Helel painfully watched as the girl he cared for got hanged in front of the whole town.
After he returned back to the palace, he made up his mind to deal with queen Helena and her minions. he had found love in the brown haired girl who had come along with the royal tailor, the king wanted to host a great ball for all creatures and all the royals needed new outfits for the ceremony. Helel was not interested in any of these but had to do what his father wanted, he only came back to make the lives of some people a living hell before sending them to hell one after the other. he came out of the bathroom and found a brownie not too curvey lady staring at carvings on his walls, he stood there admiring her features and hiding his highly intimidating presence and she still looked in owe, her jaws dropped when her eyes landed on a half naked prince.
He had a white towel around his waist and his hair dripping wet on his shoulder driving down his chiseled chest and her eyes wondered even more, his well packaged body was undeniably lovely, his fine pacs and the v shape it gave from his sides that hid inside the towel. he cleared his throat before her brown eyes landed on his beautiful face, her lips parted again as if she was trying to make a drawing of this beautiful scene in her head, the smile on his face turned into a frown and he cleared his throat again, staring at her hard. she bowed her head and took few steps backwards with her face turning pink out of embarrassment, she sucked in her lower lip trying her best to not make it shiver. " what do you want?" his deep voice broke the silence and her eyes shakily moved to meet his dark red orbs that flickered with something she couldn't pinpoint. she froze when he started moving, he was so close that their bodies met, his face coming into view and she held her breath. his cold gaze landed on her and he could see right through her, he stretched his hand and for a moment she thought the vampire prince was going to kill her. he opened the wardrobe behind to pull out white shirt and black pants before pulling away from her to wear the shirt, "did your tongue get pulled out of your mouth, speak! I don't have all day" he said in an irritated tone and Constance swallowed, taking in a deep breath she mastered to talk still with her head down not meeting that strange beauty of a man. "my prince, the king sent me to get your measurements...... am sorry for my imprudence, I didn't know-" her words cut short because Helel was done with it, " do what you are here to do and leave!" he said so cold that Constance shivered, she was no human so why was she so weak in front of the prince?