25% Lord Frieza incarnate in Gensokyo / Chapter 16: Chapter 16

章 16: Chapter 16

Gensokyo - The Bamboo Forest of the Lost

-= Keine Kamishirasawa's Point of View =-

'What the hell is that Woman doing here?!'

I thought as I became completely pale and I even took a fighting pose in reflex.

"W-Why is she near your house?"

I blurted out fearfully.

"Keine, who are they?"

Mokou that was glaring at them turned around and asked me.

'She doesn't know her?'

"S-She's the 'Gap Youkai'."

And obviously, as soon as Mokou heard that title from me…

*Flinch* *Fwish*

She immediately flinched and took her hands out of her pockets.

"I-I see, so she's that legendary Youkai..."

Mokou said as I can see sweat forming in her forehead.


And I nodded to confirm it.

"Y-Yes, she's that same legendary Youkai, I have witnessed her once back in the Hieda family's mansion, so there is no mistake about it."

"T-Then, who's those two behind her?"

Mokou asked me as she pointed to the two individuals behind her.

"I don't know the little girl, but the nine-tailed fox woman is Ran Yakumo, she must be one of Yukari's shikigami."

"You know her too?"

"N-Not really, but she often came to the village to buy some stuff, I even talked with her a few times back in the past, and while she's usually cold... I think she's a nice one once you get to know her."

"Is that so? B-But what are they doing here?"

"I-I don't know, in the first place... isn't this your house? Why are you asking me?!"

"Damn it! Hey Killua! Are you the one wh-Wha?!"


When we turned around to ask Killua if he knew anything about this…

"It's nice to meet you again~ Yukari-san."

He was already gone and was nearing those 3 as he waved to the 'Gap Youkai'.


And while I thought extremely dumbfounded, I heard a voice beside me.


Mokou suddenly snickered as she watched Killua recklessly getting closer to the 'Gap Youkai'.

"Mokou?! Why are you laughing?! Isn't he your friend?!"

"H-He's just an annoying brat, she can help us teach him a lesson or two, Hmph!"

What is wrong with her?! Doesn't she understand the gravity of the situation he is in?!




When they saw him getting closer to them... they all had different reactions.

While the Gap Youkai raised a brow in curiosity... the little girl tilted her head to side and the Youkai Fox… became pale?

'Why is she afraid of him?'

I thought as I saw Killua stopping only 2 metres in front of them before he said with a friendly smile.

"What's wrong, Yukari-san?"

"Fufu~ you're as bold as last time, I see~ well... I found your appearance to be quite different than yesterday and that's all~"

The Gap Youkai actually returned the smile and answered him in a friendly manner.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry about yesterday, I can't believe I was wearing such clothes in front of a beautiful lady like yourself~"

And as soon the word 'Beautiful' left his mouth...

*Flinch* *Flinch* *Flinch* *Flinch* *Flinch*

Everyone including myself flinched at the same time.

'Did… he just flirted with… HER?'

"A-Ara ara~ Ufufu~"

Yukari began giggling awkwardly as she covered her lower-face with a fan.

*Smirk* "Oh, by the way… who's those two cuties over there?"


*Pale intensify*

At his words, the little girl blushed in embarrassment and the Youkai Fox became even paler than before.

Yukari then turned around and introduced the two behind her as she pointed towards each of them using her left hand.

"This one is my assistant 'Ran Yakumo', and that one over there is our cute cat 'Chen'~"

"Cat? Like a pet?"

Killua asked as he widened his eyes a little.

"Yes~ Chen, come and say hello~"

At her words, the little Nekomata girl called Chen jumped from Ran's back and proceeded to slowly and warilly approach Killua.

*Step* *Step*

When he saw that, Killua crouched down while hovering a few centimetres above the ground as he extended his right hand towards her.

"Come here~ Don't be afraid~"


*Sniff* *Sniff*

Chen then hesitantly sniffed his hand.

"Come' ere~ little one~"

'Nekomata are extremely sensitive to people's intentions...'

I remembered a trait of the Bakeneko Youkai.

'Wait… so the 'Gap Youkai' wants to test Killua's intentions using her?'

*Looks up*

As I thought that, the little girl moved her head up to look at Killua's face.


And he gave her a warm smile.



She then suddenly meowed and jumped towards him.


*Lick* *Lick*

"Ahahahaha! That tickles!"

Killua laughed as he tried to catch the Nekomata that was clinging to him and licking his cheeks.

"Ara ara~ Did you like him that much~ Chen?"

Yukari giggled happily as she asked the excited Chen.

"Umu~! Onii-san feels nice-nya!"

*Lick* *Lick*

"Hahahaha, is that so? but stop licking me!"

*Lick* *Lick*

"Don't wanna-nya~!"

While the Nekomata girl was having her way with Killua, Ran approached them.

"C-Chen, are you sure?"

*Jumps off*

In response, Chen jumped off from Killua to stand besides her as she answered.

"Yes Ran-sama, he's not a bad person, in fact he's the opposite-nya"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, it just feels nice to be near him... like a mother? I can't explain it-nya."

When she heard that, the Youkai Fox finally regained some colors as she sighed in relief.

"Sigh, if you say so, then it must be the truth."

'What's going on? Do they know something about Killua that we don't?'

I thought as I watched everything that's happening from 10 metres away from them.

I then turned to Mokou and said.

"Mokou, it seems they know something about Killua-san."

When she heard me, she looked at me for a few moments before she turned back to look at them.

"It must be... about what he did yesterday."

She said without looking at me.

"What do you mean?"

I asked her.

"That guy… he was the one responsible for yesterday Incident."

"What?! That natural disaster?!"

"Hmph! What 'natural disaster'."


"That guy… instantly... and using one damn finger... he ruined the freakish landscape."


'He's that strong?'

I thought as I turned to continue watching the other group from a far.

"Fufu~ now then Killua-kun."


"There is actually something that I want to ask you about~ ...do you mind?"

Yukari asked him, and he answered with a smile.

"What do you want to ask? Yukari-san?"

"You can revive the DEAD?"

*Flinch* *Flinch* *Flinch* *Flinch* *Flinch*

As soon as those words left her mouth, excluding herself and Killua, all of us flinched from the meaning of her words.

'W-What is she suddenly t-talking about?'

"Oh? Where did this come from?"

Killua answered her with a grin.

"Fufu~ well, I just want to know~ so... can you REVIVE the dead?"

Yukari asked again as she hid her lower-face with her fan.

"Well... I CAN revive the dead, what about it?"

And Killua answered her with a grin.


"H-He must be joking."

Mokou said besides me.


Seeing his smirk Yukari's eyes suddenly glinted.

"Is that a problem?"

Killua added with an innocent expression.


And Yukari suddenly closed her fan as she said.

*Smirk* "I've decided."


*Step* *Step*

She then casually got closer to him and used her right hand to lift his chin.

"Oya? Someone's getting eager here~ eh~?" *Smirk*

And Killua accepted that as he said those words with a smirk.

Then after she got closer to his face she said...

"From now on... you're gonna be MINE~"

And as soon as those words left her mouth.









The sky above us suddenly split in half as an enormous abyss-like gap formed there.

'W-What in the world is that?'

I said fearfully as I looked up at the almost a kilometre tall black gap in the sky.


Gensokyo - The Bamboo Forest of the Lost

-= Fujiwara no Mokou's Point of View =-


"...What the fuck is that?"

I said dumbfounded at the impossibly large dark gap that suddenly formed in the sky.

'Tch! Just when things were getting interesting.'

I cursed inwardly as I saw someone coming from inside the bottom of the gap.


Keine said something besides me.

'She has six wings?'

I thought as I could see a girl that looked about 16 years old coming out from the horrifying gap that was closed as soon as she left it.

She was not far from us... just about 50 meters from here, so we could hear what she's saying... using our inhuman hearing of course.

"Hmm… it has been eons since I've come to this world."

'This world?'

Please don't tell me she's like that guy or something…

"This strong God Ki?!"

Killua suddenly shouted something, he seemed quite surprised by the newcomer.

"How unruly."

Yukari said that with an annoyed expression, but she didn't release Killua's chin.

*Turns around*

The purple winged girl turned towards us and then... disappeared.

*Zap* *Crack*


"So fast!"


"Whew~! She's fast!"

However, as soon as she disappeared, she instantly appeared near us, between our group of me and Keine and the other group.

"I'm sure she's here somewhere~"

The winged newcomer said with a smile as her large and menacing purple wings began frantically moving around, as if searching for something.


She first turned towards us.

And we tensed under her strong gaze.

*Turn around*


She then turned to the other group, looking at every single person in order.

Before she finally saw Killua


Her humming suddenly intensified.

"WHAT?! A MALE????!!!!!!"

She shouted surprised as her wings began moving in strange patterns as if scanning something.


'Of course he's a male, why is she so surprised though?'

"Yoo, Goddess-chan~!"

Killua greeted her.

'A Goddess? I see… so he really becomes a God?... that explains everything.' *Smirk*

I thought amused as I would see his sorry state sooner than I ever expected.

And when the wide eyed Goddess heard Killua's greeting...


She cleared her throat and returned the smile to her face as she began approaching him.

*Step* *Step*


However, when she was just 3 meters away from him… it seems she finally noticed Yukari that was beside him and was holding his chin.

She then looked at her and said with a smile.

"Youkai-chan~ would you please FUCK OFF from him~?"


Yukari's eyes twitched as she released Killua's chin.

"A-Ara ara~ I think I didn't hear that~ would you please SAY IT AGAIN~?"

'T-This is bad...'

I thought a little scared by what's going to happen, but I can't miss to see that guy's sorry state.


*Twitch* *Twitch*

"F-FUFU~ how rude of you~ for a RANDOM Goddess~ I don't think you KNOW who AM I~"

*Spark* *Spark*

Black sparks suddenly emerged from the purple winged Goddess as she said.

"But I already know who you are~"


"Aren't you just this era's Gap Youkai~?"

*Twitch* *Twitch* *Twitch* *Twitch*

"So you KnOw who AM I~"

*Spark* *Spark* *Spark* *Spark*

"That's right Youkai-CHAN~ So you should probably FUCK OFF with one of your TRASHY gaps while you can~"


*Tremble* *Tremble* *Tremble* *Tremble*

Yukari suddenly broke her fan using her hand as strange cracks filled the space around her.


*Runs away*

Ran and Chen immediately screamed in horror and ran away.

'D-Damn, She's furious to the bone.'

I thought before I turned towards Keine.

"K-Keine, you should probably go back to the Human Village."

"A-Alright, but what abou-"

"It's fine! I'm immortal and you don't have to worry about that guy, he's more capable than he looks."

"F-Fine, then i'll see you tomorrow."

*Runs away*

I watched Keine getting away before I turned back to the good show.

"What are you gonna do now~ Killua-chan~" *Smirk*

I said as I can see him helplessly trying to calm them down.

*Spark* *Spark* *Spark* *Spark*

"I'm usually kind~ But not when someone like HIM came to the table~"

The smiling Goddess said as black sparks formed all around her body.

*Tremble* *Tremble* *Tremble* *Tremble*


Yukari said with a scary smile as hundreds of gaps formed in the sky behind her, and every one of them had countless bloody red eyes glaring at the Goddess.

*Spark* *Spark* *Spark* *Spark*

"To think a MERE Youkai would get this cocky~ A PUNISHMENT IS NEDDED IT SEEMS~"


The Goddess lifted her right hand and then hundreds of freakish strange eyes with wings formed in the sky behind her too, they were even bigger than Yukari's gaps and their huge irises started glowing as if charging something.

"T-This is getting crazier by the second."

And as soon as I said that...

*Spank* *Spank*



Two spanking sounds were heard and then followed by two female moans.


"Hahahahahaha no, it must be just my imagination."

I said as I laughed at myself and shook my head sideways while closing my eyes to clear my mind.

I then opened them.

*Opens eyes*


What I saw are the scary Gap Youkai and the ridiculous Goddess holding their asses with crimson red faces and unbelievably extremely shocked expressions.

*Wave* *Wave*

And finally the culprit bastard that waved a finger at them as he said...

"Fighting~ No."

'HE ACTUALLY SPA-?????!!!!!!'

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C16
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


