Erika was hesitating to kill Duncan.
Erika was prepared to kill people but it was still a bit too much for her as this will be her first kill.
"Kill him Erika."
"Yeah. Give me minute."
"You have to do it quickly before someone comes here. Remember that he is a corrupt man. He destroyed many people lives."
After a few minutes of contemplating Erika finally prepared herself.
She pressed the trigger of the gun. a bullet came out of the guns muzzle and made its way to Duncan's head.
The bullet pierced Duncan's head killing him.
[You have leveled up!]
[Mission successful!
You have successfully killed Robert Duncan . Rewards will be given.]
[You have gained 10 stat points,5000 system coins and 5000Exp!]
[You have leveled up!]
[You have leveled up!]
[You have got an achievement!
Congratulations on killing for the first time! Rewards will be given.]
[You have gained 10,000 system points!]
Even if it was cruel Erik had to make Erika get used to killing. It wasn't only for the underworld but also for her future. It will help her protect herself better.
After killing for the first time Erika wasn't feeling good. She felt like puking but she held it in.
Suddenly they started hearing sound of footsteps.
"Let's go away from here fast." Erik said and Erika nodded hearing him.
They exit the mansion through the rooms window and left the mansion area.
In a dark alley.
Erika was crouched as she released the pent up whatever came from her mouth.
Erik was next to her.
"It is okay. I felt the same when I killed someone for the first time. I was even worse since I didn't have someone else with me."
They then moved from there and sat down in a nearby park.
Erika wanted rest a bit.
They were drinking some sodas that they bought from a vending machine.
"What should I do with the stats that I got for killing Duncan?" Erika asked Erik as she was seeing what he got from killing Duncan.
"I think you should invest them in agility and dexterity to increase your speed and reflexes."
[Name: Erika
Level: 4
Exp: 1000/5000
Agility: 22
Stat points: 0
System coins: 15000
Skills:Cooking(lv7), Sewing(lv5), Drawing(lv3), Shooting(lv3), Stealth(lv2), Hand to hand combat(lv5).
Items: Silenced Glock 19]
This is how Erika's Status tooks right now she used the stat points she got just a while ago.
"Haaa~ I feel refreshed now. What time is it now?" Erika felt fresh after she raised her stats.
"It's 1 am now. Shall we go home."
"Yes... I am starting to feel sleepy."
"Me too. Come."
The next day Erik and Erika were again at the underworld.
They had collected the money from the reception just now.
"What is all this commotion about?" Erik asked while giving the briefcase to Erika. Since the time they came here today they saw more people and heard more noises than before.
"What you don't know?" The reception lady said.
"No. I don't come here often." Erik replied.
"Well August month is near. So the WUGT is near that's why this place is more crowded than usual."
"WUGT?" Erika was confused about what it meant.
"It means World Underworld Gambling Tournament." Erik said to her as he remembered about it.
WUGT was a gambling tournament where people from the underworlds of all countries participates.
Erik took Erika to the underworld bar and they sat on a table. After ordering Erik started explaining about the tournament to Erika.
A gambling tournament is an organized event where participants compete against each other in various games of chance for a chance to win prizes or money. These tournaments are typically held in casinos, online gambling platforms.
The structure and format of gambling tournaments can vary widely depending on the type of game being played and the rules set by the organizers.
"Among the games there is poker. Poker tournaments are one of the most popular types of gambling competitions. Participants buy into the tournament with a specific amount of money, and they receive a certain number of chips to use during the game. The tournament continues until one player accumulates all the chips (or, in some cases, reaches a specific chip count) and is declared the winner."
Erika kept nodding while hearing what Erik was saying. Although more than half of the things that Erik said went inside Erika's one ear and came out from the other ear.
"The participants also have to travel to different countries in this tournament. Their final stop will be Las Vegas. There the finals of the tournament will be held if my memory of the future serves correct."
"That's great. Do you think we can also participate in the tournament."
"Well we can. But you have your school so I don't think we should though."
"Aww... And here I got excited about the tournament."
Seeing Erika's dejected and disappointed expression he sighed.
Then Erika started giving Erik the puppy dog eyes.
Erik was trying very hard to resist.
One of the things that made Erik weak was this. He couldn't say no to this.
After few moments Erik gave up resisting.
"Okay okay, you win. I will see what can be done about it. But don't get your hopes high."
"Yes! I love you!" Erika cheered after coming out as the victor.
"I love you too. Just prepare our luggage by next month okay."
"Yeah I will you don't have to worry about that."
They started eating their food that was already served quite a few minutes ago.
"You will have to do your homework after going home. You didn't do it yesterday." Erik said making Erika dejected again.
Then Erik went home taking the dejected Erika with him.
"Aaa.. I am starting to hate school."
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