The two men fell into the water and groaned slightly as the liquid made contact with their open sores. They immediately attempted to use their profound energy to stand on the surface, but they realized they couldn't access it. In fact, they couldn't even sense it, as if they had no profound energy to begin with.
Helplessly, they found themselves sinking into the water, unable to swim because they were preoccupied with scratching their entire bodies.
Holding their breath, they continued to scratch like monkeys. Their skin turned red, and blood leaked from the open sores, coloring the water around them.
The two men were unconcerned about their enemy; they understood that the adversary was merely toying with them. If the enemy had intended to kill them, they would have been dead by now. All they could do was try to alleviate the incessant itch. Soon, they realized that the sensitivity of their skin was increasing.
It can take some time for second chapter of today but it will be there.