3.27% Marvel's: Atom / Chapter 1: Starjammers

章 1: Starjammers

" Earth, been a long time since I've been here. It was good to see my boys again."

Chris said to himself as he prepped his ship for takeoff when all of a sudden, he heard gunshots nearby.

" Ah, hell!"

Chris cursed out as he ran off his ship towards the sound of the gunfire, his blasters drawn.

He arrived to see MRD soldiers gunning down a mutant settlement. Without word or warning, Chris opened fire on the soldiers killing them all effortlessly.

" Damn bastards. Shit, looks like I was too late."

Chris said to himself as he looked around the carnage, the bodies of mutant men and women scattered around like trash.

* Cuh! " Help..."

Chris heard the faint sound of someone asking for help. Chris raised his gun and moved towards the muffled plea for help. He searched the streets and to his astonishments found a still breathing woman. She had multiple gunshot wounds to her stomach and legs. But what surprised him more was the small child she had wrapped in her arms. The boy had bright blonde hair, blue eyes and was surrounded by a strange red arura.

The woman looked up at Chris with tears in her eyes.

" I see, rest now, don't worry. I'll take good care of him ma'am."

Chris said to the woman as he picked the small child up in his arms.

The woman smiled and shortly passed from the earth.

Chris leaned down and closed the woman's eyes, giving her the eternal rest, she had earned. Chris then turned with the baby in his arms and returned to his ship.

Once aboard, Chris removed the child from the coverings his mother had placed him in and out fell a small trinket.

Chris leaned down and picked the trinket up and opened it. Inside was an engraving assumedly the child's name.

" Nathaniel Adams. And this is the woman from before, the man beside her must be the father. Sorry, for your loss kid. Trust me I know what it feels like to lose a family. But don't worry kid, where we're going, you'll never be alone."

Chris said to the baby before placing him in an incubation chamber.

Chris sat in the pilot seat of his ship and started up the engines.

" Say, goodbye to earth for a while kid. Don't know if we'll ever be back. But trust me you aren't going to miss much. Now, let's jam!"

Chris said before launching the ship into space and beyond.

Twenty-two years later.

" Atom! I need you on the command deck like yesterday."

Corsair radioed to the now fully grown Nathaniel Adams.

"Hmm, Sorry Hepzi. But it looks like I'm needed."

Nathan said as he placed his training gear down.

" No worries, we can pick up where we left off later."

Hepzibah purred as she traced Nathan's abs with her finger.

" You're persistent I'll give you that."

Nathan said to the woman as he slid his top on.

Nathan's standard outfit consisted of a red and black suit with, black gloves and black boots. And placed center on his black chest was a red atom.

Nathan gathered himself and walked towards the center of the Starjammers command ship the starjammer.

" Hey captain! where ya heading?"

Ch'od asked the man as he walked by.

" The command deck, father said it was important. So, it's likely a mission."

Nathan said to the green man.

" Gladiator?"

Ch'od asked.

" Don't know. Could be though. Dad doesn't send me out on missions alone unless it's something only I can handle though. Guess, I'll find out when I get there. I'll see you later Ch'od."

Nathan said to the man before continuing his walk towards the command deck.

Nathan walked towards the main deck and once inside all troops aboard stood and saluted the man.


All troops yelled in salute.

" At ease! I told all of you, just because it's my rank doesn't mean you have to treat me any differently than you used to. We're family first, soldiers second."

Nathan explained to the crew before continuing his walk towards the Corsair.

" Hello, Nathan. Good to see Hepzibah hasn't devoured you."

Corsair joked as he welcomed his adoptive son.

" She tries."

Nathan replied.

" Now, on to business. You called me. Do you have a mission you need me to take care of?"

Nathan asked.

" Yes, our sensors have caught an unknown ship floating off in the furthest of Shi'ar space. I need you to go check it out and make sure no one needs our help."

Chris explained to the man.

" Understood. And if it is an enemy?"

Nathan asked.

" Send them back or turn to ash you decide."

Chris said to the man.

" Understood! All troops clear out of the hangar."

Nathan radioed down to the troops in the hangar bay.

" Are you not going to take a ship?"

Chris asked already knowing the answer.

" Of course, not. I'm faster than the ships and I can survive the jump gate. Besides It never stops being cool being able to fly in space."

Nathan responded with a smirk on his face.

Chris laughed and patted the man on the back before walking away.

Nathan turned and walked down to the hangar bay and waited for the crew to open the hangar doors.

Once they were open, Nathan started emitting his quantum glow, a bright red energy field surrounded his body, and stepped out into the void of space and took off towards the stranded ship.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


