Magdalene was petrified to see the web like thing spread all around her arm.
"W-w-what's this. Lord Lucas this things around my arm what are they?" Her voice was extremely scared and worried.
White witch Sheila was shocked to the core and didn't Know what to say. Her face wore a strong frown , she wouldn't have noticed it at all if Lord Lucas didn't point at it.
"The poison" She exclaimed and Magdalene became more terrified.
"A p-p-oison ?" Magdalene asked.
"Yes. I think I have a book about it" Said Sheila as she snapped her fingers and a book appeared in her hands immediately.
"What's that?" Magdalene asked.
"The book of mysterious afflictions" Answered Sheila.
"Were you attacked or did you eat from something you shouldn't?" Lord Lucas asked sternly. Magdalene shook her head , all through her stay she knew she never ate anything.
"But I was attacked by a lot of creatures" Magdalene replied.
"Did you ever got scratched or bitten. Did they spat on you?" Lucas asked.