66.66% Martial World:- Above Heaven / Chapter 2: A Rebirth, And The Martial Peak.

章 2: A Rebirth, And The Martial Peak.

It seems in this life of mine, I have the answers to the big three questions of life... meaning of my life, where I came from, and the life after death.

I am, or more appropriately was, Irene A. Fryer—an aspiring "champion" of illegal underground boxing competitions. I was a part-time dancer for events in clubs and a full-time "boxer". Well, breakdancing as a performance, not the kinda dance your dirty brain is thinking of.

Depressingly though, I would say that my so-called dreams of championships all went down the drain after my death, huh? Well, dying in the ring was definitely a satisfying ending, so there's not much I can complain about.

Living on the streets is not much like the way it is shown in the movies.

It is way harder.

At the very least I was lucky. A kind old man who owns a boxing ring taught a bunch of kids like me martial arts for self defence and I learned as much as I could from him. He let us eat to our fill and taught us how to survive in the slums.

We helped him out with setting up his dojo, distributed flyers and all that. That honestly doesn't make up for even half of the favors he had done for us, but that was really all that we could do. By the time we could repay him, he was long since gone from this world.

That was the source of my basic understanding of Karate, and also it was then, I realized my love for battle. I joined some small-time gangs as a child. I couldn't fight properly first, so I learned to play dirty. And you know what? I was pretty damn good at it. By the time I was an adult, my name was out on the streets.

I was something of an adrenaline junkie. So the moment I realized I was strong enough to beat gangsters around the area, I joined the underground boxing ring. And... I lost.

I lost again and again, broke my fingers, arms, and once was wounded enough to get a permanent scar on my face. But I persevered. The reason why I could persevere you ask? Because it was fun! It was so damn fun to have my fists meet flesh, shedding blood as I fought~

I spent months in the hospital. I joined gang fights constantly just to gain more combat experience, trained all day and night long, only for the thrill. By the time I was 23, I started winning way more than I ever lost. Money came my way with each battle. So did luxury. I had enough money to last a lifetime, yet I still went into the ring, and always bet on myself.

For me, the arena was my life.

People seem to believe that life likes to mess with them. I would say the complete opposite. While I didn't exactly live a luxurious life, I could pick myself up from a homeless child to a millionaire using pure effort. I would say that counts for something, right? I don't believe I lack talent. But would talent alone push me that far? I don't think so. I named myself, fed myself, enjoyed life by myself. I know for a fact that I have the bragging rights.

But enough about that. I thought my martial path ended after I died in the championship match. Who knew fate had other plans? I guess even God thought it was too much of a pity for me to not go farther on this path.

As such, I, a self-proclaimed extraordinary battle junkie, was reborn.

Now, while that was a shock, I believe it's nothing special. Nowadays, everyone and their dog is rushing to reincarnate. The only joy in life I had, apart from fighting, was anime, manga, and light novels. I was never much of a gamer, I guess. So, I knew the basic procedure of rebirths and transmigrations.

This one was a proper reincarnation, I believe. I knew since I was in my mother's womb that I am Irene, a 33-year-old fighter.

But I guess memories don't really constitute a person's whole existence? After all, despite my past life, I could love my parents in this life quite easily. Well, they certainly never made it hard!

As for the three big life questions, here are the answers: I came from Earth, the third planet of the solar system. This IS my life after death, and for me, the meaning of life is as always, enjoying it!

Now, let me reintroduce myself. I am Qin Song, a 11-year-old martial artist of the Strength Training Stage. A polite bow would be due, but I don't think I can convey that through mere words. I am the only daughter of the tribal chief of the Spirit Devouring Tribe. My mom is a witch, a real one capable of witchcraft, and my dad is an Altering Muscle Stage Martial Artist. We are proud citizens of the Southern Wilderness, and we definitely DON'T eat humans... probably?

Anyway, as I was saying...

"Song'er, dinner's ready!"

Or it seems I'm done speaking as the food... no, moms is calling.

"I'm coming~"

I jumped down from the roof of our house, spitting out the grass I was chewing, and ran inside the house. I saw Dad sitting at the table waiting for me, and Mom putting down the dishes. Looking at Mom's attire, I grimaced.

The girls of the Southern Wilderness were extremely bold in their choice of clothing. They often only wore animal skins or thin linens to cover their most vital parts. With such simple dress, there wasn't much that was hidden. Her skin had a healthy color, like wheat. Her body was tall and slim, with slender and fit legs. Daggers were tied to her legs by animal skins, and she wore ivory jewelry fashioned from the bones of vicious beasts on her neck and wrists, exuding an exotic charm, just like the standard attire for the girls around here.

Except, as a modern woman, I found these more appropriate as bedroom cosplays... Well, as a eleven-year-old, my clothes were still normal. And everyone's opinion is considered properly around here, so I would definitely never wear stuff like these!

Sighing at my failure in teaching my mother modesty, I sat down at the table and took my plate. As a so-called "Barbarian" tribe, our food consisted mostly of meat products. Except... the cooking tastes like fucking military ration!

The meat was tough and heavily salted. It smelled of ammonia. There was too much salt added for a person to eat without being poisoned. The meat was preserved for too long all the time, and local herbs needed to be used to dilute the taste of salt.

Breakfast would be a cold porridge cooked the night before. It was salted but unsweetened. I wouldn't exactly call our tribe poor, but the good meat is preserved for warriors above the Second Stage. We only got the spoiled leftovers. Even the village chief's family couldn't break traditions.

We were a tribe of around 300 people. We had 100 warriors, with only 10 at the Viscera Training Stage and 37 at the Flesh Training Stage. My father is the only Altering Muscle stage warrior. Our tribe is still considered mid-level solely due to the female warriors' Soul Witchcraft. Among them, as the only one able to use Soul Witchcraft without the Dead Bones Gu, my mother became the one to marry dad.

Enough thinking. I've had enough of being a narrator... Dinner went as usual without a hitch, meaning tasteless. I had a hard time not glaring at all the meat father was eating. He was nice enough to share if we asked, but it would be counterproductive in this case. He needs the energy for training. As our tribe's strongest, it would be straight-up treason to hinder his training. Witchcraft doesn't consume as much physical energy, so mom had only a bit more than me, despite her true strength.

We were chatting as we ate. Mostly I did the talking as father responded to my various questions. Mom only listened on with a slight smile as always. I suddenly thought a bit and asked father a question,

"Say dad, why does some of the tribes participate in cannibalism? I doubt human meat is specifically more nutritious then beasts?"

"You always have to ask the weirdest questions huh... I wouldn't mind if you acted your age a bit more you know?" Her father scowled disapprovingly at me. Regardless, he still took my question seriously.

"Most of the cultivation techniques used in the southern wilderness come from the ruins left by the esteemed sorcerer. But there are many who sought shortcuts to success. After all, the sorcerers trials are extremely rewarding yet strict. They twisted the incomplete cultivation methods left by those who haven't yet mastered the inheritance and created multiple demonic cultivation techniques. Those have various ways to use human lives as sacrifices in their path to power. Cannibalism enables them to absorb the corpses cultivation bases to empower their own. It definitely has restrictions, side effects like distorting your personality is seen commonly. There's also the natural limit of a human body, restricting their growth speed."

"We worship the Sorcerer and posses a relic left by him. In the Southern Wilderness, there are tribes that treat human beings as food; they will treat prisoners as rations, and they especially eat pagans. Those tribes target us not only for strength, but also as a holy war."

"Too long! Explain in 20 words or less!"

"Well basically, they eat humans because demonic techniques and religious feuds go brr!"

"Good! Thou hast truly internalized netspeak I see!" I nodded in satisfaction. My years of effort truly haven't gone to waste!

"Whatever you say princess!" My father laughed as he bowed in mock respect. Truly a great display of courtesy.

While I had fun chatting with dad, dinner was as bad as it gets. I definitely need to grow stronger, even if it's only to get good food. Finishing up quickly and washing my own dishes, I ran back towards my room as I waved at my parents,

"I'm going to train! don't disturb me."

"Be ready by midnight! We have your witchcraft training today." Mom called me out from the back. I nodded at her words in acknowledgment. I ain't gonna get much sleep today I guess.

My room was pretty huge. As the tribal chief's daughter, I do have some advantages. At the very least, I won't be lacking in training resources. The room was pretty empty save for a few furnishings like my bed, a chair and a table. In the center of the room stood a huge pillar made of metallic wood. The wood was from the Iron Tree. Not only does it possess an extremely tough layer of bark, it also has strong regenerative properties. It was also enchanted by mom to help me heal a bit for each punches I do on it, making me a perpetual training machine.

If by now someone didn't realize the world I am in, you must have not read the novel Martial World. Yes, I transmigrated in a light novel world. Imagine my excitement when I learned that I could meet one of my favorite novel protagonists of all time. Maybe some don't like him but I don't care. In my opinion, Lin Ming is the Ideal martial arts protagonist in my heart. Righteous but not naive. Ruthless but not heartless. Single-minded but has the room for friendship and love in his heart.

Even as I say this, my most favorite protagonist would still be Li Qiye. The sheer arrogance, the dominance! That's how I always wished to be like! Still, it would be pretty shitty to be in Emperor's Domination. I don't even want to think about how many ways I would be screwed over by him. Even as an ally, I would definitely be sidelined by him.

As much as I respect Lin Ming, I plan on being stronger then him. All Lin Ming's "cheat" did was give him advanced cultivation techniques above this world level. That really isn't worth anything in the bigger picture outside this world. I plan on bridging the gap by my own means. For now though, I have no other way except constant training.

I currently have multiple starting advantages above Lin Ming.

1. I started training at the age of nine, even before aristocratic children. That has a bit to do with my luck. My dad found a Golden Deer Pill of the highest potency on the body of an Altering Muscle stage combatant. The Golden Deer Pills contained a hint of xiantian air from the deer embryo, and thus they could purify the body. That, along with various treasure medicines gathered by my father risking his life allowed me to start my training way earlier than the others.

2. My natural talent and location. The southern wilderness has the Sorcerers Pagoda's. As far as I remember, it seemed to have a Divine Realm Cultivation Manual as a reward. It could very likely be one of the Body Cultivation Manual considering the low levels of Cultivation in the Southern Wilderness. Hopefully that way, I could also perfect my foundations.

Focusing on these advantages will give me the initial boost necessary. I won't lose to anyone in terms of determination so in the end, I wish to compete equally against Lin Ming on the grandest stage of mankind. The Divine Realm First Martial Meeting. Thinking it through, I clenched my fists in determination.

I stood in front of the pillar as I focused my mind. The strength training level has very few mysteries. It might be different if I had the Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridians. But for now, I had only the common techniques which require merely constant effort. I had a 5th grade talent. Pretty damn good if you ask me for starters but such talent means shit in this world. Well at least in the world above.

Body Transformation's First Stage was strength training where true essence mainly concentrated in the muscles, and with the advent of the Second Stage of Body Transformation, it began to proliferate and spread throughout the body.

Not only would ones strength increase, but the body's fortitude would also rise a notch. Although one wouldn't become invincible, it wouldn't be difficult to say that the sword that would have easily pierced you before would only give you a slight injury. The combat effectiveness would also increase by a small margin.

Concentrating my strength on my fist, I threw punch after punch, striking heavily against the pillar.

"Peng!" "Peng!" Heavy sounds echoed out around the house. The surface of pillar that were struck had sunk downwards noticeably, exposing its greyish wooden texture.

More and more dents appeared on the pillar as I punched. My fists were bleeding as well with each punch. But mom's enchantment started working swiftly as my hands healed as soon as it was wounded. I kept going on an on, planning to stop an hour before midnight.

Just then, a slight shuffling sound could be hear outside my room. The window to my left provided a full view of the forest and nothing out of ordinary could be seen.

But I was already on guard as my instincts screamed danger.

I took a deep breathe as I slowly faced the door towards the dining room. Pushing myself forward with all my might, I rushed to the door and shouted as loudly as possible,

"Mom! Dad! There's an intruder!"

In an instant, several things happened at once. A light flashed as I could feet a formation/inscription activate. I punched the door but it wouldn't budge. I knew then my parents most likely didn't hear my call for help.

Seeing a shadow flash towards me through the corner of my eye's, I reacted instinctively.

With a quick pivot, I dodged the incoming attack, narrowly evading the ambush. I turned to face my assailant, ready to defend myself.

"Who are you? Why are you attacking me?" I demanded, my heart racing with trepidation.

The figure remained silent, concealed within the shadows of the hooded cloak. Without warning, they lunged at me, their movements swift and calculated.

Reacting on instinct, I blocked their strike with my arms, feeling the impact reverberate through my body. It was evident that my attacker was highly skilled and powerful. I couldn't be quite sure, but it was very likely he had innate divine strength. He had too high a strength for someone at the 1st or 2nd level. Of course that only holds true as long as he isn't of a higher level holding back his strength.

But that honestly makes no sense. Who does that? A random light novel characte- Oh!

You know what? Whatever. For now let's test him out.

Pushing aside my doubts, I focused on the task at hand. The assailant closed in on me in an instant, aiming a punch at my abdomen. Though their fighting stance was unfamiliar, their movements were precise and fatal.

Seizing the moment, I launched a counterattack, my fists striking with relentless power. However, the assailant effortlessly evaded each blow, gracefully maneuvering around me like a phantom.

"Hey! Answer me!" I shouted, frustrated not only by his evasions, but also his silence. This ass really had to ruin the day for me didn't he?

Finally, during a brief pause in our exchange, the assailant spoke, their voice low and enigmatic. "I am from the Fire Worm tribe. You will be my offering to the great general for his feast. You will do nicely as your father killed one of his younger brothers in battle."

Confused and angry, I asked, "His brother? I'm pretty sure he was always a single child?"

His body flinched at that... Yup, he was definitely lying.

Without offering further explanation, they renewed their attack with increased vigor. Despite their embarrassment at being caught in a lie, their strikes remained relentless and calculated, designed to exploit any weakness. Aware that matching their strength head-on was futile, I relied on my agility and speed, searching for an opening.

As the battle raged on, my heart pounded, and sweat poured down my brow. The assailant showed no signs of fatigue, while I was already feeling the strain. But amidst the chaos, I realized one particular point. Where in the name of hell is my father? I'm pretty sure he would have realized there was a problem when no sound was leaving my room for 20 minutes straight when I should be training?

"Can you speak now? Who are you and why ware you attacking me?" I managed to ask between breaths, hoping to make him speak. I already could fathom a guess but I needed to be sure.

The assailant's eyes glimmered with a mix of admiration and challenge. "You have talent. But a talent who have lived without any true battle can't beat me!"

I was pretty sure by now. But let's fight some more shall we? It's fun to fight without holding back once in a while!

The battle continued, blows after blows being exchanged. With each punch and kick, I honed my skills and learned from the assailant's own techniques. I was trained a lot in my previous life, but never before did I have near superhuman strength. In terms of power, I was as around as strong as Captain America!

The habit from my former life had prevented me from utilizing my spiritual energy properly. I focused the energy inside me as I grew stronger and stronger every minute. I knew how to use my fists, but now I know how to handle it at far greater power. Rather then a pure growth in skill though, it seems something greater was brewing. But I didn't want to think. I only felt like enjoying the battle. A fierce grin adorned my face. Since he's fine with it, let's fight to the end!

As they say, let the best man- or woman prevail!

I fought the dude for a whole hour. My energy was running out but I held on via pure will. A grin adorned my face as I was made certain of my guess. I wanted to say something, but before I said a word something started out of nowhere. Despite my exhaustion, I could feel a newfound strength coursing through my veins.

It was suddenly easier to circulate the soul force in my body! I also found something else; it seemed the soul force had spread throughout my entire body. This was the starting stage of the Second Stage of Body Transformation!

I have finally reached the Second Stage of Body Transformation! Feeling my newfound strength, I really wanted to give it another go against the so called assailant. But it was nearing midnight so I needed to hurry.

I looked at my "assailant" who was nicely waiting for me to power up and laughed. Which real enemy does that, he really needs more practice. At least make up a good reason for doing that eh?

"Thanks for the fight dad but you really should just let me know next time!"

Embarrassed at being found out, the assailant took of his hood, revealing the face of my father.

"..Ahahaha~ I wanted to see if you kept your guard up properly!"

"Bullshit! At least be more professional in your excuse? Plus trying to lower your skills at the start was way too obvious. I guess you underestimated me but I do spar with other warriors in the tribe ya know? Even if they hold back against me, I'm not completely a noob~"

My father nodded in understanding, "I see! I'll do better next time."

As soon as he said that, a karate chop fell on his head,

"No more next time! Once was enough. Be more normal please! And Song'er, you reached Flesh Training Stage at eleven! That's way faster then the famed chosen's on Sky Fortune Kingdom!"

And there stood mom, the actual head of this house in position looking at me with a wide smile. Her smile was infectious as I felt warmth in my heart. Yup, this IS a family I could love!

"Thanks~ Let's go training my witchcraft now, I'm full of energy due to my breakthrough."

"Yes yes, let's go!"

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


