3.84% Luffy is Lost in The MHA world, but he gets taken in by Momo's dad / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Introduction!
Luffy is Lost in The MHA world, but he gets taken in by Momo's dad Luffy is Lost in The MHA world, but he gets taken in by Momo's dad original

Luffy is Lost in The MHA world, but he gets taken in by Momo's dad

作者: Royalmv

© WebNovel

章 1: Chapter 1: Introduction!


Luffy found himself in a new place, right now he was standing atop on a roof of a very recognizable building if u were to ask any hero-aspiring teenager, more specifically he was at the top of the UA building.

"Man... How did I get here?" For Luffy the last thing he remembers is exploring Egghead island with Chopper, Jinbei and Bonney. When all of a sudden his gaze fell on a very unstable portal, with adventure on his mind and his friend behind him, he ran head first in the portal not hearing the shouts of worry from his crew.

Now all he can see are buildings made of glass, blocks of metal (cars) going on streets making lots of noise, and a lot of people hurrying from one place to another.

"Crap, I shouldn't have run head first into that glowy thingie. Oh well nothing can I do about it now" Just as the Pirate Captain was getting ready to jump down, he sees a door opening to his side, and out of it walking two people.

People is a stretch to say, seeing as how one of them was a... mink? He looked like a combination of a polar bear, a mouse and a dog. Luffy wasn't sure what to make of him, besides the fact that he reminded him of chopper.

The other man looked like a business man in his late 40's, early 50's. Luffy didn't find anything too interesting about him as he was rather plain looking.

"And like I was saying Mr. Nezu, I truly believe my daughter can become a top hero, which is why I came here handing in the recommendation lette..." His sentence was cut short due to the sudden appearance of a teenager with a... straw hat?

"Oh my, it seems we have an unexpected guest, may I inquire what your name is?" Said the mink in a tuxedo, whose name is apparently Nezu.

The man in front of him wore a straw hat, a short-sleeved red shirt, a yellow belt, blue shorts, sandals and a big cross-shaped scar on his chest (Post-time skip fit).

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy. The man whose gonna become the King of the Pirates" Ok so, thanks to Nezu's quirk he was able to quickly unravel everything he just said, after all, based on a person's introduction you can find out a whole lot about them.

*Monkey D. Luffy, hmm... That name is probably American, yet he is speaking fluent Japanese. King of the Pirates? I have never heard of a title like that before, and the way he said it, full of confidence, it must be real to him whatever being King of the Pirates means, I don't think he is a villain of some sort, any villain worth his salt would attack at night time, unless he was overconfident or an idiot, that huge scar on his chest is perplexing, you would only see that type of scar on a veteran hero or maybe a burn victim. *

"Well Mr. Monkey..." (that felt weirdly racist) Nezu was stopped short.


"Excuse me?"

"Call me Luffy, the other way is too weird for me" Luffy was never one to be bothered with manners and politeness, that was all Ace's job.

"Sure, so Mr. Luffy, can you please tell me how did u get here?" UA wasn't exactly Fort Knox when it came to security, but it also wasn't your average corner store, plus it being a functioning high school in a short couple of days meant that if he found a way in meant that anybody can find a way in.

"Oh, there was this white round thing, and I thought it looked like fun, and now I am here, also, are you a cousin's of chopper or something cuz you kinda look the same" Luffy asked what was not the most important question right now.

"White round thing? Can't say I have ever heard of that one before. And to answer your question, unless Chopper is an animal, I don't really think so." Said Nezu, *white round thing? Could it be some sort of quirk? * Because the technology needed to make an operating portal is 500ish years in the future (see what I did there)

"he is tho" said Luffy.

"What? an animal?" said Nezu, another experimented on animal?

"I think so, but sometimes he turns big or fat or really big." said Luffy, completely seriously.

"Not to Intrude this conversation, but what are you doing here? This is an elite school, not some playground, where you can come if you're bored." said the man in a suit.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure I'm lost, hey don't you guys know where an island called Eggface is?" said the pirate captain, with a little bit of hope in his voice.


"Or Egghead or Eggsomething, I'm not really sure." said Luffy cursing his past self for not paying more attention when the lore was being dropped.

"Can't say I have ever heard of..." unfortunately he was cut short by a new appearance in the sky.

"Finally Yaoyorozu, I found you! Stopped hiding yourself, eh?" said the villain, while he was soaring through the sky with what can only be called arm-feathers. Being the CEO of one of the top companies in japan and the world is bound to put a huge target on your back.

"What do you want?" said Yaoyorozu sweating a bit. Curse his luck, the one day where any present teacher/hero are gone. Still to attack in the middle of the day, you'd have to be a complete idiot.

"Is that a serious question?" said the villain rhetorically "What else? Besides money, and I'm sure your wife and daughter are gonna pay a pretty penny for you."

"Hey old man, you know this guy?" said Luffy "Cuz he's gonna kidnap you.", Luffy was able to figure that out, not by following the conversation like any other normal person, but by using future-sight observation haki.

"Yeah, I figured that out myself" Yaoyorozu Cursed his luck again, "Principal Nezu I hope you can help me, my quirk isn't really suited for combat". His quirk making him able to make incredibly fast calculations, rivalling calculators, similar to the Principal's quirk but focusing more on simple equations.

"Unfortunately, besides predicting your chances of being captured, I'm afraid I can't help." Nezu was beginning to worry, especially since he saw the villain quickly approaching, making Mr. Yaoyorozu's chances of being saved as low as 20%.

"Say old man, if I were to help you, can you gimme some meat? I'm really starving" said Luffy, as if he hadn't just eaten a banquet style meal.

"Kid, I don't know what you can do, but if you can help me, I'll even give you a place to stay for the night" said Mr. Yaoyorozu in the heat of the moment. Usually he wouldn't invite complete strangers to live in his mansion with his family, but he didn't really think Luffy could anything, seeing as he was, what? 17-18 years old?

"Deal!" Well at least now he has a place to stay, until he finds a way back home. Whenever that might be.

"You are mine now Yaoyorozu!" Said the Villain

"Gomu Gomu no Bullet!" With Luffy stretching his arm back, and then quickly throwing a one fisted blow to the villain's jaw just as he was about to touch the CEO, Luffy knocks him out cold.

"Wow, thanks kid, without you here, I would have probably been kidnapped." said the business man, thanking his luck now instead of cursing it, who would have thought that a kid in sandals would pack that much of a punch.

"Shishishishi, Don't mention it old man." said Luffy giving him his signature D. smile. "Now about that meat."

"We actually have an excellent cook at this here establishment, if you would follow me, please as a token of my gratitude." Said Nezu gratefully, losing such a big benefactor like Mr. Yaoyorozu would surely leave quite a big dent, plus he wouldn't want people to know that a hero school couldn't stop a no-named villain, although he will spend a little more budget on increasing security.

"Awesome!" said Luffy already drooling.

"Also, that's quite an interesting quirk you have there, being able to elongate your arm? And with such precision nonetheless." Now Nezu was curios, for him to hit that villain that hard with no hesitation, a lot of precision and strength. This Straw Hatter must've had not only training but also experience.

"What's a quirk?" asked Luffy which caused both men to halt in their walk towards the school's cafeteria.

"You can't be serious?" asked Mr. Yaoyorozu, did this kid live under a rock or something?

"Maybe you have a different name for it from where you come from, I was referring to your stretchiness." Nezu was puzzled to say the least, here in front of him was a teenager speaking fluent Japanese, with an American name, wanting to become a 'Pirate King', whatever that is, not knowing what a quirk is and with impeccable fighting skills from what he's seen. It's like the more he finds out about this mystery man the more of a mystery he becomes.

"ooh, I ate the Gum-Gum devil fruit and now I'm a rubber-man" said Luffy while pulling on his cheek to demonstrate his power, completely oblivious to the confused faces on both their face's.

"Devil Fruit?" asked Mr. Yaoyorozu whilst continuing their walk towards the cafeteria.

"Maybe it's a weird way of saying that he has a quirk, although a quirk that turns your whole body into rubber? Pretty impressive." Said Nezu more so to please Luffy, since the only way he can think of using such a quirk efficiently is by having an insane amount strength.

"I know right, Ace never thought my power was cool but I like it." said Luffy, remembering the times Ace mocked him for gaining such a useless ability in exchange for not being able to swim. Ahh good times.

"So, as I was saying before getting so sidetracked, I hope you can accept my letter of recommendation for my daughter to enter this school." Said Mr. Yaoyorozu, to the principal getting back on track.

"Oh of course, she will still be required to take the recommendation entrance exam, but I have no doubts that she will pass with flying colors." Said Nezu, before being so rudely interrupted, they were discussing Ms. Momo Yaoyorozu's recommendation letter.

"Entrance exam? For what?" asked Luffy paying little to no attention to their conversation.

"well, this building is actually a hero school, quite a prestigious one might I add, where we train the next generation of hero's." Said Nezu answering the young mans question.

"AWESOME! I love heroes they are so cool." Both men couldn't help but giggle at the childish fascination. "but I could never be one."

"Oh really? How so?" Asked Nezu puzzled, since every child he knew wanted nothing more than to be a hero.

"Well I see it like this. A hero would share the meat that he has, but a pirate would eat all the meat for himself" Both men were a little taken aback by what he said, and they realized that Luffy may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer. Oh they don't know how right they are.

"umm.. you do know that a hero's job is not to share his meat but to save people right?" said Mr. Yaoyorozu in hopes of trying to educate him.

Now Luffy was just looking at them like he was trying to solve a complicated equation. Now his face is starting to turn red.

"Ugh, this is so complicated, all this thinking hurts." Luffy said which caused both men to reevaluate what they knew about the Pirate Captain.

"Wait a second, you said you are a pirate?" asked the gentleman, from what he knew about good-old fashioned pirates, let's just say it doesn't paint a pretty picture.

"Not just any pirate, but the man whose gonna become the King of Pirate." Said Luffy which reminded them of All-Might in a weird way, plus the ear-to-ear grin helped them look alike.

"And what does that mean?" Asked Nezu more so to humor the conversation, finding it hard to believe that a teenager could be a pirate captain, especially in this day and age.

"It means that once I find the One Piece I'll be the freest men on the whole planet." Said Luffy completely serious but still with a grin.

"Well, I wish you good luck, oh we arrived" Nezu responded, he began forming a theory that he didn't really wanted to form.

"Yay! Meat!" Luffy said rushing to the kitchen, jumping over the counter.

"Hey! Kid! if you want food you are about a week too early!" Lunch Rush said, unfortunately his statement fell on deaf ears as the Straw Hat pirate was already ravaging the kitchen.

"Hey Lunch Rush, can you do me a favor and prepare one meal with meat, please?" asked Nezu, even though he already knew the reply.

"Oh Principal Nezu!" said Lunch Rush surprised to see the principal here, since he is positive the principal lives of tea alone. "Of course, The kid is with you? Potential student?"

"Thank you, yes and maybe, we shall see." responded Nezu already formulating a plan in his little head.

"Hey broccoli head, make me some food with this." said Luffy not really caring about manner's, showing him an armful of meat.

"I have a name you know!" responded Lunch Rush angrily. "And give that back, did nobody teach you manners?!"

"Well Makimo and Sanji tried, but I'm more focused on the food" Luffy responded to Lunch Rush's rhetorically question causing all three adults to sweat-drop.

"Potential student?" Mr. Yaoyorozu asked the same question Lunch rush asked. While the cook went to the kitchen to start preparing one meal, grumbling something about 'no-mannered brat'.

"Well, if my theory is correct then we need to start preparing right away" Said Nezu seriously, if Luffy is indeed from another world then, to stop him from getting lost around this world they will have to keep an eye on him at all times, with the help of the Yaoyorozu's.

"What? That Mr. Luffy is from another world?" said Yaoyorozu while looking at a seated impatient straw hat who keeps saying 'meat! meat! meat!' while pounding the table with a fork and knife.

Nezu raised an incredulous eyebrow at the man, wondering how he came to the same conclusion as him.

"I may not have a quirk like yours, but I can put 2 and 2 together." (quirk joke yohohoho). True, you didn't need to be a super genius to arrive at the same conclusion as him.

"Well like it or not, he has great potential as a hero, despite him saying that he is a pirate, plus with you providing a home for him, he will be unlikely to get lost." Reasoned Nezu. Only for him to be surprised at the facial expression that the man was giving him.

"I completely forgot about our deal!" said the CEO causing the dog/bear/mouse creature to sweat drop. "It was a spur of the moment decision! My adrenaline was pumping and I-I thought I was going to be kidnapped for sure."

"Are you planning on going back on your deal?" asked Nezu, even though he didn't think the businessman will. But if he did, he will lose a lot of respect from the principal.

"No, I can't go back on a deal I made." Said the middle-aged man confident. "Even though its only verbal."

"ALRIGHT I GET IT! Just stop yelling or I'm not giving you any meat." yelled Lunch Rush from the kitchen causing Luffy to immediately stop his yelling.

"But if he truly is from another world, how are you going to prepare the documents necessary for enrollment in this high school" asked Mr. Yaoyorozu, more so to not sit in silence while waiting for Luffy.

"Oh, I can pull some string to expedite the document making process, but I am going to need to inform him of all of this and actually ask him if he even wants to be a hero." Said Nezu, not wanting to take Luffy's ability to choose away from him.

"Oh I see, yes, well I don't think you will have a hard time convincing him." He said while looking at a Luffy stretching his arms to take the plate full of hot meat, causing the cook to get startled as he was just getting out of the kitchen.

"Thanks for the meat Broccoli Head!" and as soon as he finishes saying that he inhaled the food, bone and all. "That's it?"

"I HAVE A NAME!" said Lunch Rush but still thankful that he at least knows how to say thank you, that little brat. "And yes that's it, I still have to mentally and physically prepare for the upcoming school year."

"Mr. Luffy, now that you are finished can you please come with me and Mr. Yaoyorozu to my office? I have some things I want to discuss with you." Said Nezu, hoping that everything will turn out alright.

"Ok, Little bear." said Luffy, causing the animal in question to quirk an eyebrow at the nickname.

The walk to the office was relatively quiet, only interrupted by Luffy looking out the window with what can only be stars in his eye's at everything he found interesting, which was pretty much everything.

"Now that we are here, please take a seat, the both of you." said Nezu while going behind the desk which was totally covering him, until he jumped on his office chair. "Would anybody like some tea?" he asked as he was getting ready to prepare tea for himself.

"nah, I'm good" "No, thank you". Was the universal response.

"Understood." he said while his tea was getting ready.

"Now, Mr. Luffy I'm sorry to say this, but I believe that you are from another world, and are also stuck here with no way to go back there, now or in the possible future." Nezu said bluntly, figuring that the quicker the better.

For Luffy, this Information hit him like a sack of brick's, I'm sorry I meant missed him like a sack of brick's because it totally flew over his head. Nezu started drinking his tea.

"Did you understand what I just said?" Asked Nezu, not believing for a second that Luffy understood.

As for Luffy, he just very slowly nodded hoping he gave the right answer which just caused both men to heavily sigh, this was going to be a long day.

"Let me try." Said the CEO throwing his hat in the ring. "Mr. Luffy you are stuck here with no way to go back."




"WHAT? I CAN'T GO BACK?" it took a second for it too click in Luffy's head that he was now stuck.

"Don't panic, we don't know for sure how you got here so we don't know if you can return or not. But I have a proposition." said Nezu after giving the pirate captain a few seconds to calm himself.

Luffy after calming down, was just staring at him like he had just spoken another language, before slowly turning to the middle-aged man.

"He means that he has an idea of what to do." Mr. Yaoyorozu said as if he were an interpreter.

"Exactly, since you are new here we think that we should keep an eye on you." Nezu said as simply as he could to try and not confuse the poor almost adult boy. "I think that you should attend our hero school and live with the Yaoyorozu's."

"...Who?" asked Luffy, not knowing who this complicated name belongs to. Even though he heard it numerous times.

"He means me, I still have to repay you for saving me, plus I think that you and my daughter can become good friends." Said the man in question after a tired sigh.

"Ok I see I see," Luffy nodded sagely "wait hero school?! But I don't want to be a hero, plus I've never been to school!" that last part didn't surprise the two men in the least.

"Our school isn't just about hero's, while its main selling point are the hero courses, it can also offer a variety of different courses like business, general studies, and even support." said Nezu like he was doing a TV commercial for the school.

Luffy once again just looked to the man beside him for an explanation.

"You don't have to be a hero, attending UA High School is just a way to keep tabs on you." interpreted the CEO of one of the richest companies in the world, let that sink in.

"hmmm" Luffy thought about it for about 5 seconds before coming to a decision. "well it's not like I have any other choice but you best believe I'm not gonna share my meat."

"Well it's not going to be that easy we still have to make the proper documents, and you have to actually get accepted, because as much as I wish I can't just have someone skip the entrance exam." Said Nezu whilst preparing a pen and notepad.

"What about the written exam, because I heard that it's going to be as tough as the practical one." Inquired Mr. Yaoyorozu.

"ahh, don't worry about that, it's nothing a little earpiece can't solve." Said the principal, not really making the CEO feel any better.

"Now for the questions." Nezu cleared his throat and prepared the questions needed for the documents.

"Your full name? please"

"Monkey D. Luffy"

"What does the D. stand for?" inquired Nezu, seeing as it was very unusual to have a one letter middle name.

"I don't know, I just have it."

"Alright." Nezu decided to drop it. "Father's and Mother's name?"

"Dragon, and I don't have a mom"

"Ok, Dragon and wait... You don't have a mother?" asked Nezu with a little sympathy in his voice.

"No, I thought I didn't have a dad either but I do so.... I don't know for sure"

"I see, I will just make up a name." said Nezu getting on to the next question.

"How old are you?"

"umm... I think about 18?" Luffy wasn't really one to keep track of his age, plus those 2 years training with Rayleigh really messed his sense of time, not that he really had any.

"hmmm.. That is a problem you have to be at least 15 to enter. Well you look about the same age as first-year students. I suppose nobody would really notice you being a couple of years older." Nezu said hoping that in the future nobody will ask Luffy's age

"but just in case you say that you were a bit late and are just now starting high school. Got that?

"Yosh!" said Luffy and then completely forgetting afterwards.

"Blood type?" asked Nezu with low to no hopes of getting an actual answer.

"F" said Luffy, remembering the moment he asked Jinbei to be his crewmate.

"We do not have that blood type.... I guess I will just put AB negative, so that you can only get blood from an universal donor may it be the case." Nezu responded, only for Luffy to nod sagely as if he understood. Plot twist he didn't.

"Residence?" Nezu thought out loud a few questions later "I suppose I will just put the Yaoyorozu mansion?" he asked the almost falling asleep man.

"ah yes, yes, of course" Mr. Yaoyorozu responded. "Wait, what was the question?"

"Moving on" Nezu said with what can be only identified as a smirk. Meanwhile Luffy was giggling at the antics of the tired middle-aged man.

A few questions later.

"Quirk? I supposed I'll just write rubber-body." Nezu autocompleted.

"Oh yea I asked before, what's a quirk?" Luffy asked with curiosity while he was munching on the principal's reserve cookies.

"Oh yes, we haven't responded did we?" Nezu asked the man who was already entering his REM cycle. "Well quirks are an ability that every person is born with, mostly, which can range anywhere from making finger's longer to reversing back time."

Luffy just nodded sagely "I see, so it's a mystery ability."

"weirdly enough, you are not wrong." Nezu was genuinely surprised while getting on to the next question, while the CEO was snoring like a baby.

After one more hour and a lot of boring questions later. "we are done with the interview."

"FINALLY!" yelled the rubber-man while waking up the CEO, he was genuinely happy to be done with the questions, but he also yelled to see the older man's reaction.

"I'm awake! I'm awake!" said the older gentleman grumpily. He was having such a nice dream as well.

"Well, this has been interesting to say the least, now I have alerted the police of the unconscious villain, I have not said that you used your, quote on quote, 'quirk' to subdue him seeing as how that is illegal, and remember what we talked about." Said Nezu towards Luffy.

"yea yea, if anybody asks, my quirk is rubber, I know" Luffy said, Nezu having spent like half an hour drilling this notion and a few others in Luffy's thick rubber skull.

"Good, now I will keep the documents once I receive them, and I will send a copy to you via mail. Now if that's everything I wish you goodbye" Nezu said proceeding to drink his 8th cup of tea.

"bye little bear!" Luffy said happily with a wave, excited to find out what this new world holds for him.

"Goodbye Mr. Nezu" said as he closed the door. *Crap! I totally forgot to announce my driver that I will spend extra time here! How much time has passed anyway? * with a quick check to the watch on his wrist * 3 h-h-hours?, I can't believe it, I spent most of that time sleeping, oh my, the HR department is gonna tear me a new one, I was supposed to pass by the office to approve some important documents. * the old man was starting to sweat.

"Hey, so where's your house old man?" Luffy asked while passing by a skeletal man with black eyes and blond hair who was entering the building. "is it far?"

"No, its not far, well it depends on the traffic, I have a driver, hopefully still waiting for me outside." responded the tired man. *and I have to take care of this kid. Oh well I suppose the mansion is going to get a little livelier. *

next chapter
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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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