66.32% lonely bear and cub- Russian SI / Chapter 128: Peace in the Balkans? Yeah, impossible... (April-June, 1893)

章 128: Peace in the Balkans? Yeah, impossible... (April-June, 1893)


Although there were already garbage containers previously, the first ones focused mainly on a home use (for the kitchen more specifically) on the other hand in 1893 with the invention of garbage cans as they are known, in Russia developments began ... curious for the time.

As always motivated by Tsar Alexander III, eccentric for the people of his time or perhaps too visionary for his time by modern standards.

Trash cans began to be something basic in the urban and private development of Russia according to the laws and promotion of the state, there were trash cans in public spaces to avoid the accumulation of waste, trash cans in public-state buildings and streets, and with this they expanded to various parts of Russia, some natural spaces, private buildings, amusement parks, etc.

A country with more than 100 million inhabitants produces a lot of garbage, and the tsarist government in the Alexandrian period attacked this very quickly.

For this, a system of colored garbage cans was also developed: green for organic garbage, yellow for paper, red for plastic, blue for glass, and purple for metal.

This allowed the separation of waste, making it much easier to separate and dispose of these, but also recycling, Alexandrian Russia made extensive plans to recycle and reuse their waste, reducing garbage in public spaces and preserving cleanliness / nature.

Recycling is not something new, but an industrial country faced new problems due to new types of waste and in industrial quantities.

However, during the Alexandrian government, the guidelines and programs of a more modern recycling were established, the children of the Pioneers were taught that they should do everything possible to take care of the environment, and the health authorities were convinced (therefore giving validity for the population) with the argument that excessive garbage in cities would cause great health problems due to diseases and pests of animals such as rats.

Most of Europe saw this as another eccentricity of strange Russia, but the truth is that the Alexandrian period simply attacked very pre-emptively and early on the big waste issues of an industrial society.

While all the garbage produced in these early stages could not be completely eliminated, it did set a precedent for a more sustainable culture regarding their waste and how to deal with it.



* Perspective of Alexander III, Nicholas Alexandrovich, etc.

It was May 21, the imperial family with Tsar Alexander III, Empress Maria Feodorovna, Tsesarevich Nicholas, Grand Duchesses Xenia and Olga, and Grand Duke Michael were gathered in Bessarabia.

"You can come in." One of the doctors informs, and the imperial family enters to see Princess Maria of Romania and Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich Romanov (second son of the emperor) together with his newborn baby, a son.

The empress and the other members of the family soon congratulated the couple. "Have you already decided on a name?" Maria Feodorovna asks enthusiastically.

"Sergey". The young couple respond, passing the baby to his grandparents while Olga, Xenia, Nicholas, and Michael congratulate their brother.

A few weeks later the couple of Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich and Princess Maria would be visited by the kings of Romania.


"Ah, I'm a grandfather. I'm getting old." Tsar Alexander III exclaims sitting next to Nicholas and Alexander, while little Sergey was in the hands of his grandmother, aunts, mother and uncle (Michael).

"Do not exaggerate." Grand Duke Alexander exclaims, patting his father on the back in a friendly way.

"Yeah, you're not even 50 years old." The Tsesarevich Nicholas mentions.

"I'll have them in about two years." Tsar Alexander III responds. "But well, we just have to continue enjoying the time!"



(OOC: Just a little of exploration)

"Between the birth of Alexander Pushkin (1799) and the death of Anton Chekhov (1904), there is a whole century of Russian literature."

The classical literature of the 19th century, at least in Russia, is considered a kind of "golden age" within literature, with authors such as the aforementioned Alexander Pushkin and Anton Chekhov, among others such as Alexei Tolstoy, Ivan Turgenev, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Lev Tolstoy, Nikolai Gogol, and an even longer list spanning decades.

There are some discussions regarding when the golden age actually ends or if it continues, the death of Alexander II marked an epoch, the Alexandrian era (of Alexander III).

Some historians and literary men consider the Alexandrian era to be precisely a continuation of this golden age of literature, precisely reaching some of its highest peaks regarding cultural policy.

However, other scholars maintain that currently during the Alexandrian era Russian literature changed, entering the Silver Age, some mark the beginning of the Silver Age in 1866 (assassination of Alexander II and beginning of Alexander III), 1872 (beginning of the great reforms of Alexander III) or at the beginning of the 20th century with the death of Chekhov and the aforementioned Tsar Alexander III.

It is difficult to agree due to the breadth of the Alexandrian period and his influence, Tsar Alexander III and his reforms not only altered cultural movements within Russian literature, but the Tsar himself also promoted the production of literary works.

Although the tsar never met Dostoevsky in person, his works were well received within Russian society and he influenced the teaching of some of the grand dukes, brothers of the tsar (in the areas of literature).

In the 1870s there were literary currents such as the populists, attached to the land and the problems of the countryside before and during the Alexandrian reforms. But now there were new problems, the relationship of the peasantry with capitalism and the new forms applied by the Alexandrian government.

Understanding the emerging world of capital or capitalism became one of the objectives of the prose, in an age of massive industrialization.

Also symbolic and nationalist literature continued to increase exponentially.

In the 1880s and 1890s science fiction and fantastic elements made a strong comeback, the sky was the limit, Russia had a colonial empire, technological achievements and pharaonic projects on some occasions (such as the Trans-Siberian, the Eiffel Tower, etc).

This had resulted in the breeding of new writers, mainly young, interested in a mysterious and seemingly bright future (where there were currents such as cosmism).

Although they were considered childish by ancient literary currents (particularly Russian classical realism), they were still quite conservative or pessimistic or down to earth (although some were also quite spiritual).

Realism also had its changes, there was the historical realism that allowed us to understand parts of the Alexandrian era and its changes from 1872 onwards (or see the past and compare between times before and after the reforms), a moralistic realism with preachy overtones ( taking into account the conservative Russian society and the influence of orthodoxy in it), a realism concerned with advancement and progress (emerging capitalism, the bourgeoisie and the middle class, technological advance, etc.), etc.


[Diplomacies and war]

In secret the war plans of the Balkans and Russia received a new member, Kurdistan. The Kurdistan region, a parliamentary republic led by influential sheiks, was dependent on Russia in several ways.

It was a perfect alliance, the Kurds wanted to conquer more Ottoman territory where there were non-liberated Kurds, the Russians were literally their only trading partner, and they fed the Kurdish state with consumer goods, food, weapons and other products necessary for the Kurdish economy.

The Russian railways expanded into independent Kurdistan, where Russian capital grew in influence by the day, but that is unimportant.

What was important was the future conflict between the Ottomans and the various enemy states that surrounded it. Greeks were being trained by Bulgarians in modern warfare, Macedonians, some Arabs and other Kurds were armed, there were separatist populations in the Ottoman Empire, and Russia was poking its teeth in the Balkan countries (economically in Montenegro and diplomatically in Romania) .

It would still take a while for the results to be realized but Bulgaria and Montenegro already started some timid industrialization steps, Kurdistan was under the Russian wing and Greece was training.

What continued to worry the Greeks, Bulgarians, Montenegrins and Romanians was the possibility of an intervention by other great powers, or that Serbia will take advantage of this for some purpose of its own.

Faced with these concerns, the Russian high command, under Mikhail Skobelev (deputy minister of war) and Iosif Romeyko-Gurko (minister of war) were ordered to plan potential case plans.

* A British intervention.

* An Austro-Hungarian intervention.

* An Austro-Hungarian AND British interención (and potentially a war with the Entente).

* A Serbian intervention.

Among other details for the war with the Ottoman Empire, the schedules of the Bulgarian, Greek, Serbian and other railways involved or possible involved, the transport of troops and supplies across the waters, diplomatic relations, etc. were examined.

This would be a beginning of the military plans categorized in colors or names. Furthermore, to prepare for a hypothetical case of war, Tsar Alexander III soon focused on seeking his options to replace Alexander I of Serbia, a pro-Austrian, with a pro-Russian.

Tsar Alexander III called Petar Кarađorđević, or better known as Peter Кarađorđević, from a more pro-Russian dynasty, after all Peter and his family were also economically dependent on Montenegro (Prince Nicholas of Montenegro, Russian ally) and Russia .

Peter and his sons were invited to visit St. Petersburg to observe a military parade, free of charge ... but due to financial problems, Peter decided to stay in Russia (actually after some discussions with Tsar Alexander III).

The Кarađorđević debt to Russia increased, and the plans of the Кarađorćević and the Russians to overthrow the Obrenović dynasty continued.

But everything takes time.


* Alexandrian perspective.

Tsar Alexander III drinks tea while his companion, Peter Кarađorđević, was invited to some Ethiopian coffee. "Better than I thought." The Serbian exclaims.

"Good to know, we struggled hard to bring some productivity and stability to Ethiopia, now there is quite a bit of Ethiopian coffee in Russia." Tsar Alexander III mentions. "But hey, let's talk business, tell me Peter ... What do you think of the Yugoslav idea?"

"... What is this sudden question about?" Peter asks timidly, they were men of the same age, but Alexander III was more ... intimidating, the most powerful man in Russia, to whom Peter's family owed more and more money and economic stability, etc.

"... I am a man interested in peace and stability, as crazy as it sounds, I want something similar to peace in the Balkans, for that we need the idea of Yugoslavia, create a flexible economic and diplomatic agreement, something like a customs union, good diplomatic relations and some other steps. Not a centralized state or political steps too early and too risky. Russia can mediate between Serbia, Montenegro and other possible members for conflict resolution and steps towards Yugoslav integration. " Tsar Alexander III explains.

"And what about the Serbs outside of Serbia?" Peter asks worriedly, gulping down some saliva and coffee.

"We will worry about autonomy and respect for Serbs outside of Serbia, in case we cannot do that we will look for other alternatives. But listen, you and me, we will not commit to anything yet, we are only investigating the idea. First, we make you king. of Serbia, then we talk about other projects. " Tsar Alexander III sentencing.

"Understood." Peter readily accepts.

Meanwhile, Peter and his son, Alexander, became honorary members of the Russian Foreign Legion, whose Serbian members were living together and quite excited to meet the Кarađorđević.

(OOC: Regarding the age, Peter is a year older than Alexander but according to the Julian calendar, Peter would have it's birthday in July, and July did not arrive at the time of the meeting, so they are the same age)



On April 6, the Salt Lake Temple is completed after 40 years of construction for the Ochurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (or Mormons).

On April 17, the Belgian general strike begins in the city of Mons, called by the Belgian Labor Party, an important movement for the birth of socialism in Belgium.

The strike arises for something, the suffrage, a liberal-Catholic coalition of the government had blocked a proposal to extend the suffrage. Since April 12 there had been conflicts between supporters of the strike (planned since April 11) and the military, the Belgian authorities feared a total revolution.

The government of Leopold II had gone from bad to worse since the Saint Petersburg Conference, Belgium was denied the Congo, and with his personal problems, the king partly took it out on his country (losing most of Congolese resources to German, British, Swedish-Norwegian and Italian hands) and felt that Belgian industry had suffered a severe blow for lack of a colonial empire. Instead of using the wealth that Belgium already had, the Belgian king wanted more, and did not set about improving his country.

The military repression is complicated when the number of strikers rises to more than 200,000 but the government of the Prime Minister, Auguste Beernaert, is slow to respond because of King Leopold II and the military.

This seriously hurt Catholics in government, and social Catholicism was also damaged, marking a rapid rise in socialism until finally on May 19 the demands of the strike were accepted in the Belgian parliament.

The first parliamentary elections under the new suffrage would take place in October, leading to a serious weakening of Catholics, Liberals and Conservatives in favor of Socialists.

May 1, begins the world fair of 1893, in Chicago, Illinois, also known as the World's Columbian Exposition, celebrating the 400th anniversary of the arrival of Christopher Columbus to the Americas.

Unfortunately things are not very good for the United States a few days later, since on May 5 there is a great panic with a depression in the New York stock market.

Gold reserves in the United States fell dramatically, unemployment increased to 25% in Pennsylvania, 35% in New York and 43% in Michigan, among many other catastrophes and problems.

This forces the Grover Cleveland government to borrow huge loans from J.P Morgan and the Rothschilds of England, continuing to increase the influence of capitalists, monopolies, and corporations in the United States. Labor movements and support for the Republican party increase (more Republican support than populists).

May 10, in an event ... very important ... the supreme court of the United States declares that the tomato is a vegetable, in the case Nix v. Hedden.

Botanically they are a fruit (classified as berry).

May 23, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi arrives in British South Africa to serve as a lawyer, where he would get into trouble with discrimination and approach the civil rights movements.

June 4, the Anti-Saloon League organization is incorporated in Ohio, which would become more massive (within the United States) in 1895, the objective of this Anti-Saloon League is an organization of the temperance movement that pushes for the prohibition of the alcohol in the United States.

In addition to the United States, the temperance movement continues to grow especially in areas of the British Empire and Scandinavia (for example in the British Empire, Canada and certain circles of India, and in Scandinavia, in areas of Norway).

June 15, the German federal elections take place, where in addition to the anti-Semitic political parties obtaining 2.9% of the votes, the biggest winners are: Center Party (with 96 seats), German Conservative Party (with 69 seats), Social Democratic Party (with 51 seats) and in fourth place the National Liberal Party (with 49 seats).

During these times, the situation in Southeast Asia is tense, German, French, English (military and commercial) and Russian ships (mainly commercial, the military remains in Russian Indonesia) are increasing around Singapore and Thailand.

This is extremely dangerous when two of the members are quite anti-German, but they are also worrying the natives of Thailand themselves.

next chapter
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