74.39% Marvel Mutant in DC / Chapter 61: 5.3

章 61: 5.3

Location: Paris, in the thick of a swarm of alien fightercraft

Time: Invasion Day +47 min.

The gleaming smile and inhumanly good looks of Gunnr were enough to put me at ease after my near death experience just now. Her willingness to follow my lead even more so. Because if she could punch through shields like they were paper and deflect those annoying beam weapons, what did I need to worry about anymore?

As she floated calmly in the chaos astride a white wolf the size of a pony as it paced in mid-air.

The world was insane; but it was insane and favouring me for once!

"Come, my Lord. The battle has yet to be joined and the enemy yet to be swept before us like chaff!" She called eagerly for the violence to begin, twirling the personal spear of a Wargod in her hands. The round shield on her left held in readiness.

"Indeed." I replied. With a grunt and an effort I tore out past my standard range and pulled a fightercraft alongside me despite the engines pushing at full thrust to escape. Inside I could at last see the same bald, blue skinned alien race through a window. He was in full panic mode now, looking back at me.

With a smile I raised my hand and clenched it, his eyes widening as he realised the meaning a moment before his ship became so much twisted metal.

"The time has come to teach these vermin their place in the universe. Defeated beneath us, as carrion." I growled.

Gunnr laughed cheerfully at the sight. It would be a deranged thing for an average woman to act like this, but this was a spirit of warfare and battle. It only seemed to further her charm.

Odin was aiming for hearts and minds with all the subtlety of a brick to the face it seems.

I burst into flight, testing to see how well she could match my speed. It turns out, better than me. Supernatural flight and the experience of millennia of use.

So I didn't hold back and pushed to my limits, the golden, gleaming woman to my right at all times.

Jousting with fightercraft became our sport. We were together immune to the entirety of their standard weapon loadouts. My iron debris catching the disintegration rays early and ablating them, the plasma globes bouncing back from my magnetic field projection and finally Gunnr wheeling around me and reflecting the particle beam weapons back to sender.

The both of us in good cheer slaughtered our way through the waves and formations of the enemy, taking back air superiority.

The pieces of alien junk trailed behind us like rain as we tore through them.

Soon the fighters, reduced to only a handful turned and fled. I lost count of how many I destroyed over the past hour.

But now we had two choices, to eradicate the remaining ground troops before they dug in and help fortify Paris or seek to help the disparate heroes struggling in their own cities.

"We can do both my Lord." Gunnr suggested. "The heroes have the Flash who will soon be playing messenger. In the meantime, while we await their summons the foot soldiers of our enemy will make a fine distraction."

It was not fair, not even close. It was war and war has only one rule, win with the least sacrifice.

The infantry were so far below the fightercraft they may as well have been gnats.

With the ability to sense their brainwaves in my range I tore through them regardless of defences and cover. But more than that, it showed me a new facet to Gunnr and her powers. She was a precognitive when it came to battle. She could tell when the counter attacks began, the ambushes and retreats... the ebb and flow of war in its entirety plain as day to her insight.

Beyond this her skill with the spear and shield were high, but this I learned was an aspect of Gungnir itself. Ease of use. It seems her weapon of choice is a broadsword intended for a single hand. In fact: she explained as we hunted down a squad of fleeing blue warriors, her name was occasionally used to reference this particular weapon type in the sagas.

Finally she was strong and tough with her reflexes enhanced by her precognition to superhuman levels. I'm guessing Wonder Woman levels of strength from how she punched through those shields. She hasn't needed to exert herself since.

She can also float, slowly under her own power. Her wolf Ikilvarg, was her mount for the speed and flight she gave her rider. Icicle Wolf the canine's name in English.

The screams of a squad as they were ambushed by the wolf from the flank were short and damning.

The wolf itself was also a terror, with a breath weapon that produced restraining ice and strength and toughness equal to Gunnr since they were connected. The Valkyrie and her mount were a singular entity. A bond deeper than telepathy apparently.

It was after twenty minutes of hunting that we stumbled across a fierce firefight between elements of the French military and police forces versus a larger than usual group of foot soldier aliens. It took me a moment to realise that elderly fellow near the rear was the President himself. Also present was Fleur, which was a relief. She was nursing an injured arm, which just proved the final straw of my restraint.

Power lines, cables, pipes all rose at my commands from the surroundings and overwhelmed the aliens, who turned their weapons on the metal objects desperately before they were bound and rendered harmless.

A cheer went up from the ragtag defenders. Fleur's smile displaying genuine relief. She's had a tough day, I'd guess from this mess.

She raced over, pulling me into a hug. "Thank you! Thank you!" She repeated, with teary eyes.

"It's fine Fleur. May and Louise should have retreated to the base you gave us. I figured it would be remote enough it would be overlooked." I explained. "Still… hell of a way to end my holiday!"

Fleur looked to the skies. "Are they gone? I haven't seen many of the small ships in a while. But I haven't been able to observe very long, all I saw was you attacking that huge ship."

"Destroyed or in retreat. At least locally. I defeated the troop transport in orbit and threw it away from Earth and between myself and my newest comrade Gunnr we have been able to put the fear of the gods into them." I told her, with some amusement. "Gunnr here is a very real Valkyrie. Odin favours us in this struggle."

"Yes. For the Aesir are wise and cunning, warriors that are also kind! We will not desert you mortals in your darkest hour!" Gunnr announced from my side. "So rise men and women of fair France! Take up arms and beat back the enemy! For the glory of the gods and humanity!"

Now I didn't expect that to get a rise out of the defenders, but apparently she maxed out her charisma stat at some point in the past. The people began to yell out their approval of her words.

Crafty old man!

Odin really was subverting people back to his religion with his choice of spokeswoman.

It was a perfect time for Flash to turn up, looking haggard.

He looked at the scene of a secured city and triumphant humans with slight astonishment.

"Woah man, you took them all out? That is some serious death defying heroics!" He exclaimed.

I gestured to Gunnr. "I had backup at just the right time to change the flow of the battle and repel them. However that is not important. You're here to gather us for the counter attack, correct?"

"Yeah… that is right. How did you know…?" He asked surprised.

"Because this is something that none of us can do alone, but together we will be a force to be reckoned with." I replied. "Paris is mostly secure for the time being. Let's go boot these blue bastards off our planet!" I looked to Fleur. "Time to bring some of those changes I mentioned into reality. See you soon, keep yourself safe."

"Yeah!" Flash it seems had cheered up, nodding eagerly. Seeing a victory, he must be inspired because he's not the wreck that arrived a few moments ago. He reached out to grab Gunnr, who simply shook her head. "Take my lord, I will be with you momentarily." She then slipped into the saddle of her wolf.

The world became a blur as Flash dragged me along at speeds that boggled the mind. Then I was there. And to Flash's surprise so was Gunnr, who stepped out of thin air at my side as if she never left it. "Where there is war and battle, I am present. And this is most assuredly a council of war." She answered my unasked question.

We were in a bunker, I noted. Faces I knew. Faces and masks that were new. All of them were seated around a rough table.

The League was here, in the first few minutes of its infancy!

next chapter

章 62: 5.4

Location: Justice League (almost) bunker (temporary base).

Time: Invasion Day + 5 hours.

Superman stood from his seat at the head of the table, to greet me.

"Magnus! Good to have you here. Sit down, your friend as well. We were just about to begin the briefing." Kal El said, getting to the point, before sitting down again.

I nodded and took the side opposite him and no one even questioned this, subtle power-play that it was. Black Lightning at Superman's side also said a quick hello and from the right Captain Marvel waved energetically. Wonder Woman seemed particularly interested in Gunnr, probably because she felt some parallels between them, although her gaze did pause to size me up.

Then I felt a strange sensation and turned towards Martian Manhunter, who must be looking into my memories.

[I know what you're doing. I have anachronous knowledge, so don't be alarmed that I know most, if not all the people here to some degree.] I thought at him.

He looked at me and nodded faintly. {I do indeed have much curiosity concerning this knowledge. However Kal El has given me access to his memories also and thus I know of your unusual beginnings.} He replied mentally. It was like a voice I couldn't hear. {However your potential telepathic talent was obvious and I wished to test it.}

[Later, when the chaos dies down I'd like your aid in training it. But for now we have more important matters.] I thought back.

[I would like to help you in this task. But you are correct, time is fleeting at the moment.] He agreed.

Batman stood up from beside Superman.

"We shall begin. At the current moment we under invasion from a technologically superior enemy, comprised of blue alien humanoids. They have struck the North American continent in several cities, including Canadian Vancouver, perhaps by mistake. Those attacked include Washington DC, New York, Metropolis, Gotham and Central City. Additionally several other cities have come under bombardment from orbital weapons and the lightest class of assault ship they use.

In Europe Paris, France and London, England were attacked.

Several smaller nations in Africa claim to be infiltrated but no reports have made it out other than by word of Flash. India and Pakistan have both been hit hard and China seems to be fighting back fiercely. The USSR is also under significant attack, however they refuse to tell anyone to what extent. Basically every nuclear power is being targeted."

He cleared his throat, before continuing.

"So far we have only one report of the aliens being beaten back..."

Flash interjected. "Two. Paris is free and clear for now."

All eyes at the table turned to me with surprise. "I destroyed many fighters, the large troop ship and Gunnr beside me took down a different class of ship, some kind of Heavy Assault ship armed with some different weapons. We also aided the efforts on the ground."

Batman nodded. "Noted. Please elaborate on the new weapons systems and their effectiveness later. Back to the report: Metropolis is also free and clear. The efforts of Superman and Black Lightning coordinating was sufficient deterrent."

I raised my hand. Batman pointed to me. "Are all of you aware of the Mothership? It was the cause of the eclipse we are currently under. It is sitting out there casting a shadow over us. I observed it by flying into orbit."

"Somewhat, we knew an artificial object was in place to obstruct our sunlight, but it was only speculated to be a ship." Batman replied. "Reaching it will be difficult."

"Really? Superman, Captain Marvel, myself and Gunnr are all space capable I would assume. Are you able to survive in space, Martian Manhunter?" I asked.

Superman seemed surprised. Oh right, forgot to mention it to him.

"I can survive in a vacuum for extended periods by shape-shifting." Manhunter replied.

"That makes a serious strike team between us if it comes to that. I can also carry a few people, if we add some oxygen tanks to my gear." I pointed out. "You only need to hold your breath to travel in space." I whispered under my breath, so Superman could catch it. He slightly nodded his head in reply.

A shame we didn't have a Green Lantern. That would have made things easier. No way these particular alien attackers would cross the Green Lantern Corps. They're obviously not powerful enough.

No Aquaman either? Odd he isn't here.

A thought occurred to me.

"Are any aliens being seen operating over the ocean or seen submerging?" I asked.

Batman looked at me strangely. "Yes. Why?"

"Then we need to help there too, they are attacking Atlantis as well." I pointed out.

"The mythical city?" Batman responded dubiously.

"No it exists. I do not know the people who control it in this age, but my people know of the nations under the waves." Wonder Woman spoke, backing me up.

I nodded. "They would make good allies in this fight, they have significant magical resources. It is how they live down there." And would get Aquaman and his military reserves to back us up. One good turn deserves another.

Batman seemed to accept this. "We will account for them in our planning. Anything else? No? Alright, moving on. We now know the current situation, we will be attempting to remove the enemy by coordinating with the other members at this table and local forces. I am proposing that we split into a number of teams, to better face the opponents. The three members, Superman, Magnus and… Gunnr was it? Will be placed to strategically deny them air superiority as other members deal with the ground forces."

"Together with my Lord Magnus, we are almost untouchable to the current forces. I wish to continue this advantage. I have also sworn to Frigg that I will keep him safe and I cannot do so on the other side of the Earth." Gunnr interjected.

"Two teams then. Those joining with Superman, I would propose Flash, Marvel and Black Lightning. Those with Magnus and Gunnr: Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter and myself. To explain these choices; The four of you are all speedsters to a degree, able to traverse great distances at high speed, while Martian Manhunter is relatively fast, Wonder Woman and particularly myself have a very limited movement speed which Magnus can remove by carrying us to our assigned locations." Batman explained.

Manhunter nodded. "It is a shame we do not have a zeta beam transmitter available, travel would be improved significantly."

"Zeta beam?" Batman asked.

"A form of teleportation device. I have contact with the inventor of the device on Earth. It is how I came to be on this planet." Manhunter explained.

Batman seemed impressed. "We will need safety assurances, but it sounds like a useful system to have for rapid transportation. We will discuss it when time permits."

Captain Marvel raised his hand.

"Yes?" Batman asked.

"Can I just say, it is exciting to be working with you guys! This is great! We're gonna save the world!" Billy blurted out.

"Heck yeah!" Flash agreed. "Are you hyped? I am!"

"Yes. I think we all are. This is the start of something special." Diana added.

"To the forming of the Justice League of America!" Flash added.

I coughed and tilted my head toward Wonder Woman. "We aren't American." Gunnr added her glare to make a point.

"Justice League of Earth then!" Flash hastily amended.

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