“Juan!” Raul Ascensio greeted him. “Join us for a drink. There’s a new bottle on the bookshelf. I’m afraid we’ve already finished this one!” He blithely brandished an empty bottle, which he deftly tossed into the basket under the table.
“Thank you, but no.” Juan Carlos bowed slightly out of habit. Realizing what a subservient gesture he’d just made, he looked angry at himself, but quickly regained his composure.
“You look troubled, my son. Is something wrong?” El Presidente asked.
Being called “my son” by this man made Juan Carlos bristle. It also strengthened his resolve.
“Yes. There seems to be a little bit of a discrepancy.” He turned to Michael and Alicia. “You both carry weapons?” he asked.
Michael and Alicia exchanged glances.
“Yes, of course,” Alicia answered. “Is there a problem with that?”
“May I see them?” Juan Carlos asked, not acknowledging Alicia’s question.