
Illogical turn of events

World of Void…

A world that is without any space or time. 

In this world, even the concept of time doesn't exist.

Even though this place is silent most of the time today it is shaking as if the whole place is going to get destroyed but luckily there is nothing to be destroyed here.

Goku is now breathing heavily with a body covered in blood and his clothes are almost extinct from his body only leaving half of his pants even that half has uncountable holes.

Just like has pant he might also end anytime.

Vegeta who is not far from him is also in a similar condition as him and only through willpower, he is also breathing heavily.

Broly who is always aggressive right now lost the light in his eyes and barely alive.

"Kakarot. " Vegeta said with a weak tone.

"It's no use Vegeta. " Goku said with a weak smile while trying to shake his head as he knows very well what his long time adversary/ friend wants.

"But if this continues we will lose everything. " Vegeta said with an excited but weak tone.

"Goku is right Vegeta there is no use even if both of you use fusion and try once again because this is even out if my limit. " Grand Priest declared cutting on Vegeta's words with a serious face.

"What about Lord Zeno? " Whis announced with a very serious face looking at Grand Priest.

"He tried to erase that Demon and succeeded but the next moment the Demon will return. " Grand Priest said with a serious face.


With that, another shock wave came from the afar and pushed everyone.

"Will he succeed? " Beerus asked with a serious face looking at the direction the shockwave cane from.

"At this time he is our only hope. " Vados said with worry.


"If this continues not only the world of Void but all the universe might end. " Grand Priest said looking from afar while the face of all the Angels, Gods and mortals turned dark with worry and fear of not only losing their own life but also their family, friends, and the ones they care about.

As everyone is worried they all heard a shout coming in their mind "Everyone Please lend your energy with me? "

"Everyone lend my friend your energy. " Zeno who is floating above their head ordered when he heard the loud shout and gave enough energy that is enough to destroy the Multiverse.

"Spirit Bomb is not going to work on him even if we all lend you our energy. " Goku said while raising his hand and sharing his energy.

"Take all my power Teacher. " Broly said getting up from his unconscious state.

"Don't let me down. " Vegeta announced sharing his energy.

"All our hope is on you. " Everyone else also shared their energy together.

As the person who asked for energy finally received it said with a calm yet serious tone "It was nice knowing everyone. "

"Jin what are you going to do?  " among the ones present here Vados and a few girls asked in alarm hearing his words.

As they all felt he is preparing to do something they don't want him to do.

"Zeno. Take everyone away from here and while you're at it immediately seal this place. " Ignoring the girl's shouting he asked with a serious tone.

"Don't you dare? " Vados said trying to fly in the direction from where the shockwaves are coming but before she can move in that direction Grand Priest stopped her.

"Jin. Please don't do it? We will find another way to defeat Fuu. " Supreme Kai of time shouted with tears in her eyes thinking if she hadn't stopped him from killing Fuu that time when they had the chance this day wouldn't come.

"Don't blame yourself. It was also because of my desire of fighting someone strong.

However, now that everything has come to this point let me fix the mistake. " Jin said with a smile and vanished from his spot just to arrive behind Fuu to say "Because that time I also didn't want to kill him but now it will all end with me and you will never be able to harm anyone. "

"Sorry girls for not being able to keep my vow but if I survive this I promise I won't break my words again.

So Once again please forgive me. "  Jin said as his body started glowing with multi-color light.

At this moment Fuu who is held by Jin shouted struggling "Let go of me you fool? you will doom both of us. "

"That is the plan if you don't mind. " Jin said with a smile.

"Nooooo≈ "Knowing his next plan all the girls shouted and tried to get near him.

"Let's leave. " Zeno said as multicolored Ki surrounded everyone.

Before they vanished they heard a shout followed by a loud explosion sound and getting their eyes blinded by the light from that explosion "Final Space-Time..."


Planet: EARTH

3rd July Year 2008...

New York...

Forest Hills, Queens…

A teenage boy around 16 years olds is running behind a school bus of Midtown high desperately just like every other day he does not because he is late but because the driver likes to make fun of him and always leaves him behind and never stops in the right place.

"Hey… stop? Stop the bus? I am still not on the bus… " the boy shouted while trying desperately to catch up with the bus but it never stopped.

When the boy thought of giving up after losing hope of catching up with the bus and going to the school.

The bus suddenly stopped and when the door opened the stop sign also came out and he crashed into it but luckily for him, he was preparing to stop which slowed him a little but still because he was running he still crashed into the sign and dropped on the ground.

When he drops on the ground he heard the driver's rude shout  "Stop sleeping on the ground and get on the bus kid we are getting late? "

"Can't you just stop where I am? " hearing the driver's rude shouts the boy asked angrily while getting on the bus while rubbing his face and buttons because of the pain he received just now.

"What did you say? " the old driver inquired looking at the boy aggressively.

"Nothing. " the boy said with a scar while walking towards the passenger seats. 

Looking at the boy leaving without argument made the driver shake his head in disappointment then thinking to himself 'Grow some courage and fight for your rights or you will never be able to fight for your rights kid.  ' 

Looking at his misfortune the some of the students didn't lose the chance to make fun of him and when he is passed by a blond hair boy he heard the boy yelling at him with laughter "Puny Parker's got left behind again… "

Hearing the blond boy calling him puny Parker in front of everyone Peter got a little angry and cried out "Shut up Flash. "

"What did you say, Puny Parker? " Flash who is used to bullying others just needs a reason to do so and now that Peter has taken the initiative how can he lose the chance to bully Peter. 

Hearing Flash and Peter's argument the driver asked from the driver seat "Would you stop shouting back there? "

"Sorry, Mr. Steve. " as Flash knows if he were to make trouble in the bus the driver is sure to report to his old man, and when that happens his old man will cut his pocket money with that excuse.

[Side note: The drive a very important person so any guess who he is? ]

Peter, on the other hand, knows arguing with Flash anymore is only going to bring him misfortune so he made his way to the only empty seat in the bus and luckily for him, MJ is sitting at the seat opposite corners front seat and talking with another red hair girl named Jean Gray from another class.

Though he wants to seat on the empty seat, the seat is still occupied by the school bag of the sleeping boy at the window seat of the bus.

The sleeping boy has a body shape almost similar to him pointing out he isn't much stronger than himself but unlike his, the boy has black spikey hair and a more handsome face than him.

As the bus has already started and he wants to seat on the empty seat the only option for him is to move the school bag and giving it to the sleeping boy at the same time asking him to move a little because the way the boy is sitting he is covering half of his seat so without further thinking by pushing the boy he called out " hey stop sleeping? "


The sleeping boy is none other than Jin who has just used his final attack to destroy himself together with Fuu in the Dragon Ball world and thought he is dead in both body and soul suddenly got pushed by someone which woke him up from his deep sleep.

As he is still in deep sleep he didn't understand what is going on in his surroundings and felt a little annoyed when he heard someone unknown pushing him and yelling at him from very close to him it's almost from beside his ears which made him declare in a half yawning state "Go, bug someone, else if you don't want to anger me? "

"What do you mean bug someone else? there is no other empty seat on the bus. So open your eyes and move. " Peter said not caring about angering the boy and giving another push because he wants to sit here as soon as possible after all nobody wants to stand when he has an option to sit.

"That's enough. " Jin raised his hand and making an open palm pushed Peter in the belly while still not opening his eyes and sent a ki blast at lest that is what he thought but even after that the hand on his shoulder did move and the boy still continued from the same place he was previously which means his Ki blast had no effect on the person who is pushing him doesn't that mean the guy who is calling his name is strong enough to completely ignore his attack and the most important thing is that there is also no sound of the explosion of ki blast doesn't that mean this person has also the ability to nullify his attack casually and thinking to this point he quickly shaking his head in excitement woke up and looks at the person who is so strong.

'Oh they are finally going to meet each other. ' the driver was always looking at both of them and said to himself when he saw Peter shaking Jin but when he saw Jin making an open palm and putting it on Peter's belly with an annoyed face he shouted to himself 'Crap he is going to blast the kid with an energy blast, I need to do something. '

As much as the driver wanted to stop the bus and quickly running to them stop Peter from getting blown into nothing he knows it is near impossible in such a close range but surprisingly the scene where he will see Peter blown into nothing and half the bus getting destroyed didn't happen but Jin opening his eyes with curiosity instead of anger from a few moments ago.

Opening his eyes Jin thought he might find someone strong and mighty looking at him but the person he saw made him really confused but what he heard made him even more stunned "Oh you are finally up now move quickly the driver had already started the bus. " 

Looking at the weak body of the teenager with glasses right before his eyes he knows from a single glance this kid is nowhere as mighty as he had imagined and hearing his words made him really stunned "Move? Driver? Seat? "

After his confused mumbling surveying his surrounding he found this place looks familiar to him and looking at the rows of seats full of teenagers he whispered to himself "Is this a school bus?"

Shaikh_Tohaa Shaikh_Tohaa

If anyone can think of the identity of the Driver comment.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


