8.88% Majesty's Journey 5: The Majestic Calamity Of Douluo Dalu 2 / Chapter 3: CH 3: Too many surprises

章 3: CH 3: Too many surprises

(third person POV)

"Uncle Shaozhe! Help me!" Ali screamed out with a smile as he got behind Yan Shaozhe's leg, preventing Ma Xiaotao from reaching him.

The scene of Ali being chased by Ma Xiaotao wasn't anything abnormal, it would happen at least once a week.

So the people in the building weren't worried, they even chuckled at the childish interaction between the two.

The same was for Yan Shaozhe as he shielded Ali and asked with a smile :"what happened this time, Ali, Xiaotao?"

Ma Xiaotao pouted while glaring at Ali :"he called me fat! And he said that I shouldn't eat like a pig if I don't want to be fat!"

Yan Shaozhe's face twitched, but before he could say anything, a laughter was heard :"hahahaha! Ali brat, you're as straight forward and fearless as always!"

When they all looked, they saw an old man happily drinking wine or something. Ali gave a toothy grin at the old man as he shrugged :"how could I, Ali, be afraid, gramps?"

Don't misunderstand, this old man wasn't Mu En. Mu En was called grandpa by Ali, this old guy who is called gramps by Ali, is the level 98 Xuan Zi!

Xuan Zi chuckled before he shook his head in amusement and then drank from his bottle. But just as Ali was smirking tauntingly at Ma Xiaotao, another person came to his side and pinched his cheek :"geez, Ali, you shouldn't call a girl like that.

Girls are really sensitive to their weight and figure, you know? If you call girls like this, then you won't be able to get a girlfriend in the future."

The person who scolded Ali while pinching his cheek, was an adult woman. She was about 1.7m tall, with green hair and wearing clothes that seemed to be a military uniform.

This lady, was Sin Lin Er, the headmaster of Soul Tool Department. She was also someone who took great care of Ali, like a mother figure for him.

Ali frowned at the slight sting of getting pinched before whipped his head away and got out of her hold :"heh, do I look like I care? And besides, it's too early for me to think about getting a girlfriend, no?

Even when it's time for me to have one, I will still not keep my mouth shut. I will always be the straight forward person that I am now!"

Yeah, he ain't no simp. Happy to know that. Sin Lin Er sighed, knowing just how stubborn Ali is and that he won't back down in an argument :"fine, we will see in the future. But enough about that, that is for the future. Are you ready?"

Ali chuckled before smirking and folding his young arms in front of his chest :"hell to the yeah! Let's start already!"

"Haha, you are really excited, huh, Ali?" Suddenly, another old voice came, silencing everybody else.

But Ali's smile became even bigger as he nodded :"yup, grandpa! After all, I will finally be able to become a soul master!"

Mu En, with a fond smile on his face, slowly got up from his seat and walked to him before pointing at somewhere :"okay, then go and stand there. I will awaken your martial soul then."

Ali nodded excitedly before he hurriedly walked to where Mu En pointed at. Ma Xiaotao, with a small pout on her cute face, looked at her teacher after pinching her small waist :"teacher, have I really gotten fat? Because of Ali saying that, I didn't even eat anything..."

Hearing her, Yan Shaozhe immediately got what Ali had done as he laughed :"Xiaotao, you have been fooled by Ali."

Ma Xiaotao looked confused as she tilted her head with a raised eyebrow :"what? Why? How come calling me fat is fooling me?"

With a smile and a shake of his head, Yan Shaozhe gave a gentle knock on Ma Xiaotao's head :"silly girl, the reason for why Ali called you fat isn't because you have actually gotten fat.

Believe me, you are the same as ever. It's just that Ali was too excited for today, and seeing that you were going to take a little while to finish, he decided to fool you to skipping your meal."

Ma Xiaotao finally realized Ali's intentions, so after a look of shock, a look of anger appeared on her face as she raised her fist and clenched :"Ali, that little bastard... Just you finish with this, I will teach you a lesson."

A shiver ran down Ali's spine as a cold sweat appeared on him. Knowing that Ma Xiaotao had probably figured out his plan, he wasn't afraid as he just shrugged with a smirk.

After all, he had something far more important going on at the moment. Mu En smiled at him as so did everybody else in the room :"are you ready, Ali?"

And Ali smirked as he gave a firm nod :"yes, grandpa. Please start, because I'm dying of impatience here."

Mu En chuckled before a few special stones were raised using his soul power before he moved them towards Ali.

The stones began to float and circle around Ali. Me En put just a bit of his soul power into the stones, causing them to glow.

"Don't be afraid, close your eyes and feel it." Mu En said gently, and Ali followed his words. After he closed his eyes, he felt a warm energy entering his body.

As the warm energy entered his body and flowed around it, Ali clearly felt as if something inside his body was unlocked.

But strangely, it wasn't a tool martial that would appear in his hand, nor was it a beast martial soul which would appear on his body.

The energy which was flowing around his body moved from all around the body towards one direction, to his heart!

The knowledgeable people of Shrek, immediately knew what it meant when this happened :"Body martial soul! He actually has a body martial sou-!"

But the next second, something extremely weird, but strangely familiar happened. Just like 6 years ago, the entire room seemed to have turned to an active volcano.

Feeling the changes, Xuan Zi immediately protected Ma Xiaotao with his soul power before she could get harmed.

The temperature of the entire room had skyrocketed, with the heat coming from Ali, from his heart, to be exact.

The temperature had risen so high that the chairs and tables in the enormous room had actually begun to melt.

"This is...!" Mu En said with shock visible on his face, causing Qian Dou Dou, vice headmaster of Soul Tool Department and Sin Lin Er's husband to look at him with a nervous look :"what is it, Elder Mu?! What is going on?!"

A small smile formed on Mu En's face, even though the shock was still there :"ultimate fire... Ali's martial soul actually has ultimate fire! Not only is it a body martial soul, but it also has ultimate fire!"

Shock and amazement appeared on every single person's face as they looked at Ali with awe.

The burning temperature that would have probably burnt down a person came lower and lower until it wasn't there anymore.

However, Ali still hadn't opened his eyes yet. Nervousness had begun to boil inside of the heart of the people who were basically his family, but they still stood back.

After all, if something was wrong, Mu En or Xuan Zi would definitely take action. After a few seconds of waiting and the temperature returning to normal, something happened.

The soul power that had focused on his chest, over his heart, began to move! And the shock of the people in the room could not be explained.

You have to know, his martial soul has already been awakened. The soul power moving, only means that there is another one to be awakened!

The soul power moved and moved, until it reached his back. And the moment it reached its destination, his back glowed a bight color of blue before 4 giant wings <2 pairs> and 2 antenna like things came out of his back.

To the people of this world, they seemed extremely unfamiliar but beautiful. However, if a fan of Ben 10 saw it, they would immediately recognize the wings as a Necrofriggian's <Big Chill's> wings!

But unfortunately, they couldn't enjoy the beauty of these wings. Because a few seconds after they appeared, the cold of all those years ago also was felt!

However, it seems that it was just in this room, so the big shots of Shrek who were all over level 90 just stood there.

Waiting, just like before. But this time, there was worry on their faces. Sin Lin Er turned to Mu En with a worried face :"Elder Mu, isn't this bad?

This martial soul should also possess the ultimate attribute, correct? But if that is true, the ultimate attributes will oppose each other!"

However, Mu En shook his head in denial after a moment :"no, it doesn't seem like it. I checked Ali's body, and there is no harm or any opposing elements.

Both the ultimate fire and ice are actually... Coexisting in Ali's body, without harming him. It's probably because of his martial souls.

I have never seen or heard of Ali's second martial soul, maybe it is its unique ability or such. Sigh, let's just hope it will be alright."

And just like before, after a few moments of waiting, the temperature started to turn back to normal before just a little chill was left.

Sigh, but, Ali's eyes were still closed... Did you go into a coma or something, bud? And then, the soul power started to move again.

This time, there wasn't any shock. They were all just looking at him with black expressions and deadpanning him.

Ali raised his right hand as the soul power traveled to his arm. Once he opened his hand, a small, black and purple snake appeared.

Other than its slightly unique color, it was completely normal. Just a small snake, just the size of Ali's palm.

And thankfully, there wasn't any big ass changes. Yup, it seemed to be just a normal snake, nothing extraordinary.

But still, even though it was just a small and ordinary snake, it couldn't stop the people in the room from getting a headache.

"Three. Three martial souls." Sin Lin Er sighed while rubbing her temples :"just what kind of freak is our Ali?"

Xuan Zi frowned with a serious face, he didn't know when, but he had put aside the wine aside :"and not just any ordinary martial souls.

Other than this little snake martial soul, the other two are both top class martial souls with ultimate attributes.

The first martial soul is his heart. Ali is extremely lucky with just that. After all, body martial souls are extremely rare.

Their strength depends on which part of the body it is. And Ali's, is actually his heart! This martial soul is extremely strong.

After all, through the blood and veins, the heart has access to the entire body. This means that, in the future, with every little improvement, Ali's entire body will be strengthened!

This martial soul is extremely strong, Ali is very lucky to have awakened his heart. His future is bright just with this martial soul alone.

But that second martial soul is not something to scoff at either. I'm sure that you all sensed it, that martial soul, could easily match the aura of dragon martial souls.

Heck, I'm pretty sure that it's even stronger that a lot of them. If I'm right, that martial soul, is even stronger than the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon."

Mu En also nodded at his words :"that's correct. The second martial soul of Ali, is as strong as my Light Holy Dragon, and maybe even stronger.

With these two extremely strong martial souls, Ali is extremely lucky. He is guaranteed to become a very strong person with these two martial souls.

But, his third martial soul is just an ordinary snake... That doesn't make any sense. How can such an ordinary and weak martial soul appear beside these two super martial souls..."

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


