66.43% Lonely Bear - Russian SI [Second Thread] - Threadmarks / Chapter 95: Militsiya of Russia (April-June, 1919).

章 95: Militsiya of Russia (April-June, 1919).

Russia post-Great Depression]

After the Great Depression the economic miracle of Moscow had come and in the process the ruble of the Russian Empire had become a major currency in various parts of Eurasia, competing with the pound and the growing dollar.

In the process, important reforms and changes were coming to Russia, such as the development of industries-economic sectors related to consumer goods with the development of radios, appliances and other products.

For example, the beginnings of the fight against unemployment (implementation of work banks), pension reforms and the empire's welfare system (increase in state services) and reforms in the fight against national problems in various ways (fight against terrorism and extremisms harmful to Russia).

It was the little golden years before the 1920 elections that triggered the highest peak of the Imperial Crisis, a little calm before the storm or perhaps a golden facade as everything rotted inside.

Anyway, it was a good time for the Russian Empire, recovering what for many was an important part of the Alexandrian period or even better.

In this period the armed forces also underwent drastic changes along with civil life, since Brusilov was now the leader of the war ministry and had brought important reforms.

In the process, the Spetsnaz was created and the police reform began, which brought important changes in the theory and practice of the Russian forces throughout the empire.

The New Silk Road had been restored and many joint projects with other nations (inside and outsife of the Russosphere, like the Red Europe) were going from strength to strength.

In short, everything was apparently going well and although there were bumps in the road, everything was surmountable as Russia moved towards its future (a huge future).

Finally on April 12, 1919, the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party and the Trudoviks (Stalin-Kerensky alliance) prepared their plan for an important reform in the public health and pension system (increasing pensions for accidents, maternity pensions, etc).

An important step that would lead to the free healthcare of Russia during 1923-1925, among other reforms for the welfare of the Russian family and citizens during the reconstruction of the empire.

The Third Duma accepted it, but obviously the plan was delayed for various reasons, the 1920 elections were near and there were other issues that had to be addressed during the early years of the 1920s.

In the process Tsar Nicholas II and other state agencies obviously announced the next census, conducted in early 1920.

At the 1910 census the Russian Empire had 269 million people, and despite having lost at least 1 million people during WW2, it was obvious that the population had increased.



The police have three central functions: Maintain the state and its characteristics, protect the rights of citizens, and protect society.

It is not always simple and sometimes these functions collide with each other, but there would be notable problems in maintaining order in society without the adequate forces to do so.

The term 'Militsiya' (милиция) which comes from the Latin militia, began to be used in the Russian Empire for the first time in 1709 and 1713, during the government of Peter I under the term 'Land Militia' for a more effective protection of the south of Russia against the Crimean Khanate.

During the Fourth Coalition war the term 'Militsiya' re-emerged with much more force, with the creation of these forces, also called Zemstvo armies or Zemstvo Militia, to fight against Napoleonic and Ottoman troops. They dissolved after the peace of Tbilisi in 1807.

On April 18, the Third Duma and Tsar Nicholas II reformed the public defense services (what would be called police in other parts of the world) in the Militsiya of Russia (Милиция России), which entailed an organizational and organizational reform. Other features.

A Militsiya was created for the different administrative entities of the Russian Empire, subject to the Ministry of the Interior, with a new base, expansion of units and of course certain modernizations ... and purges (another part of the preparation of the circle of Nicholas II for the Imperial Crisis).

True, most of the former officers were retained, but it was better to be safe than sorry, and moreover, you could always train more officers.

The new Militsiya was divided into two, the Public Security Militsiya and the Criminal Militsiya.

The first (Public Security Militsiya) seeks to ensure the personal safety of citizens, public safety, protect property and public order. Detect, prevent and repress crimes and administrative offenses, solve certain types of crimes and search for people.

In the process, providing support to the Criminal Militsiya.

This Militsiya includes investigation units, police officers at the local level (Oblast, Governorate, etc.), agents for minor affairs and legislation-administration, special police units and road inspection (transit).

The second (Criminal Militsiya) was in charge of the entire Russian Empire, since its task is to prevent, repress and solve serious and especially serious crimes.

Among these functions is the search for people who are hiding from the investigation, investigation and court bodies, and the search for missing persons.

In particular, it also includes the fight against organized crime of the Russian Empire and terrorism.

In essence, the Militsiya was simply a modern police force for the Russian Empire.

Militsiya training institutions were also recreated in the reform process, with the Petrograd Militsiya Special Secondary School, Kharkov Public Security Militsiya School, and the Militsiya General Staff School (in Moscow) being the most notable (and old) of said reform of 1919.

Early 20th Century Militsiya of Russia:


Mid-20th century Militsiya of Russia:


Modern Militsiya of Russia in Kiev:


The Militsiya and its institutions were created in essence on a new contractual basis (with voluntary help included), to protect the property of state institutions, protect the public order of the Russian Empire, and protect the property of private organizations (companies and others).

Maintained on the basis of national institutions and funds of the empire (maintained through tax, trade, etc).

There was another clear objective, to establish order as soon as possible as soon as problems occurred and to fight against the opposing forces of the state (terrorists and others).

Tsar Nicholas II and his circle of trust planned to use all state forces loyal to his possibility to deal with the coming crisis. This mainly included the armed forces, intelligence services and of course the Militsiya (public defense services).

The council of ministers, the Duma and others were secondary for the moment, especially with the threat of a possible coup by Admiral Alexander V. Kolchak and his associates.



May 3, after months of deliberation between Russia, the Emirate of Ha'il and the Imperial Federation, certain conclusions are reached.

On May 3, 1919, forces loyal to Ghazi Amanullah Khan and the Young Afghans (one of the factions of the Afghan civil war, opponent of Nasrullah Khan and Inayatullah Khan Seraj who lead a tribal-Islamic coalition) attack a Raj fortress. British near Afghan territory, occupied by two divisions of British troops.

With this attack on a British position in the Raj, the Imperial Federation soon lobbied much harder for an intervention in the country.

The Emirate of Ha'il and the Russian Empire soon give in to this Afghan attack, allowing the Imperial Federation to dig its claws into the country.

On May 6, three days after the attack by the Young Afghans, the British intervention in Afghanistan began, with several columns entering the south of the country.

British policy towards Afghanistan is not entirely clear in the process, they want Amanullah Khan out of course, but it is not clear whether they should support Nasrullah Khan or not.

In the process however, the Imperial Federation of course has to make certain concessions to the other powers involved in this situation.

The Russian diplomatic mission in Kabul obtains a safe-conduct to go to Turkestan (Russian Central Asia), important monetary refunds and of course Russia has the right to make certain interventions (remove Afghan allies from the country and give them asylum in Central Asia or Persia).

Ha'il initially obtains nothing, but it has already had secret pacts with Russia since the Sudanese crisis.

Ha'il was clearly heading for Egypt, and Russia did not plan to intervene in this decision. At most Russia would make a block with the emirate to protect it from the Imperial Federation.

Speaking of foreign expectations, it was difficult to know what was going to happen in the Third Anglo-Afghan War.

The Imperial Federation had enormous numerical and technological superiority. Conquering Afghanistan was not impossible, but it was difficult due to its geographical situation (an especially mountainous country) and ethno-cultural (a country very divided into tribes and ethno-cultures, tradition and local conflict is notable).

In the best case for the Imperial Federation, they could establish a successful puppet government in Afghanistan, effectively eliminating Afghan neutrality and Russian influence in the region (although due to technology and geographic situation, it was not a very sharp knife against Turkestan).

In the best case for Afghanistan, they maintained their sovereignty over foreign powers by defeating the Imperial Federation. In the worst case, there was a total British victory.

Obviously soon the volunteers and other foreign supporters came, allies of the Imperial Federation and volunteers from various parts of the Islamic world began to fight in Afghanistan.

The situation in North India was affected by the British operation in Afghanistan, it was in part a British strategy to try to crush the local rebel and guerrilla movements that existed in the raj.

There were some successes, but the totality of the Indian communist-revolutionaries could not be crushed.

Foreign support, however, was notably cut off due to the fortification of the British presence in the Muslim regions of India (Pakistan).

There were still some passages but they became more dangerous and fewer resources passed to these rebels. India's independence continued to be delayed by various factors (until it took its first steps in the late 30s).

As an international consequence, it was clear that Russia and other affiliated powers against the British had to take a strong stance in the next diplomatic crisis against the Imperial Federation, after they had a free hand in Afghanistan.

Diplomacy is complicated, and nobody wanted a war, but right now the image of a country's strength was very important.

Despite the 'favorable' results of WW2, the Imperial Federation had looked weak after losing Southern Ireland and losing the battle for Suez. So they maintained a firm stance in Afghanistan, even more so with an Afghan attack on British positions.


[Russian East Africa]

May 30, 1919, Tsar Nicholas II had granted the principles of autonomy to most parts of the Russian Colonial Empire (with some exceptions such as the territories obtained after the Treaty of Visegrad) and now the Tsar planned to further deepen his plans for the Russian East Africa.

We speak in particular of the territories of Sagallo, Russian Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Russian Sudan (South Sudan) and quite possibly the Russian Kongo (Katanga and Eastern Kongo).

Tsar Nicholas II in his 1919 edict, raised the beginnings of the unification of local colonial governments and their functions in general organisms-structures (supranational or supracolonial) for certain of the autonomous colonies.

This meant the centralization, modernization and professionalization of the power structures in these regions, particularly political, economic and military.

The de-facto Russian state controlled the banks and currencies of these colonies, but was leaving in their place various useful bodies such as state enterprises, private companies, native African official-bureaucrats (still subordinate to Russian ministries) and local national autonomy ( with Nicholas II as head of state).

* The titan and administrative-logistical center of said organization raised by Tsar Nicholas II was Keniya, as a central and geographically advantageous colony for said project.

Simply Keniya had the space and potential to carry out this task, it was loyal to the empire, it had the agricultural land and the natural-human resources to support the colonial suprastructures.

In addition, Keniya had already demonstrated its importance in WW2 with professional and stationary forces, without a guerrilla character. And it was a useful railway hub for Russia (joining parts of the Russian colonial empire and Ethiopia).

* On the other hand, Sagallo was the economic center of these plans as the most economically developed colony (curiously the smallest).

* Other colonies such as Somaliland or Katanga received other minor functions, while there were plans to expand the edict structures to South Sudan (important for its oil, geography and other motives) and Tanzania (colony that could compete with Keniya, provided it developed properly) over time.

This in essence lays the foundations for an East African Federation, with an increasingly unified citizenship, forces, structures and economy.

This was the main plan of Tsar Nicholas II, with the idea that said federation would be a bloc or country allied with the Russian Empire, which would have an important regional influence (as a stabilizing factor and regional power).

Of course it was a difficult matter, we talked about hundreds of different ethnic groups. Furthermore, a powerful African country would be less susceptible to the direct influence of the Russian Empire.

But it was clear that sooner or later Africa would develop, and with its immense population and resources, it was a continent with the potential to move the world after liberating itself from colonialism-imperialism.

But we would be moving too far ahead of time and entering the territory of speculation.

In any case, it is an interesting field of research to see how Tsar Alexander III and Tsar Nicholas II treated their African territories (colonies) with respect to other European colonial empires.

In a sense the Russian Empire and the Socialist World had similar views in many respects, one of which was that colonialism over Africa was going to end sooner or later.

However they differed in practices and what they wanted to build in Africa. Russia wanted to build countries aligned with her empire, while the socialist world wanted countries aligned with socialism.

With different results for both cases of course.

In any case, the important thing was a solid base for the beginnings of one of the pan-African projects in the world, which will have its results many decades later, after the Third World War.


[Dynastic Union]

Czechoslovakia and Hungary were in a ... curious position, within the Russosphere. Not only because of its regional characteristics, but because of its particular relationship with the sovereign of the Russian Empire himself, since Tsar Nicholas II was also the monarch of Hungary and Czechoslovakia.

This had occurred during the reign of Alexander III (when Tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich became monarch of Hungary and Slovakia by choice of parliament) and after WW2-Visegrad (when the Czech Republic and Slovakia were united, forming Czechoslovakia).

But in the process there were still irregularities regarding this dynastic union, where Russia, Czechoslovakia and Hungary shared the same monarch.

It is true that due to the construction of the Russosphere there were important economic-political-military unions (joint projects such as common markets, freedom of movement, etc.), but Tsar Nicholas II had no intention of Russia annexing Czechoslovakia-Hungary to the empire.

Consequently, after years, Tsar Nicholas II finally decided to resolve the issue of the succession to his position as monarch in those countries.

On June 23, during a tour of Tsar Nicholas II in these countries, the parliaments in Hungary and Czechoslovakia voted with the Tsar of Russia to decide the future of these monarchies once the Emperor of Russia died.

According to an amendment to the constitution of Hungary and Czechoslovakia respectively, Tsar Nicholas II had the power to appoint his heirs to the respective monarchies and later the direct inheritance would continue (that is, the Tsar chooses his heirs for both thrones, and after this the descendants of said heirs continue to rule).

Of course with this possibility now it was left to think who would be said heirs, Tsar Nicholas II had a weakness for his own children but it was difficult to know if they were the right ones for the small monarchies ...

Or even if his children were good for the Russian monarchy.

The two eldest children of Nicholas II had reached maturity, and soon would Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna Romanova. But Tsar Nicholas II did not see his offspring yet, as proper heirs to the empire and the Russosphere.

Nicholas Nikolaevich was a soldier not a stateman, Mikhail was a playboy (even less of a state person), and Maria was a woman (which greatly displaced her in the Russian line of succession, since there were still possible male heirs).

Cyril and Sergei on the other hand were still too young to make a fair judgment on them.

* Maria could nevertheless inherit Czechoslovakia or Hungary according to the constitutions of those kingdoms.

In the early drafts of his will, Tsar Nicholas II leaned in favor of Cyril and Sergei for the Czechoslovak and Hungarian crowns, but obviously over time things change ...



April 3, the Cultural Revolution in Germany begins to revise the history of the Habsburg dynasty in Austria, attacking monarchical ideas and the close imperial past of the southern region of the Free Republic of Germany.

April 6, the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) of the Free Republic of Germany, begins to have problems with the German anarchists and 'libertarian socialists'.

Within the Nationale Einheitsfront (National United Front), the KPD and other groups begin to promote actions against the Almane anarchists, seen as a possible threat to German socialism.

The next day on April 7, the anarchist writers Ernst Toller, Gustav Landauer and Erich Mühsam are arrested for their positions against the ruling socialism of the Free Republic of Germamy.

Some of the opposition end up in labor camps, others in prisons and others in mental asylums.

April 9, overnight tornadoes in the southern Great Plains kill at least 92 people in the US states of Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas.

'Expansion' of votes within the Imperial Federation, now in various Imperial Federation colonies or territories, male citizens had the right to vote or be elected to the higher level national institutions (Imperial Parliament and others).

What seemed like a sign of the possible expansion of the official members of the Imperial Federation.

Of course those who had the vote were only British, male, white, literate, English-speaking and property-owning subjects (excluding women and non-whites in general).

April 10, in the Free Republic of Mexico a notable radical alliance is formed within the Communist Party of Mexico, an alliance between Francisco José Múgica (finance minister) and Lázaro Cárdenas del Río (minister of war) with Amador Salazar Jiménez, cousin brother of the guerrilla Emiliano Zapata and founder of Neo-Zapatismo.

The radical wing of the Mexican party is reinforced with this alliance, against the moderates of Álbaro Obregón and Plutarco Elías Calles.

April 11, with the threat of civil unrest and the guerrilla movements of the Reds, martial law is declared in various parts of Japan.

The Imperial Japanese Navy gets Emperor Taishō and the Imperial Diet of Japan to give them even greater control of the government.

With this recognizing the role of the armed forces in the administration, putting 'civil' bureaucrats under the military code, limiting civil liberties and de-facto modifying the laws for a complete military dictatorship in the country.

Sure enough, the Diet could no longer be in session or functional from now on.

Since 1919, the Emperor of Japan (later known as Emperor Taishō) was no longer able to attend Army or Navy maneuvers, appear at military academy graduation ceremonies, perform annual Shinto ritual ceremonies, or even attend ceremonies. of the government.

The navy controlled everything in the name of the monarchy, ignoring the monarchy.

April 13, British troops under Colonel Reginald Dyer massacre 379 Sikhs in an illegal public gathering, which drew between 10,000 and 20,000 people.

April 14, important treaties in Red Europe lead to advances towards military unions (in a pact that serves mainly for the defense of socialism).

As a result, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Armies of the European Socialist Union (arising from the Zimmerwald treaties) are formed, based in Iberia, Italy and France. The next day the 4th Army is formed, based in West Germany.

These armies are under the control of the Federal Council of Collective Defense of Europe, only existing within Red Europe of course.

They are not actual armies (rather they are still a collection of particular forces), but it is an important step towards the collective defense of these countries and the formation of an increasingly centralized and powerful command.

April 18, 30,000 German-Bavarian Red Guards carry out notable purges in the region of Bavaria, Free Republic of Germany.

Around 8000 soldiers, politicians and others are purged in the process.

April 19, the American journalist of socialist tendency, John Reed, begins the publication of the newspaper 'New York Communist' that functions as one of the newspapers of the communist ideology and the communist factions of the Socialist Party of America in the United States.

April 23, commercial international flights are becoming increasingly practical and common, especially in parts of Europe and North America.

April 24, Ford Motor Company increases its activities in Panama and Hispaniola, US territories.

With this supporting the 'private' industrialization efforts in the territories, taking advantage of the local cheap hand of non-white origin (the real reason why these projects were recovered, not an enlightened project as it was under the Root administration).

Of course we can say that this is corruption, counting the Ford Company's ties to President Henry Ford ...

But President Ford is never in trouble for this action, a result of the federal government's weakness against big business, allies, and corruption.

The only real opposition to this action are the socialists of the Socialist Party of America.

On the same day, monuments to the Armenian Genocide are erected in Tsargrad (Russian Empire) and the Republic of Cilicia.

April 25, the Frankfurt am Main School or simply the Frankfurt School is founded in the Free Republic of Germany, one of its most famous schools.

The school had two main 'areas', the Bauhaus ("building house") which included the area of crafts, fine arts, industrial design and economics, and on the other hand the area of 'Frankfurt Social Research' (Frankfurter Sozialforschung).

The Sozialforschung included the area of philosophy, political studies, academic studies, and sociology.

Bauhaus is recognized for its importance in the development of the NEP, architectural-industrial design, propaganda and the economic economy of West Germany, even expanding to other points such as cybernetics decades later.

On the other hand, Sozialforschung is a mixed point ...

Obviously the academics of this area (Sozialforschung) followed the Hegelian-Marxist premises of various theories in socio-economic and political matters, for the study of material reality and its social changes. But at times they also attacked the limitations of materialism and it was the center of reactionaries or 'opponents', which caused repression against that area.

Many conspiranoids outside the socialist camp insist that the Sozialforschung is a center of moral corruption attacking capitalism, while conspiranoids in the socialist camp say that it is actually a nest of potential revisionists ...

In reality the area is just another common area of a school that has occasionally run into trouble with the government.

April 28, earthquake in El Salvador with a force of 5.9 in magnitude kills 100 people.

April 29, the Free Republic of Germany establishes greater autonomy within socialist Austria for the Burgenland Croats and the Carinthian Slovenes.

This gives them their own autonomous administrative divisions (with certain legislative-executive freedoms) subordinate to the larger Socialist State of German Austria.

May 3, Afghan forces under Amanullah Khan attack British India, triggering British intervention in the Afghan civil war.

May 4, problems in the Republic of China with the division of the left government of the Kuomintang, breaking out the conflict between various sections of the KMT.

The inefficiency of the KMT is the product of personal struggles, economic-administrative inefficiency as a result of the old Qing economy, paramilitary groups and factional struggles within the government.

This new conflict includes not only struggles between personal and paramilitary forces, but also an important struggle within the ruling party and politics. There are not many attempts at separatism in this particular conflict.

Among the main groups are:

* Wang Jingwei on the one hand advocating a 'central' policy associated with liberalism and nationalism, constitutional reform, land reform and other projects for the betterment of China, following the thinking of Sun Yat-sen with a nationalist-liberal inclination. Including an important Confucian element in said faction.

* On the other hand Liao Zhongkai who advocates a leftist policy, associated with socialism and communism as the tool for the modernization of China.

* Chen Jiongming, leading the Anarchist wing of the KMT, supporting the dissolution of the state and feudalism-capitalism in the Republic of China.

Liao Zhongkai makes an important alliance with leftist groups that helps the eventual centralization of the Communist Party of China. He receives help from various parts of Europe, especially Red Europe.

Wang Jingwei on the other hand brings together old military and conservatives, seeking international support (especially from Japan) to try to unify southern China under his central rule.

And Chen Jiongming actually forms the Black Army of China, a paramilitary group that attacks various factions within this new civil conflict in China.

May 5, the political-civil conflict in the Republic of China extends from Nanking (capital of the country) to various parts of the territory.

Thousands of young people participate in the clashes between factions of the KMT.

Several far-right officials not aligned with the factions attempt a coup, but fail and several central state bodies suffer major problems, even totally collapsing.

Anti-lynching laws are passed in several Solid South states, marking another important part of the weakening of the Democratic Party in the South and the strengthening of the Socialist Party of America.

May 6, formal intervention of the Imperial Federation in the Afghan conflict.

Death of L. Frank Baum, creator of the book series of The Wizard of Oz.

May 8, attempts at an uprising by the Communist Party of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (supported by Communist Punjabi rebels), is crushed by British troops during the British intervention in Afghanistan.

The surviving rebels are forced to retreat or to a guerrilla / terror war.

In the process, British troops cut off water supplies to the local Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

May 15, new British reinforcements in the Peloponnese to support their Greek allies, success in the formation of a useful structure and cooperation between Greece, the IF and Croatia-Slovenia for the future great war.

May 19, the Secretary General of the Communist Party of Turkey (de-facto, paramount leader of the Turkish Socialist Republic) Mustafa Kemal, declares the Cultural Revolution of Turkey also know as the May 19 Movement in Turkish history.

As a result, he implanted Kemalism (Turkish socialism) with force in various parts of the life of the country, attacking the conservative-traditionalist elements of the country, capitalism, revisionism and promoting Marxist-Kemalist socialism, secularism and important reforms. This with the help of the Red Guards of Turkey, young people who joined the action of the Communist Party of Turkey in favor of the cultural revolution.

After the cultural revolution in Turkey, Mustafa Kemal is known as Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.

During this time the 'red princes' of Socialist Turkey emerged, important leaders who emerged from the educational and economic reforms of Mustafa Kemal.

Socialism was taught in schools, agrarian reform was given, Islamic secularism was promoted, advances were made in industrialization and foreign policy, etc.

The most notable of these red princes was İsmail Bilen, who became a favorite of Mustafa Kemal.

In foreign policy, Mustafa Kemal obviously sought greater ties with Red Europe, but due to his geographic-economic needs, he also sought better ties with the Russosphere.

In the opinion of many in Red Europe, the Turkish socialists were rare, but even so, they had to be supported due to their delicate situation and in Russia the aim was precisely to cooperate with as many countries as possible.

March 24, women's freedoms are reduced in Sweden and Norway as a result of the ultra-nationalist regional governments, it is promoted that the idea of the 'ideal' woman is the traditional one, associated with the family.

June 2, active Italian anarchists in the United States, led by Luigi Galleani, send eight bombs to public figures, including the attorney general of the United States and the mayor of Cleveland (Ohio).

None of the targets are killed, except for a night watchman who was tampering with one of the packages.

As a result, tensions between American and Italian-American citizens increase, needless to say the tensions between the USA and the Federative Socialist Republic of Italy.

The situation in Egypt worsens considerably, with the chaos within the rural countryside and the cities of the Kingdom of Egypt, there is a strong economic crisis in the country and the situation of the armed forces is worsening with the economic-political situation.

As a result, crises break out with Egypt's neighbors, more specifically the Emirate of Ha'il, a major force in the Islamic world and the Arab world.

We speak of border problems, problems between Egyptian citizens and citizens or people defended by Ha'il, and of course the struggle between the two independent countries of the Arab world.

Due to this, the Emirate of Ha'il soon plans its intervention in the country for July, Ha'il wishes to annex the Kingdom of Egypt and without a doubt the international situation encourages them to do so ...

June 6, the New Order of Italy launches its Manifesto to Maintain Socialist Democracy.

Mussolini, Gramsci and Togliatti, strongly inspired by the old Fasci Siciliani, the NEP and Marxism-Leninism, among other socialist tendencies in their country and abroad, advocate a struggle against revisionism and other problems of Italian socialism at this time.

In particular, the division between the socialists of the north and south of the Italian peninsula, who have different visions for the country and its future.

June 12, diplomatic crisis when New York City police raided the FSR of Italy Government Office and headquarters of the Socialist Party of Italy on alleged charges of espionage and other seditious activities.

The clash between US communism and 'traditional' power intensifies.

June 25, biologists William Bateson and Edith Rebecca Saunders establish the Genetics Society in the city of London, capital of the Imperial Federation.

This is the first scientific organization in history completely dedicated to the study of genetics.

June 26, relations between the Kingdom of Egypt and the Emirate of Ha'il continue to break down as Ha'il prepares for his intervention in the region.

June 29, important advances for women in socialist Switzerland as they become a more important part of the Swiss Communist Party.

next chapter
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