41.66% Marvel: The Diamond Authority / Chapter 5: Chapter 5

章 5: Chapter 5

The grand council chamber of New Homeworld Prime buzzed with anticipation. Gems of various types and functions hurried about, making last-minute preparations for what would be a historic event: the first official communication between the Diamond Authority and the Shi'ar Empire.

At the center of it all stood White Diamond, her luminous form a beacon of calm amidst the flurry of activity. Her eyes, sharp and discerning, surveyed the room with quiet authority. Every Gem present felt the weight of her gaze, a reminder of the awesome power and responsibility that rested upon their leader's shoulders.

"My Diamond." a Peridot approached, bowing deeply. "The communication systems are fully operational and secured. We're ready to initiate contact at your command."

White nodded, her voice melodious yet commanding. "Excellent. Let us proceed."

With a wave of her hand, White Diamond activated the holographic display. The air before her shimmered and coalesced into a massive screen, easily twenty feet tall. For a moment, it showed only static, then cleared to reveal the image of an alien throne room.

The Shi'ar Imperial Chamber was a marvel of advanced technology and regal splendor. Gleaming metal walls inlaid with pulsing energy conduits framed an image on an Emperor upon which sat an ornate throne. And upon that throne was the ruler of one of the most powerful empires in the known Universe: Majestor A'Ken of the Shi'ar.

A'Ken cut an impressive figure. His avian features were sharp and proud, his eyes keen with intelligence. He wore a resplendent uniform adorned with medals and insignias of his rank. As the connection stabilized, he leaned forward slightly, his gaze locking with White Diamond's.

"Greetings, White Diamond of the Gem Homeworld." A'Ken's voice was strong and clear, carrying the weight of his imperial authority. "I trust this communication finds you well."

White Diamond inclined her head slightly, a gesture of respect between equals. "Majestor A'Ken, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. The Diamond Authority appreciates the Shi'ar Empire's initiative in reaching out to us."

A'Ken nodded, a slight smile playing at the corners of his beak. "The pleasure is mutual, I assure you. It's not often we encounter a civilization as... unique as yours. Your achievements in terraforming and your mastery over matter are most impressive."

"You are too kind, Majestor." White replied, her tone warm yet measured. "We have indeed come far since our birth in this universe. But let us speak of the future, shall we? I understand you have proposals for cooperation between our peoples."

A'Ken straightened in his throne, his demeanor becoming more businesslike. "Indeed. The Shi'ar Empire believes that a strong relationship between our civilizations could be mutually beneficial. We propose opening channels for trade, cultural exchange, and scientific collaboration."

White Diamond's eyes gleamed with interest. "An intriguing proposition. What specific areas of trade did you have in mind?"

"We are particularly interested in your advancements in matter manipulation and energy production." A'Ken replied. "In return, we could offer access to our vast interstellar trade networks and advanced starship technology. I believe such an exchange could greatly accelerate both our civilizations' progress."

White nodded thoughtfully. "A fair proposal. And what of travel between our territories? I assume you're suggesting we allow for the free movement of our citizens?"

A'Ken spread his hands in a gesture of openness. "Within reason, of course. We would need to establish proper protocols and security measures. But yes, I believe allowing our peoples to interact directly would foster greater understanding and cooperation."

"Agreed." White Diamond said. "Cultural exchange can be a powerful tool for building lasting alliances. To that end, I would be willing to send one of my fellow Diamonds, Blue Diamond, to serve as a diplomat to your court. She has a particular talent for fostering positive relations."

A'Ken's eyes widened slightly, clearly impressed by the offer. "We would be honored to host a member of your Authority. Such a gesture speaks volumes about your commitment to this potential alliance."

As the initial pleasantries concluded, White Diamond and Majestor A'Ken delved into the specifics of their proposed alliance. The air in both chambers crackled with the potential of this historic negotiation, one that could change the Galactic Hierarchy.

"Let us discuss the particulars of our cooperation." White Diamond began, her voice carrying the weight of centuries of leadership. "You mentioned trade as a primary area of interest. What specific resources or technologies does the Shi'ar Empire seek?"

A'Ken leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with barely contained excitement. "We are particularly intrigued by your mastery over matter manipulation. Our scientists have theorized about such capabilities, but your civilization seems to have perfected it. Access to this technology could revolutionize our manufacturing processes, medical treatments, and even our approach to terraforming."

White nodded, a slight smile playing on her lips. "Indeed, matter manipulation is fundamental to Gem existence. We'd be open to sharing some of our techniques, though of course, the most advanced applications would remain proprietary."

"Understandable." A'Ken agreed. "In exchange, we offer access to our interstellar trade networks. The Shi'ar Empire spans thousands of worlds, each with unique resources and markets. This could provide your people with an unprecedented variety of materials for study and utilization."

"Intriguing." White mused. "And what of your starship technology? Our own interstellar capabilities are considerable, but I understand the Shi'ar are renowned for their advancements in this area."

A'Ken's chest puffed with pride. "You've heard correctly. Our starships are the fastest in known space, capable of crossing galaxies in mere days. We'd be willing to provide you with some of our older models and the knowledge to maintain them."

White's eyes gleamed with interest. "That would be most beneficial. In return, we could offer insights into our energy production methods. I believe you'd find our solar energy harvesting techniques particularly efficient."

"Excellent." A'Ken nodded enthusiastically. "Now, regarding the movement of our peoples. We propose establishing designated travel zones in both our territories. Citizens would be required to obtain proper documentation and undergo security screenings, but would then be free to visit, study, or conduct business within these areas."

"A reasonable approach." White agreed. "We'd need to establish clear protocols for interactions between Gems and organic beings to ensure the safety and comfort of all involved. Perhaps we could start with cultural exchange programs? Select groups from each of our civilizations visiting the other under controlled circumstances."

A'Ken stroked his beak thoughtfully. "An excellent suggestion. It would allow us to iron out any potential issues on a small scale before opening up broader travel. We could begin with diplomatic missions, then expand to scientific exchanges, and eventually tourism."

"Agreed." White said. "Now, let's discuss the potential for scientific collaboration. While we'll maintain certain proprietary technologies, I believe there's much we could achieve by combining our knowledge and resources."

"Absolutely." A'Ken's eyes lit up. "We're particularly interested in collaborative research on interdimensional physics. Our scientists have detected anomalies that suggest the existence of parallel universes, but we lack the means to fully investigate them."

White Diamond's expression remained neutral, though her mind raced with the implications. The Shi'ar didn't know about the empty dimension they'd discovered, and she intended to keep it that way. "An fascinating field of study. We'd be happy to contribute our expertise in energy manipulation and spatial distortion to such research."

"Wonderful." A'Ken beamed. "In return, we could share our advancements in biotechnology. Our ability to enhance organic life forms could provide interesting avenues for your own experiments in Gem creation and modification."

White nodded, mentally noting the potential applications and risks of such knowledge. "A fair exchange. Now, let's discuss the diplomatic aspect of our alliance. You mentioned the ongoing Kree-Skrull war. While we have no intention of involving ourselves directly in this conflict, how do you foresee our relationship impacting the current galactic political landscape?"

A'Ken's expression turned serious. "A pertinent question. Our alliance, even in its early stages, would shift the balance of power. The Kree and Skrull empires would likely view it with suspicion. We must be prepared for potential diplomatic and perhaps even military pressures."

"Indeed." White agreed. "Which is why I propose we establish a joint defense pact. Not an offensive alliance, but an agreement to come to each other's aid if attacked by an outside force. This would serve as a deterrent against any who might seek to disrupt our newfound partnership."

A'Ken nodded approvingly. "A wise precaution. We would gladly enter into such an agreement. It would provide a strong foundation for our alliance while sending a clear message to the other powers in the galaxy."

"Excellent." White said. "Now, regarding the exchange of knowledge and culture. I propose we establish a joint academic institution. A place where the brightest minds from both our civilizations can come together to learn, teach, and conduct research."

"An ambitious proposal," A'Ken marveled. "But one with immense potential. It could serve as a symbol of our cooperation and a crucible for innovation. We would be honored to help establish such an institution.

After they had outlined the broad strokes of their agreement, White decided to probe deeper. "Majestor A'Ken, if I may be direct... what prompted this outreach? Surely the Shi'ar Empire, embroiled as it is in the ongoing Kree-Skrull conflict, has more pressing concerns than establishing relations with a relatively new power like ourselves."

A'Ken was silent for a moment, his expression unreadable. Then, he let out a small sigh. "Your perception serves you well, White Diamond. The truth is, we sought this alliance based on information from a... unique source."

He paused, seeming to weigh his next words carefully. "One of the members of my Imperial Guard possesses the gift of clairvoyance. In a vision, she foresaw your civilization rising to become a power that rivals even the Shi'ar Empire."

One of White Diamond's eyebrows raised slightly, the only outward sign of her surprise. "I see. And this vision prompted you to seek an alliance?"

A'Ken nodded. "Indeed. If such a future is inevitable, we thought it wise to establish good relations from the outset. Better to have you as allies than potential rivals, wouldn't you agree?"

"A pragmatic approach." White replied, her tone neutral. "We appreciate your candor, Majestor. Rest assured, the Diamond Authority has no interest in galactic conquest. Our focus is on building a stable, prosperous society for our people."

"A noble goal." A'Ken said, his tone sincere. "And one we are happy to support. In fact, in the spirit of our new alliance, there is some information I believe you should be aware of."

White Diamond leaned forward slightly, her interest piqued. "Oh? Do tell, Majestor."

A'Ken's expression turned grave. "Our intelligence networks have uncovered disturbing information about Kree activities in your sector of space. It seems they have been conducting secret experiments on the humans of Earth, essentially encroaching on what could be considered your territory."

White Diamond's face remained impassive, but her eyes flashed with a dangerous light. "I see. This is... most concerning. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Majestor A'Ken. We will certainly look into this matter."

"Of course." A'Ken replied. "We believe in transparency between allies. I trust you'll handle this information with discretion."

"Naturally." White assured him. "Your candor is appreciated and will not be forgotten. Now, if there's nothing else, I believe we've laid a strong foundation for our future relations."

A'Ken nodded, looking pleased. "Indeed we have. I look forward to working closely with you and your people, White Diamond. May this be the beginning of a long and prosperous alliance."

"As do I, Majestor A'Ken. Until we speak again." With a final nod of respect, White Diamond ended the transmission.

As the holographic screen flickered out of existence, the warmth drained from White Diamond's face, replaced by a cold, steely resolve. She turned to Yellow Diamond, who had been observing the exchange silently from the side.

"Yellow." White's voice was sharp and detatched,= brokering no argument. "Prepare our forces. We're going to pay a visit to Kree space. It's time they learned the consequences of overlooking the Diamond Authority."

Yellow Diamond saluted, a fierce grin spreading across her face. "With pleasure, White. They won't know what hit them."

As Yellow departed to carry out her orders, White Diamond remained in the council chamber, her mind racing with the implications of this new information and the decisions that lay ahead.


As the communication channel closed, Majestor A'Ken leaned back in his ornate throne, his avian features set in a thoughtful expression. The Imperial Chamber, moments ago filled with the tension of high-stakes diplomacy, now hummed with a different energy as his advisors and guards awaited his words.

A'Ken's eyes swept across the room, taking in the expectant faces of his inner circle. The chamber itself was a marvel of Shi'ar engineering and aesthetics. Soaring ceilings adorned with holographic displays of celestial bodies stretched above them, while the walls pulsed with living circuitry, a constant reminder of the empire's technological prowess.

"Well." A'Ken finally spoke, his voice carrying easily in the acoustically perfect room, "It seems our gambit has paid off. The Diamond Authority appears receptive to our overtures."

Nitora, better known as Lightbeare, stepped forward from her position near the throne. As the Majestor's sister and one of his most trusted (if volatile) advisors, she felt free to speak her mind.

"Brother, do you truly believe this... geological autocracy can be a valuable ally? Their power is undeniable, but they are newcomers to the cosmic stage."

A'Ken's beak clicked in amusement. "My dear Nitora, it is precisely their newness that makes them valuable. They are unencumbered by centuries of alliances and enmities. And make no mistake, their power is far from mere geology."

He stood, his imperial robes shimmering with embedded energy as he descended the stairs. A gesture of his hand activated a holographic display in the center of the chamber, showing a detailed rendering of Mars and its surrounding space.

"Observe." he commanded, manipulating the display to zoom in on the planet's surface. "What do you see?"

The assembled Shi'ar studied the image. It was Athen, the powerful leader of the Imperial Guard, who spoke up. "It appears to be a barren world, Majestor. Much like the red planet in the Terran system."

A'Ken's eyes glittered. "Exactly. And yet, we know this world houses millions of these 'Gems'. Their ability to conceal their true developments is... impressive, to say the least."

He waved his hand again, and the image shifted to show various Gem types and their known abilities. "A species capable of manipulating matter at will, of surviving in the vacuum of space, of fusing into more powerful beings at will. Imagine the military applications alone."

Nitora's eyes narrowed. "You speak as though you admire them, brother."

"I do." A'Ken admitted without hesitation. "They are a force to be reckoned with. Which is precisely why I chose not to antagonize them."

A murmur ran through the assembled advisors. It was Oracle, the clairvoyant member of the Imperial Guard, who stepped forward next. Her blind eyes seemed to stare directly at A'Ken as she spoke.

"Majestor, if I may... you did not reveal the full extent of my vision to the Diamond called White."

A'Ken turned to her, his expression grave. "No, I did not. And for good reason." He addressed the room at large. "What I told White Diamond was true, from a certain point of view. Oracle did indeed foresee the Gem civilization rising to rival our own. What I omitted was the context of that rise."

He manipulated the holographic display once more, and the image changed to a scene of devastation. Shi'ar warships clashed with colossal, humanoid figures that seemed to be made of light. Planets cracked and shattered in the background.

"This." A'Ken said solemnly, "Is what Oracle foresaw. A war between our empire and the Diamond Authority. A war that would have laid waste to half the galaxy and nearly destroyed us."

The chamber fell silent as the implications sank in. It was Mentor, the Majestor's chief scientific advisor, who broke the silence. "But, Majestor, if this future is set, how can we hope to prevent it?"

A'Ken smiled, a predatory gleam in his eyes. "Who said anything about preventing it, old friend? We are merely... redirecting it."

He shut off the holographic display and began to pace, his voice taking on the cadence of a lecturer. "Consider our current situation. The Kree-Skrull war has dragged on for centuries, draining resources and destabilizing entire sectors. We've maintained our neutrality, but for how long? Sooner or later, we would be drawn in."

Understanding began to dawn on the faces of his advisors. A'Ken continued, "But now, we have a new player on the board. A civilization with immense power and a vested interest in the sector where Earth resides. The same sector where the Kree have been conducting their little experiments."

Nitora's eyes widened. "You mean to pit them against each other."

"Precisely." A'Ken nodded approvingly. "By informing White Diamond of the Kree's activities, we've set in motion a chain of events that will inevitably lead to conflict. But this time, it won't be us bearing the brunt of the Diamond Authority's wrath."

Athen stepped forward, his voice respectful but concerned. "Majestor, while this strategy may spare us from direct conflict, it could still destabilize the entire region. The power vacuum left by a weakened Kree Empire could be just as dangerous."

A'Ken waved a hand dismissively. "A valid concern, Athen, but one I've already accounted for. This is where our 'alliance' with the Diamond Authority comes into play. As the Kree are pushed back, we'll be there to 'assist' our new allies in maintaining order. We'll position ourselves as mediators, peacekeepers... and in doing so, expand our influence without firing a single shot."

The chamber buzzed with excited murmurs as the full scope of A'Ken's plan became clear. It was a masterful strategy, one that could potentially reshape the balance of power in the galaxy.

Oracle spoke again, her voice cutting through the excitement. "Majestor, while your plan is ingenious, I must caution you. The future is ever in motion. My visions are not absolutes, merely possibilities."

A'Ken approached her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I understand, my dear Oracle. But even a possibility of the future you saw is too great a risk. We must act decisively."

He turned to address the entire chamber. "Make no mistake, my friends. We are embarking on a dangerous game. The Diamond Authority is not to be underestimated. White Diamond, in particular, is a being of immense power and intellect. We must be cautious in our dealings with them, always maintaining the facade of sincere alliance."

Nitora, ever the skeptic, raised one last objection. "And what if they see through our deception? What if they turn their wrath upon us instead of the Kree?"

A'Ken's expression turned grim. "Then we will face a war that was always coming, but on our terms, with our forces prepared and our strategies in place. But I do not believe it will come to that. White Diamond strikes me as a pragmatist. As long as we provide value as allies, she will have no reason to turn on us."

He clapped his hands, the sound ringing through the chamber. "Now, let us begin preparations. Mentor, I want you to compile all the information we have on Gem technology. Nitora, prepare our diplomatic corps for increased activity. Athen, put the Imperial Guard on high alert. We must be ready to move quickly once the conflict between the Gems and the Kree begins."

As his advisors hurried to carry out his orders, A'Ken returned to his throne, a satisfied smile playing on his beak. The game was afoot, and he intended to ensure that no matter the outcome, the Shi'ar Empire would emerge stronger than ever.

The fate of galaxies hung in the balance, all hinging on the words exchanged in a single conversation and the machinations of those who sought to shape the future to their will.


Citrine Facet-7X Cut-9ND stood at attention in the vast underground training arena of New Homeworld Prime, her form a perfect blend of strength and discipline. Her golden-hued skin gleamed under the bioluminescent lights, a stark contrast to the deep amber of her uniform. Like all Quartzes, she was built for combat - tall, muscular, and radiating an aura of barely contained power.

The training session had been particularly grueling today. Yellow Diamond herself had overseen the exercises, her piercing gaze evaluating every move, every strategy employed by her troops. Citrine felt a surge of pride remembering the approving nod Yellow had given her after she successfully led her squad through a complex tactical simulation.

As the session wound down, Citrine allowed herself a moment of reflection. It had been nearly a century since she had emerged from the Kindergarten, yet the memory of that moment remained crystal clear in her mind. The feeling of purpose, of belonging to something greater than herself, had been overwhelming. She was a soldier of the Diamond Authority, created to serve and protect the grand vision of White Diamond.

Suddenly, a high-pitched tone reverberated through the arena, causing every Gem present to snap to attention. It was the alert signal, one they had drilled for countless times but had never heard in earnest. Citrine felt a jolt of electricity run through her form, a mixture of excitement and apprehension flooding her senses.

Yellow Diamond's voice boomed through the communication system, her words clear and commanding: "Attention all military units. This is not a drill. Report to your designated starships immediately. We are mobilizing for potential conflict. Further instructions will be provided en route. For the glory of Homeworld!"

The arena erupted into controlled chaos. Gems of all types began moving with purpose, each knowing their assigned roles in such a scenario. Citrine found herself swept up in the tide of movement, her feet carrying her towards the exit even as her mind raced to process the implications of the order.

War. They were being called to war.

As she marched through the winding corridors of the underground city, Citrine couldn't help but feel a surge of exhilaration. This was what she had been created for, what she had trained relentlessly to do. The opportunity to prove her worth, to bring glory to the Diamond Authority, was finally at hand.

Yet, beneath the excitement, a kernel of nervousness took root. She had never seen actual combat. Her existence had been one of peace, of preparation for a conflict that had seemed more theoretical than real. Now, that theory was becoming reality, and the weight of it pressed down on her gem.

The corridors gave way to a massive hangar bay, a cavernous space filled with sleek, crystalline starships. Each vessel was a marvel of Gem engineering, capable of faster-than-light travel and equipped with weapons that could reduce planets to rubble. Citrine's designated ship, the "Luminous Vanguard," loomed before her, its hull shimmering with barely contained energy.

As she approached the boarding ramp, Citrine caught sight of her reflection in the ship's polished surface. Her eyes were wide, a mix of determination and uncertainty visible in their depths. She took a deep breath, steadying herself. This was no time for doubt. She was a soldier of the Diamond Authority, and she would face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage and conviction.

Boarding the ship, Citrine made her way to her assigned station in the troop hold. Hundreds of other Quartzes were already there, a sea of varied colors representing the different types within their caste. Citrines, Amethysts, Jaspers, and more, all united in their purpose.

As the ship's engines roared to life, a holographic display flickered into existence at the center of the hold. The image of White Diamond appeared, her luminous form commanding immediate reverence from every Gem present. Citrine felt her doubts melt away in the radiance of their supreme leader.

White Diamond's voice, melodious yet powerful, filled the chamber: "My loyal Gems, you embark today on a mission of utmost importance. The Kree Empire has dared to encroach upon our sphere of influence, conducting experiments on the humans of Earth without our knowledge or consent. This cannot stand."

She paused, her eyes seeming to meet those of each individual Gem. Citrine felt as though White Diamond was speaking directly to her, igniting a fire of devotion in her core.

"You are the strength of our civilization, the unbreakable shield that protects our way of life. I have faith in each and every one of you. Remember, you carry with you not just your own strength, but the power and wisdom of the entire Diamond Authority."

White Diamond's form shifted, cycling through images of Yellow, Blue, Brown, Grey, and Black Diamond. "Each of your leaders has contributed to your training, your abilities. You are the pinnacle of what Gemkind can achieve. Go forth with confidence, for you are the embodiment of our will."

As the hologram faded, a chorus of cheers erupted from the assembled Gems. Citrine found herself swept up in the wave of enthusiasm, her earlier nervousness completely forgotten. In that moment, she felt invincible, ready to take on the entire Kree Empire single-handedly if White Diamond commanded it.

The ship shuddered as it broke free from Mars' gravitational pull. Through small viewports, Citrine caught glimpses of the vast Gem fleet assembling in orbit. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of ships, all gleaming in the stark light of space. The sight filled her with awe and pride. This was the might of the Diamond Authority, and she was a part of it.

As the fleet prepared for the jump to hyperspace, Citrine turned to her fellow Quartzes. She recognized many of them from training sessions and simulations. There was Amethyst Facet-5 Cut-8XJ, known for her unconventional but effective battle tactics. Jasper Facet-9 Cut-7RQ, whose raw strength was matched only by her unwavering loyalty. And Tiger's Eye Facet-3 Cut-5LP, whose keen strategic mind had earned her commendations from Yellow Diamond herself.

"Can you believe it?" Tiger's Eye whispered, her eyes shining with excitement. "We're actually going to war. All those centuries of training are finally going to pay off."

Jasper grunted in agreement, cracking her knuckles. "About time, if you ask me. I've been itching for a real fight."

Amethyst, however, looked thoughtful. "I wonder what these Kree are like. Have any of you ever seen one?"

Citrine shook her head. "Only in briefings. They're supposed to be formidable warriors, with advanced technology. But," she added, a note of fierce pride entering her voice, "they're nothing compared to us. We have the Diamonds on our side."

The others nodded in agreement, their faces set with determination. The mere mention of the Diamonds seemed to bolster their resolve, reminding them of the great purpose they served.

As the ship entered hyperspace, Citrine felt a sudden shift in the energy around her. The other Quartzes felt it too, their forms tensing in anticipation. Something was happening.

A voice came over the ship's communication system - it was Yellow Diamond herself. "Attention all units. We have received new intelligence. The Kree have been alerted to our approach and are mobilizing their forces. Prepare for immediate engagement upon exiting hyperspace. Remember your training, remember your purpose. We are the Diamond Authority, and we will not be overlooked!"

A ripple of excitement passed through the assembled Gems. This was it. The moment they had been created for, had trained for, was finally at hand.

Citrine felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Tiger's Eye, her expression serious. "Looks like we're jumping straight into the fire, Citrine. Are you ready for this?"

Citrine took a deep breath, centering herself. She thought of White Diamond's words, of the trust placed in them by the entire Diamond Authority. She thought of Mars, of the billions of Gems counting on them to defend their way of life. Finally, she thought of herself - Citrine Facet-7X Cut-9ND, a soldier of Homeworld, created for this very moment.

A smile spread across her face, fierce and determined. "Ready? Tiger's Eye, I was made for this. We all were. The Kree won't know what hit them."

As the Gem fleet dropped out of hyperspace, the vast expanse of space before them was indeed filled with Kree warships. However, instead of the immediate outbreak of hostilities that Citrine and her fellow Quartzes had been prepared for, an eerie silence fell over both fleets.

Citrine, along with the other Gems in the troop hold, waited with bated breath. The tension in the air was palpable, everyone poised on a knife's edge between battle readiness and uncertainty.

Suddenly, Yellow Diamond's voice came over the communication system, her tone controlled but tinged with surprise: "All units, stand by. We have received a transmission from the Kree leadership. Maintain battle readiness, but do not engage unless ordered."

A murmur of confusion rippled through the assembled Gems. Citrine exchanged glances with Tiger's Eye and Jasper, seeing her own mix of disappointment and relief mirrored in their faces.

Meanwhile, aboard the Gem flagship, Yellow Diamond stood before a large holographic display. The image flickered to life, revealing the form of the Supreme Intelligence, the artificial being that ruled the Kree Empire. Its androgynous, ever-shifting visage regarded Yellow Diamond with cool calculation.

"Greetings, Yellow Diamond of the Gem Homeworld." the Supreme Intelligence's voice was a blend of countless Kree minds, carrying an unsettling resonance. "We did not expect such a... forceful response to our activities."

Yellow Diamond's eyes narrowed, her form crackling with barely contained energy. "Your experiments on Earth did not go unnoticed, Supreme Intelligence. The planet falls within our sphere of influence. Your actions are a direct challenge to the Diamond Authority."

The Supreme Intelligence's form shifted, taking on a more conciliatory aspect. "A regrettable misunderstanding, I assure you. We were unaware of your claim to the sector. Perhaps we can discuss this matter without resorting to violence?"

Yellow Diamond paused, considering. White's orders had been clear - show strength, but avoid unnecessary conflict if possible. "Very well. Explain your actions, and we'll see if diplomacy is still an option."

Over the next hour, Yellow Diamond and the Supreme Intelligence engaged in intense negotiations. The Kree leader explained their long-standing interest in human genetic potential, while Yellow Diamond outlined the Diamond Authority's plans for the sector and their zero-tolerance policy for uninvited interference.

As the discussion progressed, it became clear that neither side truly wanted a war. The Kree were already stretched thin by their ongoing conflict with the Skrulls, and the Gems, while powerful, were still establishing their place in this universe.

Finally, Yellow Diamond spoke, her voice firm: "Here are our terms. First, you will alert the Diamond Authority to any and all actions your empire takes within our claimed systems. No experiments, no colonization attempts, nothing without our explicit approval."

The Supreme Intelligence nodded its shifting head. "Acceptable. And in return?"

"In return, we won't reduce your fleet to space dust here and now," Yellow Diamond said, a dangerous edge to her voice. "Additionally, we'll consider limited collaborative research opportunities in the future, under our supervision."

The Supreme Intelligence's form rippled, a sign of internal debate among the Kree minds that composed it. "We find these terms... somewhat lacking in mutual benefit. Perhaps a gesture of goodwill on our part would be appropriate?"

Yellow Diamond raised an eyebrow. "What do you propose?"

"A tribute, of sorts," the Supreme Intelligence replied. "We could offer a significant amount of galactic currency, as well as a small fleet of our ships - purely for research purposes, of course."

Yellow Diamond's eyes gleamed with interest. The currency would be useful as the Gems expanded their influence, and Kree ship technology could provide valuable insights. "An intriguing offer. However, let me be clear - we will not accept any form of living tribute. No slaves, no 'volunteers' for experiments. Are we understood?"

The Supreme Intelligence's form settled into a more definite shape, a sign of decision. "Perfectly understood, Yellow Diamond. We agree to your terms. The currency and ships will be transferred to your control within the next solar cycle."

Yellow Diamond allowed herself a small, satisfied smile. "Then we have an accord. Withdraw your forces from this sector immediately. We will do the same once we've confirmed your compliance."

As the transmission ended, Yellow Diamond turned to her Pearl. "Send a message to White Diamond. The situation has been resolved without conflict. We're returning to Mars with some... interesting acquisitions."

Back in the troop hold of the "Luminous Vanguard," Citrine and her fellow Quartzes listened in stunned silence as Yellow Diamond's voice came over the speakers once more, explaining the diplomatic resolution and ordering the fleet to prepare for the return journey.

As the ship turned to head back to Mars, Citrine felt a complex mix of emotions. Part of her was disappointed at the lack of battle, the chance to prove herself in combat. But a larger part felt relief and pride. They had faced down one of the great powers of the galaxy, and emerged victorious without firing a shot. It was a testament to the strength and wisdom of the Diamonds.

"Well." Amethyst said, breaking the silence, "that was... unexpected."

Jasper grunted, looking slightly deflated. "I was looking forward to smashing some Kree."

Tiger's Eye, however, nodded approvingly. "This is better. We've expanded our influence and gained valuable resources without losing a single Gem. That's a true victory."

Citrine found herself agreeing. "You're right. This is why we trust in the Diamonds. They always know the best course of action."

As the Gem fleet entered hyperspace, heading back to Mars, Citrine reflected on the day's events. It hadn't been the battle she'd expected, but it had been a valuable lesson. Strength wasn't just about fighting - it was about presence, about the ability to shape events by sheer force of will. The Diamond Authority had that strength in abundance.

With a sense of renewed purpose, Citrine stood a little straighter. She may not have seen combat today, but she had been part of a historic moment. And she knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, whatever role she would play, she would face it with unwavering loyalty to the Diamonds and pride in being a Gem of Homeworld.

As Mars grew larger in the viewscreens, Citrine and her fellow Gems prepared to return home, their faith in the Diamond Authority stronger than ever.


As the Gem fleet returned triumphantly to Mars, White Diamond stood alone in her private chamber aboard her personal ship. The diplomatic victory over the Kree was satisfying, but it was merely a stepping stone to her true ambitions. Her luminous eyes gazed out at the star-studded void of space, seeing beyond the physical realm to the infinite possibilities that lay just out of reach.

For a century, she had nurtured a seed of an idea, a concept so vast and revolutionary that it had given her pause even in her most ambitious moments. The merger with a human soul had gifted her not just with enhanced powers, but with knowledge - knowledge of a universe far grander and more complex than she had ever imagined in her previous life.

White Diamond turned away from the viewport, her form shimmering with barely contained energy. The time for caution was over. The encounter with the Kree had proven that the Diamond Authority could hold its own against the established powers of this universe. But to truly secure their place, to expand beyond the constraints of their adopted homeworld, she needed to take a leap into the unknown.

With a thought, she opened a secure communication channel to Yellow Diamond. "Yellow, I'm entrusting you with overseeing the integration of our new Kree assets. I have a matter of utmost importance to attend to. The Diamond Authority is in your hands until my return."

Yellow Diamond's voice came through, tinged with curiosity but unquestioning in its loyalty. "Understood, White. May I ask where you're going?"

A small smile played on White's lips. "To secure our future, my dear. To push the boundaries of what it means to be a Diamond."

Ending the communication, White Diamond stepped onto a teleportation pad. In a flash of brilliant light, she vanished from the ship, reappearing deep within the bowels of Mars, in a chamber known only to her.

The room was vast, its walls lined with technology far beyond even the advanced standards of Gem society. At its center stood a swirling portal, a tear in the fabric of reality that led to the dimension they had discovered years ago.

White approached the portal, her mind racing with calculations and theories. The empty dimension beyond was a blank canvas, a realm of pure potential. And she held the brush with which to paint a new reality.

As she stood before the shimmering gateway, White Diamond allowed herself a moment of reflection. The path that had led her here was long and winding, from her origins as a coldly logical ruler to her rebirth and merger with a human soul. That fusion of perspectives had opened her eyes to possibilities she would never have considered before.

"From the moment of my rebirth." she spoke softly to herself, "I knew this day would come. The knowledge, the power, the very essence of what I've become... it was always leading to this. To lead me to the path where I could begin to inact my true plan."

With a deep breath, White Diamond stepped through the portal. The sensation was unlike anything she had experienced before - a feeling of both expansion and compression, as if her very being was being unmade and remade with each passing moment.

When the disorientation passed, she found herself floating in a vast, empty space. There was no up or down, no light or dark - just infinite potential waiting to be shaped by her will.

White Diamond spread her arms, her gem glowing with an intensity that would have blinded any observer. The knowledge she had gained from her human half, combined with her own vast intellect and power, allowed her to perceive the very fabric of this reality.

"This dimension will be the key to our expansion and evolution." she declared to the void. "No longer will we be bound by the physical constraints of Mars or any single world. From here, we can reach out across the cosmos, across realities themselves."

But mere conquest wasn't enough. White Diamond knew that to truly secure her place - and the place of all Gemkind - in the grand tapestry of the multiverse, she needed to become more than just a powerful being. She needed to become a fundamental force, as integral to reality as gravity or electromagnetism.

Drawing upon her vast knowledge of physics, both from her original existence and the insights gained from her human half, White Diamond began to weave a new force into the fabric of this dimension. It was a power that would bridge the gap between the physical and the metaphysical, between matter and energy, between thought and reality.

As she worked, manipulating the very essence of this blank dimension, White Diamond felt herself changing. Her consciousness expanded, reaching out across not just this realm, but brushing against the edges of other realities. She was becoming something more than she had ever been before.

Finally, after what could have been moments or millennia in this timeless space, White Diamond knew she was ready. The new force she had created pulsed through the dimension, waiting to be unleashed upon the wider multiverse. And with it, she would ascend to a new level of existence.

With clarity and purpose, White Diamond both spoke and wrote the words using light, the words that would change everything:


The effect was instant and universe-altering. A new force surged into existence - the Speed Force, and its counterpart, the Still Force. Energy crackled across the dimension, rewriting the fundamental laws of reality to accommodate this new cosmic power.

White Diamond felt herself changing, transcending her physical form. She was becoming one with the force she had created, a cosmic entity with power beyond imagination. The dimension around her pulsed, now inextricably linked to her being.

As the energies settled, White Diamond - now something far more than just a Diamond - surveyed her new domain. This dimension was now an extension of herself, a wellspring of cosmic power that she could draw upon at will. More importantly, it was a source of near-limitless expansion for her people. She immediately did a single thing to set up her plans for the future before she once again stood still, taking in her newfound power.

And it was that thing that would empower her even further surpass the new state that she had just reached.

And that was a major achievement, as she represented the very nature of Motion, no matter if it was still or moving. That fact alone made her an entity on the same level as the Phoenix and other beings.

And it was for that reason that she was then summoned forth by the one being who oversees all Cosmic Entities:

The Living Tribunal.

[AN: Yeah, introducing the Speed Force early on to get her to the higher echelon of power. She could have got their eventually since gems get stronger with age, but she just took a shortcut. Though it will be confined right now, as she has no reason to rush whatever her plan is. That's All Folks!!]

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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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