98.64% Marvel: Tech System / Chapter 71: Chapter 71 Taking Care Of Business

章 71: Chapter 71 Taking Care Of Business

"Things never go right around here…" Fury said while rubbing his brows as he read a new report about the CIA and numerous crimes that got linked to them.

Just how could they mess something up so badly? He wondered but at the end of the day, this could all be linked to a failure of leadership. Something that his S.H.I.E.L.D would never have to deal with.

Knock Knock

Before the sound of Knocking would have been a rare occurrence for Nick Fury. His men were capable and rarely ever needed to go to him for anything but lately, it seems like that changed. Hopefully, this knock would be something good for a change. "Come in"

Heading that they were allowed the door opened and revealed Coulson who also seemed tired but there seemed to be an extra glow with him. Like something good was about to happen.

"Sir Kol has completed his first batch of implants and sent them to us along with some robots who would apply the procedure. We're all ready to go and just waiting for your confirmation"

Now that was some good news. "Take me I want to see it for myself"

Following his orders Coulson led Fury out of the room and went to another section of the base where experimental technology was handled or things that were just too dangerous were held. Normally a procedure such as this would be handled in the medical units but the technology was new and untested. So even if it came from Kol they'd still go through all the proper procedures.

After walking some distance they reached a room with two floating robots that were completely different in design to the scouts. The Extra arms they had and the tools they carried were proof enough for everyone to recognize that they were made to perform surgery.

Looking to the left they saw two rows of the best agents S.H.I.E.L.D had to offer. Each one could easily handle any mission he gave them but there were two among them that outclassed the rest.

"Clint Natasha" Fury called as the two exited from the main group and reached them. "Are you both sure you want to go through with this? Even without the enhancements, you'll still remain among the top"

Natasha looked at the floating machine and back at Fury with determination "Yes I've been through worse in the red room"

Clint just looked tired at her reply. Honestly, he was only doing this because he didn't want her to go through it alone. He wasn't sure how the procedure would go but if he could be there for her then he would. "Count me in too but I doubt it'll make my aim better."

Fury nodded clearly happy with these two and was about to send them off when Coulson interrupted.

"Sir, actually we may have separate implants for them. When Kol sent them he added some extras. Enough for 5 people to use. According to him, these ones were better than all the rest and should be reserved for those with the greatest skill" After saying this Coulson pulled out a list that detailed what the implants did and showed the two extra that had been prepared.

"PHOENIX health Generator and NEMEAN subdermal armor…" Now these were really special if they truly did what it said they did then the high price he had to pay Kol was worth it.

The other specially made-implants were also impressive. According to this, they were better than the mass-produced ones and should only be given to the best. However, Fury was unaware that this part was actually a lie.

Kol had only made them look slightly different but at the end of the day, they were the same as the rest. The reason as to why he did this was because these implants didn't have the bomb in them making it safe for people like Clint and Natasha.

"Alright let's get started"




While that was going on at S.H.I.E.L.D Kol was busy dealing with a completely different situation. Sitting before him was a man dressed in a green uniform ordained with tons of medals. He had graying hair and a thick mustache but what really caught one's attention was the arrogance he seemed to emit.

"As you can see by signing here you'd be doing yourself a favor and your country a service"

Does this guy think I'm some sort of fool? Really 700 Million for my company? I can easily make that if I released a bunch of technology at once and even if I didn't do that then I'd still eventually make that in a year.

Looking straight at the man I saw that he really wasn't joking and actually saw this as a good deal. 'Ross you silly man. Well if your men won't give you a reality check then allow me'


Ross who had been smiling thus far found himself surprised. He thought for sure that Kol would accept. He grew up poor and only recently became rich so 700 million should have been a large enough figure to take his interests.

"What do you mean no?"

Exactly what you heard, no. I won't sell my company nor will I sell my patents. If you or any other military official wants to work with me then I suggest you wait till the Stark Expo like all others.

Ross didn't take kindly to how he was being spoken to and lightly tapped his arm causing the soldier to step forward as a form of intimidation. Looking up at the guy I was able to recognize him and noticed that he was stronger than most.

Blonsky and the future abomination.

However, Ross wasn't the only one with an enhanced guard not that I needed it but ever since I helped Frank with his revenge and got his kids into good private schools along with giving their mother a teaching job there. He suddenly changed and became loyal to a fault and would not leave my side. Under such circumstances, I knew I could trust the guy and gave him the Spartan 4 program along with the implants he already had.

Stepping forward Frank looked down at Blonsky and instinctively he knew he didn't stand a chance and took a step back. Much to Ross's embarrassment.

"You dare…do you know who I am? With a single call I ca-"

"Let me stop you there because I don't think you understand how negotiations work. First off you came to me for weapons and armor. Not the other way around. You need me but I don't need you. There are tons of military and politicians who would love to claim the position of gaining my aid. As for that threat you were about to make, I wouldn't recommend it."

Ross listened with tight-ended fists and while he was stubborn he wasn't an idiot and knew I was right. Usually, these tactics worked on smaller companies but it seemed he had underestimated things. That was his mistake.

Releasing a sigh he pushed the negativity into the back of his mind and switched to a more professional demeanor one fitting of a general. "I apologize I may have gone too far I hope this doesn't ruin our relationship"

I looked at the man curiously wondering what he was playing at and decided to go along. "It's alright I don't mind"

"Good… you mentioned the Expo. So you plan on presenting your arms there?" He asked. If he couldn't buy Dragon's company then he would secure all the contracts.

"Yes, I already have a number of things I'd like to showcase most of which I'm sure the military will like."

"Then I'll see you there" Getting up he fixed up his coat and gave a nod before walking out. Blonsky on the other hand glared at Frank with a strange look of frustration and fascination before following behind.

"They are going to be trouble aren't they boss" Frank said while staring at Blonsky's retreating figure.

"Possibly I give it a 63% chance but that is a problem for another day" Getting up I also moved to leave the room and turned to give Frank a last look.

He'd only been my guard for about two weeks but I saw the potential in having him around and recognized that he was worth the effort. But more importantly, he wasn't the only human resource I could take advantage of. Killian had the right idea when he started making the Extremis virus and basically got a trained army of enhanced vets willing to give their lives. Now he's not the only one capable of such things.

It's time I make my own army…

"Cortana I want you to hack and check on AIM and everything they're working on. Also, give me a list of vets throughout the US who are either injured or homeless."

"On it!" She said with a happy tone that hinted she had just done something naughty recently. Which could only mean one thing.

Poor Jarvis

Frank who heard what I said took a moment to think about what I said and it seemed like he caught on but didn't have complaints. In fact, if he could gain more co-workers then that would be preferable. Working with machines all day can be quite boring.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C71
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


