53.61% Marvel: The Foundation / Chapter 141: Everyone knows a shy guy -137

章 141: Everyone knows a shy guy -137


Natasha Romanoff, agent of Shield and member of the SCP foundation, is currently working undercover within Shield to ensure that they wouldn't do something stupid or dangerous, something that was a real risk given the level of Hydra infiltration.


She didn't much like the current mission; it involved lying to her friends, keeping them all in the dark about the many dangers around them. as well as she was mostly left to herself, getting very few orders or updates.


She just continued to learn about more of the dangers around the world and was expected to somehow make things work out in the favour of the Foundation and its goals. Which wasn't at all easy.


Today, just like every day. After getting back home to her secret safehouse, she went about to ensure that it was still safe, and once she was sure about that, she opened up a secret compartment and brought up her foundation-issued laptop.


She quickly noticed that she had been sent something, and for a moment, she hoped it was some clear instructions on what to do. Instead, it was just a general message sent out to everyone by the O5 council.


She very quickly read through the notice, which was about a rather frightening SCP entity. SCP-096, something that would kill you for seeing its face, no matter what you did to avoid such a fate. It seemed like seeing even the tiniest of pictures would be enough to doom anyone.


It was indeed a frightening SCP, and one that she could easily see someone trying to use as a weapon. After all if someone got a picture of his face, they would only need to send it to someone else and that person would die no matter how much protection was around him.


The president himself would easily be killed if someone like Hydra got the picture, and they wouldn't care about the innocent lives that would also be lost due to them seeing the creature.


Natasha could already feel that if this SCP wasn't captured quickly, it would become a massive headache, and she already had plenty of those to deal with right now.


Just today she had already had to endure a rather annoying meeting with Fury.




"Romanoff, read this." Was the first thing she heard as she entered Fury's office.


 She took the file and started reading without delay. Whatever she was here for, it wasn't to ask questions. She knew that while it wasn't forbidden the same as it was at the Foundation, Fury wouldn't appreciate it, and well, she didn't want to waste time; the file would surely have the answers anyway.


Quickly reading over it, she found it to be a detailed account of some secret high-level auction taking place. She looked over the guest list and couldn't help but be shocked at the kind of people who attended. These were, without a doubt, the richest and most powerful people in the world. It even included Alexandre Ricci, which meant the Foundation paid attention to this event.


As she continued to read, she also quickly realized why that was. They auction was selling SCP objects! None that she knew about, but still, the very fact that they were selling them was more then enough to shock Natasha.


And it wasn't just one, it seemed that there were four such objects of sale all at once. Natasha, much like Alexandra herself, paid no attention to the rest of the items sold and only looked at the information about the four last items, the SCPs.


The first was the one that seemed the least like an SCP object, but she was sure it was one. After all she very much doubted that Alexandra Ricci would do something like that with Stark, much less Stark and Hammer. No, it had to be an SCP as described.


The next one, well, the ability to get any liquid with a press of a button, that was far more powerful than most would likely believe. And far more so than anyone who thought about giving the final price. After all, couldn't it give the long-lost super soldier serum?


Indeed, there was no doubt that many were now thinking that as well. Which just meant that the valuable of the coffee machine was now invaluable, or damn right close to it.


The next was an AI, which honestly she knew little about such thing, but she figured that she didn't have to worry given it was bought by Stark, and she knew that Coulson had been sent out there after a robbery, which was likely a Foundation collection team.


However, it was the last item that was no doubt the real trouble: a silver locket with the power to heal and cure. She couldn't help but think back on the song of Genesis SCP-407, another healing type SCP that came with danger.


More so since this locket could also make monsters if overexposed to its effect. Which was exactly like 407, though the real prize was the fact that it could apparently make super soldiers! No wonder the final price had reached more than a trillion.


"Alright, I think I know what this is about. You want me to somehow get the locket?" Natasha wasn't stupid, and she knew that Fury would want the locket; she knew that every single person who knew about it would want it.


"That would be ideal, but sadly it seems that Ricci, and thereby the bulwark already lost the items they got." He said handing her yet another folder.


She quickly started to read it, and soon understood what he meant. It seemed that the auction house had already been attacked while Alexandra was completing the transaction. And that she had lost it all, nearly losing her life as well.


She doubted it was true; it was far more likely that the Foundation had just attacked to avoid paying anything and to ensure that Ricci wouldn't be targeted for the objects. However, the amount of money she displayed would likely make waves around the world.


After all, a single person being able to wield such wealth was shocking, and it would no doubt draw more attention to the Ricci name, which had been fading due to the death of Alexander and the lack of any visible response.


"So these items are likely with The Chaos insurgency now." She said after a moment of gathering her thoughts. After all, Fury didn't have to know that the items were likely safe with the Foundation. The more he worried about chaos, the more he would work towards ensuring that piece would remain, which was in line with the Foundation's own goals.


Fury nodded, his expression grim. "Exactly. The Chaos Insurgency acquiring such items is a worst-case scenario. We need to track them down and recover those objects before they can use them for their own ends."


Natasha closed the folder and looked at Fury. "Do we have any leads on where the Chaos Insurgency might be hiding these items?" "


Not yet," Fury admitted. "But we've mobilized several teams to follow up on any potential leads. I need you to be ready to move at a moment's notice."


Natasha nodded. "Understood. I'll stay on high alert."


[End of Flashback]


Recalling that meeting, she couldn't help but feel the timing was rather bad, after all, Shield was on high alert looking for anything that might be the Bulwark or the Chaos Insurgency, and whatever containment operation there would be started for SCP-096 might draw their attention.


Something which could prove to be disastrous if they took a picture of the SCP and spread it around internally. Yeah, the timing of all this left much to be desired, but she would just have to me extra careful, and if things when to shit, blow her cover and allow the Foundation to clean up the mess before it went fully out of control.




[With Bruce Banner]


Bruce Banner was in his lab, surrounded by an array of monitors and scientific equipment. His work had always been his sanctuary, a place where he could lose himself in equations and experiments, forgetting the green behemoth that lurked within him. But today, his concentration was broken by an urgent notification on his screen.


He quickly put down his work and looked at it. He saw that it concerned an SCP object he knew about, SCP-096, the shy guy. He knew about him because he had once been contained at this SITE, and since the day he first arrived here, they had been working on trying to find him.


He knew that Director Tremblay had been troubled by the lack of progress, and he couldn't say he didn't understand. After all, someone like SCP-096 was even worse than the Hulk since the Hulk was showing great progress and the ability to hold himself back from causing harm—something that 096 wouldn't do if someone saw his face.


While both The Hulk and the Shy Guy might be considered Euclid class objects, there was no doubt that while the Hulk could cause more damage, 096 would end up causing more death if both went on a full-on rampage.


He hoped that this guy was locked up quickly, he didn't want something like him out there, even he was scared. After all, if he saw his face, it would surely become a fight between him and the Hulk, who both apparently had the ability to grow stronger. Which meant that the fight could potentially never end.


Yeah, he didn't wish for that to happen, it would pretty much be the death of Bruce Banner, not to mention the amount of death and destruction their fight would cause. It was for the best of everyone if 096 was locked up and everyone just went about their business.


In particular, Bruce was looking forward to the next test, which, if proven successful, could likely lead to a whole new level of cooperation between him and the Hulk, ensuring that he would be far more able to control that condition.


It was likely even better than a full cure; after all, a cure would also take away the protection that the Hulk granted him. And after joining the Foundation and learning about some of the dangers out there, he was starting to feel that it might not be a bad idea to have some extra protection in the form of a big green guy.


"I hope Lena isn't gonna get involved with this object." He couldn't help but slightly worry; after all, he knew that she was greatly fascinated with creature-type objects and would likely be curious about this one since it wasn't evil by nature.


He quickly shook his head and tried to return back to his work. Hopefully, this would work out, and Lena could come down for another test soon.




[With the Anti-Hydra strike force]


Even though Steve, Buggy, and Peggy were barely even considered real Foundation personnel, they, too, still received the information sent out to everyone.


They all read the notice that had been sent out.


Steve looked at it and couldn't help but wish for a time when the strangest thing around was him. And not all these strange monsters or items. Fuck there was even an immortal Hitler clone around. The world was a mess. He could only be glad that there were some who at least tried to keep it safe, even if he didn't agree with them on everything.


"I still can't believe things like this exist." Buggy said as he shook his head. He was by far the most focused on dealing with Hydra, getting revenge was the only thing that kept him from losing it completely.


"We need to be careful. There is a high chance that if the Foundation doesn't handle this well, that this… SCP-096 could be used as a weapon by someone like Hydra; we need to ensure that we don't fall into any traps and are extra careful for a while." Peggy, the brain behind the group, said.


"Then we just have to take out this base before anything can happen." Steve said as he looked down towards the area, they would be targeting next.


If you want to read up to 10 chapters ahead or even get the chance to pick what SCPs get summoned, or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / SCPsystem


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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C141
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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