66.66% Lightnings True Form (dxd) / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Prologue

章 1: Chapter 1: Prologue




"ah... aHH... AHHHH!!"

As the crys and moans of a women revebrate throughout a room a boy with black hair, and bright violet eyes, with a face so soft and that looks so young gives out a small grunt before refocusing on plowing the women under him.

With hair as black as night, and violet eyes slightly dimmer then the man's, withered as the man grabs on her slender waist and plows deeper into her driving the women over the edge.




"You know you didn't have to try and suffocate me... I could have died... if only you cared."

I heard her speak the last part in a low voice but I still heard it. I want to feel bad for her but I just don't much care.

"You know I love you so it's alright." She then looked over to me, "Can't you tell me you love me back even if its a lie I don't mind." I silently looked at her as we stared at eachother. An uncomfortable silence came over us she wanted me to say something like that... something that's impossible for me to feel...

"Don't you have a mission Raynare, you should hurry up before your late you dont want Azazel to get onto you again for being late again..."

The uncomfortable silence came back over us. Slowly raynare started standing up she was shaking alot as she kept her back turned to me. "I'll be seeing you then." And with that she ran out of my room clutching her chest as I see the tear drops on the floor, yet I feel nothing from this...

I get out of bed and head to the bathroom there's no point in chasing after her... Well more like I don't care too I told her I would never love her before this relationship ever began... people make no sense to me.

After showering and getting dressed I look at myself in the mirror... my eyes are so bright but give off the feeling of insanity... guess eyes really are the window to the soul. I then go back to my room and grab my phone after looking at it I see a message from Azazel, seems it's time for me to do what I know best.




"PLEASE STOP ILL TALK!!!" the man im torturing screams at me as I take out the cross I buried in his stomach out. As l look at the opening of his stomach can't help but frown... he didn't last long I at least wanted to torture him a bit more. O well there's bound to be another devil who messes up and I get to torture.

"Tell me about the Khaos Brigade." I dislike how Azazel has me torture members of the Khaos Brigade... there so weak willed I barely get to torture them before they open up. After a while he tells me everything he knows, things I already know from a source that not even Azazel has access too. But I won't say anything if they find out everything about them and wipe them out I won't be able to torture as much as I could if I let the Khaos Brigade run loose.

As I walk out the room Azazel is standing right outside the room of the torture chamber he looks me over seeing only my hands having blood on them. "Seems you went easy this time around... so what did he say?"

"Same thing the last one said, he was only a low level member if you want more information you'll need to capture someone who is high ranked." I finish off my sentence while walking past him and out of the underground bunker. As I come from under ground I suddenly find it ironic that I just came from underground when im in hell. I wonder if that's funny, I'll just ask dad he'll probably want to smite me with lighting afterwards.

I then look straight ahead before letting my wings out, as 5 pairs of feathery crow like wings comes out my back. Before I can even flap them and take off Azazel comes out the bunker motioning towards him. "What is it you need Azazel my job here is done?"

"Well about that you see-" as I look at Azazel he seems nervous and like he's ready to run off. " Me and Sirzechs got to talking and well to put it short we thought it would be a great idea to integrate a Fallen into devil territory but it was hard picking someone as either they were to weak or strong then it came to you, you were gonna be in the pile of to strong until he told me who's territory it is and well... it's a certain person's and I know you won't try and kill the peerage there cause of someone... well not straight away..."

I gave Azazel a blank look, I know what he's trying to do, to make me be around others so I may regain emotion... to bad it's gonna fail like every other time. "Alright sure I don't much care." and with that I took of into the sky's to fly back home.




As I came to the front of my mansion I see a stray cat with two tails laying in front of the door. When I landed I gently picked up the cat and walked inside and all the way too my room. As I sat on my bed I laid the kitty on my lap and gently pet it. I then felt my phone buzz In my pocket. As I took it out and looked at I gave out a empty chuckle before placing my phone behind me and resuming petting the cat.

"It seems I'm going to be meeting your sister." I close my eyes as I say that and start breathing slowly, "And see mines after so long." As I reopened my eyes a wave of coldness swept throughout the room yet the cat stayed in my lap and started to purr.

"I've come to the relisation that I don't understand people at all... why do people love those who don't love them, they love me yet I can drive a blade through there heart without even caring. Tell me why do those women love me... why do you love me..." as the silence came in the cat stood up and started to lick my knuckles, then hopped off of me and transformed in front of my eyes to the women I rescued so long ago.

"So Kuroka why is it?"

She then walks up to me and gently caresses my face and kisses me on the lips no tongue, no grabbing, just a gental kiss. After a while she pulls back and walks to the middle of the room and stands there till a magic circle forms under her. "We just do." As she finished her sentence she suddenly disappeared

I fall back on my bed and a just stair at my ceiling, "I really don't understand people..."

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


