33.33% Mama's Child Vol 1 (One Piece SI) - Completed! / Chapter 11: Chapter 17 & 18. Kaidou's Execution Part 2 (Final)

章 11: Chapter 17 & 18. Kaidou's Execution Part 2 (Final)

Chapter 17 & 18: Kaidou's Execution Part 2 (Final)

Tension, impatience, and a fierce desire to unleash disaster simmered just about the surface of the waters surrounding Totto Land. One directive, one all-clear, and all hell would break loose upon the prestigious nation of Big Mom.

Jack, an All-Star of the Beast Pirates, couldn't fathom the need for restraint. This wasn't their way. The Beast Pirates thrived on brute strength, achieving their goals with sheer force. Yet, Kaidou's second-in-command had opted for a more strategic approach this time. While this wasn't entirely new, Kaidou himself often displayed a knack for strategy - except for that one impulsive attack on Big Mom.

Jack recalled Kaidou's reaction when he heard that Big Mom had chosen an heir. The look of unimpressed betrayal on Kaidou's face was unforgettable. Jack understood why Kaidou had taken it personally. Their history was long and intertwined, and Kaidou's grand dream heavily relied on Big Mom's participation. He envisioned a war, a battle so great it could lead to their deaths.

There was another layer to Kaidou's attack, a repayment of an old favor Big Mom had granted him when he was younger and less of a drunkard. Jack smirked at the thought of Kaidou's twisted sense of gratitude - offering Big Mom a glorious death as a retirement gift from the world of piracy.

Kaidou's way of thinking, his blend of brute strength and strategic dominance, had attracted Jack to his ranks years ago. Jack didn't just admire Kaidou; he worshipped him. He had vowed to lay down his life for Kaidou's vision and ultimate dream.

So, when Kaidou attacked Totto Land on a whim, the Beast Pirates rallied behind him. Their mission was clear: they would return with Big Mom's head and assimilate her strongest crew members into their ranks. If that was Kaidou's decision, they would see it through.

The journey to Totto Land had been long, but their resolve had only hardened. Jack adjusted his large elephant ears and gritted his teeth, staring ahead with bolstered determination. King had decided to locate Kaidou before launching their attack, but what was taking him so long? It must be that Queen, distracting him again, Jack thought with a grunt. From experience, Jack knew that soon, very soon, the signal would pierce the sky, and the Beast Pirates would march into Totto Land, trampling everything in their path as they seized control of the Big Mom Pirates.


Being a prince can be a burden - one that's not the easiest to carry. A prince, before everything else, has to be loyal to their kingdom, or in my case, nation, no matter the case. However, being just a prince is less of a burden compared to being a crown prince. Besides the burden of being loyal no matter the case, now I have to weigh the weight of carrying a crown - making tough decisions and bearing the inheritance the queen gave me.

I had long known that one day, I'd be the leader of Totto Land - something I had come to accept knowing too well the future challenges that would bring. But the inheritance that bothered me the most as I was transported in my carriage was the genetic inheritance I had gotten from Big Mom. Before, I only had speculations that I was prone to hunger pangs.

But now, with my memories back and intact, it was crystal clear that I had the pangs. Worse still was how Big Mom could control them and turn me into what she believed was a god of war. After seeing just how many people I had killed or terrified, I was convinced that breaking down would do little to make me feel better, let alone make them disappear.

Asking Pudding to take my memories away again wouldn't be effective, because it'd be the same in the future, and the burden of guilt would just keep multiplying. All that I could do was suck it up, resolve to gain control, and maintain a prince-like facade before Big Mom could find out that Pudding had betrayed her. For her sake and mine, I had hopped into the carriage Big Mom had sent to pick me up and transport me to Kaidou's execution grounds.

I gotta say, being a prince has its numerous perks, if you overlook its burdens. In all honesty, I was genuinely enjoying the attention and care I was receiving. From Whole Cake, all the way to a corner of Sweet City, the journey was nothing short of prestigious, enough to make me forget every bothersome detail about being Ares.

The people of Totto Land, mostly from Whole Cake with others from various islands, had lined my passage, throwing confetti and shouting my name. It was a grand spectacle, with children waving flags emblazoned with crude but decorated sketches of my face and pink hair, and women calling out praises, their eyes filled with admiration. I waved at them from inside my carriage, smiling and basking in their adoration.

As we moved along, I noticed some girls shivering as I passed by, their excitement invigorating. There were even a few bold, and perhaps slightly mad, cases of women flashing their chests, their voices rising in shrill cries of devotion. Posters of my face and, slightly exaggerated, Greek-god like figure were the highlights of Sweet City, perfectly baked and painted with messages of loyalty and love.

Confectionery of all kinds was tossed toward the carriage, the air flooded with the scrumptious, sweet aroma of candies and pastries. Some people tried to reach out, hoping to touch their prince, but my guards were all around me, a vigilant barrier between me and the enthusiastic crowd. The carriage itself was a homie, animated, its primary duty to protect me and ensure my safety in travel.

Flowers rained down, creating a colorful carpet on the pathway. The cheers were all anyone could hear, a sound I found strangely comforting and devoting. The faces of the people, their genuine smiles, made me feel invincible.

The journey continued, a royal procession filled with adoration and spectacle, and I savored every moment of it until we reached the execution grounds.

On arrival at the site of execution, the atmosphere took on a grimmer note. The environment looked dark, with clouds overshadowing the sun. This was the North side of Sweet City, the furthest point that connected with the ocean. Lightning bolts struck the ocean's surface thunderously, darkening the already ominous atmosphere.

But nothing was more shocking than the sight before me. How was it possible that...

Kaidou was on his knees, held by strong chains, his head locked in a guillotine, with Big Mom looming over him. The general atmosphere shifted the merry mood of the people behind me as they began shouting accusations at Kaidou, condemning him for more atrocities than he had actually committed. But he deserved it, anyway.

Yet, Kaidou only laughed, his mind seemingly distant as if wondering when this little play would end so he could return to his cave and drink all the booze he could get his hands on.

Kaidou met my gaze, and I met his. My thoughts told me that I should feel afraid of him, knowing that his escape was imminent, but I didn't. I felt no fear as I stared at Kaidou. All I felt was a nagging sense of weakness because Kaidou had chosen to stop fighting me, yet I hadn't managed to make him fall. I took little pleasure in violence, but in that moment, I knew that if Kaidou had been as serious as he could be, transforming into his human-beast form, I - and all of Totto Land - would perish.

I hated to think that Kaidou had spared me just because he thought I was weak. This thought made me shudder with resolve - a resolve I never imagined I would have - the desire to grow stronger. As a prince of Totto Land, it was my duty to be strong enough to protect my people from threats like Kaidou.

Surrounding Mama were her strongest sons and daughters, guarding her like sentinels. Mama's eyes beckoned me to climb to the earth protrusion that now resembled a podium - lifted for Kaidou's execution. She looked at the impatient crowd gathered behind me sternly, the crowd wondering when Napoleon, held in her right hand, would rise and fall on Kaidou's neck and end him once and for all.

Truth is, I wondered too if this was it for Kaidou. He had survived execution 40 times, but this was Napoleon, about to be infused with Prometheus to form Cognac. Not to mention, Zeus was on standby in the clouds, probably causing the grim atmosphere, ready to unleash Indra or a similar strike should Kaidou survive.

Once again, I found myself rooting for Big Mom more than Kaidou, but with only crossed fingers, as Kaidou had proven me wrong before. If this were to be the end of Kaidou, it would save the world, especially Wano, a great deal of suffering.

I pushed my thoughts aside as I found myself standing next to Mama, towering slightly above the mid-section of her hips, nearly close to her pelvic region. It almost felt like I had grown a little taller since my birthday.

Big Mom stared down at me and gave me that queen-like look she had given me back at the Queen's Chamber. I could feel the eyes of all my other siblings staring at me with a mix of respect, envy, and genuine anticipation.

"Napoleon," Big Mom ordered sharply, and mysteriously, the hat-sword homie manifested in my hands. The length of the sword adjusted to match my proportion. I didn't have time to be awed, as Prometheus followed suit, embedding Napoleon with its flame that surrounded the entire sword, connecting to my hand like it was burning, but I felt no heat.

The dead and buried fanboy in me thought it was cool - really cool - to hold a flaming sword. A part of me wished that, with all I had inherited so far, it'd be awesome to own Napoleon, Prometheus, and Zeus as my personal homies.

The flaming sword in my hand surprisingly didn't feel heavy at all, especially since Prometheus had fused with it. I was still silently admiring the sword when the reality of why I was holding it sank in. I looked at Big Mom, and her face had an expression that indicated I understood her intentions without being told directly.

I turned to see the expressions of my siblings surrounding her. Some looked at me keenly, others proudly, others stoically, while some seemed to be admiring Cognac (Emperor's Blade) the most. I understood their impression since I felt the energy of pride and strength that came with holding the blade. It felt like I could wield it all my life and never tire of holding it and using it.

With a serious expression, I turned to Kaidou, and the lack of fear I had against him began to dissolve as I saw how he looked at me. There was a look of disdain in his expression that was germinating into a sneer that implied questions like, "how much lower can you get?"

Everything in this world has its limits. That included me.

Without a doubt, I was strong - stronger than most. But I had come to understand and realize that I wasn't the strongest. Kaidou was claimed to be the strongest, but after what I had seen, I would tie the argument between Big Mom and Kaidou - seeing how much damage they created without even having a real fight. Big Mom's ultimate self is using her lifespan to make herself stronger, and Kaidou's ultimate is turning into a Human-Beast (and that's after he's been a dragon!). When they fought, neither of them used anything more than Haki, really.

That is to say, wielding Cognac to kill Kaidou would be nothing short of blasphemous. I wasn't as strong as he was - not even close. Moreover, a hundred percent of statistics suggested that Kaidou would make it out of this alive somehow. I hated that he already thought me a weakling, by deciding not to fight me. While it's a relief he withheld, I wished he wouldn't rank me in Momo league - I was times better than Momo (the rightful heir of Wano).

However, in respect to the current situation, what would it mean if, as unworthy as I was, I tried to take his head? There was no pride in it, and as someone meant to be a great pirate, it would only tarnish any respect I hoped to accrue in the future.

I stared hard at Kaidou, raised Cognac, and slumped it into the earth, nearly cutting it in half and causing some earth movement. Quickly, I took a knee and formed a salute while looking at Big Mom, hoping she wouldn't take my decline as a sign of weakness or betrayal.

With a calm, decided voice, I made my claim, "I take full responsibility for my failure to defeat Kaidou and protect Totto Land. Though young, as your heir, I must always be prepared to defend and expand our kingdom. I will train tirelessly to become the strongest, to live up to your expectations and conquer the world for you, Mama. Killing Kaidou without having defeated him holds no honor for me."

After listening keenly, Big Mom's nose wheezed as she moved.

"You will get stronger," Big Mom said while unsheathing Cognac from the earth. "I will ensure that."

With Cognac in hand, she headed for Kaidou.

Big Mom gripped Cognac tightly, the sword's flames dancing readily in the stormy atmosphere. She walked toward Kaidou, her steps heavy with anger, each one matching with the thunder strikes Zeus intensified overhead. The waves crashed violently against the shore, reaching the very spot where Kaidou was restrained, washing him with the cold water.

Kaidou, on his knees and bound by strong chains, looked up at Big Mom his expression unreadable. He was no stranger to executions. The sky darkened further, and lightning illuminated the scene intermittently.

"You still have a flair for the dramatic," Kaidou rumbled, his voice deep and mocking.

Big Mom's eyes flashed with fury. "Are those your final words, Kaidou?"

"If I'm to meet my end by your hand, it won't be today, Linlin," Kaidou asserted with as victorious as his sneer.

Big Mom's anger intensified, her grip on Cognac tightening as Prometheus's flames flared brighter. Without further ado, she raised Cognac, the flames merging with the lightning in a spectacular display of power. The crowd held their breath, the tension reaching its peak. Even the most sceptical observers must have believed this was the end for Kaidou.

At the sight of Big Mom's resolve, Kaidou smirked and defied death in its face, "I am the strongest."

The statement spread across the execution grounds like a fiery flame, igniting an undeniable sense of awe and fact amongst the crowd.

With a fierce cry, Big Mom brought Cognac down with all her might. The sword's fiery blade penetrated Kaidou's neck deeply with a whoosh-fit-crash sound, the impact shaking the very ground. The spectators gasped, the sheer force of the blow leaving no doubt in their minds. This was it. This had to be it.


A chilling wind swept through the execution ground. The crowd tingled with anticipation as they watched, their breath held in collective suspense. Among them, a man stood out, his expression morphed to a face fault from disbelief. His eyes bulged from their sockets, his mouth wide agape, and his spectacles perched precariously on the bridge of his nose. He was a mad scientist, and what he witnessed now was the maddest thing he had ever seen. But then again, Kaidou's supremacy was why he had decided to ally with him and become one of his All-Stars.

As Cognac struggled against Kaidou's undeniably strong neck - reinforced with dragon scales, haki, and pure Kaidou strength - the blade meeting resistance from the sheer force of Kaidou's will, the scientist's awe grew. The sword, imbued with Prometheus's flames, trembled under the strain, sparking fiercely but unable to cut through completely. Kaidou's laughter rumbled like distant thunder, echoing through the tense atmosphere.

In the midst of this, the crowd's reactions varied from horror to fascination. Murmurs spread like wildfire, a mixture of fear and amazement. Could even Big Mom's might fail against Kaidou?

King and Queen had penetrated the crowds of Whole Cake Island. Their presence caused an immediate stir, as King, with his fierce black wings, took to the air. His wings transformed into a fiery furnace, shooting flames in rapid, controlled circles. The flames spread out with the power of a strong centrifugal force derailed, flying fast and illuminating every corner of Totto Land. The sky was set ablaze, acting as a beacon and a signal to the impatient insurgents waiting just beyond the borders.

The fiery signal was unmistakable. It was time for the invasion to begin. The Beast Pirates surged forward, the explosive sounds of cannonballs roaring from the outskirts of Totto Land.

Big Mom barely took note of King and his flare as she struggled with Cognac against Kaidou's neck. Even as some blood started dripping from his neck, Kaidou's laugh roared as he reiterated to death that he was the strongest, his ego boosting up as the fact etched in everyone's minds.


I watched in awe and disbelief as Kaidou defied death. Even knowing what awaited in the future, some thirteen years from now, I couldn't believe that Kaidou was this strong - to resist the Emperor's Blade and frustrate Big Mom this much. The stories, the narrations, the legends that Kaidou had survived forty executions now began to make otherworldly sense in my mind.

Kaidou being the strongest was not just a statement but a fact. Only a few could ever hope to match his strength, and that's the kind of strong I vowed I'd become.

However, my attention, like everyone else's, shifted from Kaidou to the figure that had taken to the skies, spreading fire outwards. Everyone had been so intrigued by Kaidou's defiance that it took time to realize the guy in the sky could be an ally to Kaidou and an enemy of Totto Land.

Immediately that realization dawned, Big Mom's children and strong pirates sprang into action. Transponder snails from Tartes started ringing to the emergency services of Whole Cake Island, declaring that the Beast Pirates had invaded Totto Land and that Tartes were taking heavy fire and needed reinforcement.

The picture of men being slaughtered started building in my mind as people began running for their lives, only to notice that some were turning pale and bleeding helplessly. The more I noticed my beloved citizens turning helpless, the more it clicked that they were suffering from plague rounds. The possibility of all the All-Stars having infiltrated Whole Cake didn't seem far-fetched.

Moreover, I didn't need to look far to sight a fascinated Queen among the group, with his round body draped in high-waisted overalls. He was at a safe distance, watching his virus spread as people touched each other, begging for help.

The plague caused the people to emit smoke like they were experiencing a high fever, despite their nonstop bleeding. The victims became shrivelled, looked dehydrated almost instantly, and cried like they were subjected to everlasting pain.

With the features of the guy in the sky obscured by the ominous environment, it had been difficult to establish him as King, another All-Star of the Beast Pirates. But seeing Queen and his plagues, it was crystal clear that the All-Stars were present. Sooner or later, Jack the Drought would make his devastating appearance.

Despite my exhaustion and grogginess, I wanted to help fight for Totto Land. But just as I moved for Queen, someone held me from behind.

"Take it easy," a familiar voice said. "You've already done much for Totto Land. It's mandatory for Mama's heir to be taken care of and protected from further danger."

The man who said these things was Perospero, guiding me to a different carriage and ordering it to take me to the castle after providing a guard detail of his choosing.

As the carriage took off, I was conflicted. I wanted to hop out and join the battle, to fight like a true warrior of Totto Land. But I had just been discharged from the hospital. My body felt weak and drained. In this vulnerable state of recovery, I might cause myself more harm than good. I sat silently in the carriage, trying to ignore the screams outside, the part of me cultivated to be loyal suffering as I felt at a loss. But there was little I could achieve in my current state - not even with Ares. If that came out, there would be no guarantee of my survival.

The thought that the Beast Pirates could win weighed heavily on my mind. How would I end up? A slave to them, seeing that I'm one of Big Mom's strong child? The whole world would never see me as anything more than that.

As I listened to Kaidou's booming voice, roaring against death, the carriage came to a sudden, abrupt stop.

Peering out, I saw the reason for the abrupt halt - a very large katana, its blade aimed at the carriage, blocking the path and instilling fear in the homie. The guards tensed, their hands hovering over their weapons, ready to defend. I watched keenly as a shadowed figure holding the katana came into view. Slowly, the details of his wide body emerged, noting especially the print on the stomach area.

The figure spoke with a strong, ominous tone, "Leave the carriage and face me."

The guards drew their weapons, and just when I thought they were preparing to fight, they caught me by surprise. They seized me like a hostage, pressing their weapons against my body.

"What the...?" I was more shocked than afraid. Why would the royal guards want to kill me? It made no sense until the figure stepped fully into the light, confirming my suspicions - it was Charlotte Snack, another of Big Mom's strongest children, and a future Sweet Commander.

"Let go of the prince if you value your lives," Snack commanded, his large katana slicing the air in front of him. He had a scarf and was an imposing figure: a very wide man with a long nose, dark black hair tied in a bun dyed red with a hairpin adorned with three jewels, and a dark blue tattoo above his right eye. He wore a yellow woollen jacket resembling sheep's wool with bright orange sleeves, his name "SNACK" printed on it, a dark black scarf with thin orange stripes, armor plates with two belts on each side of his arms, dark black pants with thin orange stripes, suspenders hanging on each side of his waist, and dark brown shoes with red socks. His head was rather small in comparison to his body.

The guards, clearly intimidated, attempted to kill me, their greatly sharpened blades aimed at my flesh. But to their shock, the blades didn't penetrate my skin. They muttered in disbelief, "They said he bleeds! They said Keki is not like Big Mom!"

I prepared to defend myself when Snack intervened, cutting the carriage in half with a swift strike of his katana and killing all the royal guards, even those who tried to flee. He saved me the trouble of having to fight in my exhausted state.

"Are you a friend or foe?" I asked Snack regally, needing to confirm his allegiance.

"Friend," he replied firmly.

"Why would the royal guards attack me?" I questioned royally.

"You might be Mama's favorite, but not every Charlotte wishes you well," Snack explained. "The people who set this up obviously wanted to frame this execution as a battle casualty. But we'll discuss more about who's who once you're safe in the Chateau. There, even if they wanted to, no one would dare try something like this."

I had always expected something like this would happen. I could tell from the looks that I wasn't everyone's favorite, but the timing was just terrible - or good, considering the Beast Pirates were butchering our own.

With Snack's help, we headed for the Chateau as intruder alerts blared everywhere, and the commotion rose to new levels. The struggle between Kaidou and Big Mom continued, the tension more intense than the ongoing pirate battles that had erupted everywhere.

Finally reaching the highest point in the Chateau, I had a clear view of most of the battlefield. Pirates clashed violently, and the sight of our forces being butchered by Beast Pirates, many of whom had clearly consumed Smile Devil Fruits, filled me with rising dread. I wished I could be strong enough to bring an end to this carnage - to bring an end to the Beast Pirates.

Through an animated telescope, I watched Cognac struggling, even sweating, as Kaidou's neck resisted. The blood that had dripped earlier from his neck had dried up, proving the point that was now crystal clear in my mind. To beat Kaidou, one needed to be more than just a monster.

Kaidou seemed to have had enough of the show. The struggle between Big Mom and him was nearing its climax. With an outburst of Haki - no, the energy that erupted from Kaidou was more demonic than Haki, or maybe it was Haki demonized. Whatever it was, it gave Kaidou the strength to break and shatter his chains and the ground beneath him, causing even Big Mom to stagger back.

In a defiant roar, he transformed into a dragon once the chains were shattered, pushing Big Mom further back as he soared through the air majestically, mocking everyone who thought he could die.

Without hesitation, he unleashed a fiery furnace on the grounds below, the fire erupting from his dragon mouth and hitting most places, randomly, except for Big Mom's and Queen's location.

King hovered over Kaidou for a moment, but Kaidou seemed focused on something else as he moved away from the air above his execution grounds. He soared toward the Chateau, right above me, causing me to disorient from the abruptness and strong wind, staggering on the floor of the banquet hall as the Dragon King gave me an "I will kill you one day" look while passing over. The scar at the back of his neck was a deep, sharp red, but no blood seemed to drip from it. He flew high in the sky, purposefully, even causing the battles beneath to halt for a moment as everyone observed, wondering what havoc he'd wreak next.

Once Kaidou disappeared into the clouds, he reemerged further away, surrounded by what seemed to be clouds enveloping a mass of white. Observing closely, I realized it was a sky island, and Kaidou was carrying it with his clouds, heading away from Totto Land via the eastern side. The speed at which the sky island moved was astonishing, but inline with it's weight, since it was an island designed to exist in the sky.

From the vantage points below, the sight above was that of a dragon stealing a sky island from Big Mom's territory.

Big Mom stood firmly on the ground, her eyes locked on Kaidou's magnificent dragon form. She watched with a mix of horror and rage, realizing the extent of the monster she had helped create, infuriated by Kaidou's audacity to escape her Cognac and leave Napoleon split into two.

But Big Mom wasn't about to let him steal from her so easily, even if it was an island she hadn't known existed above her lands.

Summoning Zeus, Big Mom unleashed Indra before Kaidou could get away, striking him accurately and causing evident pain. Kaidou's flight faltered, nearly making him lose control of the sky island. Understanding that Big Mom would be relentless, Kaidou spun the island with his lower body and tail, hurling it like a dragon throwing a ball. The sky island, composed of clouds, wasn't as heavy as a Vearth Island.

Kaidou then chased after the island, while Big Mom leaped onto Prometheus, the scene turning into a dramatic chase. The pirates below were momentarily confused, some taking the opportunity to strike down their distracted enemies.

Even with the drama between Kaidou and Big Mom, the fight among the Beast Pirates and Big Mom Pirates showed no signs of abating, especially as Katakuri reignited his fight with King. It went down as a great, endless war, recorded as the War of the Beasts and Monsters, that spun for weeks with no real winner on the battlefield.

But elsewhere...


"That was a grave mistake, Kaidou," Big Mom spoke, her voice serene in the peaceful atmosphere of the sky island Kaidou had stolen. The island floated gently, suspended in the sky, with clouds drifting lazily around them. Kaidou lounged on a massive cloud, guzzling down his booze, while Big Mom savored her candy, the origin of which was somewhere between the day of Kaidou's forty-first execution and the weeks following their relentless clashes as their pirates trampled over Totto Land.

Kaidou grunted with boredom, casting his gaze towards the setting sun. Their fight, his and Big Mom's, had ended in a stalemate. Neither had seemed capable of truly triumphing over the other, and they had called it quits, promising that their next battle would be their final one, and it would only end if one of them managed to kill the other.

"Wororororo..." Kaidou's laugh rumbled through the air. "It's annoying to know this was not the end of the Big Mom Pirates. Our final war will be the greatest."

"I will kill you," Big Mom declared, her voice as tough as her clenched knuckles. "With my bare fists."


Thanks for your patience, and for reading.

Early Access in



Next post -> Monday.

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C11
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


