Magdalene Walked around the castle as she observed the busy place. Tonight was the soiree and her welcoming party. She wasn't allowed to participate in any work with the servants even when she wanted to do something.
The last two days have been extremely busy for her as she had spent her whole time learning dance and etiquettes. The servants scrubbed every hook and cranny of the castle not missing any spot and the butler Clarke supervised them.
Lady Morgan and Katherine had gone out to get dresses for the event. Magdalene was so nervous and lost in her thoughts that she didn't even know she had bumped into someone, until she felt the hard chest on her head.
"I'm so sorry" She apologized to Roderick.
"It's no problem, just watch where you are going next time" He replied.
"Have you by any chance seen the Lord" She asked when she noticed that Lord Lucas wasn't around.