60% Maegor the Indifferent / Chapter 3: King Aenys Targaryen POV

章 3: King Aenys Targaryen POV

41 AC

King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the realm, too great of a title for a weary man such as I. Father left me with great power and with it comes great responsibility. I know that I may have been tiny bit conceited after wearing the crown by thinking that everyone in the realm will follow, revere and love me just like they did when my father ruled over them, and I got my so called 'wake-up call' a term used by my spitfire of a brother when he reprimanded me to prepare of the future uprisings, instead of having parties and being swayed by the words of my vassals. Of course me and my wife neglected his warnings even having my wife insult my brother while sending him away from my solar. As always, I cannot reprimand my wife because I know she is just protecting my own interest. My wife may be bitter towards my brother sometimes due to his accomplishments that left me and her house left out in the dust.

Lo and behold a moon later, four uprisings where reported by my master of whisperers. Thankfully, by the grace of the seven, my brother was still here in the capital city, staying in his manse located in the hill of visenya and the only location where the smell of filth was minimized to a certain extent. I immediately sent for my brother, to hear his 'suggestions' but more like a better council as to compared to the words of my other councilors.

After my brother arrived he simply gave away his plans to end the four uprisings without even asking any details as if he already knew the rebels and where the rebellions will be located or start, oh right…. he must've already knew way before this, that is why he warned me a moon ago about this, I cannot help but wonder why he did not fully told all his findings regarding the matter, else we could have just ended these uprisings right there and then before it had even come to fruition, but I will ask him when all of this is done. Of the many different stratagem he concocted, three were approved and chosen by the council.

My brother together with my other mother will handle the uprisings in the Riverlands and in the Vale with the help of his sell sword company, the might of the Reach, the remaining loyal houses of the Vale, the warring force of Dragonstone and the newly built city of Crackclaw Point while my hand will take care of the one in Dorne together with the marcher lords and some lords of the reach and the rebellion in the Iron Islands will be handled by me bringing the warring force of the faith and of the Westerlands.

But an issue arose when it came to me joining this campaign raised by my wife, for she feared my safety, and most of all she fears the stability of the realm if it comes to worst and looming possibility of me dying in the campaign. Which was then replied with a loud scoff by my brother that had then led to a very heated argument between my wife and brother. I can still remember their words that day and it truly broke my heart upon witnessing the disunity of the members in the house of the dragon.

After further debate, we still have gone through with the plan disregarding the concerns of my wife, with me joining astride my dragon 'Quicksilver' the ensuing battle in the Iron Islands to show the realm that as their lord protector it is my duty to enforce peace strongly suggested by my brother and I can truly see its merit. But I deeply hope that it will only end after a very long negotiations for I do not want to kill my people for the sake of ending their rebellion.

After half a moon's worth of war in the Iron islands we won with little to no casualties on my force for lord Goren Greyjoy along with his fleet quelled the rebellion for the most part. I was exhilarated and thankful to Lord Greyjoy for quelling the rebellion that I am thinking of granting him any boon that he may want after all these insurrections are taken care of. For now, I will go back to my home to personally announce this good news only to be welcomed in my home with a the death of my son Viserys.

Viserys together with my son Aegon, with their mother's permission, had gone to Dragonstone to tame one of the new hatchlings to surprise me upon my arrival. But when they arrived a spark of bravery had ignited in the hearts of my sons that they reached an agreement to try and establish a bond with the dragon 'Balerion'. The first one who tried to establish a bond was my eldest son Aegon who was safely rejected because upon feeling that he was not chosen by Balerion as his next rider he relented quickly. And when it came down to Visery's turn, he relentlessly tried to establish a bond with Balerion which may have agitated the old beast and ate my son in a single bite, it then left a frozen Aegon unharmed and moved further back to it's lair.

Oh my poor baby boy…. Instead of celebrating the victory achieved in the Iron Islands, we are mourning his death. I am furious to my wife, it was the 20th time she deigned to consult me in the decision-making on the matters that affect the future of my children and now look what happened an utter disaster. Oh she thinks that only she knows what is best for my children? It is nigh time for me to remind her of her place. After that incident Aegon blamed himself from what happened and did not ate a proper meal since then. Not just that but we cannot even completely hold a proper valyrian ceremony for my boy fit for the only remaining dragonlord family, for his remains may be mere droppings now of Balerion.

After waiting for 3 moons my brother and my hand were both successful in their endeavors with my hand dying while fulfilling his duty. Another moon later all the forces who quelled the rebellions were housed on the city of Kingslanding for the festivities and rewards I will shower to my vassals.

My brother and my other mother were truly sorry for me and my wife, for I can see it in their eyes when they sincerely offered their condolences to me and my wife which I gratefully accepted. It has come to my mind to gift my brother the sword of our father a long time ago but I deigned it unnecessary to give someone who can literally create new valyrian steel would it? After these rebellions, my brother had proven himself an invaluable asset to the crown, I will be entrusting him the sword blackfyre but not as a sword he can use to fight his enemies but as a symbol of my confidence, and also give him the title of the hand since the position is vacant and I can see no better hand than my brother, together we will forge the seven kingdoms into one.

When I offered him the gifts in front of everybody, in a way to ask for the forgiveness of my brother for all my inadequacies as the elder, he insulted me and my gifts by refusing them and even made some snide remarks about me. I guess that is his true feelings about me huh? After that, he left to Dragonstone and never returned back in Kingslanding. During the rewarding of my other vassals I have committed yet another folly by granting Lord Greyjoy any boon he may ask, for it had permanently corroded my good graces with the faith. The faith can no longer stay and preach their religion in the Iron Islands and the Ironborn can go back practicing their very own religion but still prohibited to practice their Iron price else the castles of the Iron Isles will become the next Harrenhalls.

It was only three years after that incident when I heard that my brother had taken a new wife from the north. I was about to send a letter that states my best wishes and support to this new union when my wife stopped me from doing so, for it will make me seem weak in the eyes of the other nobles and I have seen its merit. But when I heard a year later that the new wife of my brother was blessed with a healthy baby boy, I immediately sent a letter of congratulations to Dragonstone without consulting my wife. I also hosted a party for all the nobles staying on the city in honor of my very first nephew in my manse, since the red keep commissioned by my father was not yet done in its construction.

After my brother's first wife died, it came to my mind to break the secret betrothal between my two eldest children Rhaena and Aegon that was bestowed by my father, and greatly urged by my lady wife. And betroth my dearest eldest to his uncle Maegor to unite our family and further strengthen our bloodline and house, which I conferred upon my other mother, Visenya. But to my dismay was rejected with naught but a scoff.

That was five years ago, I know that she may have been greatly offended when she said the same proposal into me, my father and wife during a luncheon 17 years ago and perceived it as an insult to her honor, but I digress, my daughter was merely a babe at that time not suitable for betrothal against a boy a decade older than her. So with my wife's and mine own recommendations we successfully dissuade my father from even contemplating the notion.

Oh how I truly regret my decision years ago because I think my brother is blaming me for his betrothal to a certain Hightower which is a decade older than him. I may be foolish and weak to judgement at times but I am never a hypocrite nor a petty person to try and sought revenge against a person who is innocent. He may have been cordial to me before but now all I ever got was indifference, and it also passed on to my children. But who am I to blame him, I failed Maegor as an elder brother.

I think it is nigh time for some new celebrations in the family and to further secure my line and the line of my heirs, which is why I'll be announcing the nuptials in this council meeting. My councilors, which are composed of: Septon Murmison as the hand; Lord Aethan Velaryon as the master of ships and lord admiral; lord Daemon Velaryon as the master of trade; Melchor Celtigar as the master of coin; Ser Addison Hill as the lord commander of the King's guard; Addam Massey as the master of laws; and Grand Master Gawen, are currently discussing my brother's ever-growing power base in essos, specifically his sell-sword company or companies whose sole objectives are: the protection of the free cities; the annihilation of the Dothraki horse lords; and the salvation or freedom of their slaves.

Lord Aethan Velaryon (AV): "My lords, my king, it has come to my attention that the sell-sword company that was established by Prince Maegor more than a decade ago has grown further and had just been scattered discreetly under the guise of a different name, I cannot help but grow concerned to this secret agenda. Knowing the prince's indifference to the court and his attitude towards your grace's own person….."

Septon Murmison (SM): " So what are you trying to imply Lord Velaryon? That our prince is planning to use this force to depose our king and his family? May I remind you lord Velaryon that through Prince Maegor we can enjoy the lifestyle that we have through his trade alone, let us not forget that the prince's taxes alone covers a fifth of the whole realm. Am I right lord Celtigar?"

Lord Melchor Celtigar (MC): You are correct in that regard Septon Murmison. Haha I cannot help but notice my lord Velaryon, but why are you trying to pin a very dangerous allegations towards our prince who have done nothing wrong but only for the best of the realm and it's people? Is this because the proposal you have tried to present to the prince was rejected or was it because your failure in trying to blackmail the fourteen ring mercantile- percentage in buying their goods at a….."

Daemon Velaryon (DM): "WATCHYOUR TONGUE NOW LORD MELCHOR!!! Just because your house is favored by the prince doesn't mean you are above to the other lords in this small…."

MC: Oooohhhhhhh!!! How hypocritical of you lord Daemon, when your house members are flaunting to the rest of the realm that the Queen came from your house! And using it to scare other minor houses and gain more trade deals for yourselves?! How ludicrous! You should be ashamed of yourselves!!! You claim yourselves as the old, the true and the brave yet I see nothing of your words in your actions!"

King Aenys: "ENOUGH!!! ALL OF YOU!!!" How many council meetings have we wasted our time in this this treacherous accusations of my brother!!! Lord Velaryon do you have a substantial evidence on the matter?"

DM: "uhhh ahem! as far as we have gathered my king, all companies owned and established by Prince Maegor has the trademark of his very own sigil which is the interlinked fourteen links and by that alone we speculated that all the sell…."

King Aenys: "wait! Wait! Wait! Speculated? Do I hear it correctly lord daemon, lord Aethan? Speculated?

SM:" Your Grace, we are not yet done with our investigations in this matter, if you can give us some more time we can definitely give you a more substantial evidence regarding to Prince Maegor's treacherous actions towards the crown."

King Aenys: "Are you hearing yourself good father? Because all I am hearing right now is not the man who is worthy of the position that was given unto him but a petulant, jealous child who is petty enough to accuse someone innocent of ludicrous crimes. It seemsall of you do not truly know me my lords, I may be weak and slow to judgement but when it comes to my family that's a different matter. Me and Maegor may not be close enough as brothers should be, but he is my flesh and blood, he is a dragon. Lord Aethan, Lord Daemon, you may be both my good family but you must remember the name who you both sought to tarnish is my brother, so I order you both to cease your investigations on this matter, for there is no need of that. Grandmaester?

Grandmaester Gawen (GG): Yes, my liege?

King Aenys: Send a letter to Dragonstone, I want you to call for my brother here, tell him I am inviting him and his family for an announcement worthy of celebrations."

GG: It will be done my liege

MC: Forgive me for asking King Aenys, but may we know what is this announcement that is worth a celebration your Grace?

King Aenys: Of course! (2x) I am announcing to you all the marriage of my two eldest children, the Crown Princess Rhaena and Crown Prince Aegon!

A moment of silence

Lord Velaryons: Aye! An announcement worthy of celebrations your Grace! A wise judgement your Grace!

MC: A splendid match my king, a very wise decision to unite the claims of both the prince and princess, and also to help consolidate the power within the family your Grace.

GG: Right, a splendid idea to consolidate the power of the family my liege, but would it truly be good idea to marry your two children? The faith might not like it and even protest against this marriage your Grace, hells they may not even approve of this marriage.

SM: I agree with the Grandmaester's raised issue your Grace, the faith severely looks down upon the marriage made on incest.

King Aenys: And yet my father had already set a precedent against it am I right Gawen and Murmison? Hells, my father even took not just one but two of his sisters into marriage and besides we are Valyrians it is already a part of our culture to consolidate the power in our bloodline.Even you westerosi nobles marry your own nieces and cousins to consolidate your claims, tell me Gawen, Murmison how is that any different to our Valyrian Customs. I am sure the faith will understand.

SM & GG: (looked at each other before saying ) As you say your Grace

King Aenys: This meeting is adjourned, I bid you all to leave except you both lord Aethan and Daemon.

SM,GG, MC & AM: By your leave my liege, your Grace, my king!

Now it is just me, my lord commander of the King's guard, and my good father and brother remaining in the room.

King Aenys: First of all good father and good brother I apologize for my words earlier, I hope you understand that I need to do it else the other lords might get ideas and pit my brother against me. I need to put up a show with the other lords that house Targaryen is united, for together we are powerful. I hope you both understand.

Aethan: Of course your Grace, think nothing of it.

Daemon: Of course your Grace

King Aenys: Thank you my Lords, you may now go.

Aethan and Daemon: Your Grace (with a slight bow before leaving)

Huuuuu it truly is hard to be a good king loved by all..... What are you doing now brother? I hope the spears and swords you're trying to polish and grow would not be pointed against me or else I would be forced to retaliate against you, but I dearly hope by the grace of the seven that it's not and just baseless humors concocted by my jealous good family.

hukbalahap_2001 hukbalahap_2001

As far as I know the very first known master of whisperers is the wife of Maegor who is Tyanna but the one before that is Queen dowager Visenya for she was the one who collects the notable info's for King Aegon but there was never a named position at that time. So there is no position for master of whisperers because it was not yet established.

next chapter
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