5.66% Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic / Chapter 3: Biological Imperative

章 3: Biological Imperative

Barbara and Kara had been watching the fight unfold, though Kara had to carry Barbara so that they could keep up with the chase. Barbara winced every time that Bruce hit Mark, he didn't stand a chance in a straight fight, hell even though she was probably better than Mark and would've beaten him had she not underestimated him.

"Your boyfriend is doing better than I thought he would" Kara commented as she watched the fight unfold.

"He's not my boyfriend!" She shouted up at her making Kara giggle.

"I thought you said you used to date?" Kara replied.

"That was a long time ago, not anymore," Barbara said back before looking back to the fight unfolding.

She just watched Bruce mount Mark as he threw punch after punch, and she couldn't help but since every time "Should we do something? He seems to be going a bit far" Kara said with a frown.

Barbara agreed, though she knew this was what Bruce did, if they didn't give up he'd beat them down into submission until they did and Mark was no exception, especially since he was powered "Take us down there maybe I-" However before she can finish the sentence she's surprised when she sees Mark catch Bruce's fist and lift him off of himself.

"Wow, your boyfriend is pretty cool huh?" Kara comments as she sees him smash around Batman on the truck. Barbara doesn't even answer her as she's completely shocked at what she's seeing 'He wasn't this strong before! And if he was why did he let Bruce smack him around so much? why did he even humour her when they fought?' All these questions raced through her mind.

They watched as Mark batted away two Batarangs which exploded to the side of the truck making Mark lose his footing, Bruce pushed off his hands launching a backwards kick straight to  Mark's chin, they both winced, that kind of blow could put someone into a coma and yet Mark just rubbed his chin and proceeded to beat down Bruce again.

Though they both become uneasy when Mark grabbed Bruce by the throat and punched him in his stomach, they both felt the shockwave from where they were and Kara frowned "He's gone too far Barbara..." she told her friend, Kara knew better than anyone how dangerous it was hitting regular people when you had super strength, had it not have been Bruce who wore top grade body armour then he might've caved in his chest.

Kara swoops down and places Barbara on a nearby roof "I'll try not to beat your boyfriend too badly" she says confidently as she speeds off the roof catching Bruce who had just been thrown from the building, and placing him on the roof next to Barbara, she then zooms back down crashing into Mark and carrying him off into the sky and out of sight.

Bruce coughs as he falls to his knees spitting some blood, he looks to Barbara and she shrinks under his gaze "What are you both doing here..." he asks in a neutral tone not conveying any emotions.

Barbara inwardly panics, there was no way she'd be able to get away with lying to the Batman "I-I just wanted to make sure you didn't go too far" she explains telling a half-truth.

Bruce narrows his eyes even further "Who is he" he asks though it's less of a question and more of a command.

Barbara can't tell him, she didn't want to ruin Mark's life just for a few mistakes, she knew she could get him to stop she just needed to talk to him "I won't tell you" she says to him composing herself.

Bruce stands up to his full height intimidating her slightly before he grunts and then walks away pressing a button on his suit to call the Batmobile back to him. Barbara breathes a sigh of relief believing that Bruce would have been a lot more insistent on finding out Mark's identity.

Batman jumped off the building grabbing onto a nearby pipe to slow his descent, as he reached the ground the Batmobile rolled up and he jumped inside.

"Batman to Watchtower, Mark Grayson is Active, Supergirl has engaged him"

"Acknowledged, the only other Leaguer that's free is Aquaman, shall I send him your coordinates, or I could make my way to you?" Replied the voice of Cyborg who had been taking over Watchtower duties while Martian Manhunter has been visiting his home planet.

"Negative, we need you on the Watchtower, I placed a tracker on him, send those coordinates to Aquaman. Batman out" he states clearly before hanging up and following the tracker he'd placed on Mark.


Mark had no clue what was going on, in the last 30 minutes he'd been trashed by Batman and then suddenly got some sort of super mushroom power up and slammed Batman down a bit and now he was fighting Supergirl who looked pissed. Her eyes were red as she floated up from the small crater that her impact had created.

"I'm all for seeing Batman getting humbled but you went too far" she said to him her voice echoing out.

Mark frowned "He damn near beat me to a pulp, I just gave him a taste of his own medicine" he replied.

"You could've killed him if he didn't have his body armour!" She shouted at him.

Mark winced at her words as there was some truth to them, but he couldn't be blamed for that, he can't be expected to control his strength when he just got it "I didn't mean to hit him so hard, but he's fine right? So no harm no foul, I'll just be on my merry way" he says as he starts backing away.

Supergirl smirks before she leans forward slightly and charges directly at him, she flies into him grabbing his throat and dragging him along the ground as she flies, Mark feels all sorts of disgusting things on his face and some even went into his mouth. She then ends it by lifting him and throwing him into the side of what looked to be a large hill. Groaning Mark got up only to see her rushing towards him 'She's really fast and incredibly strong' he thought to himself as he pushed himself out of the way using his legs to leap.

However, she changes direction mid-flight and is able to grab him again, though this time Mark won't allow her any control and he uses his elbow to hit down on her spine as hard as he could. The first one has no noticeable effect but the second one loosens her grip enough that he can grab one of her hands and spin her around before throwing her into the earth. He saw her impact the earth and make a large crater as he stayed in the air floating.

However, he felt surprise run through him as he realised he was floating in the air without dropping his weight 'Can I actually fly?' He thought to himself as he tried to make himself go forward and he did, something that would've been impossible with only his weight manipulation.

However he's brought out of his thoughts when a searing hot pain hits his back, he quickly turns shielding himself by raising his arms, it hurts and he finds himself getting pissed off. He tries moving forward as fast as he can go and he ends up launching himself at Supergirl, her shock causes her to deactivate her heat vision however she doesn't react fast enough as Mark crashes into her unintentionally, he couldn't control his speed during flight and so couldn't slow himself down.

Mark finds himself on top of Supergirl in a rather awkward position, one of his hands was on her breast and the other by her head, she blushed before using her heat vision again. To avoid getting burned by it Mark pushes himself back off Supergirl before grabbing her leg and flying off, he goes as fast as he can and the environment becomes a blur around him, he then slams her into the side of a mountain so hard that he causes an avalanche to fall on top of her.

Supergirl was pissed but she was also excited, she'd never been able to cut loose like this before, so many days she'd had to sit down and receive Kal's lecture of Kryptonians living on a paper planet blah blah blah, she wasn't stupid she knew how weak the humans were, which made her frustrated as she could never get a good fight, Kal would never go all out against her.

She flies out of the rubble as easily as moving through the water, and Mark sighs, though he knew that he was hoping for too much when he thought she'd stay buried in the mountain. Supergirl charged him a bit faster than before throwing a punch at his face that connected forcing him back a bit 'She's faster than I am' Mark thought to himself as he prepared himself for her onslaught.

Mark was barely able to keep up with her fists and it was only the years he spent training under Ted that allowed him to keep up. He finally sees an opening and when she throws a left hook he flies in closer turning his body and throwing an uppercut straight to her jaw, but before she's launched away he grabs her leg and throws her to the ground.

Landing next to her he has to once again avoid a punch however he's too slow to avoid her transitioning into a kick aimed at his stomach, he splutters as he feels the kick rattle his body, she then users her heat vision through this version seems a lot more powerful as it manages to launch him backwards with it, making him skid off the ground.

'She's really kicking my ass' he thought to himself as he got up, his shirt was now a ripped and burnt mess and so was his mask which had just called off his face "Shit" he said to himself.

"You know you're pretty cute, I've been looking to try human dating for a while, it's a shame you'll be in jail soon," Supergirl said arrogantly with a smirk on her face.

"So I guess me promising you a date wouldn't get me out of this" he retorted.

"Sorry but my type of guy is usually one who doesn't throw me into mountains," Supergirl said before once again speeding towards him intent on delivering a powerful punch.

'She's gonna beat me worse than Batman' Mark thought to himself as he got ready for her next attack. Though he suddenly had an idea and started mentally kicking himself that he hadn't thought of it earlier. As she approached he sidestepped her punch letting her fly past him, however as she did he used his power to make his fists as heavy as he could, something he couldn't have done before with his normal strength. His fist connected with the side of Supergirl's face and the effect was instantaneous, a shockwave sounded out and she was slammed straight into the ground.

'What the hell was that!' Supergirl thought to herself as she felt the side of her face only for it to feel tender, she couldn't believe it she had a bruise, only the strongest villains had been able to hurt her, not some C-list criminal that had been getting owned by Batman less than hour ago.

Mark on the other hand had a shit-eating grin on his face as he pushed himself from foot to foot "You know if you let me go now we could avoid this whole thing" he said with the same amount of arrogance that Supergirl had once had.

Mark saw Supergirl scowl and so he got in a boxing stance, she blurred at him throwing a punch that he deflects off to the side before jabbing her in the face two times and then hitting her with a right hook that was made heavy by his powers, the hook managed to make her stumble so Mark presses his advantage and launches a weighted kick to the back of her knees making her kneel. He goes to kick her in the head but she grabs his leg and spins around throwing Mark into the air, then follows him up and punches him, all Mark can do is block as he's launched higher and higher by her barrage of punches.

Eventually, he's able to escape by clinching her and then headbutting her though Mark isn't sure who it hurt more, he takes advantage of her momentarily lapse in concentrating and grabbed her by the throat, he increases his whole bodies weight as he flies them back towards the earth, she tries to escape his keep so he barrages her with punch after punch until they finally impact the earth with a large explosion.

Mark hopes that this had managed to do it but his hopes are dashed as he feels a blow to his stomach knock him off of her. They both stand up as they breathed heavily, right now neither is fighting at their best. Mark's powers had just activated and Supergirl was fighting at night so she was slightly weaker than she normally was as she couldn't recharge. However both of them were getting into this fight, it was as if their blood boiled with excitement as they traded blows.

It seemed that they had both forgotten what they were fighting about as they both charged each other again. Mark's fist was caught by Supergirl and in turn, her fist was caught by Mark causing a shockwave that was capable of cracking the ground. Neither knew how long they fought for but they had ended up traversing a large distance and ended up somewhere north as green had turned to white and It had gotten cold.

Mark sloppily avoided a punch before he threw a fast jab and then used his right hand to push her jaw up and slam her down to the floor, before she could get up he pinned her down, he felt exhausted more so than he ever had before, though looking at Supergirl who only breathed heavily she looked as if she was ready for more.

He pinned her arms above her head increasing the weight in his arms but even so he struggled to pin her down, their faces were close and their breaths mingled together as they both looked into each other's eyes.

Kara hadn't had as much fun as she had today in her entire life. Every time she'd cut loose before it was always against someone stronger than her, and so she always had fear in the back of her mind. Fear of being killed, fear of failure, fear of not being able to save those that she was protecting. But with Mark, she could let loose without any worries, she had heard a lot about him from Barbara and she knew he wouldn't try to hurt her too badly.

But as he pinned her down straddling her thighs it caused her blood to rush and burn even hotter, as her breath mingled with his own she felt a deep pull from her core, like a primal instinct that he was helpless to refuse. Moving her head the small distance from her target her lips connect with Mark's own. While his eyes widened in surprise at first they quickly went back to normal as it seemed that he felt the same need that Kara had, his grip on her arms slowly released and she put them around his neck pulling him even closer, her tongue aggressively twirled around his mouth.

Mark could tell she must've not kissed many people as he could tell that she was moving on instinct. He moved his knees from the outside of her legs and moved inside, she gladly spread them to allow his body to rest against hers. Her lips tasted sweet and were soft, and she smelled amazing, anyone who'd think she was the girl of steel should feel her breasts which pressed against his chest.

'What the hell am I doing' Mark thought to himself as he got absorbed in the feeling of her tongue rubbing against his own, Kara's fingers went from around his neck to his exposed muscular back.

'Oh, Rao I've never felt anything like this before' Kara thought to herself, her entire body felt electrified as the pain of her beaten body mixed with the pleasure of the kiss, send signals straight down to her core. While she didn't know why she had started kissing Mark she now knew she didn't want to stop, she'd had a few boyfriends in the past but they had all been human, anytime she got excited she would lose control and would either squeeze too hard or kiss them too roughly. The last time she kissed a boy her tongue accidentally broke his tooth, she had no clue how Kal could keep such control over Lois.

But that didn't matter now, she was being as rough as she wanted and he was being equally as rough back. He detached his lips from her mouth which made her whine, however, that whine turned into a moan when he started to kiss her neck, she gripped him tightly and with enough pressure that a normal person would have a broken spine. Kara felt his dick pressing up against her core, had she been in her right state of mind she would've felt a little tentative about it but she was on an adrenaline high and everything she felt was intense.

While on Krypton she had never had intimate relations, she didn't even think about it, but during her time on Earth she had fallen in love with the idea of finding one's soulmate, she had seen multiple examples of that in Ma and Pa Kent and Kal and Lois. She desperately wanted one of her own and so the fact that someone she had just been fighting till a few minutes ago was now rubbing his penis against her should have been sending alarm bells ringing.

But at the moment she didn't care, she would've slid her underwear to the side and let him inside of her if his dick slid out of his pants. Something which Mark finds himself about to do, however, they are both snapped out of their moment when they hear a booming voice.

"Unhand her vile fiend, or you shall receive the full fury of the King of Atlantis," The man said as he jumped down from a black plane, he wore golden scale armour and had a golden trident.

Mark raised his eyebrow "Friend of yours" he said to the now blushing Supergirl who managed to snap back to sanity and realised the position she was in.

Mark stood up and held his hands up in surrender "I know it looks bad but I promise it started with us fighting" though his words only made Aquaman frown more.

'I think I've overstayed my welcome' he thought to himself and he lifted himself to the air and was about to leave however the black plane flew in closer and when it got close enough it started playing a high-pitched sonic sound. Mark started screaming as his hands went to his ears, this was the worst pain he'd ever felt and he had no clue why, as he looked around no one else reacted as he did.

As the sound continued he saw Batman drop out of the black plane, he then saw Supergirl get up and look as if she was arguing with him however it was obvious that the words were falling on deaf ears as the sound only got more intense. Mark found his vision darkening as the sound was becoming too painful to stay conscious, however, he was desperate to escape and so he tried the only thing he could think of.

Putting his arms to his sides he clapped them together putting as much power as he could into the blow and for a few seconds the thunderclap managed to cancel out the noise and in those few seconds Mark was gone.

Batman scowled "Supergirl go after him and bring him back here, he couldn't have gone too far"

"Like hell I am! What was that? You were about to kill him" Kara shouted at him.

Batman scowled and turned away from her checking a computer pad on his wrist "Have more faith in thy comrade Kara Zor-El, Have you ever known him to kill anyone?"

Supergirl thought for a second then sighed "No... I guess not, but he still went too far with the sonic thingy!" She reasoned.

"As much as I would like to agree Kara Zor-El I cannot, for I have seen how mighty a viltru-"

"Aquaman! Enough!" Batman said sternly to Aquaman who nodded his head.

"Supergirl go home we can do the rest without you, and make sure to stay away from him" Batman warned, though to Kara it felt like she was just being treated like a kid.

She flew off in a huff but as she flew through the sky she couldn't help but think about Mark, and how amazing tonight was...

Even if he was technically a criminal.

(AN: Biological Imperative ehhh ;) look it up it explains the way they behaved)

(Anyway... hope you enjoyed the chapter it's pretty hard writing a fight between two titans. I was thinking of a logical explanation for the weight manipulation ability, something like the amount he can increase the weight depends on how much the structure itself can handle. Which is why Mark who is now invulnerable can do a lot more to his own body than before and why using it on objects is limited. I think it's pretty smart idk. But yeah this is the first girl of the harem, I wanna keep it pretty small but I'm really bad at doing that, I mean look at my other fics. But yeah so far I've got Kara, Barbara, Harley. Let me know what you think. )

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


