet, now rested in the palm of his hand.


It did not seem like anything special, though that was often the case with most SCP objects. They looked innocent enough, completely normal, and it wasn't until the anomalous effect manifested that one would realize they possessed something extraordinary.


This particular object wasn't dangerous; it was classified as Safe, a classification he himself had assigned. He didn't want too much scrutiny on this object since that might cause the other councilors to desire it as well.


After all, an object like this, which granted the wearer some measure of superhuman powers, even if it was less powerful than the super soldier serum, was rare and valuable. All members of the O5 Council would no doubt want to use it to further their own agendas.


Alexander was no different, as he had plenty of loyal agents who could be further enhanced by this. Not that the Foundation didn't have other means of enhancing its personnel, though such enhancements were reserved only for those most loyal and close to the council members.


However, it was rare that these enhancements came without any risks at all. Alexander himself had once possessed many such items, or at least O5-1 had been in possession of many anomalous objects that could grant powers.


Ghost was a perfect example of this—once a normal human, now enhanced to the point where they could rip apart Iron Man's suit with their bare hands. Such agents within the Foundation were rare; even Alexander himself only had a few, and the Foundation as a whole had no more than a few dozen.


This scarcity was why they were always on the lookout for objects that could be used to enhance their personnel. Alexander was currently contemplating whether he should give this amulet to Peggy Carter, elevating her to the same level of strength and speed as her two teammates, or at least as close as possible, or if he should save it for someone else, perhaps Natasha Romanoff.


Both approaches had their merits and demerits. He slowly turned the amulet around in his hand, considering it before finally deciding that the anti-Hydra unit would benefit from it first. Once they had completed their part, he would consider passing it on to someone else like Natasha, who seemed far more dedicated to the Foundation's values and goals.


In fact, it was not just Natasha but others who had proven to be rather susceptible to the ideals the Foundation embodied. This made him consider whether he should attempt to recruit more S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel.


Shaking his head, he placed the amulet back down into the box so he could ship it out. Instead, they focused on the task at hand, summoning another few SCPs into the world and hoping it didn't end.


Alexander stood up and spread his arms out widely. With a mocking sneer on his face, he started speaking loudly: "Oh wise Solomon son of David, share unto me your wisdom, tell me the secrets of the heavens, open the doors of paradise, and release two of your demons."


While such dramatic speech was hardly necessary to manipulate the system, he couldn't help himself. He had many memories of Solomon and his annoying, condescending, holier-than-thou attitude.


[Ding! Understood Host, please stand by as the random SCP is summoned!]

[Ding! Warning! SCP-5151 has appeared!]

[Ding! Warning! Host a SCP has appeared in the world and is outside Foundation control! Host is asked to deal with the situation and follow the Foundation's goal of Securing, containing, and Protecting!]

[Ding! Warning! Host a SCP has appeared in the world and is outside Foundation control! Host is asked to deal with the situation and follow the Foundation's goal of Securing, containing, and Protecting!]

[Ding! Congratulations to Host for getting SITE-304, a class 3 Foundation facility in Peru! 500 class C combat personnel, 50 research personnel, 100 administrative personnel, and 30 maintenance personnel!]

[Ding! Congratulations to Host for getting SITE-771, a class 4 Foundation facility in Thailand! 50 class B combat personnel, 5000 class C combat personnel, 250 research personnel, 1000 administrative personnel, and 150 maintenance personnel!]

[Congratulations to Host for getting MTF Pi-7!]

Alexander was barely able to check the number of the SCP summoned before another barrage of pings hit him all at once. Clearly, he had been too busy making fun of Soloman or what remained of him in the form of the system to realize his mistake.


After all he had asked for two SCPs, and while every summon did grant two. Asking for two would give him just that, two spins or a total of four SCP objects summoned.


[Ding! Warning! SCP-4885 has appeared!]

[Ding! Warning! Host a SCP has appeared in the world and is outside Foundation control! Host is asked to deal with the situation and follow the Foundation's goal of Securing, containing, and Protecting!]

[Ding! Warning! Host a SCP has appeared in the world and is outside Foundation control! Host is asked to deal with the situation and follow the Foundation's goal of Securing, containing, and Protecting!]


"Curse you, Soloman! Even in death, you continue to push all the work onto me!" Alexander angrily cursed, though he knew that the mistake had been his. And in the end, he reaped what he sowed.


[Ding! Congratulations to Host! The update to the system SCP location tool is complete! The new version will now display a map showing the location of all SCPs in real time!]


"Finally some good news."





If you want to read up to 10 chapters ahead or even get the chance to pick what SCPs get summoned, or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / SCPsystem





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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C169
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


